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The Fragrant Parijat Flower Plant , Parijaat care and Childhood memories with my favourite Marathi Poem

Parijat or more commonly also known  night queen is a fragrant flowering plant. This plant is very famous for its heavenly fragrance that is prominent only during nights. When you have a plant growing in the vicinity its fragrance is spread far and you can recognize that there is a parijat plant growing nearby. As the evening sun sets the fragrance can be felt in the whole vicinity.
Parijat Flowers
 The Parijat flowers are very beautiful and colourful. The off white flowers with orange bright stems look different from other white flowers and of course with their heavenly fragrance these flowers can be recognized easily due to their different unique colored flowers. When the flowers drop one can see a beautiful bed of flowers and the area surrounding the plant looks like a bed of flowers.
It seems like a floral fantasy, abed of flowers, with heavenly fragrance.
Parijat Flowering Plant

parijaat Plant
There was a belief in olden days that snakes appear and live near any fragrant plant. I do not know how far this legend is true. As for legends even the champa plant it was the same but now we see many housing societies, office buildings and malls have planted these beautiful flowering trees. No harm in welcoming people with fragrances and that too very natural ones!
People also term this Nishigandha, but I think it is the tube rose flower that is called Nishigandha,
 The raat ki rani plant is different from the parijat plant though the plant looks similar Night Blooming Jasmine Raat Ki raani Cestrum nocturnam and often termed as fragrant jasmine.
Parijat Plant Care- The parijat plant grows like wild once it takes root. I have seen huge plant full of beautiful fragrant flowers. The advantages of growing this plant is that it requires less water and grows without much care. Once  a year fertilizing is good when grown in soil on land and twice a year for plants grown in containers.
Need hard soil as the tree can grow very huge if allowed to spread in the soil.
Trying to grow this Parijaat plant in container? yes, sure you can! I did! 
 it is better to select a big pot. A layer of soil and then another of fertilizer at the base will give feeds to the plant for flowering well. The plant even in winters gives out pretty off white blooms when other plants are in hibernation  and very prominently you cannot miss out on these flowers due to their attractive orange stems of flower.
I also tried growing the Parijaat with seeds. How to grow Parijaat with seeds? let the flowers dry naturally and fall of from the tree/Parijaat plant. the remains are to be collected. you will find seeds int here. it is best when these are dried on the plant itself as when we remove and dry outside there are chances of it catching fungus and killing the seeds.
The plant needs trimming as shoots grow in any direction. It is best to grow this plant in the part where indirect sunlight falls, shaded part of your garden which receives few hours of direct sunlight. But one can smell their fragrance only during evenings and nights, and with fresh wind blowing during winters at nights the nights become fragrant and pleasant, a plant really worth for its colored blooms!
The plant does have a lot of symbolism in Hinduism as the flower of Gods. Used regularly as offerings to Gods in temples and at home the most beautifully hair decorations are also made with this auspicious flower.
Why I am so emotional and in love with this Parijaat? there are really very sweet memories of the Marathi poem Tap tap Padti angavarti..prajakta chi phule...brought a smile on your face? there are the generation where we had this in our Marathi text book and swaying and dancing we would sing the poem. there were songs, and dance, and as we all had to learn poem by heart, this is still afresh. Uploaded it on you tube, wanted to keep the memory alive! Do check this on my YouTube Channel Tap tap padti Angavarti 
more on this beautiful flowering plant, read here Blessings of Parijaat 
And then of course why not would flower come up in my art, it did, check this here a beautiful floral painting with these Awesum Jasmine flowers, do you feel the fragrance?
 share your experiences with the Parijaat in the comments below.
Have you grown Parijaat in soil? or in container? do share your planting and flowering tips for garden care lovers!
All the Best from Rizwana!
Parijaat Blessings Garden Care Simplified

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  1. nice post. Now you can use this b2b business directory to promote fragrances & attar products import & export business.

  2. attar and fragrances are an important part of my life as I do my part with growing fragrant plants.

  3. Hello,
    Thanks for the wonderful description of this beautiful plant. I have a few seeds.
    Any advice on how to germinate this plant from seeds.

    1. Hi Malini,
      Thanks for the comment.
      As for germinating new plants it would be better if you plant the seeds in small plastic containers till the new plant comes out.Keep the container away from birds and insects as you will be waiting and waiting and the seeds may have been feasted upon.Select a place that receives morning sunlight or evening and not full day as the soil will become too dry which will not encourage sprouting.
      Usually I keep my seeds in sunlight for few minutes before sowing this makes the seeds release moisture and quickens the process.
      water regularly and carefully in the early days till the new shoots come out.
      planting in soil directly I have had many bad experiences and my plants have come out from different containers , the birds and wind transfers them!
      Hope this helped.
      Have a Nice day and happy planting!

  4. I have heard that the plant seeds don't germinate very well and chances of germination are very low. is this right? if yes, what kind of special care is required? i've sown my seeds in spagnun moss. is that fine?

  5. Hi Illidan
    Yes I am afraid I too have not much luck by many seeds.The seeds that have rooted are the ones dropped by the mother plant and they take care of themselves!
    The main care required is controlled sunlight, early morning sun, avoiding direct heat, just to keep the moisture level high.
    Avoid drying up of soil till the plant roots and new shoots are visible.

  6. Hi,
    what fertilizer is needed for flowering.We have about 2 years old plant but no flowers.Any remedy?

  7. Hi P.N. Rao,
    Try trimming the plant before rainy season usually this triggers the growth and buds develop as a result of the plant survival instinct. You can put dried cowdung as fertilizer if available , this is the best. If not available or you are not comfortable with this as many of us cannot tolerate the smell!,you can buy fertilizer from any plant nursery shop, they sell small packets for flowering which contains all the ingredients and nutrients required for your plant.
    All the best and keep me updated when your plant flowers.

