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symbolism of broken flower garlands and why you will always check puja flowers from now! how to use broken flowers?

Broken flowers symbolism

 Why you will check flowers before buying a garland from now, read this post for symbolism of broken flowers. With gardening since many decades and experiencing different types of challenges during gardening of terrace, window, entrance gardens and indoor gardens here I am with feng shuii insights for your knowledge about flowers. Puja flowers are used as offering in temples and for home temples it is an everyday task to get fresh flowers. Usually people book to an online flower supplier who will put the packet of garlands in your door grill daily morning. It is very important to have fresh flowers for offering gods and as garlands.

Marriage garlands too need to be made from fresh flowers and even though they are made previously and packed the flower sellers know how to keep them fresh for long so they will guide you for this during any function, puja or any occasions to maintain freshness of flowers for longer hours. 

I love the lily flowers because of their fragrance and roses always are the best in garlands with mogra and chameli used as hair decoration gajras.

We buy garlands on order and rarely think about what flowers are used. It is best to choose flowers and order the garlands to be prepared fresh in front of you. Buy less flowers if your don't find good quality rather than purchasing broken flowers. 

Earlier made garland will already have depleted chi and soon they wills tart wilting which is not such a good feng shuii, especially for marriage functions. Flower garlands are used to uplift chi on your body and in your space. Imagine flowers that already have seen a day and they have begun the tip edges browning, such flowers are inauspicious for puja or any function.

Broken flowers symbolism is very very important for you to understand the feng shuii energy here. If you gift broken flower garlands or sue such in marriages this energy will be transferred to the couple with incomplete energy thus intentions spreading of already facing challenges in marriage. 

Puja garlands are hung to beautify space and please God's and imagine those wilted or broken flower garlands that send the message to9 your brain of incomplete energy. Avoid fallen flowers from the ground to be used in puja garlands.

You will be very careful of broken flower garlands and broken flower bouquets for any occasion as this is bad feng shuii. 

fallen flowers on ground are never offered to God
falling in love with Yellow! lately the solar plexus healing is on my top list!

Free flow- Digestive system detox solar plexus Reiki healing arts meditation video on YouTube.

Activate Manipura chakra with this free Reiki arts meditation video

Another very important point here, never steal flowers or take free flowers without permission as this also brings energy of stealing in the flowers. God's are never pleased with stolen flower garlands! Even if its your society garden it is not your right to pluck flowers. You only have right over your personal garden flowers, that too I always avoid plucking flowers from plants as I have noticed that they live longer on plant itself than cut flowers. If I have to pluck or cut any flower I request the plant for their offering and then cut it. That way I have seen those flowers bring more fragrance and beauty and good chi to any one or any space. 

Avoid incomplete floral energy in any form, especially broken flowers as they are symbolic of hurdles, incompleteness and lack. You must not activate your wealth sector with broken flowers as this will affect your prosperity adversely. Never gift a bouquet that has broken flower or even greeting cards or any objects that show broken flowers. Paintings of broken flowers is very bad feng shuii for home and office.

What to do of broken flowers? you will not throw away broken flowers. If outside petals have begun to dry you can remove them and then keep the flowers in activated water for longer shelf life of flowers. 

You can go creative and open up petals of e flower and use that to make a creative floral arrangement or mix colours garland. 

petals floating on water look so beautiful and also spread good vibes. 

Never throw those flower petals, add them as compost to your plants. I have been doing that for very bouquet and plant flowers-use the dried flower petals to enrich the container soil. 

Holi and making rangoli -be creative with dropped flower petals and broken petals. Merge them with colours to make them useful. Dhoop agarbattis are made with temple flower remains and recycled beautifully. Use your flowers and allow their energy to uplift you even after they dry. Hibiscus, Marigold and orchids release natural colours and are eco friendly. My last post was about how to use flowers for activating healing chakras. How to heal skin scars using face masks with flowers.

Maintaining fresh flower is difficult hence many are opting for silk and artificial flowers. Remember to keep these dust free and clean.

Balsam Energy RED window garden

Yellows flowers energy rules!


names of  Yellow flowers-  Jhendu Marigold, Lilly, Calla Lilly, Carnations, daisy, Gerbera, Daffodils, Begonia, sunflowers, chrysanthemums,  Zinnias Hibiscus Roses , Golden shower, canna, gladiolus, pansy, primrose, , Hyacinth , water lilly, day lilly, There is so much healing energy in the colour yellow. It will soothe your solar plexus and heal your digestive system. Add yellow flowers to your garden! one of my beautiful yellow healing flower painting for sale on my website.

Contemporary yellow Flowers healing art for sale

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!


Money plant growing around full house feng shuii/Is your wealth luck running away with money plant? birds feeding in feng shuii

Is your wealth luck running away with money plant?
Wealth flow hurdles is what I am dealing two topics in this post. Title is interesting and read below as most of you are doing this mistake! there is a special wealth tip at end. Money plant may not always be the most luckiest plant for your wealth luck. I have noticed people suffering from excessive stress, debts and health issues and on checking I saw that they had loads of money plant growing in their home. 

Weeds and creepers of any type need to be cared, trimmed and maintained for them to bring positive vibes to your garden and home. You unknowingly deplete your chi, personal as well as environmental with this mistake.

