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Night Blooming Jasmine Raat Ki Rani Cestrum Nocturnum Plant Care and Tips

Fragrant Raat Rani Plant Cestrum Nocturnum
Freshly blooming Raat Ki Raani flowers

 Queen of Night or our commonly known raat ki raani is a fragrant flowering bush. Commonly also known as Night blooming jasmine, night scented jessamine the cestrum nocturnum fowering bush can grow in all climates and is an evergreen flowering bush. After hearing a lot of tales and folk lores about this heavenly fragrant plant the desire to plant this bush in my terrace garden was too strong and this time I decided to add this raat rani plant to my family of fragrant jasmines and champa flowering plants. The fragrance is heavenly citrus and distinct and can be felt from many houses away especially in the summers when the days are hot and the nights cool. The new entry Raat ki rani palnt is growing in container in a place where it gets partial sunlight for some parts of the day.When the new plant of raat ki rani was planted it drooped and few leaves also turned yellow and dropped. But the rains have brought a new spurt to the night blooming jasmine.
White Tubular Fragrant Flowers Raat ki Raani in Bunches
 There is a riot of fragrances on our terrace with many plants commanding attention. The plant night blooming jasmine has flowered well and the bush has white tubular flowers growing in a bunches. It seems the plant is very humble and is laden with many fragrant flowers. The plant I hear develops fruits like berries after flowering. It is also known that the raat rani plant cestrum nocturnum has all parts that are poisonous, right from the flowers to the roots to the berries.Have to be careful with my birds and I have planted this beautiful fragrant flowering bush raat ki rani in a container and have kept it in a partially shaded area where birds do not come frequently.

Drooping Bunches of Heavenly Fragrant Raat Rani Flowers
Care of raat ki rani would include watering regularly and choosing the right place for planting. The plant when skipped watering droops and develops yellow leaves which lead to leaf drop and drying of the plant. The plant after flowering will need dead heading of flowers and trimming to get plenty of healthy blooms.
Queen of Night Jessamine Flowering Bush
The raat ki rani grows best when trimmed and kept in the size and shape of a bush other wise it grows thin developing a long stem trailing like a climber and taking over the other pots. It look also good when the white flowers grow on the bush and the sight is wonderful to see the round shape of the raat ki rani bush laden with tiny tubular while flowers growing in bunches drooping down with its weight, and of course the heavenly fragrance. I still have to get it clear that the flowers only start spreading fragrance when late evening sun sets in and night breeze blows.
Playing with my besties Love birds Budgies

Raat ki Raani buds Terrace Garden

Growing Raat Ki Raani plant from cutting 

There is also a folk lore or belief heard since ages that this raat ki raani attracts snakes, maybe because of its fragrance there may be a host of bees and birds near it! some people also mention growing the Din Ka Raja plant Cestrum Diurnum near it to ward off this belief , well till now not experienced , and I doubt all these beliefs, with so many fragrances around champa, jasmine, jai juhi, mogra, tube roses and the many colourful fragrant roses growing on our terrace, I guess I have a strong attraction to these fragrant flowering plants. I believe the angels nature spirits may be happily dancing at night enjoying the heavenly fragrances around our terrace. Welcoming healing spirits to our home my planting and gardening an ode to nature and a blessing I have got with a green thumb. 
Gardenia Anant Fragrant flowers Terrace Garden

My little space under the sun! Terrace Garden

Colourful Flowers my amazing Terrace Garden

As for the pet alexandrines, pigeons, mynas and sparrows and the dotted sparrows and the white pair of doves (one is missing since two days) living nearby the terrace wonder if really a snake would be welcomed , will surely update!
Playtime for my budgies we have six love birds

New pigeon babies in terrace garden
Fragrant roses in my Terrace Garden

Mitthin loves to sit on my head or on my shoulder most time

Boku blue bird loves monaco biscuits

Pigeons coming for drinking water Terrace garden

My best friend birdie feeling hot

It feels amazing that with this Garden blog I receive so many email's that people have actually started gardening, blogging, so many have beautiful gardens than me, and are seriously into gardening businesses too! Those happy emails are blessings, feeling blessed with gratitude and Thank you universe!!

Plant a Garden..Trust me will never be the same! Experience Magic!

Feng shuii activators can enhance your space and you can use this balcony and terrace to activate life luck heavenly luck and amazing blessings. As I always say on my Feng shui-Simple Cures blog  always remember the universe has everything in just have to tap this correctly! 

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! Buy Reiki flower paintings for health wealth and joy.

 Interesting posts on my Garden Care Simplified blog-

Biggest Terrace garden risks hazards and tips to make your garden safe

how my Gulmohar flame of forest tree flowered in container amazing experience with photos step by step!

Is it ok to plant Aloe vera in home garden? understand feng shuii symbolism

Fragrant Parijat

Healthy Tips for Jai Juhi Fragrant Plant


  1. I have just come across this post while searching for Raat ki rani plant care and tips. You said,"The plant after flowering will need dead heading of flowers and trimming to get plenty of healthy blooms." I am quite interested to learn how to trim them in order to get more flower. I purchased mine recently and was already at the stage of flowering. Need some cutting tips. I am so greedy for more flowers. :)
    Thanks in advance.

  2. Naheed, the dried flowers need to be cut off , trim the flowered stem after drying just a inch below of the dried flowers, sometimes there are lanky stems growing in all directions, and the energy of plant goes in maintaining the greens, by trimming the stem you encourage healthy, thick, stems and flowers, hope this helps.

  3. any tips for fertilizers? I got one 2 months back. With some phosphate and regular watering, it has shown excellent growth. It's laden with flowers even in the winter. I would be glad if you could give some insight into the timing of fertilization?
    By the way, the other day there was a monkey attack in my garden. It blighted most of them except that the cestrum was untouched. Probably the animals are wary of the poisonous effect as well.

  4. I am afraid Imam that I do with instinct,as each plant has different needs, yes I did fertilise the roses before winter to get good blooms now.
    It is more about the soil becoming under nourished and adding feedings for them.
    Monkeys may have had a good time, we do have visitors,the pigeons are the most destructive along with rats, they nibble our most of the sweet flowering plants.guess this is part and parcel of gardening!

  5. Hi Rizwana
    The cestrum has bloomed, cluster of flowers on atleast 6-7 branches. However, there is no fragrance; not even when i am a feet away. Does it have to do with the temperature dropping?

  6. so the cestrum has bloomed, great, i would like to know if the plant had given fragrant blooms earlier,as I have read some plants do not give out any fragrance,if it had then maybe the temperature is the cause, or otherwise I have also read some people plant the Din ka Raja to bring fragrance,will try

    1. When the earliest bloom came in early nov/late oct, i could smell it from a distance of 3 feet. The blooms were few and on a single branch then. Compared to that, it is profuse now albeit with no smell. How is the fragrance of din ka raja compared to rani?

  7. Hello Rizwana,
    I came across your blog through Google search. I have a query regarding the potting of cestrum. I have potted the plant two days ago along with organic manure. However since last two days, the leaves are in drooping condition and some leaves have yellowed out. The plant is located in a shady areas of the balcony and receives not so strong sunlight. I am not able to understand why the plant is not getting acclimatized to the pot. Do you have any ideas as to what can be done to make the plant perky and healthy?

