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The Healthy Blooms of Brahma Kamal Flowering Plant

The Brahma Kamla plant found in Himalayas is often mixed with the plant seen growing on window sill in homes. Named Saussurea Obvallata it is the plant growing in hilly regions and not found here. The original name of this plant what we call Brahma Kamal is a flowering cactus, Epiphyllum Oxypetallum, Orchid cactus which blooms at night. The blooms are very big and grow as extensions from the leaves itself.
It is believed to bring in loads of good luck and prosperity and a home where the flowers bloom is very auspicious and lucky. So waiting for the experience, the fragrance, the size, the colour, the shape , in fact the whole Brahma Kamal flower is unique and blooms only at night. The Brahma kamla flower begins to open after sunset and night sets in and reaches its maximum beauty and the flower is fully open by eight and remains till early morning only. If you miss it, it is gone, the flower is spent by sunrise.
What a sight! a healthy Brahma Kamla plant growing in full swing, loaded with big blooms, so many !
A healthy Brahma kamla plant with plenty of big blooms
couldn't help but share this! especially since I have been trying, struggling to grow this, with success in so many flowering and rare plants, I surely do wish i get to see the blooms in our terrace garden.
The Majestic Brahma Kamal Flowers
 Leaving aside the five previous Brahma Kamal plants who are on pause mode, I look at them and they stare, no response, music therapy, cutting, repotting , and feedings, tried it all! a small tiny leaf sometime, and thought hey are growing now the rate is too slow! 
Tips for Brahma kamal Plant Flowers and lessons I have learned-
 1) Avoid re potting the Brahma kamal and feed the plant regularly for flowering. 
2)Do not trim leaves let them dry on the Brahma Kamal plant itself.
3)Do not over water, the Brahma kamal plant has fleshy stem leaves and can do away with less water.
4) Cowdung is best for flowering as manure.
5) Finally, most important, do try to get a healthy mature Brahma Kamal plant, growing plant from leaves cuttings takes lots of years for the plant to mature and give your blooms. our local nurseries also have small Brahma Kamal plants so the search continues for a healthy flowering Brahma kamal plant...will keep posted.
New Brahma kamal Plant in Container
Our new Brahma kamal plant has taken to good growth and has developed new leaves fast within two  months. This time I am taking precautions of beetles, spiders and bugs who chew on leaves and make holes in the Brahma kamal plant leaves. They enjoy the fleshy stem of this plant.
This photo is from a Garden Care Simplified blog lover

My Brahma Kamal plants

As for the experience out of this world, the big blooms of Brahma Kamal flowers, the wait still continues...

Original photos of Brahma Kamal shared by our reader
God Bless and All the Best from Rizwana!
Checking brahma kamal plants for pests

Brahma Kamal flower photo from Garden Care Simplified blog follower

I do not sell plants, Gardening is my love and passion! I am A Healing Artist selling original Reiki healing art @ The Red Pilgrim's Healing Art You Tuber The Red Pilgrim Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading health wealth and joy to the world with my Reiki symbol healing paintings!
Mystical Brahma Kamal Paintings

Magical blooms fantasy Reiki happiness garden art collage


  1. Brahm Kamal no doubt is a divine plant. The Plant has been declared as State Flower by the Uttarakhand Government, but noting is being done to protect it and now it is an endangered species of flowers. The Government should take urgent steps to conserve it. A scientific research on this plant should be done and its medicinal properties should be used for the betterment of mankind. D.N.Barola

  2. Thank you Mr.D N Barola, for coming by garden care simplified. Yes very true Brahma kamal is rare plant, The Himalayas boasts of this beautiful flower, with lots of medicinal uses.

    1. Shall I share one mysterious fact about this flower.One Brahmakamalm plant gifted by my relative when I was pregnant is flowering on all birthdays of my son Adithya.We are too surprised by this !!!

    2. Sreeja, wow , so lucky, maybe some spiritual connection of the plant to your life and your family. I am sure there is some connection. too good, the love from the universe, Brahma, the God of creation, and more strangeness is that the flowering coincides with his birthdays, can you please share this miraculous plant photographs for our plant lovers and readers?
      Plant living energy, and as in some religions believe in past lives maybe some spiritual karmic connections,
      or maybe plain age of the plant where it is happy and well adjusted to your care and love. do share some tips, please.
      All the Best!

    3. Hlo my brahma kamal plant is having flower buds but after 3 days they r falling why is it so???

  3. Hello,
    You have a fabulous garden of flowering plants and shrubs. I loved your blog. I wanted to ask when the Brahma Kamal actually blooms. I read it on other blogs that it blooms once in 14 years. Is this true? I too have a Brhama Kamal but it never blooms. Its almost 5 years now and it never bloomed. Although newer shoots and stems have made their way in the pot but no flowers. Do you have any idea in hastening the blooming process of this plant, if so can you please share it with me.