  8. Hey Rizwana,

    Very informative post. I soo badly wanted to grow a parijata plant in my north facing balcony. I do not get any direct sunlight. Do you think I grow Parijata plant here? Thanks


  9. Hi Manasa, Thanks for the comment, my pleasure to share hope it helps many amateur gardeners and we all plant more trees to balance and heal the mother earth.
    As long as your plants receive some direct sunlight they will grow well, because all flowering plants need sunlight. but guess container plants get cared and pampered with regular feedings so it will grow.
    All the Best, do keep posted if you plant one!

  10. Hey Rizwana, Can you tell me, how much time it takes to grow and start blooming flowers after germinating?

  11. Hi there , i am not sure , have not planted from seeds, our's is from a plant nursery.
    At least give it 1 to 2 years, but not sure, you may share once u'r's blooms!

  12. Hey . Can someone tell me if winters is rest period for parijat and hence should we not trim or feed the plant at this time

  13. Yes the condition is going from bad to worse, all dried leaves dropping, I think the rest period has begun with the mogra , golden champa leaves drooping drying, but the roses are picking up fast with tiny buds, hope to see few blooms in days to come, trimming is out of question the plant itself is shedding!

  14. hi rizwana
    very informative post! i got harsingar today and the temperature is dropping fast in delhi. Do you recommend keeping the plant in direct sunlight during winter? i noticed hardened leaves and seems like they'll drop off. Does the tree shed all its leaves during winter?

  15. Hi there, yes I am afraid some plants do shed all their leaves, but if the watering is kept regular some leaves remain on the plant, as the atmosphere out is dry. The leaves curl and dry gradually before dropping.
    In case the plant drops all leaves continue the watering and am sure with sunlight new fresh leaves come out, as the roots are intact. All the best!

    1. Hi thanks for the info, i just got parijat plant smaller one which has rooted from the cuttings, and when i received by mail, i kept it for 2 weeks in the same pot as to keep the plant from travel shock and just now i repotted the plant to medium size pot and the plant seems very dull, leaves are almost dried and fall out (have very few leaves as its a small plant) any time, the top growing part of the plant seems dried little bit, can i trim that and fertilize little bit? i am afraid to do this as the plant is very new and i don't want to loose the plant please advise and i am in southern california


    2. Hello Sugi thank you for coming by Garden care Simplified. I am so happy you have bought a plant and are concerned with its health.
      What I would do when I repot a new plant-
      1)There are some who do not take well to new pots so I return them back to the old pot and see whether they are growing, most come back to life. wait for few more months and then try again.
      2)Try to keep the soil intact in shape of the old pot and do not loosen up soil because exposed roots take time to catch up in new soil.
      3) soil needs to be well draining, most plants are lost due to quality of soil, cloggy water logged soil.
      4) Do not in such circumstances add strong fertilizer as this may burn the sick plant. Adding a few diluted one, granules, for nourishment may make the plant spring back in action.
      5) Usually when the parijat plant grows very big it needs transplanting, other wise plant stays in small pot also for quiet some growth. In the same pot you could have feeded it to bring out heavy growth.
      Now you see what works for your plant, as each one s different.
      Hope your plant springs back, my wishes,
      All the Best!

    3. Hi Riz

      Thank you for replying and for the tips, i do hope for the plant to come back during the spring, but the stem totally lost all leaves which actually had 6 or 7 leaves, but i am still hoping and leaving the plant as is in the pot and keep the soil just moist enough. Do you know by chance how much to water for new plants which i bought from nursery and also what about sunlight? i live in zone 9 (California) but i brought the plan inside to protect from cold but i guess that was the mistake. Pls advise if you have any clue for watering and sunlight to provide, Thanks so much.

    4. Sugi , so sorry for the plant, in case the stem appears green, you have hope, continue some watering, hope it springs back!
      There are no mistakes in life , there are only lessons!
      Sometime artificial yellow light from bulbs work, just keep the pot near a light source similar imitating the daytime sunlight, it may fool the plant in thinking about the sunlight and this may work. I have tried this for my plants indoors, just take care that the plant does not get too much heat that it burns.
      Water the indoor plants carefully, check the top one inch of the soil, if dry then water.
      You will just have to personalize the plant care according to their responses, no rules here.
      All the Best!
      Do Take Care!

  16. thanks a lot! i am afraid they have begun to curl. In any case, i ll follow the instructions and persist.
    By the way have you tried growing gardenia? I got 2 of them; they are v slow. the leaves take a month to grow

  17. Hi, I do not know names of many plants but I have tried many many, trial and error and we have lost many plants, gardenias the fragrant white flowers, is this commonly Anant

  18. yes, it's the same. it's dormant as of now, probably because of cold. Did you add phosphate? i have heard gardenia grows best in acidic soil. the gardenia of my garden is 3 feet and the stem looks rich and healthy. However, it's a very slow growing plant. Lets hope feb onwards i get some result

  19. Hi, gardenias are worth growing, you will remember the fragrance, out of this world!I used to add washed milk mug water,diluted milk, and ready mixes, but not during winter.
    The flowering will come in spurt with many blooms at a time, and I too was disheartened by not seeing blooms, have seen flowers after trimming it frequently in spring, only trimming will encourage blooms.All the best!

  20. In my opinion, Parijat is a King of fragrant flowers. Thanks for this article.

    - Shashank Parab

  21. Shashank yes parijat is the king or queen of fragrance, thanks for the comment.

  22. Hi,such an informative blog and can i say full of the way does a parjaata needs trimming,the plant we have is growing like anything.

  23. Thanks akb_bok for the comment, yes any flowering plant can be trimmed, guided according to shapes, request permission if you have never trimmed it till now.
    Just a share, some plants do not flower at all if trimmed by some people, depends upon the energy of the hand of the person cutting stems, yes it is true, let the carer of the plant trim the stems for best results.
    All the Best!