  8. Hi Abhijeet, thanks for being here,
    I am afraid this happens with most newly planted plants, the first few days, even months go by dropping leaves even shedding all leaves except for few, then the new growth begins.
    In case the plant receives even partial sunlight good,as the plant will need it for energy in new growth. Check for any disease or physical symptoms, if not let the process of nature till it settles down in the new pot. Do take care and water regularly, never skip watering first few days, months
    Till the roots are firmly established and new green leaves come up the process will go on. Hope your plant gets settled soon in the new environment.

    1. Hi Rizwana,

      The cestrum is now picking up and some new leaves have started growing. It took some weeks for the plant to get settled in the balcony. Thanks a lot for your advice.


    2. wow great news Abhijeet, all the best!

  9. I have a Raat ki Rani plant in my flat balcony. Recently I observer some small ants and some black spot on the leaves of the plant. Plants growth has also slowed down. Please suggest any remedy for this problem.

    thanks in advance.


    1. Sandeep thanks for dropping by.
      Yes the plant is attacked. Ants chew up the roots of the plant and you may find the whole plant uproots after few days.
      Maybe you could check the root system if possible or as I do, replant it in another container. First bathe shower your plant with water , clean the leaves and thorough watering also can use very mild soapy water to kill germs and pests..Usually in such case I water the plant so much that even the roots get drenched and when the excess water drains the roots are also cleaned., so any bugs attached to roots also are washed away.
      Hope this helps, do keep posted.
      All the Best!

  10. Hi your blog is great. I live in the US and where I live it does snow but temperature hardly ever drops below -4. Can the plant die in snow.?The stems of my plant are turning black and no leaves are sprouting.

    1. Rabia thanks for coming by garden care simplified, snow and freezing low temperatures in US, would almost destroy many delicate plants, no doubt I hear people in US plant new ones after spring.
      I have read people cover their garden pots and plants with news paper mache, straw, hay dried leaves to protect roots from the harsh snow.maybe the roots or bulbs remain and then sprout with the first rays of spring.
      Your plant, would it be possible to bring it indoors, maybe on a window sill getting some sunlight, morning or evening.Or arrange for some artificial lighting to keep the plant warm during winters.

    2. Thank you so much Rizwana. Its great to connect with you. I did bring my plants inside but I'm still an amateur gardener and I guess I didn't take much care of them otherwise. As in, I have heard due to heater etc these plants can lose their moisture and may need to placed on pebbled watered trays etc. Godi is important, which I never did. So I have ordered new one. I've pruned my old ones to see if they sprout again but I doubt. Hopefully, by next winter I'll be more careful In Sh Allah. I'll stay in touch and keep on posting questions to learn :)

    3. Sorry Rabia, for the loss, yes I hope your new plant grows well.
      the love for each plant develops over the years when they gift you with lovely blooms, any way every plant has its life.
      All the Best InshaAllah may you plant new lovely greens!

  11. Also can I grow raat ki rani in a pot. If yes, then how big should i be? thanks

    1. oh yes Rabia, even I have my raat ki rani growing in a container. Size of plant depends upon the available area size of pot. Our raat ki rani in plastic container also has given good blooms a few weeks back as in one feet sized the size of the plant totally is your choice.

    2. BTW when you say one foot sized, do you mean in diameter or height?

    3. Rabia, no rules here, Height more than or approximately a feet and diameter may be as you allow the side shoot branches to grow, for the Raat Ki Rani plant to give you flowers.

  12. hi Rizwana - how can I tell when my night blooming jasmine is dead?

    The one I have in my backyard has bloomed for several seasons, but this season it is dried up - I removed all the wilted leaves and only branches remain. They are a very pale green color. In an effort to stimulate growth, I cut the branches down by half. Before, it was nearly 5 ft tall - now it is about 2 ft tall.

    Any tips of reviving or regrowing from living part of this plant are appreciated. Can share photo if needed.

    1. Samad, I am afraid sometimes we just have to let go or wait. You may have to go ahead and plant a new one next to it, a new one, thanking the plant for giving you lovely blooms for so many years, would make the older plant also get a growth spurt or if it has done its life you will have the happiness of the new one growing in the same soil.

      Since you have trimmed the plant and still the stems are there it will spring back, like mine did, mine almost died of birds feeding on the buds, flowers and leaves leaving it barren only green stems, I immediately replanted it and it is back!
      All the Best!

    2. hi Rizwana,

      Just a followup comment - the main bush appears to have died, so I went ahead and trimmed it as much as it could. I couldn't remove the roots, because I found something great - it had dropped seeds around its roots and now there are 5 smaller ones growing around the base of first one! So once they are nice and strong I plan to propogate one so I'll always have seeds :)

      Thanks for the great blog.

    3. wow! what great news, this made my day!thank you samad for sharing this good news here on garden care simplified.
      Let the plant grow happily till it grows strong and big , as I have done this mistake too often of transplanting new baby plants very soon, they are weak and many times do not take well to new pots.
      All the Best!enjoy!

  13. Hi,
    I have a raat ki rani growing in a conservatory for a year. gets mainly sunshine noon onwards. plant has grown much and healthily in last year, around 1.5 metres tall and wide. this last week (spring) i tried putting it outdoors. temperatures are now around 5c in night, and upto 15-18c in day. its been quite windy in last few days. its in sunny spot in the garden.
    i noticed immediately that some new growth had tiny green aphids. Also, the leaves in parts of the plant started turning very dark green, and because very soft and droopy. this was not like the whole plant droopiness when it lacks water.

    any ideas if the darkeing leaves/droopiness is a condition of aphid attack, or a problem with wind, or leaving it too much in direct sun (though its not very warm yet)

    1. Hello Anonymous thank you for coming by my blog garden care simplified.
      maybe your plant cannot tolerate the blast of wind and chilly temperature, as for darkening of leaves they do so when they get less sunlight.
      dry climate also causes droopy leaves, maybe you could try keeping it hydrated, water twice in less quantity and see whether the plant revives.
      As for pests best to give a thorough bath to your plant to physically remove all pests attached to it.
      Hope your plant becomes healthy, All the Best!

    2. hi
      thanks for your advice. turns out i didnt "harden off" the plant before putting it out. had just assumed low temps in the conservatory over the winter had made the plant hardened. but actually the glass in the conservatory protects the plant for suns UV rays, which means it doesnt develop very thick leaves. so putting it directly into sun made all the leaves burn. the additionaly wind made them dry up, it was not used to UV and wind indoors, so i should have hardened (acclimatise) the plant over a few weeks. its recovering indoors again now, will try again in some weeks. just FYI.

    3. aclimitisation, is very important for plants and humans!this is what happens most when we buy new plants from partially shaded areas of plant nurseries and put it directly in sunlight, this advice will help me when I buy new plants.
      hope your plant recovers Anonymous.

  14. Hi Rizwana...
    Thanx for writing this Blog...
    I have planted Raat ki Raani in side park next to my also started Blooming in night also...But there is no fragrance ...what to do is my plant Duplicate ?
    Can i have your id so that i can send you pic of my plant

    1. Hello Raman yes maybe the plant may be a similar one, without fragrance

  15. i am from West Delhi ... And temperature now a days 30 + in night

    1. I am afraid if the plant is not Raat Ki rani,you will just have to plant another one.

  16. Hi Rizwana, I buy 4 plan with pot one month back .. Plants are growing very slow moreover there are no flower in the plant ... Kindly suggest
    A). How to grow my plant very fast, even i read the above blog and used phosphate but the plants still growing very slowly.
    B).how check the plant is original or not.