    Thanks and regards

  4. Abhi, I have tried so many things, and so many plants of the Brahma Kamal, God only knows when Brahma God will bless me!
    read quite a lot, inquired about with the people who boast of healthy blooms every six months, nothing,
    1) small pot,
    2) well draining soil,
    3) partial shade with few hours of indirect sunlight.
    4) some people say (have read) to stop watering for some days as the plant produces flowers a a survival mode.neglect, but the leaves start drying..
    at present even our plants are growing the long tentacles!guess its the age factor,
    fingers crossed!(each day I look for any sign, a little bud!)
    but I will keep I know will definitely share,

    1. Kindly apple potash in liquid form 15 days apart from March to April. Bloom will come May to July.

    2. HI @Biswakalyan. I wanted to know what is Apple Potash and where can we get it in mumbai? I searched amazon and google search but couldnt find any apple potash. Can you please share a link on where to buy it?

    3. Apple Potash must be wonderful, there are lots available online on and Google garden business. I hope to try this fertilizer maybe
      will get to see flowering of the majestic brahma kamal!!!

  5. Hello Rizwana. I realy feel blessed now after reading your blog. In my garden also we had a Brahma Kamal plant. My mom patiently waited for 9 years to watch it flower. And when the time came we had around 11 buds on our plant. They all bloomed together one evening! And I must say that was a site to wait for.. Next gap of flowering was 5years. This time there were 7 buds..

    And yes Rizwana what you suggested for caring for the plant is true. My suggestion for same would be.
    1. Have a large pot where the plant can flourish properly and unhindered.
    2. Never repot it.
    3. Try to keep it in open air
    4. Dont do any sort of cutting or sizing. Let it wither on its own.
    5. As Manure Cow dung is best.
    6. When buds are there on the plant give support to the leave on which its coming.
    7. Keep a watch on the plant during the last week of August n 1st week of September.. This is the time of the year when you can expect buds on the plant.

    1. Hello Rateesh, so nice to have you on Garden care Simplified.
      Am very lucky to have you share such genuine information on this precious plant Brahma Kamal.
      all the points have been followed just like you mentioned, except I have not protected the single bud we had few years back, and it fell off in heavy rains, so will definately try and thanks again for sharing these important tips here.
      Take Care and God Bless!

  6. What a co incident.. Just after one year we got a Brahma kamal on Anant Chaturthi.

    1. wow very lucky Khushal, Ganpati Bappa has blessed you. How long did the plant take to develop flower after buds appear, please do share,please. All the Best!

  7. Oh My God! What a coincidence- my Brahmakamal gave 3 blooms on Anant Chaturthi Day too. I had 3 more blooms 2 days earlier- so both the blooms were within 10days of Ganapati Festival. My plant is in a small pot and I was thinking of Repotting it- I see all the comments saying not to repot. What should I do?
    Shilpa Kothare

  8. Shilpa , so very lucky to have blooms on the Brahma Kamal many years did it take, please share some tips..
    The plant is seems likes to be root bound, but have seen people repot it when the plant grows too big and starts drying. There are also some who use cuttings , leaves that grow roots to pot in another containers instead of disturbing the original mother plant.
    I have replanted a leaf today in another pot when the tentacles have grown too much, but as advised here by Rateesh, I have not trimmed the dried leaves of the plant.

  9. I brought a Brahma Kamal plant from Assam. It has been part of a matured plant. I gifted it to my boss and kept one leaf for my self.From leaf the plant has grown up significantly in lat two and half year but no flower so far lot many leafs only. Can you suggest me how time it may take to flower? deep

  10. Deep thanks for coming by Garden care Simplified. Such a nice thought of gifting this unique plant.
    We have plant six years old which had a bud once which dropped due to heavy rains, nothing since then. So I have planted two more from different places, one originally handed from a home that has seen flowers and one we have bought, lets see hoping for best.
    As for the flowering of Brahma Kamal there are people who boast of flowers every six months, I think once the plant comes of age it produces abundant flowers or the right fertilizer may be doing the trick!.
    Usually have read the plant gives flowers after approximately ten to fourteen years or so.
    When I do get a bloom will sure be able to share first hand experience, till then All the Best!

    1. Thanks for response. But here it is pertinent to mention that the plant given to my boss is flowering exceedingly well with almost one or more flower every 15 days to a month.He repotted some leaf from the same plant and it is also flowering. I do not know what is wrong with the plant with me it is growing nicely but not flowering.Any way i shall wait.

    2. ha ha ha that's the beauty of this flowering plant!
      yes even our plant was the one that bloomed every six months in the previous place, but nothing since past year here, but I am grateful at least it is growing healthy as our old plant still has very tiny leaves, the one that once had a bud.
      I am sure there is some trick, watering or fertilizing, do talk with people, who have flowers on their Brahma Kamal, maybe they may share some important tips.
      Thanks Deep Prakash All the Best!

  11. your blog has fabulous how can i take care my plant i potted stem on march there is no growth plese tell me ilove planting

    1. Thanks Anonymous for coming by
      It is nice to know we share the love for plants.
      The Brahma Kamal plant grows from stem side ways branching out. Sometimes the plant does remain quiet for long, add some fertilizer or cowdung and see whether this gets a growth spurt.
      Also see whether the plant is getting indirect sunlight.
      All the Best!