  24. It is so true.We have a young mango tree.It gave flowers and we kept pointing to the fresh bearings and you know that whole branch died we so much wish that we are blessed with new leaves once the spring ends.

  25. so sad, yes I do hope your plant gives good fruits, give lots of luv and care, and even if the water and feeds are less will do..the plant will bear fruits.All the Best!

  26. very helpful post!

    thing is, my parents just built a new house and we've been looking for the perfect trees and plants for our little garden. i've always loved the parijat flower since i was a little kid, but with all the apartments around these days, i cant seem to find those lovely trees anymore to get hold of the seeds! :(

    quick question - can we grow these trees from cuttings too? or only seeds?

    thanks a bunch :)

    1. Lala_tan thanks for the comment,
      yes I think it can be grown from cuttings, select a thick stem with many tiny branches.Taper cut the base , it helps the plant to develop new roots fast.
      Hope you get a healthy parijat plant soon, I love fragrant, Anant is another very good plant with fragrant flowers.

  27. This is my favourite tree
    Thanks for your article.

  28. thanks Nilesh for coming by Garden Care Simplified, yes I too luv this tree.

  29. hey Rizwana , after seeing this wonderful post i want to grow parijaat so any information from wer 2 buy seeds or plant

    1. Arvind thanks for coming by Garden Care Simplified.
      Wish I could and would love to share seeds and plants.
      As for the seeds or plants contact any nursery your place , they may have it.

  30. Hey Rizwana,
    Thank you for such a wonderful post on Parijat. I transplanted a 2 inch parijat plant in a pot last year. It grew to 3 feet. This winter it dropped most of the leaves. When the weather got better, I kept it outside, hoping that the leaves will come back. One night the weather dropped below zero celcius. The one or two leaves remaining on the plant also dropped that time. Can you please tell me what care I should take for the plant to grow back? Should I transfer it to a bigger pot and new soil? How do I know if the plant is alive and is in hibernation? Please respond soon. Any advice much appreciated.

    1. Anonymous very sad to hear about your plant in crises.
      even my plant shows similar signs but usually springs back. Maybe your plant may be resting due to low temperatures.
      Usually in most cases if the roots are covered with soil and warm the plant may spring back with change in climate.
      check the tips of edges of stems , if there is green inside and humidity then the plant is alive and resting and if the stems when cut or trimmed crack dry you sure know the plant has lived its life. keep the roots intact, till then pray and keep watching and if done with part with it gracefully and plant a new one beside it.
      All the Best!

    2. Thank you for prompt reply. How much temperature should be maintained for the parijat plant to strive? Do you suggest anything to add to the soil?

    3. Hi,
      sunlight , partial also and direct for some time of the day is essential for flowering plants.Mine growing in full sunlight getting direct sun latter half of the day.
      Adding ready mixes available from nurseries helps, if you are not comfortable with cowdung, as this is best, at least twice a year.
      hope this helps.

    4. Thank you for your response, Rizwana. I waited for three weeks, no growth has happened. Looks like I will have to part with it and plant a new one beside it. Is it alright to remove the plant and chop and use it's wood as compost to the new parijat plant? Since it is considered divine, it feels inappropriate to throw it.

    5. So sad the plant did not come up, please leave the roots intact till the new plant beside grows. maybe this may come up you may cut the top portion if your wish.

  31. is it necessary to plant this one with lot of space around.. i mean will it affect the growyh of other plants nearby...

  32. hello Sravaani, thanks for coming by Garden Care Simplified.
    No this beautiful fragrant plant can be planted in small spaces and even pot, we have the raat ki raani growing in a container pot.
    I do not know how the plant grows on ground whether it takes over the ground but I sure feel growing in containers gives better quality blooms.
    Take Care!

  33. Rizwana

    What will cause the leaves to turn yellow pls? Most of my leaves have turned yellowish green. What could be wrong?


  34. Sharmila thanks for coming by Garden care Simplified.
    Yellowing of leaves is sometimes a natural growth process and sometimes needs attention.In many cases the plant sheds leaves and grows taller and healthier.
    If unnatural yellowing is seen , leaf drop, change of weather, from sudden hot to cold may be one reason.
    skipping watering at regular intervals so the plant dries off gradually.
    yellowing is sometimes a sign of distress, look at the plant, clogged soil? I take immediate action many times to revive the plants, as I have lost too many by wait and watch.
    as for weakness of plant try adding a few crushed egg shells .
    Hope this helps, All the Best!

  35. Thank you so much Rizwana. My plant is not drying off. I have recently put manure for all plants. I will try the egg shell route also! I water my plants early in the morning. Do you think i should water again later in the day?

  36. Sharmila, nice to know the plant is not drying.
    Manure, is a two sided sword,but required for blooms, many times when we add manure, the plant goes in distress by yellowing leaves, dropping shedding leaves, maybe the quantity is much more, manure has been added,
    as for watering twice, I do when such symptoms are seen, it looks the plant has got too much feeding better to wash off some,
    when adding, mix well, manure, distribute it well over the pot and some also under one inch of soil.
    see what may be the reason and take care!

  37. I bought my parijat plant from ebay and it arrived today. Super excited!! I will continue to grow the plant in the pot, so that I can move it inside the house during winter. The will keep it near the window so that it can still get some natural sunlight. The plant is a feet tall now. How long will it take for the plant to flower? Will the plant flower in winter?

    1. Prasad thanks for coming by Gardening Simplified.yes any new plant brings so much excitement and hope.
      You have just got the plant, let it adjust to the new home,
      As for flowering it all depends upon the age of the plant. Usually when nurseries sell a plant they give it a boost of fertilizer and the plant flowers soon.
      Has it come with any instructions?
      A new plant may take as less as six months to few years for blooming.
      Hope you get to see the flowers soon.
      All the Best!

  38. Hello Rizwaniji: I have a Parija Plant in my Terrace Garden and daily I get lot of flowers falling down. I have been told by some of my people that this attracts lots of catterpillar type insects, which spreads in large number in the garden and sometimes crawl into the house also. Can you throw some light on this matter.