    1. Hi Amit thanks for coming by garden care Simplified.
      One month is very less time sometimes plants may take six months to get adapted to the new environment. If the leaves are healthy and green , wait and allow the plant time to adjust.If drying there is some problem with water not reaching the leaves, that is cloggy soil.
      Fast growth can come by adding fertiliser but not a healthy move for your new plants.Before the rains you may add some ready mixes, sure it will pic up by rains.
      As for identifying original plants I am afraid you will have to wait for the blooms, their fragrance is the only way. Even i have a plant that has white similar blooms but no fragrance, so its just luck.
      All the Best!

  17. Thanks for reply .. Kindly suggest me some good fertilizer that i can buy in delhi ..

    1. hello Amit, fertilizers are available in any local plant nursery shops. There are ready mixes for flowering plants, mixtures for pest control and also the basic dried cowdung always does the trick, if you can tolerate the smell!

  18. My Raat ki Rani is an healthy 2 yrs old, had some bloom last year with some fragrance, and this year it is full of blooms but I not noticed any fragrance. Is due to lack of any nutrients or any factors in the soil. Is it natural not to have any aroma? Will it ever get better, or do I need to uproot this plant and start with a new cultivar? Should I try to root a cutting from the same plant and in another part of the garden?

    1. Hi anonymous, the plant is healthily growing so it is not advisable to uproot it.
      If it had produced fragrant blooms them there must be some changes ,maybe, but it has proved itself that it is original, I am not so much aware of such changes, will have to find out..
      all the best!

  19. Dear Rizwana,

    Thank you for this blog. I bought one raatrani after reading your blog :). In the starting plant did not pick up and was really slow but now new branches and green leaves have started coming in and we hope the bloom will happen soon.I have kept the pot in open in balcony where sunshine is there during most of the day time.My worry is that recently all the leaves "old and new ones" have started getting half yellow and curling inside. Is this because of watering or weather??what can be the reason?i stay in Gurgaon and weather here is 43 + during the day time.

    1. Hello there, Gurgaon has really high temperatures! am glad you bought a raat rani plant, one step towards cooling of the earth.
      plants need partial sunlight so avoid keeping the plant in direct sunlight for full day. Burnt leaves indicate the plant needs more water and avoid direct sunlight.
      Water early mornings or late evenings during hot climate.
      Keep in a place where the plant receives only few hours of direct sunlight, open terraces are not good for plants when it is very hot.
      Try watering your plant twice a day during hot season.
      If the plant is new it requires some time to get adjusted to your environment.
      Hope this helps.
      All the Best!

  20. Hi, I am Debadutta. I like this blog and congratulate Rizwana for starting this. Many people have queried about plants not growing when replanted despite adding fertilizers. My experience tells never to add fertilizers when replanting. The soil should be mixed with 20% manure before replanting and thereafter regular watering and keeping the plant clean is all that is needed. A lot of patience is required as some plants may take up to several months to show new growth. Only when the plant has become hardy can one add fertilizers. However I get excellent growth using only manure once a month. Believe me I have used goat manure only on Kashmir roses and achieved so much bloom that it was difficult to see the plant itself.

    1. wow great you8 get good blooms of roses Debadutta, and thanks for this wonderful information.
      yes very true never fertilize when the plant is new.
      Thanks for the encouraging words and comments on garden care Simplified, hope it helps many.
      All the Best!

    2. hi. emailed you the pics of my plant I was not sure if thy were burning or I was over watering.can u check the pics I sent them on ur gmail id.

    3. Hi Anonymous, yes I have replied to u'r email.Hope it helps.

    4. Hi Rizwana,

      Hope you are doing well.Thank you for your earlier tips my raat rani was doing pretty well but then I went ahead and added some "NPK 20-20-20" fertilizer in it and now the plant is getting weaker and leaves etc are falling. Plant looked very fresh and erect earlier but now it is falling and rolling inside. Has the damage been done due to fertilizer or can we control it?plant had started flowering but now the little buds are also falling.what should we do?

    5. Hi Anonymous wash out the plant with more water for few days and the extra fertiliser will go away.
      Try trimming the dried weak portions, hope it helps the plant to revive.
      All the Best!

  21. Dear Rizwana, I am Adnan. Hope you are doing alright! My raat ki rani is over 2,1/2 years and has grown really big, but not giving any flowers since over 60 days. I love it more than my other flowering plants and others in my 2 lawns. And have been taking good care of it. It did give a lot at the start of this season and did alright in the past.
    Well, after reading your great post, I understand that I need to cut it instead of letting it grow. It has grown over 10 feet in directions and now has a really heavy plant base. I water it everyday but still its having yellow leaves but also growing new like crazy. I intentionally placed it at a specific location and house insides 8000 sq.ft fills with its fragrance. It has no problem in getting sunlight all day long and direct for 3 hours before sunset.
    Could you please advice me how to get flowers throughout the season, which here goes from Mar to Nov?
    I will greatly appreciate your reply and kind advice on this. Thanks.

    1. Thank you Adnan for coming by Garden Care Simplified. what a lovely Raat ki rani plant you have MashaAllah.
      Since your plant has given lovely blooms I think it is going through a rest period, maybe do consider the size of the container as the plant may have over grown roots, so no scope for new growth, all energy goes into surviving leaves,
      try trimming some of the shoots and see, hope it springs back with lovely fragrant flowers.
      All the Best!

    2. Thanks for replying! Its not planted in a container it can grow as much as it wants to with no limits in terms of outside space or roots. It has a 5 feet big wooden stand/ support around it that keeps its (now) heavy branches in upright position till they grow long enough to bend over the support. I did cut/ trim the branches after reading your post on July 20th carefully to 7 ft in all directions and I did find some branches in pre-flowering phase while cutting it. So as you said may be it was in a rest phase. Your article was a big help for someone like me. Thanks.

    3. Anonymous, thanks for your kind words,hope your tree blooms soon, All the Best!

  22. Hi!! Really great post with lots of questions, their replies and comments. I loved reading it. I have rat-ki-raani plant with flowers but I don't see tubular flowers, flowers on them are just like very small chameli flowers. if you wish i can add image of it. Thanks.

    1. Hi Copywriting, Thanks for coming by Garden Care Simplified.
      maybe you could send the image,
      you must be having the fragrant jasmine plant, there are a lot of varieties in fragrant white flowering plants.
      Take Care and God Bless!

  23. Hi,

    Great post. I have Raat ki Rani. First year it bloomed a lot.2nd year stems starting growing in all directions. We trimmed it but I think it did not like. gradually it died. We started a new plant by placing cuttings in vase filled with water. In few days roots started coming out. I early summer we planted new plants in the pot. Looks like we will get flowers this year, In sha Allah. Our problem is the weather. I am in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In winter it goes up to -30 to -40 F. We bring the pot inside in fall.

    I saw one of the comment that cover it with paper meche in winter. Cover may only work if plant is in the ground not in the pot. In ground root will go deep. Ground itself freezes may be up to two feet. There is no chance of survival if the pot is left outside.

    1. Shahid yes ground covered with snow, really cold, I don't think plants survive, except for a few bulbs buried underground, not all plants survive harsh cold weathers and winds, but bulbs are found to be great survivors.
      Am so very happy you could save your raat rani plant and it has a new baby plant,from the cuttings, All the Best!yes InshaAllah this one stays with you for years, protect it from the cold by taking the pot indoors.

  24. Hi,

    I just bought a chameli Plant just want to know that do they attract any type of snakes or any other insects to them & what would be the remedy to prevent from it.