  12. Dear all,
    Just a few months before I came to know that a plant in my pot, which is planted since last 5-6 years, is known as brahma kamal. We only knew it as a plant of cactus family. One night my daughter saw the beautiful flower bloomed on the plant. We also saw the beautiful snow white lotus like flower, but by morning, when we wanted to take a snap, it was gone.
    Again yesterday, for the fourth or fifth time, it is about to bloom , as I can see the white bud dangling on the leaf. One special thing I want to mention here is that all the previous blooming were on full moon nights only and the same we are expecting this time.May be tonight we will be blessed.
    Thanks to all for information on Brahma Kamal

    1. Life is magical and you sure are very lucky! Thanks N Kumar for sharing this wonderful experience on Garden Care Simplified.
      It is seen in so many homes and everyone just shares so much, am excited maybe sometime even our plants may think of blessing us with come blooms!
      All the Best!

  13. I am sooo happy- as expected the Brahma's Kamal is now fully bloomed and the time exactly is 09:37 PM. Really feel as if we are being blessed. I even have noticed the sweet fragrance this time.
    The only thing is whenever it blossoms, there is single flower and tonight is full moon again, the fourth or fifth time. I am sure it is no co- incidence.
    Thanks for the blog of yours, I, from now onward, will take care of the plant as per instructions in this blog.
    Thanks again.

    1. Oh my God, this is so wonderful, Kumar, yes the full moon was great as I viewed from our terrace garden, especially at times of morning prayers, around five am, its great with a blanket of stars.
      I hope you truly are blessed, work towards your goals and just see how life unfolds with pretty unexpected miracles!
      Wishing you and your family All the Best!
      if you can please please share some photos so that the readers, especially me, I have only once seen this flower from near , full bloom, it was at around nine at night, at our neighbors, and since then the obsession began!
      Take Care and All the Best!

  14. Sorry Rizwana, I was not able to upload pictures of the flower here. I am sending those pics to your email add. Please upload them on my behalf for the benefit of all.
    Regards and Good Luck to all

  15. N Kumar thanks you so very much, for sharing these, I have got the photographs of the original blooms, will share it with readers soon.
    Thanks once again, Take Care and All the Best!

  16. Hello rizwana may i know where do we get those plant if you have any contact number plz forward that information to my mail

  17. hi Vnys, thank you for coming by garden care simplified.
    I am afraid I will not be able to help you here, you will have to search for some local plant nursery nearby.
    Take care!

  18. Hi,
    I have Brahma Kamal planted in our galary. There is a partial sunlight. It's been almost 3 years the plant has grown big & still healthy.
    It used to blossom 4-5 flowers annually but since last year it has stopped flowering.
    Also, I noticed there is a green moss layer on the sand. Also, I had pruned the plant once. What should I do, how do I avoid the green moss on

  19. Hello Pallavi thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified.
    Its great you have seen the heavenly blooms, do share some pics if you have.
    You will have to notice what fertilizers or watering techniques you used to follow earlier.
    Sometimes the plant goes in rest period and may not flower for some years.
    As for the green moss over the soil, it is moss and needs to be removed by digging the soil lightly as this extra vegetation growing on soil will prevent the water form reaching the plant roots and the plant may also end up drying off.
    You can also take a leaf and start another fresh plant in different container as the Brahma Kamal likes to be root bound and many green leaves means less energy for flowers. Some gardeners also try to reduce watering to encourage the Brahma Kamal plant to flower.
    Hope this helps, Take Care and All the Best!

  20. Does Brahma Kamal plant need direct sun ?

  21. I think so Mr B C Roy, our plants over the years were so weak and growed slowly and the new ones planted last year are growing like wild under the direct sunlgiht, so I think the plant needs sunlgith for at least a few months to start the energy for blooming
    Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified.
    All the Best!

  22. Hi!!
    how do we come to know the blooming time?
    even we have a plant and it already has three buds........we just dont want to miss that moment

  23. Hello Sailee, lucky, I think the flowers take at least fifteen days to matrue, I don't exactly know, but better be careful as you would not want to miss out on such a miraculous experience! All the Best keep sharing!

  24. We bought a house 5 months ago and it had this depressed-looking plant as a center piece on our pool deck that I said we should pull out and plant something better. Good thing we procrastinated on that! On May 30th it gave us a BIG surprise and bloomed this incredible flower! Then 2 weeks ago another, last night another & tonight (July 10th) we are expecting triplets!!! I live in Fort Myers, Florida and am going to buy spray acrylic to preserve them. We have 1 more bud that will go soon. The smell is INCREDIBLE and I've never smelt anything like it!

  25. Kimber how lucky you are, gifted with this lovely heavenly plant! I so wish my plants bloom, wish me luck!
    One thing never pluck plants form old spaces, take permission and then do if it is necessary as there are nature spirits that are along with the plant and may times good luck and prosperity leave the house along with the plant, my cherry tree in container I removed , shared to be planted in soil so that it could grow big and fruit more (poor thing died, ..) but for so many years the garden felt empty and barren, suddenly an empty feeling had come up as we would enter the garden even when other plants were in bloom, from then I take care before trimming and plucking any plants.
    Please do share photographs of your beautiful plant and blooms ,
    so that we can share the happiness with others.
    and also what or how the plant blooms , some tips would be greatly appreciated.

    Take Care and God Bless from Rizwana!

  26. Madam

    I planted a small leaf of Brahma Kamal brought from Assam three years back. Growth of plant has been satisfactory but no flower.