  39. Hello Rajagopalan Krishna Swami, thanks fro coming by Garden care Simplified
    This si lovely , you paraiat plant have so many blooms must be quite a beautiful sight.
    Catterpillars, butterfly larvae are seen on many plants, these caterpilalrs eat leaves as they are attached ot the plant leaves, usually they love fresh leaves, especially citrus plants, am not aware of this plant also, but in case you see do try to protect your plants as they have a voracious appetite and nibble on leaves fast, soon the plant goes bald!
    As for pests you have to control them, for any plant, And if you can keep these plants a bit away from your home door,
    Hope this helps.
    Take Care!

  40. Is Parijat called Shiuli in Bengali? By the way, Shiuli, Night-blooming Jasmine in English happens to be the mascot flower of the state of West Bengal. It`s naturally found in Assam and Bengal

  41. I don't really know Debashis, am very very poor at names of plants, if it is then thanks for sharing this information for our readers. maybe some gardener can enlighten us on this.
    Take care and all the Best!

  42. Hi,
    I am new to this post
    I am growing brahmi and tulsi plant in pot with coco peat only and plant is not growing fast.
    I want to add Cow dung please give us some information in how to use fresh cow dung in pot say
    1) How many days fresh cow dung has to be kept so that it is completely get dried and safe to use for potted plants.
    2) Also how much quantity to add in no of days interval.
    Your suggestion will hilly appreciated.


  43. Hello Anonymous, welcome to Garden Care Simplified.
    Growing in coco peat, I have not tried.
    But still can share detailed information on how to use cowdung in my next post.
    Take care and All the Best!

  44. Hi Rizwana,

    I live in Bangalore. Im fascinated by Parijata plant since my childhood. Im new to gardening. Can you suggest any nurseries in Bangalore where I can buy a Parijatha plant?

  45. Gulam, thank you for coming by Garden care Simplified. I am happy that you are going to plant this beautiful fragrant flowering plant.
    I am afraid I will not be able to assist you here, you can go online and search the net or talk to friends and neighbours , i am sure they will be able to guide you with good plant nurseries.
    Hope you get a great Parijat plant soon ,
    Take Care and All the Best!

  46. Hello, I got my plant from one of the nurseries near Lalabagh. It is almost 1.5 years and there are no flowers. The tree is growing though. Do I need to put fertilisers? Please let me know. Thank You Sunder

  47. The plant referred in the above post is Parijatha.


    1. Hello Sunder thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified. now that the tree of beautiful parijat has grown try trimming a few ends and then add fertiliser, any flowering one that you get ready mix, or cowdung, maybe this time is just right to see blooms.
      Hope this helps, take Care and All the Best! hope you get to see the blooms very soon!

  48. I want seeds or sample of parijata plant. can anyone help

  49. Hello Somabhupal, welcome to garden Care Simplified. Buying a ready grown plant of parijata would be better as seeds take time to sprout and also there is no guarantee you get an original plant seeds.
    do visit your local nurseries so that you can contact them later on also.
    All the Best from Rizwana!

  50. Dear Friend,
    I brought Champa and Parijata plant and put it in big Pot and kept it on my balcony. Pls tell me what all need i have to take care to grow both the plants and also pls suggest me container or Pot size for planting big plant in house.

  51. Hello Anonymous welcome to Garden Care Simplified!
    Champa and Parijata two wonderful fragrant flowering plants! The size of pot depends upon available space, we have one champa flowering plant growing in metal bucket! and it seems happy and blooming!
    Then there is the wide mouthed 20 inches container that can grow huge tree like plants.
    Some people also go in for growing in drum sized containers and they work out just great to grow large trees.
    Two symbolically spiritual plants you are growing , Give them space top grow out and branch and they give out lovely fragrant blooms.
    Do you wish to plant a huge plant in centre of house for stability, then go in for Chinese Bamboo as this requires less sunlight and care.
    If it is for ornamental purposes you can plant any ones that require less sunlight and watering. Jade trees are also very auspicious and great feng shui plants for attracting wealth, happiness and prosperity, if you can find a healthy one.
    Hope this helps!
    All the Best from Rizwana!

  52. Hello
    Do harsingar flowers come in pink colour?

  53. Hello Anonymous, Welcome to Garden Care Simplified! Harsingar, or Parijat flowers are in off white with orange tube stalks for the flower, these are often mixed up with Ixora plants that may have other colored flowers.
    If you have seen pink Harsingar Parijat flowers, please share, by email, thank you. All the Best and God Bless from Rizwana!

  54. My dad is suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, PLEASE TELL ME FROM WHERE I CAN BUY THIS PLANT IN DELHI?

  55. Hello abhy 23, Welcome to Garden Care Simplified! Parijat leaves , concoctions and paste, are known and used in herbal products, to help in arthritic fevers. You will have to check in your local plant nurseries in Delhi. Maybe in neighborhood also as these beautiful flowering prajakta plants have been planted in many places and grow without much care.
    Hope you find it soon, All the Best from Rizwana!

  56. Hi,
    We have a ground based parijat plant at our home univ Chennai. It is attacked BTU a white pest, the size and shape of a bed bug. These bugs attach themselves to tender leaf stems and the shells left by flowers. I have tried spraying 2% & 4% neem oil water mixture with no success. Can you suggest something ?

  57. Hi,
    We have a ground based parijat plant at our home univ Chennai. It is attacked BTU a white pest, the size and shape of a bed bug. These bugs attach themselves to tender leaf stems and the shells left by flowers. I have tried spraying 2% & 4% neem oil water mixture with no success. Can you suggest something ?