    1. hello anonymous, as far as attracting anyone, well they do attract love and happiness!
      just today morning I have clicked a photo under the chameli bel,in rains, thick growth with lots of white fragrant flowers, out of this world feeling!
      As for attracting snakes, depends on the place where you stay is it near more greenery, mountains, then maybe, but in cities I don't think.
      and of course I have always mind is stronger than anything, if you have any beliefs either don't plant one, or forget all the fears and enjoy the blooms!

    2. and yes it has been found that rats and snakes used to come for the food, left overs, added to the plants as fertilizer in olden days, but still not sure, I have read

  25. Hello Ma'am...How are u? :)
    My name is Simran & i'm from India. I loved ur blog!! <3
    I have a Raat ki Rani plant in my balcony, 1 month ago i planted it in a clay pot....

    Ma'am i have 2 question about this plant,

    1.) It's rainy weather here, still Why some leaves of my Raat ki Rani plant is turning Yellow?

    2.) Raat ki Rani plant really attracts Snakes???

    1. Dear simran, good to have you here on garden care simplified, thank you for the lovely comment.
      1) yellowing of leaves is a sign of less watering or water not reaching the roots. Strong sunlight. Drying of plant because of clogged soil may be one of the reasons I think.
      Watch for new growth , if you see new leaves ,fine, if the falling persists, my strong intensive care therapy,

      2) As for the next question I have no personal experience,the raat ki rani plant, due to its fragrance would attract pests and animals,and elders would bring out this fear to stop youngsters, especially girls, to go near the plant as of beliefs of fairies and nature spirits loitering near fragrant plants, as I have heard..
      will sure keep everyone posted as soon as I see one!

  26. Hi Rizawan,

    Good to come across your blog.
    We purchased a Raat Ki Raani 3mos back,
    it was around 1-feet tall. Now it is nearly 3ft tall and growing with some leaves getting pretty big.

    However, no signs of any bloom till now. It is planted in a big pot and I recently had to fix a big bamboo next to the plant for support.

    Is it too early for the plant to bloom or should I try some trimming.

    Vikas S.

    1. hello Vikas, maybe your plant needs trimming, at least i did trim our plant when it grew tall and lanky, to get a bushy growth of raat ki rani, and yes trimming also encourages blooming, try it.
      Lanky tall plants, any plant have weak stems and weak blooms. hope this helps.
      All the Best,Take Care and God Bless!

  27. Hi, it is true that the plant attracts snakes. Also with the fragrance the plant emits a solanin alkaloid which creates breathing problems for aged people and those with asthma. However for others it is safe and the fragrance is heavenly.

  28. Hi,
    My raat ki rani was given me lots of flowers till 15 days back but last 15 days plant leaves are getting cut and flowers are falling and due to which not getting fragrance, sending you a snap of my plant, Kindly check and let me know what I have to do.

  29. Also suggest some good indoor plants that give me good fragrance in my drawing room so that i can buy.

    1. indoor plants Amit will need some sunlight to flower, best ones that can grow on window sills, Rajni gandha , peace lily, white spider lily,chameli, I love Jai and Juhi need partial sunlight and grow well with lots of blooms , when placed on window you will get lovely fragrance that travels to your whole house with the cool breeze.
      Hope this helps.
      All the Best!

  30. I want to know that this plant is evergreen or not?

    1. Thank you Narender for coming by Garden Care Simplified.
      Evergreen plant that survives all weather conditions, depends if this is in soil then it usually tolerates harsh weather and survives.
      Evergreen plant name is sada Phuli, vinca rose.
      Hope this helps

    2. Thanks Rizwana Mundewadi for providing the info.. I am highly obliged.

    3. welcome Narendar! All the Best Take Care!

  31. Is this plant is able to survive harsh weather conditions?

  32. hi rizwana, i am hemant actually i planted my raat rani and after a week it bloomed, but after few weeks i added urea to it and now its growing like wild, earlier it had small leaves n even the stem was thin, now the leaves are as large as mango tree leaves and its not blooming at all its just growing, i have trimmed it couple of times but still it grows in large manner, what should i do?

  33. Hi Hemant , nice to know your raat ki rani plant is growing healthy, do not worry, the time comes it will bloom.
    It has bloomed once so you don't have to worry about the authenticity of the original plant, hope it will within the next few months.
    All the Best!

  34. where do I find it this raat ki rani

  35. Zara thanks for coming by Garden Care Simplified.
    Raat ki Raani plant enquire with your local nursery, its quite famous, white fragrant tubular small flowers growing in bunches,
    or must be some huge old plants growing some where in surroundings depends where you stay, get a cutting, thick branch with many small connecting stems..
    Take Care and All the Best!

  36. Whats the difference (if any) between Jasmine, Mogra, Raatkiraani, Lavender and Arabic Jasmine.

  37. Hello anonymous, for the lay person all these are white fragrant flowers.
    But for the botanists there is so much difference between these plants, unique leaves , unique shape of flowers, unique fragrance, grow them and see, all heavenly fragrances are distinctly different from each other.
    Hope you will.
    All the Best!

    1. Ok, I am not a botanist, but just a clueless enthusiast. I have just planted 5 pots. Just to know better, I googled the names and got utterly confused. Primarily my aim is to grow a variety of air cleansing and fragrant plants in my house/balcony. This blog came closest to generating some advice... So was just curious if you can help me in clearing some doubts.

    2. hi anonymous, thanks for coming by, I am the obsessive gardener, but very bad at names of plants!
      you are quite a plant lover with five different fragrant plants.
      Google recognizes plants with botanical names, like Jasminum, and what not.
      so for curiosity I googled types of jasmine flowers? Anant, roses, madan baan mogra like rose shape, chameli, five petal mogra, kamini, lillies, flowers all are listed here.
      all white flowers fragrant ones are great air freshers and purifiers.
      You sure will enjoy quite a few fragrances along with breeze from the window, and natural fragrances are the best.
      Hope this has helped, do let me know,
      , All the Best!

  38. Hi. My raat ki raani plant is about a 6 feet high creeper> I have had it for over 7months but not a single flower has bloomed:-(...Is there a specific time of the year or a few months from sapling stage before which flowers come out?

  39. Hi VNS thanks for coming by
    Creepers have a tendency to grow limp and longer , usually I have found they need some trimming. I have tried this with roses and jasmine creepers, and they have given abundant blooms.
    As far a season is concerned I am not so sure, but whenever I feed them they give me blooms in about fifteen days or more,so maybe you can add some ready mix and trim the plant and then hope for the best. Do not add fertilizer in winter season.
    If you wish you may try this out, hope this helps.
    All the Best!

  40. Hi Rizwana,
    The new born leaves and blossoms are being affected with dark green and yellow color very tiny bugs could you please give me a suggestion regarding this ....Farhan Kashif

    1. Hello Farhan, thanks for coming by Garden Care Simplified. Usually in winter due to low sunlight these pests attack many plants and feed on the leaves.
      What I usually do,
      1) thorough wash with water, nice bath with pipe and physically remove pests.
      2) Trim dried parts or few leaves with holes, eaten by or where you see the bugs.
      3)shift the pot in full sunlight for few hours for a few days. The bugs leave the plants most often.
      Hope this helps.
      Take Care and All the Best!