    To day, while watering the plant I saw a bud and was so exited, immediately took a photograph and posting the same. I am not sure whether it will bloom or not but now I consider my lucky to have at least the bud of this rare flower in my balcony and hope it shall grow further.

  27. Hello Deep, so the plant has finally though of blessing you, am so happy for you. Especially since the gifted plant to your boss is growing and flowering so much its high time you received some, All the Best from Rizwana , keep sharing!

  28. Deep , thanks for sharing your happiness with me, I am feeling so blessed to have connected with my readers, I have received the photographs of the new bud, will share this so that all those who see may be blessed and also join in the wait to see the healthy blooms! All the Best from Rizwana!

    1. Normally how much time it would take to bloom as flower.

  29. I really have not seen this, maybe fifteen days or so, seen the opened flower, except the flower, keep your fingers crossed and a strict watch on the plant, do share the pics, Deep, All the Best, Hoping for your Best, Rizwana!

  30. I have a Brahma Kamal plant. It had one flower, however I see that many buds come up at the edges of the leaves but they seem to dry up and wither away. I wonder what I can do so the buds do not dry and fall. Thanks for your help

    1. Revathi this plant is one for information that I have searched a lot, and still do, I think Google must be happy I am on, about how to flower this.
      once I had seen a bud on our plant but it fell off-
      the reasons for bud drop can be anhything-
      1)less watering
      2) heavy rains
      3) heavy winds
      4) some external factors like birds
      5) Is it that the amount of fertilizer you may be adding becomes too much.
      as for people comments and knowledge I have gathered, I think it is important that when the Brahma Kamal plant gives out buds, to protect it from strong watering and winds and also to give it support to the leaves so that the buds grow , as they are quite heavy.
      Hope this helps, All the Best Revathi from Rizwana, keep sharing in case you are lucky to see the blooms!

  31. I am expecting another flower to night.

  32. Wow Deep, please pray for me so that I get so see this beautiful flower in my garden and also that i share the healing as much as possible through my art,
    All the Best, Do take Care and God Bless!

  33. Hello Rizwana Ji,

    I have been reading your blog regarding this braham kamal can anyone give me the botanical name of this plant as I am in Canada and I would love to have this plant.

    Thanks and hope you can help me and enjoy your blooms all of you.

  34. Hello Anonymous welcome to Garden Care Simplified,!Named Saussurea Obvallata The original name of this plant what we call Brahma Kamal is a flowering cactus, Epiphyllum Oxypetallum, Orchid cactus which blooms at night.
    Yes am sure you will find this plant in Canada , do enquire in plant nurseries as well as neighborhood gardeners for night blooming cactus, hope you find a great plant of Brahma Kamal soon and see these majestic blooms! All the Best from Rizwana!

  35. Hey iam from Hyderabad.... Even we have this plant...I Searchd in many websites it said this plant blooms once in a year... But our plant bloomed 3times with in a it a miracle or just normal... Pls let me know the correct information...

    1. Lucky you Hema, to have seen these blooms, maybe the climate at your place, soil and environment and your care, all is perfect for this beautiful plant to grow and bloom. and of course the great luck shining!
      Some people mention of experiencing many blooming but they add fertilizer to promote blooming or it may be the variety of genes of this plant may be that of more fertility hormone one as their are some plants that give out plenty of blooms . some also say it blooms after fourteen years, while some say after ten years.

      The photograph I have shared here on this post is also from a plant lover who see many blooms every six months or so.
      Miracles happen to those who believe in miracles.
      The plant till date has been considered auspicious and grown with pure sanctity,as it is called the flower of Brahma, creation. Each part of the flower has symbolism behind it and thus many believe that blooming of this flower brings in good luck and prosperity, blessings for that home.
      I have not experienced this but once I do will surely share, but those who have all are very happy and sometimes also new beginnings and birth of new children coincide with the blooming of this flower.
      You do share what changes may have come up in your life after the three times bloomings... also please share the photographs of your plant so that we can get great insights into the flower and plant, there are many varieties of Saussurea Obvallata , which can help many others who are waiting patiently for years to see a bloom
      All the Best from Rizwana!

  36. I was looking for some deeper meaning of this revered Brahma Kamalam and landed in this blog! Very interesting communication!
    The flower bloomed yesterday in my house for the first time fortunately with no effort from me! But, the whole event of the flower beginning to open, bloom and then reverently close is an amazing experience. I have written a brief note on experience when my brother sent me a series of pictures in 2010. I have the pdf file but I am not sure how to share it on this blog.

    1. Oh this is such a wonderful share Sai, I am sure it would be great , feeling lucky even to get to view this experience.
      Thank you for coming by.
      Please do share your thoughts on my email
      for all my wonderful blessed readers of Garden Care Simplified!
      All the Best from Rizwana!

  37. Hey! I made a clip of my Brahma Kamal blooming and dying! Id love to share if you would like! From one plant lover to another =)

    1. Yes Suresh Misra sure please do share the link or video
      I am sure we all will love the majestic show! must be one great experience, please do share.
      God Bless!

    2. Hello Rizwana, I have emailed you do let me know if the link doesnt work for any reason. Enjoy!

  38. Hello Suresh , yes please do resend the link as it is not opening, it would be better if you can in a universal programme so that everyone can view it.
    Hope this works out, waiting for the video!!!