  58. Hello Bala, welcome to Garden Care Simplified! That's really sad since pests are difficult to control in land based plants. As with pots we put it in full sunlight.
    Parijat plant is prone to white fungus attacks and bugs white flies.
    This usually happens in winter season. And as the sun goes stronger the plant gives out new shoots.
    Try to trim some parts with more of these.
    Give thorough bath frequently and usually they have to be cleaned by hand removed physically.
    Pest control solutions I am afraid also kill the plant as they do to the pests.
    Washing usually helps as they get drowned with more water with pressure.
    Try this, hope this helps! All the Best from Rizwana!

  59. I have Parijatha Tree planted in soil and it has grown over 4 years and is flowering decently. It has also grown over 5 meters. All of a sudden from past 2 weeks the leaves and branches have started drying up. My gardener today told me that roots of this tree have become very soft and this tree might die. I want to revive this tree again at any cost. Please suggest me some medicine for the same.

  60. Srikanth sad to hear..trees sometimes do come of age..But usually trees planted in soil do not give up so soon. It may be in a tiem of shedding and quiet time phase, where most leaves shed out , let the tree be, it will spring up , just keep adding water and regular care. You can try adding some fertilizer by digging up the soil and adding some fresh soil to help the quality and nutrition quotient of the soil.
    I don't know whether you will believe , but after so many years.with plants... I do.. this may be a reason of evil eye negative energy, tie a black ribbon or some shiny object on the tree.
    Hope this helps! and do share the happiness when it recovers! Blessings!

  61. Hi its a gr8 article.. I bought this plant in Jan 2014, and planted it in a big pot..waited for about more than a month but the plant was nt showing any growth then i put fertilisers (cow dung as well as fertilisers available in market for plants)it took a few months and i could see few new leaves.. So happy i ws but a few days before i again fertilized the plant and nw since two three days my plant is shedding off..its kind of drying leaves have started turning yellow and gradually falling.. Plzz help me is it coz of over fertilizing or the plant gets direct sunlight after noon nd i water it daily once in the morning..plz let me know what is the problem and what should i do protect my plant.. Thanks

  62. Anonymous Welcome to Garden Care Simplified! Oh its sad that this happened, yes too much fertilizer!
    Try giving the plant a thorough wash, so that excess fertilizer is drained. I am sure it will spring back since it gets sunlight. Also try to water twice for few days.
    Hope this helps!
    All the Best from Rizwana!

  63. Hello,

    Nice informative article and posts. I too have a parijata plant from past 2 years. It bloomed last winter and then all the leaves and branches dried down. The 2 main branches died. Luckily it started to grow again from the bottom from past 3 weeks and have 3-4 branches now (half a feet long), however, the leaves curls and burns. I am not sure why. The pot is quite big and I fertilize it too. Water it regularly.
    The plant is getting bright sunlight i.e. from 12PM onwards till evening.. can it be reason why the leaves are burning? And why do they curl before burning? I see no pests or problems such as that.

    FYI, I leave in Maharashtra, India and temperature these days is close to 40 deg C.


  64. Yes Anonymous the Parijata is not a full sunlight loving one, it loves direct sunlight for few hours. And as you mention its really hot, the leaves in way to conserve moisture curl first and then they burn.
    If there are no pests, try watering the plant twice during hot times, this works for my plants, I am sure it will spring back healthy!
    All the Best from Rizwana!

  65. Early morning and evening two times watering is good to maintain health of plants during summer season.

  66. Hello,

    Thank you for replying. I have moved the plant a bit in the shelter so it gets sun for 2 hours in the morning and in the late afternoon i.e. after 3 PM.

    BTW, the pot is quite big (30 inches wide at the top and 18 inches at the bottom AND 2 feet in height) and the soil is always wet below and gets dry on the top. Do you still think it will need water twice a day? The roots wont rot?


  67. Oh now I understand! No the problem is with the roots. I have such type of pot and nothing seems to grow in this due to the soil not getting wet till bottom. And now the pink white clusters have taken a liking to this large pot after I mixed the soil with thermocol and pebbles at bottom to make it lighter,and then added sand mix with soil.
    Check the roots, they are not healthy, I usually plant them in another pot. All the Best!

  68. Hello,

    This is the new pot I am referring to.. changed only a month ago. Before that I used to have a small pot and the plant had no new shoots because the roots didnt had enough room to grow.

    I will try water it thoroughly for a week or so to see if it makes any difference.

    BTW, I have a hibiscus plant too (3-4 feet tall). New shoots are appearing but the green leaves have many tiny yellow spots. Do you know why this happens? It gets only morning sunlight till 11.30AM. What is the water and sunlight requirement of this plant?


  69. Hi the plant it seems is not taking too well to the large pot, happens with my plants many times and I get sacred and go back to the other pot, just a bit larger. Plants do not adjust to changes, I have seen that is from small pot to a very large one, its a gradual step.. hope your plant adjusts fast , and picks up growth, All the Best!

  70. Oh Hibiscus, this need strong sunlight for many hours of the day. Will write a post on care of hibiscus plants!

  71. Ok, thank you for all your help. Waiting for the post on hibiscus plant.


  72. check this out!

  73. Thank you Rizwana.. going through the Hibiscus post.


  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. HI If I cut one branch of the parijaat and plant it will it grow as a new another plant?

  76. Parijat plant I have heard does not grow fast, but you may try Deepak. Since it is monsoon maybe the plant may take root faster. Usually people add rooting hormone and nutrient rich soil, I am not very much into all this I still go natural with my plants and prefer buying ready ones from nursery. All the Best from Rizwana!.

  77. Hello Bipin, buy bonsai from reputed nursery and bonsai plant dealers only as they will guide you better for the care of it.
    Choose the plants that have fruits or flowers already on them.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. hello,

    This is balaji from trichy..i need to install parijatak plant in ma garden..can u provide me the address of any nurseries or else can u provide me the seeds...please...

  79. Hello Balaji, Parijat plant is difficult to grow from seeds. Its better you buy from a reputed nursery in your local area. And do check and buy the plant that has few flowers and buds.
    All the Best from Rizwana!