  41. hi,rizwana,,
    my plant has been with me from past 2 yrs it only bloomed once since then there is only sten growtn and no me by
    1) what need to added to soil to bear flowers....
    2)and trimming of plant(my rat rani plant is in big pot with around 3 fleet tall( densely with leaves)

  42. Hi Srinivas, the plant two years is quite a less time, and it has bloomed once, though you must keep trimming the plant for healthy growth. Trim only a few parts and see how the plant takes this. If it is happy it will bear new leaves otherwise it may be quiet,
    Add cowdung , best, of not available add ready mixes available in nursery stores. The small balls packets of fertilizers are great but the black soil mixed fertilizer is also good.
    Hope this helps.
    All the Best!

  43. Thanks for your reply and I will share the progress of my plant.

  44. yes Srinivas hoping for the best for your plant, Take Care!

  45. I love raat ki rani, i'm going mad for it and want one badly, where will i get it ma'am please do let me know

    1. Uday if you are really obsessed and madly in love with the raat ki raani, you will find it.
      I have persistently been driven with this energy when I love some plant.
      Check out on plant nurseries everywhere you go and surrounding neighborhood is the best pale , someone maybe having it.
      All the Best and thanks.!

  46. Salaam Rizwana,
    I just got my Raat ki Raani and I have zero gardening experience :(
    I live in Orlando and I am thinking of planting it outside in a spot where it will not get direct sunlight. I saw a big plant in someone's garden thriving and laden with fragrant blooms hence the decision of planting it outside.
    Right now it is still in the original pot from the store.
    Pls. advise so I don't kill it !!!

    1. Walekum Assalam Waheeda. Thank you very much for coming by Garden Care Simplified, it is so nice to hear you have bought this beautiful fragrant plant..
      Yes it grows best in partial sunlight and loves soil. I am not sure of the climatic conditions in Orlando, but this much I can tell, if you have recently got the new plant let it get adapted to the climate first along with the same pot, outdoors, and once you see it happy then you can proceed with planting it in the soil.
      Most of the plants I have lost due to hurrying in transplanting in bigger pots and the poor little plants whimper and die! I feel so sorry now.
      This again is my personal experience, you can go along with the instructions if any with the plant you have bought.
      Go by instincts , without fear, the plant will communicate if it is happy.
      All the Best! do let me know, it feels great to know progress in any plant, the first blooms...

    2. Thanks for yr reply, I am delighted!
      Change in plan though, Thinking of putting in a big pot and keeping it on my screened patio. Much safer that way from snakes( Naani's stories might be true !)
      Also, I see one stem that is creeping on the bottom of theplant. Should I clip it or let it be?
      Thanks in advance!

  47. Hi Waheeda, the folk myths with this plant, even my nani used to mention, in fact she was against going near plants at night! and nights are the best time I am in the garden, with the sky open, stars twinkling and cool breeze!
    Go along as far as you love your plant,it will grow.
    The stem coming out, maybe you could trim to give shape to the plant, and put it in another pot, or in side of the same pot, this takes root very fast.
    All the Best!

  48. Thanks, I will do that.

  49. i got a rat rani 2 weeks back. i enjoyed its fragrance for 1 week but after a week fragrance had stopped. and not all flowers are dropped. i havnt seen any further growth of flowers on that plant. i have put it in a pot in my window. where it dosent get direct sunlight. i water it twice or thrice in a week. Also i have trimmed it from above. is there something wrong. or what should i do about it. i am new for gardening. so dont know too much about it. please help me.

  50. Hello Abhishek, so you have enjoyed the heavenly fragrances of these beautiful flowers, maybe the flowers are now saturated and will drop off.
    In fragrant blooms the smell is strongest when they open first evening from the bud and later as days go by exposure to environmental wind sunlight and air the fragrance decreases and finally you do not smell any of it.
    Don't worry since you have trimmed the plant wait back and enjoy the plant.
    All the Best!

  51. you are welcome, Abhishek, Take Care and God Bless!

  52. Hi Rizwan,

    I am from London. I have placed my plant on my kitchen door.
    Leaves of my plants are curling. It's spring here so weather is round 14 degree.
    I water it once a week. I have used good compost for my plant.
    what shold i do different to sto the leaves curling .
    If i can have your email i can sent u some pictures.
    Thanks , Latha

  53. Thank you Latha for coming by Garden Care Simplified.
    Leaves curling is a sign of changes in weather, the plant may either not be getting enough water till its roots or you may have added too much fertilizer.
    Spring is a welcome sign , try to place it where it can receives some direct sunlight if possible.
    Check out for any beetles, bugs or fungus, if so give your plant a thorough bath!
    Hope this helps.
    You can email your plant photo on or
    Thank You!

  54. my plant of Raat Ki Rani is showing leaf curls . What tratment part do you suggest to keep it disease free.


  55. Hello Deepak, thank you for coming by gardening simplified, leaf curl are usually signs of less watering/ water not reaching the roots, and/or more exposure of sun.
    I usually do not spray any treatments but only give my plants a thorough wash and let them in strong sunlight to remove pests.
    There are a few pesticides sprays available in nurseries but there are also chances of losing the plant when not used in correct measures.
    Hope this helps, Take Care and All the Best!

  56. I m Ali from Faisalabad, i m interested to bring rat ki rani at my garden but worried about snake, is it true rat ki rani attract the snakes?

  57. Ha Ha Ha Ali, I am not sure I can say anything about snakes, except that I do not like them!
    The snake one is a myth or reality I cannot say, we have a terrace garden under the sky, but in case you have this fear do not plant one!
    As for cities in container gardening I think should not create problems with snakes, if plant is kept small, away from main home.
    Thank you for coming by Garden care Simplified, let me know if you plant one!
    All the Best!

  58. Hi Rizwana. Opened this blogsite after a long time. Happy to see you helping so many people with your caring way which originally attracted me to this site. Am now transferred to Mumbai but will shift family with all the potted plants in Jul 15. By the way Raat ki Rani does attract snakes. See photo on Wikipedia article cestrum nocturum. Best wishes Debadutta

  59. Hello Debdutta so nice to have connected. Thank you for your kind encouraging words. and yes your inputs are a great help for this site, thanks for sharing, Welcome to Mumbai!!!,
    As for snakes, saw the photo on Wikepedia,, wonder whether these creatures come in cities?...especially on small plants in wonder people still do not grow these but some socieities and private gardens have the plants till date. needs some ground level researching will find out from direct owners of this plant as to if they have seen snakes, or if snakes regularly visit the plant, and are these homes near to the wild jungles or forrests or in cities, ..
    All the Best, Do Take Care!

    1. and we have found snakes in our society garden during rains!

    2. Hi, not to worry. I have lived a lot with snakes in my hometown. Generally the will go away if you stomp the ground. Just be careful in case of long grasses. And yes, there are snakes in Mumbai, especially near our Colaba area, but harmless ones mostly. Will have to build up a new garden after shifting completely to Mumbai. My tenure there is likely to be 4-5 years. Will have to leave a lot of plants here in Visakhapatnam sadly.

    3. Hello Debdutta, So sad you will have to leave them, a few days back when I was sick, thought of sharing some but just couldn.t I only remember with fondness my cherry plant that i had shared to be planted in ground(for the betterment of the plant) but it other person can care like I do for my plants.
      I am sure you find someone who will adopt those lovely ones, I think you also had vegetables growing?.
      there is always a new excitement with beginning at a new place a new garden, happy gardening!
      All the Best!

    4. Hi Rizwana, yes I have had a few vegetables in pots. Now I have black chillies, curry leaves and Poi saag (Basella Alba)

  60. Hi
    I have raat ki rani for about a year now. I have seen a sudden growth and the plant as grown to 10 ft from 3 ft in last 3 months. The plant has 3 branches and one if the branches has curved horizontaly and there are many sub branches. Need your advice as to should I prune the plant back to 3 ft and whether this is the right time to prune it. I have this plant in container on our First Floor Balcony.