  39. Thank you very very much , lovely share Suresh, God Bless from Rizwana!

  40. Hello Rizwana, I have just sent my feelings by pdf to your email. And Suresh thank you for the excellent video!

    1. Sai yes will post this soon as I was unable to upload PDF file, am posting with word document, please check out Garden care Simplified blog!
      Thank you very much for the lovely share, All the Best from Rizwana!

    2. Hello Rizwana,
      I want to buy one Brahmakamal plant, can you pl. suggest me from where i can buy it. I reside in New delhi.

    3. Hello Ranjana welcome to Garden Care Simplified. You can enquire in local plant nurseries or neighborhood if any plant lover has this , then they can share a leaf.
      Hope you find a great plant and see the blooms soon, All the Best from Rizwana!

  41. Its really happy moment for us.
    At our place Dombivli-E,
    We enjoyed three times Bramhakamal blooming experience in last two months.

    Really feeling happy. thanks god for huge blessing on us.!

    1. Hello Sandeep God is Great! I am very happy that your plant gives so many blooms. This is a very spiritual beautiful experience, am still waiting...wishing I get to see this beautiful flower. Do share your pics if possible on
      God Bless from Rizwana!

  42. hello friends,im sriram from Goa.two months back i had potted bhramakamal plant and today i saw a tiny bud after just 2 months..and im so happy..the leaves which i have potted are realy large in size all are more than 20inch in size and soil i have used is 50%from our garden and50% is from beach(white sand from beach) belive me this mixture is the best for the bhramakamal plant because it is from the family of cactus,as a manure i put some cowdung n water it more than 5 time...yes you heard it right..some time more than 5 times only thing your pot should be well draining..ill post the pic of the happy gardening

    1. Oh my God! This is such a wonderful news Sriram! Thank you so much, God Bless you for sharing this wonderful helpful tip,for flowering. now I think Gods are willing to bless me, after the struggle for so many years, I am sure this tip will surely help me to see some wonderful Brahma Kamal blooms!
      No wonder the leaves when potted dry off or turn soggy in the clogged soil.
      Thank you very much, sure do send the pictures on
      All the Best from Rizwana!

  43. Oh my God! This is such a wonderful news Sriram! Thank you so much, God Bless you for sharing this wonderful helpful tip,for flowering. now I think Gods are willing to bless me, after the struggle for so many years, I am sure this tip will surely help me to see some wonderful Brahma Kamal blooms!
    No wonder the leaves when potted dry off or turn soggy in the clogged soil.

  44. Yesterday, we experienced blooming of Brahma Kamal on our terrace garden. There were two flowers one of them bloom at 11:00 pm and another may be at late night. In the morning they Doom.
    Last year too we experience the same in August 10th that time there were three flowers.
    I hope this continue every year on year..

  45. Oh thats so so Awesum Anonymous, so happy for you all! This is such a great one, I am s till waiting... when ti will bless me..and please if you can share do share some photographs for our readers, there are so many who never get to see this miracle!
    God Bless from Rizwana! and hope you get to see these awesum blooms every year!

  46. Hello all. Am glad I came to know about that precious flower. I planted this at my garden about four years back. Since then, I have been seeing more than 10 flowers every years. First flower starts around may and blooming lasts till September end. Some times more than two flowers for one leaf. The plan never grown so big. It is with a total of 15 to 20 leaves.

    For the first time yesterday it actually bloomed to the max where white pettles were bent back to give a visual as bramha being coming out in between petals. Awesome view.

    I am Kishore from Bangalore.

    1. So So Awesum! Thats Great Kishore! The flower is so auspicious and has such a beautiful precious way of blooming, as if Brahma himself appears! God Bless from Rizwana!
      yes please do share the photographs for the benefit of my readers of Garden Care Simplified.

  47. I wanted to share those pics where it bloomed extremely well since four years. Can I know where can I post those pics? I can't find a way to do it here.
    If someone know it, s share it with me.


  48. Kishore you can send the photographs of Brahma Kamal plant and flowers by email
    You can also connect on face book group, Garden Care Simplified
    All the Best from Rizwana! and waiting with excitement for your Awesum clicks!

  49. Maybe its the bangalore weather or the semi shade in my apartment or its the cowdung manure...but the plant in my home has flowered twice with multile flowers this season. And now..there are some 30 odd buds on the plant. Now cant wait for them to bloom. Gratitude. Humbled.

  50. Neela , Bless you all, that's so awesum, yes I am thinking it really must have something to do with the climate, am so happy for you, and do connect on face book Garden Care Simplified Group to post photographs if you wish, All the Best! Enjoy the Blessings!

  51. Hi Rizwana,

    We have got one more chance to experience the blooming of Bramhakamal at our Residence, Dombivli-E

    This is the 4th time and expecting many more in future.

    Thanks for god blessing!

    Sandeep Acharekar

  52. That is so Awesum Sandeep! Must be a magical feeling to watch these blooms.Luck does favour you!
    I think it must be the best combination of sunlight, water, soil, fertilizer and air, just the right mix!Good Luck!
    God Bless from Rizwana!

