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How to use flowers to activate chakras? Ritual explained Reiki Natural Gaia earth blessings for Chakra blocks

 Gardening and growing flowers with its passion also is beneficial to activate chakras. Flowers, especially vibrant coloured flowers growing in my garden always bring joy and I love fragrances, they are the best to purify and refresh environment with Gaia blessings. I bet you did not know anything about flowers except to use them in vases and garlands for decorative ornamental purposes. This post will help you for your life, read below. 

Parijaat flowers Tap tap padti angavarti prajakata chi phule--my favorite Marathi poem

Reiki energy flows from the Universe and we learn to draw energy to our body for feeling wellness and joy. Body is a temple and we have to take care of this daily with physical exercise, keeping body clean and our mind clear from negative thoughts. Gaia, Mother Earth blesses everyone but surely more for those who encourage and grow plants and fruit trees for the benefit of nature. Without any intention of earning anything there is gardening done for the pure joy of it! For me it is a challenge to see flowers bloom and I strive to communicate give my plants immense love and of course they reciprocate with awesome blooms even in challenging limited environments. Those of you who follow my blog know,  I prefer natural feedings and avoid any artificial fertilizers to promote flowering. 

Best Gaia blessings, phool, natural phool, flowers must not be thrown in dust bins. I use those dried flowers as natural fertilizers. Reiki energy can be promoted and attracted by using natural flowers. Chakras can be activated with the use of colorful flowers that represent each chakra. Red, blue, purple Amazing blooms activate chi.

First let us see which flowers activate which corresponding chakras-

Seven chakras have respective colour. 

Red Layered Hibiscus flower

Vishnukantha Pea flower Deep blue colour flowers

Root chakra Muladhara- red colour- Red colour flowers-Lal rang ke  Phool- Hibiscus , Roses, Lillies, Amaryllis, are Awesum Red!

Day lilly yellow flower

Purple orchid

Yellow shevanthi flowers

shevanthi flowers

red rose flower

Sexual chakra Swadhishthana- orange colour. Orange colour flowers, Narangi Gerua a mix of orange and red colours,  rang phool-chrysanthemums, Zinnias, genda phool, jhendu ke phool 

Solar plexus Manipura-yellow colour. Pila rang ke phool. day lily. and one of my favorite-unknow herbal plant that has immensely beautiful yellow flowers, but the fragrance is bitter. Zinnias, yellow

Marigold flowers

Jai chameli fragrant flower

chrysanthemums are beautiful. 
Gladiolus flowers terrace garden

Rose flower

Pink balsam flowers

Red amaryllis lily flower

Yellow rose flower from my window garden

Heart chakra Anahata-Green and pink color. Hare rang ke phool. green colour flowers- It is rare to see green flowers hence we use leaves of Tulsi, aloevera gel, mint pudhina, for activation of heart chakra. Pink colour flowers are used here for heart chakra. Roses are best, along with water lily and lotus flowers. Understand that most part of our body is water. hence water flowers are very good for heart chakra. 

Dahlia flowers

Pink hibiscus flower

Dahlia flower

Jhendu flower chrysanthemum orange

Throat chakra Vishuddha- Light Blue color. Neela rang ke phool. Light blue flowers- Soft blue hydrangeas, and pea flower's are good. 

Third eye chakra Ajna- deep blue colour. Gehra neela rang phool. Vishnukanta flowers,  blue bell flowers, violets in blue are good. 

Crown chakra Sahasrara-  Lilac Purple colour. Baigani rang phool. I have seen chrysanthemums, zinnias, petunias so healing in vibrant purple colour. You also have purple hearts with their amazing purples leaves. 

choosing flowers for ritual of healing chakras- Use natural flowers that are fresh from your garden plants and if not possible then buy cut flowers from market. Avoid using dried flowers for this energy activation use. Also be careful of wild foul smelling flowers that will not bring good energy. It is advisable to read about spiritual symbolism of flower before you choose them for healing purpose.  

The procedure to use flowers is like this-

Take flower petals and rub them gently. form a paste using stone hand crusher and not mixer. We need Gaia Mother Earth blessings for chakra healing with flowers. Avoid electric energy. Add water if required or natural oil, whatever you are comfortable with.

Rub the paste over corresponding chakras gently in slow motion circular movements. First anti clockwise and then seal the energy with clock wise movements. This will first unblock the energy accumulated and then will replenish with fresh chi. You will benefit more if you do the ritual for front body as well as backside on your body. For the root chakra you have to rub oil in area just above your private parts and backside -the buttocks. Sexual energy activation shows immense relief from insecurities and relationship issues which are linked to self love and karuna. All fears, doubts, trust issues, insecurities melt away. Swadhishthana with orange energy will bring a satisfaction joy energy in life. Solar plexus my favorite will activate energy will to survive, creative energy in life. Gut strength can be developed with the use of yellow. Intuition, goal achievement, planning and focus. Heart chakra for giving and receiving love and also about self acceptance and self love. Throat chakra activation will help you with clarity of speech. to express your thoughts and needs without getting angry, trust me on this, once your vocal chords are healed and throat chakra is happy you will find it very easy to communicate personal needs with the world. Clarity of expression will bring you peace and joy in life. Anjana chakra third eye is intuition focus and dhyaan. People apply bindi but you must avoid it as it may clog the energy here. Use flowers for activation with natural oils. Blue flowers are soothing to the mind and soul and also assist in healing migraines and stress headaches. Purple colour, such a beautiful spiritual colour brings connection to the higher self. God self, true self. A religious colour of spirituality and royalty purple flowers bring in an aura of glowing energy.  