  61. Hello Anonymous welcome to garden care Simplified.
    Pruning the plant is all upto you and how the plant feels.
    Usually the branch moving aside from main stem even when growing tends to become weak after some more growth. You can also tie the branch and give support as you say the plant is happy.
    Trim when the branches are small as it becomes a sensitive step after growing so much to cut off.
    Trim it in early morning if you want and rainy season is good.
    Select weak branches and trim.leaving the strong one, I personally have this feeling better let it grow! only if you cannot manage the size then trim some tops.
    Hope this helps, All the Best, keep sharing!

  62. i grew raat rani in ahmedabad, the fragrance was superb n good.. here for the past one yr i am growing raat rani, the blooms have no fragrance!!! is it the bangalore weather, do i have to trim to get fragrance?? pl guide me

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hello Trendsetters, Bangalore has a beautiful climate and suits for most flowering plants, am sure the plant is not getting sunlight or getting too much of it.
      Search for a place where the plant receives only few hours of morning or evening sunlight, the raat ki rani plant loves moist soil and little shady areas, and then the fragrances comes, at least what I have understood by reading about scientific reasons for fragrance in the night queen plant.
      And yes trimming may be required to help the plant grow healthy, but you say you are already getting blooms, then the place might be the only reason, Hope this helps, Take Care !

  63. Assalam o Alaikum,
    while searching to solve problem with my raat ki rani I come across to your blog its really informative. The problem with my plant is its not flowering for past 2 years and it gets infected with white ash like pests, have tried bathing, and pruning but of no use, it gets fine for some time, new leaves appear with full bloom but no flower and again the white ashy pest appears. plz guide me what to do!!

  64. Wale Kum Assalam fMusharaf, thank you for coming by my blog and the lovely comment.
    I think the water you use for the plant may have a lot of chlorine or salts that are not working for your plant.
    Some plants of raat ki rani benefit by adding filtered water.
    You can try shifting the plant to a sunnier spot, maybe the sun may help growth and remove pests., Good that the plant springs back , it needs sun! Hope this helps, All the Best from Rizwana!

  65. can Raat ki Raani be planted in Canada? If the answer is yes were can I find one.

  66. Pjnajmi, welcome to Garden Care Simplified.
    I think Canada has a great climate and most plants grow well if you have open sunlight and garden space.
    For buying the plant you will have to check out some reputed plant selling online websites who deliver plants. You can also enquire among friends in case anyone has been growing raat ki rani plant in your neighborhood so they can share a few cuttings, that would be best, since you will get a genuine plant.
    Hope this helps, All the Best form Rizwana!

  67. where cann I find raat ki rani uk

  68. Hello anonymous welcome to Garden Care Simplified.
    Best is to search from neighbours, friends and colleagues, here you can get genuine plants. you can surf the net and see many online plant suppliers who will be having the eh supply of raat ki raani plants, hope you get one soon, All the Best from Rizwana!

  69. Hi Rabia
    i am in nj and growing raat ki rani for 4 years. in winter keep your plants indoor and keep base of the plant cover with mulch. prevent from over hit and cold .

  70. Thank you very much Rabia for this excellent helpful tip in growing raat ki raani plant on Garden Care Simplified. Usually many plants suffer during winters and we never know what to do.
    Yes Raat ki raani needs the perfect climate to bloom as well as set out fragrance.
    Thank you, God Bless from Rizwana!

  71. Hi Rizwana:

    What are the soil requirements for Raat ki Rani?How frequently do the plants need pruning? Do four hours of direct sunlight suffice during winter?

    Thank you, Rizwana.

  72. Hello Dr Vivek, 1) Raat Ki Raani plant needs good soil of humus and clay and also need to be well draining. 2) Fertilize within every few months, three,
    3) Pruning is required when the plant produces think lanky stems.
    4) Yes if your plant is giving blooms and looks happy, I think that will do.
    5) Observe your plant and then act accordingly, the space, ours a bit touchy , would shrivel even when I shifted the container!
    Hope this helps, All the Best from Rizwana!

  73. Hi Rizwana, I had got my Raat ki rani in late 2002 when it was blooming. After that it was growing slowly although kept in part sunlight part shade and was not flowering. Shifted it to complete shade but outdoors in May 14. Thereafter the plant grew huge very quickly reaching 6 feet high and 5feet dia in the large pot it was planted in. Since Sep it started blooming lovely very fragrant flowers. But all came to an end on 12 Oct and the plant died in the Hud-Hud cyclone. Am in Mumbai now and will start afresh in Aug 15

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Dear Rizwana, I have been following your blog for general help with growing my two baby raat ki rani plants. They have been growing fine, not great. One of them showed two blooms for a few nights but then it stopped and rats and crows have been nicely nibbling away all the new green shoots and leaves. But they were still emanating a slight fragrance in the evening and I felt were in ok condition - everyday one or two leaves would yellow and fall off. But last night all the leaves in one of the plants have completely drooped! It's as if the plant is sad - not that they have dried up and are yellow - they are just down. I could share a photo with you even via email if possible. Please tell me what this mean and if I can save the plant somehow. Thank you, Novice Gardener

  76. Oh Paroma Sadhana! this is really sad, yes I understand since my newly planted seeds in pots sunflowers, marigolds, cosmos, and Chille plants also have been feasted upon!that too under the wire mesh! Rats really love this raat ki raani plant!
    It seems your plant is not getting enough or getting too much sunlight.And water is getting clogged and does not reach the roots. The trauma of constant picking up by birds also kills the plant, after some time they just give up.
    Usually in such cases I do uproot them and clean the roots, and plant in well draining soil. Then I also change position to a little more sunnier space. Cover them up and see maybe they may spring back. Hoping you can save the little one, God Bless and All the Best Paroma Sadhana from Rizwana!

  77. Hello Rizwana! I just love your Blog! I purchased two of these Night Blooming Jessamine plants last spring. I live in Michigan. I have them in large pots and they did good on my covered porch and open deck. They took awhile to acclimate, grew nicely, but hadn't flowered only a couple of flowers. In the fall, I trimmed them down, and I brought them in for the winter and set them in my bathtub for overwintering. I used the shower to give humidity daily, and didn't hardly water them except letting the water from the wet leaves drip into the pots. Also, I used a Stand type light that emulates sun light and set it on a timer in front of the tub shinning onto the plants inside the tub. When I first brought them in in the fall, they responded happily by producing tons of flowers and making my whole house full of their sweet fragrance...even my whole upstairs bedrooms were filled with the fragrance. After they were done flowering, I trimmed them again. I am lucky that I have a second bathroom upstairs with tub and shower, so I could keep the plants in the tub downstairs all winter without disturbing them or having to move them in and out of the tub. I had to keep the bathroom door closed so my two kitties wouldn't go int near the plants since they are poisonous to animals and humans. My question to you is...when is it safe to bring these plants back outside? What is the minimum night time low temperature that they will tolerate safely? Right now our night time lows are in the 40 degree F. temps. Daytime temps are generally in the upper 50's to low 60's F. I do have a garage that I can put them in at night if needed and bring them back out in the day. I don't want to bring them back and forth from inside the house, too much work with the heavy pots. Thanks for any advice!