  80. Hello,
    I want 2 know growing tips for parijat/harshringar plant. I have one already , its very small like I have planted it past 2 weeks. The leaves have started rolling up and becoming dry, I water it regularly ant given khaad also. There must be some mistake in all this .please advise

  81. The stem of parijat plant is also becoming dry . what 2 so n how 2 save it

  82. Oh this is sad dear Kumkum, it seems the little one is not taking well to the environment and fertilizer. Think you added more khaad.
    try to add water more and see that it drains well. and shift the plant to a different place, try more or less sunny spots, it might get a growth spurt.
    Also check for ants or pests on the stem or near roots.
    All the Best from Rizwana! hope you help your plant.

  83. Hi Rizwana, the parijat plant is now completely dead . I am going 2 bring a new one from nursery. Can u suggest me what should I look for parijat plant while purchasing , I mean what quality I should look for. And what should be the size of the pot for planting parijat. I am going 2 keep it on my balcony.

  84. and before planting parijat should I mix khaad with the soil ? better u suggest the procedure of planting the parijat. This is my 3rd parijat plant ,and this one also died. I had been trying since past one month , but failed. please help

  85. That happens dear Kum Kum, we had had many losses over the years, and I would so struggle, but guess some plants have really weak genes and some are so sensitive they do not adjust to new environment, do not survive. Still the loss is felt as it comes down to our personal emotions as every time we buy a new plant with hope and excitement.

  86. Kum Kum, yes sure will guide you, this time you choose a healthy plant, to avoid these experiences of loss. while buying a parijat plant, in fact any new plant check for the following points that I will share in a post. Then buy a new plant.
    All the Best from Rizwana!

  87. please advice me how to plant parijat in a pot n what should be the pot size. Amount of fertilizer n manure/khaad 2 be put in

  88. One more problem, recently I purchased rajnigandha plant , the flowers are come but with no fragnance . I think that is not actual rajnigandha but some other flower plant. please advice

  89. KumKum, Rajnigandha flowers come from a single stalk and open in circular motion.
    check this post
    Sometimes if the plant is kept under full sunlight they lose fragrance. The fragrance is strong only when in partial shade and immediately after opening of the flower. Try to shift your plant in a partial shade area and see. otherwise then maybe the plant is another lily family type.
    All the Best from Rizwana!

  90. Hello Rizwana, good morning
    I have just bought a very small plant of parijat .Should I keep it in shade? Or in full sunlight? please advice as I don't want to loose it again. Its a very small sapling .

  91. Thats great that you are again trying, hope is a magical word dear Kum Kum!Sorry skipped your comment, couldn't reply soon, The bets place for new saplings is when they receive few hours of morning sunlight, east direction. Hope this helps!

  92. that was Best!, Kum Kum, mis type! All the Best from Rizwana!

  93. Hey Rizwana!
    Very informative post & such detailed replies to all the queries :)
    This subtle flower remains my all time favorite !
    I potted a parijatham sapling 3 months ago. As soon as i placed it on my balcony, the leaves completely dried & withered. But, they grew back, denser & bigger. And, now the yellow spots are coming back. What could be the issue? It's getting ample sunshine & water, placed in a well draining pot. It's grown about 6' plus now. Any idea when it is will likely start blooming? I just can't wait for it to start :)
    Thanks in advance.

  94. Oh Thank you so much dear Archana!Yes this is a favourite one not only for its religious symbolism but also the colorful orange stem.
    1) Yellow spots may be a sign of high level of salts and fertiliser.
    2) If the plant has grown healthy try trimming some tips of all branches, this will trigger blooming.
    3) I dont know the age of your plant , usually it takes the first baby plant some time to give out first blooms.
    4) Sometimes I have seen that all the leaves drop and then fresh greens come up, this happened with my mogra plant, dots on leaves, but the awesum one has given out many blooms after this leaf shedding.
    So lets hope you be prepared for some great show of blooms!
    All the Best from Rizwana!

  95. Hi Rizwan, thank you for your time in advance.
    Our Parijat tree in a 20" inch pot was flowering beautifully for a while. Then in mid-Aug noticed that many fruits (green, flat, bilobes) were developing. with this the parijat stopped flowering.

    Would pruning or cutting the fruit off help? Please guide.
    Thank you!

  96. Hi Rizwan, thank you for your time in advance.
    Our Parijat tree in a 20" inch pot was flowering beautifully for a while. Then in mid-Aug noticed that many fruits (green, flat, bilobes) were developing. with this the parijat stopped flowering.

    Would pruning or cutting the fruit off help? Please guide.
    Thank you!

  97. Hi Rizwana,

    I was looking for a perfect guide for planting Shiuli tree and got yours. Thank you so much for such a descriptive blog.

    Now, my question is, can I plant a new shiuli tree by cutting from an existing one?
    what is the process?
    how to select a stem that is good for cutting?

    Thank you! :)

    1. Thank you Sumit Chatterji for liking my blog, and Welcome to Garden Care Simplified! I have not tried growing this plant from cuttings, and people say it does not come, but from my simple gardening going eco friendly and natural, latest technology today is advanced, with a rooting hormone you can select a healthy fresh branch and try it in well draining soil to kick start roots! Hope this helps! All the Best from Rizwana!

    2. Select a healthy fresh branch that is green and not dried, with three or more tiny branches coming out. Usually I do the hard part, smash the base a bit, let it dry little and then plant it so it roots faster. Hope this helps you Sumit, and do share if you succeed!

    3. I enjoy your blog .It is very useful.Our parijat plant is dying I believe .Let me try your suggestions .

    4. I enjoy your blog .It is very useful.Our parijat plant is dying I believe .Let me try your suggestions .

    5. Geetha thanks for liking my blog!
      Thants so so sad, it must be winter time quiet time for the plant. do check the roots if they have not over grown the container.
      Usually I always try till the last before giving up, maybe trimming few shoots to open the stems to absorb sunlight. Put in sunlight , it might juts spring up, All the Best from Rizwana!