  53. Hi rizwana
    Hw u doing. ?
    Thnks for sharing such information about bhramkamal
    Last tym u helped me out with growing tips for balsum in containers and was done successful
    Pls help me out wid some queries regards to growing bhramkamal in pots
    1 can bhramkamal grow n blomm in 3_4 hours of dirct sunlight
    2 initial stage which organic furtilser is best
    3 I hv checked in local nursery plant is nit avaliable
    From where can I get this
    Many thnks

  54. Hello Sachin, I am good!
    Thank for the encouraging comment.and II am happy that it helped!
    Blooms I have not seen, but my readers have kept on sharing so many tips.
    1) Yes you can in sunlight, but watering my twice or thrice as this one loves partial sunlight.
    2) Initial stage when planting a ready mixture works good as in layering with soil. But cowdung is always the best.
    3) You will have to keep looking I have so many still I look out to buy a new one as I am still waiting for the blooms!Check out plant nurseries wherever you visit, and neighborhood, many people have this growing.
    All the Best from Rizwana!
    Hope you get to see the blooms Sachin!

  55. Hi Rizwana,
    Yesterday on Ganesh Chaturthy Bhramha Kamal blooms in our home. Usually it blooms on monday night. I have observed that many people have Bhramha kamal in their home on same particular day because I have seen in Shankar Mandir some people Bhramhakamal shankar Bhagwan ko Arpan karte hai.
    Ek sal se continious (once in month almost) phul aa rahe hai.

  56. Wow Sanjay, this is so Awesum , yes maybe Lord Ganesha blesses the homes in the time of auspicious new beginnings. Yes I have seen people offer these flowers, especially the first blooms after puja, in temple and then the home is always blessed with many blooms.
    I am thinking what what I will do when I get to see a Brahma kamal flower...till date no blooms, dont know when Lord Brahma will bless me!
    You can join Garden Care Simplified on Face book and share your flower photos, or send me on
    All the Best from Rizwana!

  57. Today we had our 2nd bloom in span of a month.... First one was on 1st day of Sravan.... I always used to water it at I was not known to Bramh kamal... So this was neglected plant for me... After seeing the first bud in 2 yes.. I read about the flower and got interested too much... The bloom time is very beautiful, soothing and serene fragrance...

  58. Today we had our 2nd bloom in span of a month.... First one was on 1st day of Sravan.... I always used to water it at I was not known to Bramh kamal... So this was neglected plant for me... After seeing the first bud in 2 yes.. I read about the flower and got interested too much... The bloom time is very beautiful, soothing and serene fragrance...

  59. This is so Awesum! The plant is so beautiful. So happy for you all!please do share your happiness, connect on face book group Garden Care Simplified.
    God Bless from Rizwana!

  60. Respected Madam
    Though the Ist flower bloomed after lot of wait, now I am getting flower periodically in two plants.

  61. Respected Madam
    Though the Ist flower bloomed after lot of wait, now I am getting flower periodically in two plants.

  62. Oh that's so Awesum Deep Prakash, yes I have heard people say the first flowering takes time, maybe years.. but then once the Brahma Kamal plant matures this gives out regular blooms.
    Have an Awesum Day from Rizwana!

  63. Hi all...if we pluck d flower in night time when it bloomed, will d flower remain same till next day

    1. Hello Unknown, I have not seen the bloom, but people often cut the flower and offer in temples.
      I have read that flower lovers have done all sorts of trails, some have kept it in fridge to conserve its beauty, maybe if its kept in cold temperatures it may stay longer!

  64. Hello ,

    I am Deepak from Odisha, I planted 2 brahma kamala plants 2 months back. Now, I see new leaves and they are growing really good. Could you please tell me if we can use any fertilizer or compost in it so that it can bloom early?? Please suggest.

    1. Oh yes cowdung works wonders add some feedings, it loves this, I have learned that the plant has to grow plenty of leaves, strength before it shows blooms. Hope this helps, All the Best from Rizwana!

  65. Hi
    The long green stalk grows and has no leaves nor buds nor flowers. Can they be cut to let flowers on other stalk grow? Please advise

    Thank you

  66. Hi
    The long green stalk grows and has no leaves nor buds nor flowers. Can they be cut to let flowers on other stalk grow? Please advise

    Thank you

    1. Hello Jyotsna, yes the plant grows profusely with many leaves, but I am not sure whether trimming the leaves will help.My plants are so quiet, LOL, they are now after many years given out new leaves! a friend has suggested that the leaves have to grow thick and strong for the stem to give out flowers,as they are really big heavy flowers.
      The stalk is green is a good sign that the plant is alive. well you could try trimming the dried/ stalk, it looks like a hollow tube if it is dried, and if the other stems are growing healthy. don't throw the part, transplant it! All the Best from Rizwana!

  67. hi Rizwana,
    i need to know how to cut a brahma kamal plant and plant it at my place.
    I lost my aunt last week and as her memory, i want to use her plant as the mother plant and plant it at my house. Someone mentioned to me that you can grow it from cuttings. Please help how to go about the cutting .
    Gunjan M

  68. Hi Gunjan, Sorry for your loss... Yes you can grow this beautiful plant from cuttings. Take permission from the plant, cut a thick stem or a leaf, dry it for some time. a leaf and smash it from base to spread some part of the stem, this helps root faster. In beginning water regularly and keep it moist.
    Hope this helps, and Gunjan, You please do take care of yourself!

