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Garden Maintenance and lawn Mowers

Lawns look good as fresh green over expanse of land is always soothing for the eyes and peace to the soul. But cutting and cleaning the lawn is another important task as especially during monsoons the grass starts growing like wild. Lawn grass during summers dries off and we see shades of yellow over the lawns. Maintenance does take a regular part of gardening lawns.
Manual Lawn Mowers
Alexandrine parakeet Mitthin has become very bossy and aggressive, she does not like attention or feeding given to other birds. The mynas, sparrows and pigeons along with crows all are scared of her as she drives them away. So the others just have to wait for their turn after she finishes eating! 
Angry Bird Mitthin angry at seeing other birds
Lawn Maintenance
Lawn mowers are available in many varieties , easy handling manual use and the other  electronic lawn mowers. The clearing of lawn grass is another tedious task as the cut grass flies everywhere with wind and has to be done during early mornings or early evenings when the wind is stable. Nowadays you also need not invest so much time and effort if you have a big garden with lawn as there are customized services available and garden maintenance people come on rent. The team comes and trims the plants and even mows the lawn at very reasonable costs.
Cut Grass on lawns being cleaned
 Garden maintenance has become very easy with this help available at reasonable rates. and they also have schemes available for yearly contracts for garden maintenance. From trimming to sowing to fertilizing the garden maintenance team takes care of your garden to keep it looking great always. Many housing societies and complexes and even offices have these garden maintenance services hired for yearly contracts as the gardens are taken care of and maintained spic and span.
peace lily flower terrace garden

my little space under the sun

When to Trim and Cut Lawn Grass- Usually the time before rainy season is the best to trim and mow your lawns. As fresh grass immediately comes up with the rains. In offices regular trimming and mowing is required to maintain the landscape design of the garden. Lawn mowing is also required just after winter when the grass has turned brown and dried off. Sometimes new seeds have to be planted and this timing is very important. Plant new grass seeds after digging the soil and with regular watering new fresh green shoots will come up.
The fresh lawn grass grows in haphazard manner and needs trimming after a desired length of grass has been achieved. Avoid planting seeds of grass during rainy season or winter season.
New Friend White Pigeon
Meanwhile there is a new addition to the friends circle, a white pigeon with its mate who is slight grey tinge with white and as mitthin is very possessive about her territory she gets very angry when we feed other birds, the most humble is the sparrow, she feeds with tiny remains also and keeps the place clean, award for most clean and tidy bird, sparrow.!
Adenium fluorescent pink flowers

My best friends budgie love birds

Thank you!

Plant a garden and your life will never be the same!!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

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Interesting posts on my Garden Care Simplified blog-Biggest Terrace garden risks hazards and tips to make your garden safe

how my Gulmohar flame of forest tree flowered in container amazing experience with photos step by step!

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  132. Breast cancer oncologists in Pune are at the forefront of integrating innovative cancer treatments with a personalized care model. These specialists are equipped with a deep knowledge of oncology, enabling them to offer advanced therapies such as targeted treatment and immunotherapy, in addition to traditional methods like chemotherapy. Their approach is holistic, addressing not only the physical aspects of the disease but also the emotional and psychological impacts on patients and their families. They work closely with a multidisciplinary team of experts to ensure comprehensive care that encompasses diagnosis, treatment, and aftercare support. The oncologists' commitment to staying abreast of the latest research and technologies in the field underscores their dedication to achieving the best possible outcomes. Through their rigorous efforts and compassionate care, Pune's breast cancer oncologists play a pivotal role in enhancing the lives of those affected by this challenging disease, marking a beacon of hope for many.

  133. Minoxidil is a highly effective treatment for hair thinning in females, available in a 2% solution specifically tailored for women's use. This topical solution works by improving scalp blood circulation, thereby revitalizing dormant hair follicles and promoting hair regrowth. Regular application, typically twice daily, can yield noticeable improvements in hair density and thickness within 3 to 6 months. Minoxidil is generally well-tolerated, although some users may experience mild scalp irritation. Its ease of use and proven results make it a popular choice for women seeking to combat hair thinning and enhance overall hair health. Professional consultations can help personalize the treatment for optimal results.

  134. LASIK eye surgery is a highly effective procedure for correcting refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. It utilizes advanced laser technology to precisely reshape the cornea, thereby enhancing visual acuity. The procedure is quick, generally completed within 30 minutes, and is known for its rapid recovery time. Patients often experience significant improvements in vision, reducing or even eliminating the dependency on glasses or contact lenses. Leading LASIK centers employ state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to create personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs. Stringent safety protocols ensure optimal outcomes and high success rates. Continuous professional development keeps LASIK surgeons at the forefront of eye care. This transformative surgery offers a durable solution for clearer vision and enhanced quality of life.

  135. Silk Eye Surgery in Delhi is a pioneering vision correction procedure that addresses refractive errors with utmost precision. Utilizing the latest laser technology, this minimally invasive method involves creating and extracting a small lenticule from the cornea through a minuscule incision. The advanced technique reduces the risk of complications and promotes a faster healing process. Typically performed in under 30 minutes, Silk Eye Surgery allows patients to quickly return to their daily routines. Expert surgeons in Delhi leverage state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to customize each treatment plan, ensuring exceptional visual outcomes. With stringent safety protocols in place, this procedure offers a reliable and effective solution for reducing dependency on glasses and contact lenses, significantly enhancing quality of life.

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