  78. Karen Orlando welcome to Garden Care Simplified! What a wonderful passionate gardener you are to have cared for these awesum plants , and I hope they do respond to your love!
    Thank you so much for liking my Blog Karen!
    Yes Fragrant jasmine plants, they are poisonous to pets, good you know this.I dont really know about growing in cold climates,as this one loves partial sunlight to give out blooms.
    This information you have shared Karen will help so many readers here who do not know how to take care of their blooming ones in winter and cold climate countries!
    Changing places frequently will damage the system of growth in plant I think. You will have to go with your instincts , that is what I do all the times with my plants, they respond and communicate what they like and what they repel from.
    Better to keep them comfortable till the winter ends. Shifting heavy containers is one difficult task!!!,. All the Best Karen, keep us posted how they are with the changes! God Bless and All the Best from Rizwana!

    1. Thank you for your wonderful response Rizwana! Yes I do talk to the plants!! I do also have a Lakeview Jasmine that I have had for many years and also take in for the winter, she is doing well also. This is my first time with Queen of the Night and I just am not sure about the minimum safe temp for them to be out. I have looked at the temperature zone maps and such, and have read that they can take temps in the low 40 degree F. range, but I am not sure for my zone 6a. I have tried to find an answer and cannot get anyone who may have these in my zone to answer the question of when it is safe to start bringing them out in Spring. Oh well, maybe if one of the posters on your Blog can help that would be so cool. Thank you for your time, and I will keep you posted on their progress.

  79. Karen that's great! Maybe if you share some photographs ,and this sure would help so many others who inquire to Garden Care Simplified about growing plants and caring for them in cold climate countries.
    God Bless and All the Best from Rizwana! Loads of Blessings and Love to your plants Karen!

    1. Rizwana, I took your advice and posted the info on how I overwintered these plants in my home here in Michigan. I included some photos as well. I posted this to your Garden Care Simplified Group on Facebook. If anyone here is interested that is where it can be found. Thank you for your suggestion. :)

  80. Thanks a Ton Karen! God Bless and All the Best from Rizwana! will post this for the benefit of readers of Garden Care Simplified!

  81. Have brought raat rain 1.5 months ago. Its growing well but haven't witnessed any flowering on it. Any reasons?

  82. Hello Pooja, if this is the newly planted Raat ki Raani it may take few years to show first blooms. Direct its growth by trimming the thin stems and making the plant grow bushy, so that they can bloom. You can add cowdung before rains and usually they give out flowers in rainy season. Hope this helps!

  83. My night jasmine is not growing any new flowers what can i do

  84. Hello Junaid you can try trimming some parts and add some fertilizer. Hope this helps!

  85. Hi Rizwana, I need your help.

    I recently bought raat raani plant from a nursery and planted it in my garden. The problem is the plant that I bought has about 30 leaves ALL of which are semi-burnt.

    Why is that and whats the cure?

    And is it okay to spray foliar fertilizers on them with an appropriate npk ratio?

    Your response is awaited.


  86. Hello Kunal, Welcome to Garden Care Simplified!
    The newly planted Raat ki Raani is sensitive it seems, not taking too well to harsh sunlight.
    Yes this does indicate 1) the plant is getting sun burn as the leaves are curling 2)Are you watering it during afternoons, then also this happens.3) I would not advise to spray anything as of now as the plant already is showing distress signs.4) check for any pests. 5) You can trim the burnt parts of leaves if possible, I know it requires a lot of patience, but I have seen that when I trim the burnt parts of leaves the other parts go green and healthy faster, other wise the whole leaf drops.
    Hope this helps!
    All the Best Kunal!

    1. Hi Rizwana, Thanks a lot for your valuable and timely response.

      I have taken your advice and trimmed the leaves since I too believe that trimming the unwanted leaves will reduce the stress on plant as plant can focus more on producing new leaves and stems rather than wasting nutritions and energy on semi-burnt leaves.

      I am glad to find you and hey, I appreciate the way you have taken your gardening hobby to next level which not only helps you optimize your time, but is also helping other gardeners in many ways.

      Keep it up!



    2. Oh thank you so much Kunal! thanks a lot for liking my blog and my precious extended family of plants, little space under the sun!
      Hope this helps and yes it does feel great to save a few, trust me have lost so many....over the years, still continuing to plant new ones! as for optimizing time I am always short of with my hand full! Do visit my website
      God Bless and all the Best from Rizwana!

  87. Hi Rizwana.. i have planted a raat ki raani in a pot... earlier it dropped all leaves and grew few. But in summes leaves are gettingchalf dry.. although with monsoon rain it showed some new growth but most of it also gets dry as leaves starts formung.. i keep my plan in a shady area so that it receives ony 1 to 2 hour direct aun light.
    However there are few new branches feom the bottom of main trunk which are green and no dryness.

    It some disease or just a normal behaviour?

    Also I really Appreciate your blog. Its really gud.

  88. did you recently add fertilser, Yes this maybe due to added fertilizer, wash it and see that it receives some good sunlight. Change the place of you pot and see, maybe it will pick up growth.Thank you so much Anonymous for liking my blog!
    You can also trim the top dry portions and let the thick new branches grow.
    Hope this helps!
    All the Best from Rizwana!

    1. Respected Mam! I have also the same problem with my plant. I have placed it in place where it gets 2-3 hours of direct sunlight in early morning. but still it does not show any signs of growth. this is the third time my plant shows the signs. i was told not to add fertiliser. what should i do?

  89. Muazzam Aslam, thats what they do when they want attention! If the plant leaves are green and the stem is good, and not lanky, Try trimming some edges of your plant and maybe change its place and see, I am sure it will love this. Hope this helps! All the Best from Rizwana!

  90. Big thanks to you for sharing such great

  91. Oh thank you so much for liking my blog Nathan Rider!All the Best from Rizwana!

  92. Hi Rizwana,
    I am from Kerala, my schooling was done at north india, so I am aware of this flower and it's fragrance but after settling here, I tried to find out this plant from many nurseries here but to my effort none have heard of it, could you help me, is there any place in kerala where I can get this, or do it have some seeds, which I can order and get it. Btw your blogs seems quite helpful and have read lot of comments, so keep the good work.

  93. Hello Aleex, Kerala is such an Awesum Place!!!! Back water , vast breathtakingly beautiful! we visited last year for the annual Plant show exhibition in Allepy! Thanks a lot for liking my Blog, Garden Care Simplified! Did you try the flower show, they do sell great flowering plants and of course the year ending you can check the Annual fair! Hope you find this plant soon! All the Best from Rizwana!

    1. Sorry for the mis typo error, wrongly spelling your name!!!! Alex!

  94. Hello!
    I bought 2 raat ki rnai plants from a local nursery. Both of them were in plastic bags. They are around 0.7ft tall with green leaves. Today transplanted them to bigger pots where they can grow as much as they can.
    Just wanted to know that when do they bloom and produce those fragnace flowers and also, I live near sea. I'm from Karachi, Pakistan. :)

    1. Hello Anrat, Welcome to Garden Care Simplified!Each plant requires different times. Some begin in six months or even a year and a half if they grow well with feedings. I had one that just did not bloom! so from then I take a plant that has flowers already. Also once we had a raat ki rani plant that bloomed but there was no fragrance! You have to trim them once they grow a lanky stem for them to have bushy growth.
      All the Best from Rizwana!

    2. Oh and I need some info about roses too.
      I've like 4 plants of them but there flowers hardly lasts a day. What's the problem here?

    3. Forgot to add that some flowers turn black and some leaves of one plant are having black spots!
      Is there any fungus or infection here?
      Could you please send me your email so that I can send you pictures of them!