  69. i have a Brahm Kamal plant in my house

    1. Thats Great Vikash, at present mine is in bad condition due to the rains,

  70. There is a belief that the Brahmakamal should be gifted, and not bought in the market. To grow the plant, a leaf is planted in the soil (and not a seedling or stem). This leaf then multiplies and becomes a plant to a height of about 4 to 5 feet. The flower itself is around 4-5 inches in diameter and has a lovely fragrance.

    My Aunt was having this plant in her house for more than 8 years but it never bloomed. Then one day she told me you take this plant because it never bloomed in my house. It might bloom at your place. And to my surprise, the plant got its first bud within first month itself.

  71. hai this is aravind, today i got information regarding this flower at ESI Quaters, Hyderabad. we rushed and saw 2 flowers bloomming. It was very nice experience.

    1. That is so Awesum Aravind Kumar Ganta, Yes it sure must be quite an wonderful experience to see the action! It is a really rare occasion and blessed one, I am still trying to grow my new Brahma Kamal plants healthy, its still a long wait...All the Best from Rizwana!

  72. Hi this is Rama from Hyd,i planted a few leaves last year during this time,now I saw a bud yet to bloom may be it Bloom's in another ten to fifteen days do I need to take any special care?

  73. Hi this is Rama from Hyd,i planted a few leaves last year during this time,now I saw a bud yet to bloom may be it Bloom's in another ten to fifteen days do I need to take any special care?

    1. Rama, this is so so Awesum! Hi have not seen the blooms on my plant, still waiting!but yes people try to tie the stem to give it support because the buds and flowers are quite heavy large sized.Do share the photographs about your flower, these are such Blessed moments!!!All the Best from Rizwana!

    2. Hi Rizwana, the buds came two days before but my husband given water of satyanarayan pooja to Brahma Kamala, this water added milk n kunku n haldi .... please suggest it has affected to plant buds

  74. Hi Rizwana, i had planted my first brahma kamal plant in aug2014 after coming across your blog. Today i see a bud in my plant after 18-20 months.Its such a awesome feeling, waiting for the bloom. Thank u

    1. That is So Awesum!!!!!Kanayo!!! Absolutely Stunning! All the Best, YES!!!! Do enjoy the Blessings from the Universe!!! Please do share the clicks of this Amazingly Beautiful Flower!

  75. Thankyou Rizwan,i will share the pics very much excited about it waiting to see the bloom soon.

  76. Thankyou Rizwan,i will share the pics very much excited about it waiting to see the bloom soon.

  77. Brahmakamal plant the most neglected plant in my grill didn't know about it till the gardener told while cleaning up it had 3buds on one leaf and 1on another I told the gardener to move the pot in such a way so bloom can be seen and in the process the main vein in the leaf with 3 buds got bent sooo sad did some plastic surgery with transparent sellotape pray it survives and blooms

  78. Brahmakamal plant the most neglected plant in my grill didn't know about it till the gardener told while cleaning up it had 3buds on one leaf and 1on another I told the gardener to move the pot in such a way so bloom can be seen and in the process the main vein in the leaf with 3 buds got bent sooo sad did some plastic surgery with transparent sellotape pray it survives and blooms

    1. Krishna Josyula, WOW! Yes it will, because the plant is tough one, my bent stem is rooted beside and began growing new plant leaves!Hope you get to see these Awesum blooms! do share your happiness with me and our Garden Care Simplified readers!I am still struggling, don't know When Lord will Bless me!will keep trying!
      you can also connect on face book group with this same name.
      All the Best from Rizwana!

  79. I have planted a leaf of bramhakamal 3 mths back but now half the leaf is turning brown as if its got dried n half leaf is normal plz suggest what to do

    1. Sailie, Hi, Brahma Kamal plant needs indirect light and well draining soil. Me too, since years the same things happened. The plant loves less watering and sprinkling water on leaves frequently. Try changing its place. Also beetles eat up leaves, check for this. Hope this helps! An the Best from Rizwana!

  80. Hi Rizwana, we had our first bloom today after about a year and it sure feels awesome. Read the tips in your blog. You suggest not to repot. I was just Considering it few weeks back since I have a very small pot and thought it's not sufficient. What do you suggest.

    1. WOW Rashmi! That is Awesummmm! I suggested against repotting,because people take a very large sized container and most plants die off. but if your plant has really long tentacles and cant hold itself in the present home, then go ahead,1) just see that the new pot is one size larger than the previous. Choosing a very large pot affects its growth and many plants do not take well to large pots. 2) choice of right type of soil, for firm rooting. All the Best from Rizwana! (My Brahma Kamal plants are growing happily but yet am waiting for the blooms...the blessings from the Universe! )

    2. Rashmi first blooms are so precious,so me ch joy, happiness, I am very happy for you!!! so out of this world experience, I am so waiting, when my plants will bloom....

  81. My bramha kamala blossoms 2 flowers yesterday

    1. WOW Shekhar, That is so Awesum! I am still waiting to experience this magic of the Universe! All the Best from Rizwana!