Colours that heal Garden Care Simplified

Body is a temple Old figurative abstract Rizwana A.Mundewadi

Your body is your temple, purify it, activate it and take care of it! 

The artwork done is very old, twenty years old figurative abstract painting done using oil paints on linen, "Body is a temple"  available for sale. The inspiration for today's post!

Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

Ambhali flowers look like birds! Amazing Flowers with unique shapes look like something else with scientific Names

 Ambhali flowers look like birds! Amazing  Flowers with unique shapes! Cyanotis adscendens have shape like birds. Flowers that look like something else. When I saw national geographic channel and then You Tube videos of worlds top flowers, unique flowers and rare flowers, it was shocking as well as interesting to see their shapes. Mother Nature's amazing artistry! Some flowers look like birds, some like monkey, some like cup saucers, there are some flowers that are funnel shaped, very huge in size with single tubular flower, some are like human skull, some like human reproductive organs, which is a fact that all these are a way of nature to attract insects for pollination. This is Nature;s way to attract and facilitate pollination and spread their species. No wonder those rare flowers still continue to grow and are not extinct. 

Parrot flowers small size painting by Rizwana A.Mundewadi

Vibrant colours, unique shapes and atypical or strong musty odorous flowers ,usually orchids that will bring your brain to wonder about similarities to organs, to reproductive organs. Flowers resembling various figures, plants or animals.

The flamboyant orchids are amazing with thousands of varieties and almost all such rare flowers are in category of orchids. 

Monkey faced orchid is called Dracula Simia. Unique monkey face shaped flowers 

Moth orchid- Phalaenopsis. It is like moth.

Darth Vader Aristolochia Salvadorensis. The black skull shape flower.

Naked man orchid-orchis Italica..Magenta pink and white flowers in shape of human man. grow in bunches.

Hooker's lips- Psychotria Elata. Fantastic red lips shape flowers.

Dancing girls- Impatiens Bequaertii. White flowers Shape of dancing girls 

Laughing Bumble bee orchid- Ophrys bomybiflora. Shape of bee

Swaddled babies- Anguloa Uniflora. babies wrapped in cloth

Parrot flower Impatiens Psittacina. pink colour parrot shaped with red head and green beaks. like parrots.

Snap Dragon seed pod- Antirrhinum-like human skull

White Egret Orchid Habenaria Radiata

Flying Duck orchid Caleana Major/Deep purple flowers in  shape of duck.

Tiger Orchid-Yes! Amazing face of Tiger  inside the off white petals.

Happy Alien Calceolaria Uniflora. ET faced ,alien face and shape flower.

Very beautiful-Angel Orchid Habenaria Grandifloriformis-flower shape of an white angel 

Dove orchid Holy Ghost Peristeria Elata-shape of dove

Ballerina Orchid, yes the shape of a ballerina!

(information about orchid names credit to Google Search)

The paintings of healing flowers as I continued in making these are are flowers with unique colors and there was suddenly the fascination to parrot flowers for their immense resemblance to birds-parrot. With its uniqueness and symbolism I painted this artwork of parrot flowers in year 2015 without much knowledge about the flower, except for the fascination for its shape. 

Parrot Flowers painting Reiki healing floral art  by the Red Pilgrim

Thailand auspicious flowers. Impatiens psittacina known as parrot flower or parrot balsam is a species from southeast Asia. This is a species of balsam. There is a ban to export these flowers and this is a protected species. The flower needs extremely hot and wet climate as is in Thailand and Myanmar. Hence this flower cannot be grown in any garden or anywhere in the world-hence the rarity and opulence status of these parrot flower. 

Opulent blooms are rare and worth their status. Symbols of royalty these flower paintings bring joy to any space. Orchids are costliest flowers and difficult to grow. Beautiful Rare flowers, I must mention here my obsession with the Brahma Kamal. yes, these one night blooms are the costliest in the world as they cannot be sold, the flowers dry off in one night and seeing the Brahma kamal flower is also a rarity so I continue to grow these in my window garden and have painted the flower painting in hope of attracting blessings form the Lord Brahma! God of creation!

Blooms of Opulence by Rizwana A.M

. I still buy rare plants from different places we travel and though difficult to grow in challenging environment of low sunlight, continue to feed my passion of gardening!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

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