  98. hello rizwana
    which fertilizer i should use for parijat plant? is it coco peat, vermicompost, neem cake or stear meal? please advice

    1. Hello Kum Kum, You can put dried cowdung as fertilizer if available , this is the best. Coco peat also works good. If not available or you are not comfortable with this as many of us cannot tolerate the smell!
      All the best and keep me updated when your plant flowers!

  99. hello Rizwana, thanks for your advice. so first layer will be soil and then the fertilizer? and so on? actually the sapling of parijat plant has grown upto 1.5 foot. so known i want to transfer it into a large plastic pot. is it ok? so tell me how many layers of fertilizer and soil to be pit in?

    1. Kum Kum is the plant growing, happily then wait as it is summer now.Rainy season cool times would be better. Not more than two/three layers of fertiliser, one inch after soil layer, middle and one a few inches below container top . Hope this helps!

  100. Rizwana, one question - the tip and close to half of the leaf is turning brown for the lower leaves. What does this mean?

    1. hello mbroider the tips curling often may reflect to plant health. check if watering is less, or the plant is getting too much sunlight . Trim the brown parts and save the other leaves.

  101. Hello rizwana,

    my parijat leaves are drying quickly. Its grown in a pot with mahagro potting mix. the leaves are drying and curling. Soil has enough moisture. What may be the cause of this. And I feel that parijat leaves do not like direct exposure to sunlight when young.

    1. Yes Damodar the Parijaat loves indirect sunlight. I usually never use any such mixes as I don't know how the plant will take to these ready mixes. The parijaat is more prone to fungus, and white one,leaves curl and dry and this spreads fast. Bath , spray with water helps to stop the spreading of fungus. Change position of pots to a more sunny spot, this will bring the growth spurt. Hope this helps!

  102. I was searching for information on growing Parijata plant and came to your site.
    You have given very useful information.
    I live in Bangalore, Jayanagar (near South End circle).
    Any idea, which nursery in the vicinity, I can get Parijata plant for buying?


    1. Thank you Narendra Kumar for liking my Blog Garden Care Simplified!I am sorry I don't know about plant nurseries in Bangalore, yet I have visited the place and its Awesum , fully loaded with blooms, think the climate is fantastic all year round in Bangalore!
      Hope you find one soon! All the Best from Rizwana!

  103. I have a Parijat plant in my terrace Garden. I just want to know is specific there any flowering season fr the plant. There use to be about 100+ flowers daily on my plant. Then it lost its season and it never came back to that level. Now I hardly have 1-5 flowers a day for quite some time. please guide.

  104. Hello Vijay, 1) there comes a time when the plant is exhausted with producing flowers and takes some time out, quiet time.
    2) You can check the plant for pests, as these affect growth and flowering.white fungus sometimes overtakes all the tree and leaves turn white and drop.3) Trim some ports as this triggers fresh growth.4) check if the plant has become root bound, too many roots in the container so growth becomes slow.5) If its a container shifting places works wonders!Hope this helps!~ All the Best from Rizwana!

  105. I have planted two Private saplings,one at the front and the other at the back side of my house. The plants were there feet high when planted. Within six months after planting both the plants have grown about ten feet. I am in Bangladesh and the blooming time for Parijat flowers in Bangladesh is soon approaching. Should I trim the plants immediately so that the plant come to blooming? What is the process of trimming? It is worth mentioning that it is the ending periods of rainy season in Bangladesh.

    1. Kabir, if the blooming time has already come then it is better to wait, and see, because we usually trim plants after summer, and before rainy season and then they give out flowers.
      This is the process I follow, and now just in rains all my plants give out beautiful blooms.
      The time for flowering also depends upon each plant , as their maturity age. You may trim some and keep some, that's what I do when I doubt!this way if they are about to flower some stems give out buds immediately. Hope this helps!.

  106. Correction: it should be Parijat instead of private.

    1. Its Ok Kabir, even I sometimes make spelling, typo mistakes!Take Care of your Parijat!

  107. i have 2 parijatas in one in my house and one in our office which is 30 meters away from our house. few weeks back my house parijat was giving very good flowers and the office one was not giving much.. how the reverse has happened .. the house one is fairly new..around 3 years old. some of the trunks have turned a bit dark and some of the branches have become dry.. would love to know if these branches have to be trimmed.. thanks for all the wonderful information

    1. Prasad, the flowering depends upon age of the plant and also many times after flowering for many months the plants go in rest period. then they are quiet, sometimes no growth is seen and no flowering, then after fertilizing and trimming they pick up fresh growth.
      Yes do check if the stems are dry, as what you say, then please, check for any buds or new growth and then trim these dried branches.
      Once I accidentally trimmed a branch of kamini bush with buds, felt so so sad, immediately I planted the stem in another container and we have a new plant!
      You may add some feedings to nourish the soil. Hope this helps!

  108. parijatak plant is around 8-9months old .I have planted it in a pot .but somehow all the leaves of plant have shedded and small buds are coming out .can you tell me when my plant will give me blooms? Thanks for the great information.

    1. Let the buds grow healthy, Om, they may also shed a few buds if the plant is not strong enough, and next blooms are more healthier.

  109. Hi Rizwana,
    I have 3 parijata flower plants.
    2 in pots and 1 in ground.
    The pot plants are not really growing rapidly but the one in ground has shown rapid growth.
    I planted them 5 months ago and the ground plant has big green rich shiny leaves, im really happy.
    However its going to be October and have heard that they bloom near durga puja.
    I donot see any buds, the plant is now 2 feet high with multiple branches in all directions.
    Should i supply some cow dung or chemical fertilizer to be sure about the flowering ?
    Im being impatient but i really want the plant to be blooming in the autumn cool winds in the festive season.