  82. Was blessed today with two brahmakamals....

    1. WOW Pramila! That is so Awesum!!!👍👍👍👏👏👏🙌🙌🙌

  83. I brought a small Brahmkaml plant from my friends house three years back and planted it in a pot. The pot is kept with all other plants in open and no special care as I am reading here for the first time was done. Still I feel my self lucky that I am observing a bud growing out from a leaf. I am awaiting for its blooming. Really speaking I was not aware that its a night blooming flower. Lets hope it will bloom and I will be blessed to see the flower. Thanks to bloggers for sharing lots of information.

    1. Oh WoW!Narendra Dad, this is so Awesum, three years, thats good!hope you get to see this magical flower! All the Best from Rizwana!

    2. Thanks, I am awaiting blooming. Still in bud stage.

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  85. We had 3 buds in the plant initially.... But later on one is growing (will bloom in another one week) and the other two seem to have dried up (black colored). Is it natural or has actually dried up? Will the other 2 buds still grow? Those 2 are still very small... Hardly about 3mm long....

  86. To my surprise i can c 6 tiny buds in my Brahmakamal plant. Indeed very lucky n feeling blessed. After a long wait of 3 years my plant will b full of blooms very soon.. Thnks to the blogger for ur tips... not to repot is what i learnt from u.

  87. Just wanted to know how long does a bud takes to bloom into a beautiful flower?

  88. I have 5-6 years old Brahma Kamal plant .. I seen every month have new buds ... But so sad .. buds automatically dry ups n felt it .. pls help me pls pls pls ... Help me

    1. Oh that's so sad! My plants have never got growth spurt. Though now they are growing new leaves. Your plant has buds meansyou are doing everything right. Then I think watering is not proper. Or maybe the Brahma Kamal plant lacks strength. I really hope someone guides you on this!

  89. I have a plant, It did not flower for the first 3 years, but after that ,has bloomed for the last 2 years in a row. This year it has 9 buds. I do keep it in a small pot, haven’t repotted, water it sparingly and it stays indoors with plenty of indirect sunlight.

    1. Thanks a lot for the suggestion and advice. My Brahma Kamal plants are now growing leaves. Guess I will have to wait for three years, provided the plants keep growing healthy. Yes, I used to transplant it often and they would not disturbing them... hoping some day to see the Brahma Kamal flower ...

  90. How do I share photos? Thanks

    1. You can share photos on my email and if you want your name to be published alongside of your plant photos in the next post on Garden Care Simplified, do let me know. Its free!

  91. Hi friends
    We had bought Brahma Kamal plant 10 years ago. Every year it blooms and gives 6 to 11 flowers. But I really feel very blessed to express that this time we are expecting more than 25 blooming of Brahma Kamals at a time at our home.

    1. WOW! That is so Awesome Rupali! More than 25 BRAHMA KAMAL flowers at a time! Sure will be a breathtaking view! Do share your happiness clicks! All the Best from Rizwana!

  92. Hello.had a query.i had planted it 3 years back.this year 1st flower bloomed and after that 6 buds came it became pink and then all 6 fell .can you let me know the reason.

    1. Three years, and you get flowers! You are lucky to experience the flowering of the mystical brahma kamal. I have painted so many brahma kamals that maybe one day... will get to see this flower...

    2. That is so sad Vishal, it would have been such a wonderful sight, so many brahma kamal flowers.1) It might have been attacked by white fungus or aphids, black spots on leaves. My plants also were sick, then I washed the insects,and shifted place of my plant pots.2) maybe too much sunlight or too much watering, something definitely changed 3) did anyone touch or mention anything, like evil eye glance,..this I have experienced, suddenly negative energy touch,...poor plants, Hope the plant makes strength and soon blesses you with beautiful blooms! Please do share your happiness the next time you get the blessing! All the Best from Rizwana! My plants, 4 of them are sprouting new leaves, that itself is a blessing for me!

  93. I am from uttarakhand and I have bought a plant today with two or three leaves .Should I place it in spot or in the soil and how much sunlight does it require ?

    1. So happy you have added new Brahma Kamla plants. uttarakhand has the original Brahma Kamal plants. it grows best in indirect or partial sunlight for few hours space. My plants have indirect sunlight and they seem happy. I would advise to grow the plant in containers as the Brahma Kamal plant loves to be root bound, in small space it grows best. Any new sapling needs some time to adjust to new environment and watering system with us so they get time to spread slowly in small container. Very huge space or directly in soil if you plant, they get lost and the roots also die soon with too much watering. If you plant a new sapling in soil take care to give it support and also protective side shield to prevent animals birds from killing it. Hope this helps, and do share how your plants of Brahma kamal progress in growth and when you get to see the flowers! All the Best from Rizwana!

  94. My brahma kamalam plant has suddenly gotten 2 very long shoots or stems about 3 feet long.
    Should I prune it or let it be?The pot is very small

  95. My brahma kamalam plant has put out 3 foot long shoot.Does it need to be pruned or trimmed

  96. No,I have tied my plant to a coir stick and wooden stick giving support to my Brahma kamal plant long leaves. You can trim leaves and replant in new pot,it takes few months to start a new plant from cuttings.I will share a video and details in next post.

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