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Fig Anjeer Fruit on Plant Bird of Paradise Plant Flowering Tips Hibiscus Plant Flowering Tips after Pest attack Happy Deepavali Garden Care

Wishing All my Blog Readers of Garden Care Simplified a Very Happy Deepavali and an Auspicious New Year!Thanks a lot! Google followers, blog followers, my healing art lovers, twitter, Linkedin, Facebook Group followers, My Best Wishes!
Colourful Fragrant Candles original symbolic painting. size 9.5x13.5 inches.
Plants are really scared! Deepavali, a festival of lights, fireworks, crackers. plants are scared! They love the lights., they love the happiness and happy parties, but they get burned by fire works, and ashes coat the leaves making it difficult for them to breathe. Your little conscious effort and care can keep them healthy and happy and enjoy the festival along side with you!
Garden Care During Deepavali/Diwali  festival of lights-
1) Keep your plants well watered before the festival
2) Avoid lighting fires very close to plants, Leaves do burn with fire crackers burst too close.
3) Avoid candles, diyas placed too close to pot containers, they heat up the roots and dry them. 
4) In case you have accidentally burned some plant leaves ( they look shriveled with heat, curl inwards , some also go black in extreme direct heat), trim them , or the portion burned to save the leaves.
5) Ash will be covering your garden plants on these days, as the smoke settles down, give the leaves a bath, to clear off the coating of grey ash. 
6) Plants have feelings, love them and they love you back!

Bird of paradise Plant flowering 
Loving the colours against the winter sky! Bird of paradise begin to flower as winter sets in. in fact most bulbs love this cool climate and short days and spring into beautiful colorful blooms.
The Bird of paradise plant is a rhizome plant and we can see a ginger like bulb, very easy growing and available in many colorful flowering types.
I also wondered the leaves are also Awesum, some are brighter green, some ridged designs, and some dark sap green colour oval elongated central growth. leaves are seen growing at alternate levels also.  
Love these, the shape of the flower has its unique name and a combination of colours make it look like a bird. 
Meanwhile the red layered hibiscus plant with eaten leaves and holes, I gave it a thorough bath,and keep doing this every day. trimmed some parts, and the fresh new leaves , though smaller in size have come up, and also new buds emerged, hope it recovers completely well and healthy!
Red Hibiscus Plant Buds 

 Fig, Anjeer, very healthy fruit, and I love the dried figs more, are the easiest of fruits to grow in containers. This one is in our society compound, Comes very early within six to eight months. and the plant is smaller in size but the leaves are huge.Partial indirect sunlight. Watering regularly, trim weak stems, to allow bushy growth and early fruits. protect from birds, and fungus, and beetles. Some fruits fall off if the plant is weak, hence allow thick strong growth before encouraging fruiting.
Fruits can ripen on plants but birds do not allow this, hence use thick dried leaves of the same plant and wrap the fruits, and they ripen well. I think even news papers can be used for insulation and developing some warmth for ripening of fruits, but keep checking regularly as the figs ripen very fast and may rot.
Fig Fruit
Meanwhile winters, are Awesum here, in my little space under the sun! roses, jasmines, canna, fire cracker, Tagar, Mogra, Yellow poinsettias, Allamanda ,each one boasting of their beautiful majestic blooms!
Have an Awesum Colorful Blooming Happiness!
Read more on-
Healthy Blooms of Brahma Kamal plant in neighbourhood
Tips for Flowering of Jasmine Juhi Jai Plants
How to care for Goodluck Bamboo Plant
Heart of love
Enjoy! Happy Deepavali!
Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You Absolute Abundance!

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