    Waiting for response.


    1. Varun, yes you can add some cowdung, this shows immediate blooming after fifteen days or a month if the plant loves this feeding and is of age for flowering. Plant age matters for seeing flowers,
      Hope this helps, Yes I wish you see the Awesum fragrant blooms by Durga Pooja! it is a spiritual plant and flowering is considered auspicious. All the Best from Rizwana!.

  110. Hi...can you post the full picture of your garden...?

  111. Om, I have a small space, a C shaped garden, so when I click one side, the other can't in the same frame. one side, and the other has roses, and many colorful flowering plants, we also have a circular bird bath where my friends come for a drip and to quench their thirst. No we dont have a pond, tall swayign palms, and load sof Lilly bulbs, so actually its a riot of colours, from yellows to whites, pinks, peachy color, maroon, orange, purple, blue and of course different shades and hues of greens!ornamental plants. Do connect on Face Book Group with the same name, Garden Care Simplified.

  112. Dear Divine Rizwanaji - Greetings! Namaste! Thank you for the blog to share knowledge with amateurs like me and the love n dedication you have for the beautiful garden. I will be moving to a new apartment, which has a small balcony. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE "parijat & raat ki rani" and dream of them adorning this balcony some day, but was skeptical till now due to space constraint. Having come across your blog, I feel I can give this a try. SO my one and only question is -- at the very minimun how much depth (top to down), length (left to right) and width (front to back) do we need for 1 plant of each type? Basically I have a balcony wall, where I am "constructing" 2 rectangular pits of concrete and stone. I plan to directly put soil in them to plant my planters, because putting individual pots on a stand is not possible in that space. Please let me know how much minimum area will do -- I am dying to get these plants and am hoping you can help :) Much thanks in advance for your help... With gratitude and blessings!!!

  113. Comrat, Thank you for the lovely comment! Yes concrete pits are good, but these two plants have been trying for me. I have also grown them in small 12 inch pots and they flowered!Plus growing in concrete container without drainage is also tricky. That would be an Awesum Terrace Garden, you can put hanging plant's, trellises for climbers creepers, do share how you go about this! Always so excited with making of a new garden! All the Best from Rizwana!

  114. Hi ...
    I have a small parijat in container about 3 ft tall .. I had purchased the seeds.. it flowered few days back.. can you guide me how to collect the seeds ?.. I want to have few more plants..

    1. Oh WOW your parijat flowered! Great! Its a very spiritual plant, I have not much luck with seeds, but what I have succeeded- 1) let the seed pods dry on the plant 2) see that the pods have seeds, usually wind spreads them, we wait to see the dried pod and it is empty! 3) collect the pods, tiny seeds, give some direct sunlight and then plant , usually within few days they sprout. Hope this helps! All the Best from Rizwana! Do share how this works out U!

  115. Rizwanaji namaste. Very informative blog on parijat. Not having space to grow parijat on ground as I stay in flat. So planning to have parijat in my terrace. Plz guide me like what size of pot should I prefer, will the plant grow well /bloom in pot, what extra care will be required.

    1. Namaste Vaibhavji, Thankyou so much for liking my blog!yes it can be grown in container, large circular containers are good. 12 inches, or if you have space on terrace, we have grown in old metal drums, they are great.and even Gulmohar can be grown! Just see that you get buy a little larger sized plant, and not a lanky single stem, and well ,it is known that Parijaata does not grow in every home so, . All the Best from Rizwana!

    2. 12 inches circumference, widht of container,for growing large plants

  116. Thankyou so much for your reply n suggestion.

  117. Hello Rizwana mam, happy for two things first is seeing that so many people are trying to garden it and the other is you replying to each comment/questions.
    I also have this plant in a top which is about 8 feets high and 2 years old but it hasn't started blooming yet . What should I do.

    1. Hi You Tube User, thanks a lot for the compliment! Ya, feels good when I receive happy emails that so many people have actually begun gardening after following my blog, and when my suggested tips work, I feel so happy!!!Oh,1) you can trim the tips, usually this works.2) Add some feeding, cowdung or ready mix. Avoid adding fertilizer in winters.3) If you can, shift the pot to a little more sunnier place. Hope this helps! All the Best from Rizwana!

  118. since 2 years I was trying to fins the flower/plant behind the heavenly smell during winter evenings - thanks to you now I know !
    wonderful article <3

    1. Oh thank you so much Jayanthi, for liking Garden Care Simplified! and your lovely comments!

  119. Replies
    1. Thank you Jaya for liking Garden Care Simplified! Have a Great Day from Rizwana!

    2. I planted my plant from the seed I kept trying and 3 red time I got it well and at this time I going on well no flowers yet have to save it from winter

    3. Aditi, that's great, you have succeeded in getting plant from seed! Yes. Flowering takes time, it will, All the Best,! Happy New Year to You and Yours!

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. Hi I have a hibiscus plant that gets a good amount of buds but as te bud is about to bloom it automatically gets detached from the plant and falls off hence till date not a single flower has bloomed. Please somebody guide me as to what to do

    1. Check for infestation from aphids, red ants, clean with soap water

  122. Nice blog. .. I have a query, my prajakta plant leaves have got white patches. Can u pls help me what it is not how I can get it clean

    1. Check for proper water and sunlight. White patches is a sign of defeciency. Shift the plant's place to a slightly brighter spot.hope this helps!

  123. I find the parijatham flowers sudden size drop cringing how to revive pl help Sunland here

    1. Hello Sunkan, temperature changes, seasonal changes do affect flower size and output. Also sometimes if the plant has overgrown to maximum size in container and roots have no more space so the plant starts giving less flowers. Trim some shoots of the plant, and if it is in container , move to a different space, shifting plants helps sometimes in case they are bored.If spring has set in you can also add some feedings, that brings a flowering spurt. Hope this helps, Happy Gardening! All the Best from Rizwana!

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