    4. Hello Amrat , roses on plants remain for at least a month till the petals dry. Your plants seem weak,with buds drying off , they need more strong sunlight. You can add very mild diluted fertiliser for the boost.
      Hope this helps!

  95. Hi Rizwan jee i just planted night queen and is this plant will servive in canadian winter please give me some tips about fertilizer

  96. Hi Rizwan jee i just planted night queen and is this plant will servive in canadian winter please give me some tips about fertilizer

    1. Hello Malik Shahzad,read this post-
      Workable tips from an avid fan of garden care simplified, growing tips in cold countries. Hope this helps!All the Best from Rizwana!

  97. Malik, fertilizers must be added with care, avoid winters, add before spring to see beautiful blooms in summer.

  98. Hi Rizwana,

    I am new to gardening. I bought a small raat ki rani plant around 15 days back from a nursery. It had only one stem with few leaves coming out of the main branch. I have noticed that the leaves are drooping, turning yellow on edges and there are also some small holes on them. What is the problem with my plant? Please advice..

  99. Hi Rizvana, I planted a rat ki rani last year. It was a Kalam. It grown-up well and some more branches shooted out. I trimmed some of the branches unknowingly but some how it blossomed a little and spread the Khishbu. Now I started tying the branches to avoid taking more space. I kept on doing tying the branches and now it has become so tall about 6 to 7 ft. It has support of a pillar so it standing like a creeper. What to do, pl help

    1. Amit Kumar that is great that the Raat Ki Raani is growing profusely, yes my Juhi flower climber is also same, way, and the flowers always come at tips so it is difficult to trim, yes you will have to wait for the seasonal blooming and once the plant seems quiet then go about with some trimming as it is bound to go off hand!Strange but true some plants we try hard to grow them and sometimes they need the trimmings frequently!All the Best from Rizwana!

    2. Thanx Rizvana, only to wait n watch. I am thinking of untie it n give no support of piller n let it fall. How about that.

  100. One more thing Rizwana last year some flowers boosemed n spred the fragrance but this year some flowers has come but no fragrance??

    1. Oh yes Amit Kumar, you can , I have also untied my climbers because all blooms are at the end and I don't get to enjoy the fragrances!
      as for fragrance it depends upon right temperatures and warmth, season, I think this plant loves summers.

    2. Dear Rizwana,
      Yesterday night I untied it and gave it a pruning upto the extent where I found hard self sustainable branches and left some growing branches from some down area of stem. One more good news when I was trimming it there some flowers also blossomed and they were have that lovely fragrance for which we hv to long a lot. Rizwana I did this dramatic pruning thinking now new branches will sprout on self sustainable branches and on there tip I will get fragrant flowers. What ur experience says. Regards

    3. Also a gud news Rizwana I felt the fragrance

    4. Great Amit! yes they will surely pick up fast as its rainy season,and yes they do spring up buds after pruning, its survival instinct I think, tried this and has worked in many plants!

  101. Replies
    1. Is it rainy at ur place as well. Some branches are showing new soft branches. Rizwana tell me one thing what do ants do with our pots eben they hv to face flod almost every day. R they harmful. How to get rid of them

    2. Hi Rizwana, long time no see? Pl advice me a creeper (Bel) which gives flowers round the year as Sadabahar gives.

  102. Amit Kumar, my hands are full!
    Creepers like Vishnukanta, Blue pea flower, give flowers all year round.
    Hope this helps!

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. Hello!
    I planted a Raat Ki Rani plant two months ago in a big pot. Now, it is growing well during monsoon. But the problem is, in every night some parts of the soil of the pot are being dug. I am finding this problem in every next morning. I am afraid that Rats or something else may be the cause. Please help me.

    Thankx and Regards

    Joydeep Ghosh

    1. OMG yes rats, they love this, and also snakes! Joydeep, please do check the soil well first thing!avoid any food items near the plant, and dont add left over food near the soil. do share what you find out!

    2. Hi Rizwana,

      Sorry for replying late. I have solved the rats problem.I have also checked the soil and found no problem. But now, since the last 7 days, the plant has stopped growing and leaves are getting yellow colored one by one in each branch from the lower region and some leaves from the middle. Is it natural characteristics of the plant or not? Please reply me as soon as possible.

      I have trimmed a few leaves which are getting yellow at this time.

    3. Joydeep, do check if the plant is getting proper water, or is the soil clogged,shift plant to a sunnier location.Hope this helps!

    4. Hi Rizwana,
      Plant is getting proper sunlight, and as you said I will take care of it. I will let you know what happens.

    5. Hi Joydeep you can share the photographs on,

    6. Hi Rizwana, I sent you the photographs of my night Blooming jasmine plant. Please check it.

    7. Hi Rizwana, I sent you the photographs of my night Blooming jasmine plant. Please check it.

    8. Hii Rizwana,

      I hope you have watched those photographs which I mailed you. Please tell about the problem.

  105. Hi Rizvana, I purchased 5 bulbs of rajnigandha double flowering & they are shoot up to a height of about 10 inches. Was it right time to sow the bulbs? The shoots are like a sort of fencing or just green long leaves. Is it what I purchased? When it may flower? Are they permanent or just for one season. I planted in the same pot of my Rajnigandha, is it fine? Regards

    1. Hello Amit, yes these Rajnigandha bulbs grow as grass and then a long stem with flowers comes up. They love to be root bound and in small pots give flowers frequently.
      More on rajnigandha-
      Sick Rajnigandha-
      Hope this helps!

    2. Dear Rizwana, pl accept my sincere apologies for typo mistakes in ur name. I m really sorry. Pl pardon me.
      I hv some questions in my mind regarding double flowering Rajnigandha.are these life time like our traditional Rajnigandha. How time do they take to flower. I hv planted these bulbs in big pots along with baby plants of traditional Rajnigandha. Is it okay. Bulb shoots are now abt. One ft. High bt no sign of flower bud pl suggest. Thanx n regards

    3. Amit Kumar, no plants live life time in containers,it depends upon their genes, I have seen however much you care, at a certain age they let go and stop living, except for a few like my mogra, that was sick when we bought it, and now after ten years still happy with us!If you let the bulbs rest , few months and then add fertilizers they will remain longer life.

  106. Hi Rizwan,

    I have raat ki rani in my home . It's almost an year . It's growing but it has not started flowering . I don't the reason but the plant is quite healthy .

    Can you tell me any particular reason .

    Thanks and regards

    1. Narendra, the plant may not have matured or it may need feeding, trim some tips and feedings, and it will bloom, All the Best from Rizwana!

  107. Hello Rizwana: planted a RR sapling which has grown well since the 4 weeks of it being planted in a large pot on our terrace. No flowering in sight though :( should I trim the stems which have become long?

  108. Hello Rizwana: planted a RR sapling which has grown well since the 4 weeks of it being planted in a large pot on our terrace. No flowering in sight though :( should I trim the stems which have become long?

    1. David each plant has different needs, and age of flowering. Trim the lanky stems carefully and yes you can add fertilizer , mild, if your place is not too chilly or cold. Cold seasons avoid feeding your plants as they are in a phase of leaf dropping and shedding. Hope this helps!

    2. Hi Rizwana, how much time do bulbs takes to shoot up those flowering string. I also planted climbing rose seeds about 2 months back, I regularly water it but none of them has shown germination. I soaked the seeds in water for 24 hours before sowing. I avoided the instruction to soak in mild acidic solution. Is this the reason?


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