On my window garden side all are happy with summers on peak I need to water them regularly as there is excessive heat outside. My birdies too enjoy the cool, indoors(I have never kept them outside in window as they are delicate and cant bear the outside environment).I miss my terrace garden where birds would come to dip and drink and bathe with joy in the cool bird bath I had kept.

pigeons drinking water in terrace garden

Birds enjoying cool water dip during summers my Terrace garden 

My lovely Boku love bird

Birdie and angel

Goldie love bird the Golden Monk

Goldie enjoying time out 

Blue bird exercising playing


Honey and her friends
One foot Budgie love bird Bunny flying happily -watch her video
dried bamboo shoots

The yellow flowering plant was so happy but I think we lost it...this time...

Thick roots of money plant growing on house wall.

 there was an enquiry about house being surrounded by money plant creeper and its symbolism. Do you think the house people will be overflowing with wealth? Each leaf of the Epipremnum aureum,  Devil's Ivy, Golden pothos, and many varieties are seen of this house plant.

There is a belief that as long as the plant keeps growing you will never fall short of money. Now the feng shuii symbolism too says that the plant is termed money plant and sued as money luck cure. Here is an interesting shocking part now. I have been growing this plant since childhood. And it behaves strangely sometimes. As a child I would get scared as it grew large elaves and took over the garden walls and there was an monstrous energy in those thick leaves that would some how feel as if they were clinging to humans too. I have closely observed the money plant and their roots feel sticky and they do have strong pulling energy. Then as I read the Sherlock homes and the vine that would become alive at night my fears increased. 

Coming to reality of this beautiful plant you will need to keep it in control and guide its growth to enjoy benefits. money doesn't come easy and here is why. If money plant is left to grow on own it sometimes sucks to walls and if the walls are damp or leaking drains pipes giving water supply this plant will be very happy and grow like wild! You will see the money plant grow huge with absolutely thick roots and leaves of huge sizes as it clings to your house walls. 

Now when you will find out the inmates of such houses will be in high stress, health issues ,chronic sicknesses, debts and even feel stuck up in same place without any progress in life. Feng shuii chi is activated with green plants but such clinging plants drain chi from the house and environment sucking away energy from humans. 

Houses too will develop cracks and leakages will be a regular feature is such houses. Even with repeated repairs and painting the house you will notice it again gets the dark haunted look with creeper taking over and moss fungus growing on wall. 

Infinite flow of money-growing technique of money plant in this post.

Grow the money plant with care to see wealth luck results in your money flow.

Do not grow it outside your house where you fear it will take over the walls or you fear it will be stolen. yes, I have had that experience where my plant was almost finished by people stealing that with belief that stolen money plant is auspicious for wealth luck! why? how come stolen will have good karmic energy? Another thing I don't like is people asking for ready made plants from my garden, why? they can get it from any nursery with few bucks and that too already planted in pots! sad part is they don't even care for the cuttings as they are free!

Not going in detail of growing money plant-there are previous posts on Garden Care Simplified.

Birds in this post have been specifically linked to wealth luck. In feng shuii we say feeding birds and keeping water for them will bring blessings and heavenly luck to your life. This is an incomplete truth. Yes, birds feedings do bring feng shuii heaven luck but if done in right way. 

Please do not feed birds from your house, it brings ill health and wealth losses. It is advisable that you immediately stop feeding birds from your windows and doors. This brings health issues and lots of confusing energy to your life. There is also risk of birds deaths due to accidentally  flying close to houses with wires threads and clothes' lines hanging out. You can keep small water containers in the summers but do not encourage flocks of birds visiting regularly to your windows especially pigeons as they never leave! they nest and make it their home for generations! which in turn becomes a health hazard for humans staying there. 

No wonder you see in Shakrukh Khan's movie Dil wale Dulhaniya le jayege that Amrish Puri goes to another place and even near fields to feed the pigeons and birds. I also sued to do this, now stopped after I read extensively about feng shuii and birds. The correct way to invite birds heavenly luck go to a river, sea or garden and then feed the birds. you will see instant changes in your life energy and luck and those unknown souls, angels in disguise will come in form of birds and bless you.  You will see immediate results. 

So wealth flow will open up and then you have to maintain your karmic balance with good thoughts and good actions to keep the limitless flow of money. 

are you wasting life luck elements energy? interesting post

Money will always be enough and more!!!

Money flow energy Every Day Reiki healing arts meditation video on YouTube Channel the Red Pilgrim!

In Feng Shuii do you know why we lay so much importance on coins? 

we can as well place notes and currency paper for activating wealth in our prosperity sector or wealth area isn't it? but we choose coins. Coins may be of lower value in money currency but they are high in Feng Shuii energy value. What is the correct number of feng shuii coins for wealth luck? 3, 5, 7, 9, 21, 27 and go on if you want to!  They have the strongest element of metal luck. I have already mentioned the tip of growing two plants in two pots.  Best is Jade but personally I have not had much luck with growling succulents. So choose money plants or Chinese Bamboo plants, remember to keep them healthy other wise two Feng shuii wealth luck coins paintings will also do. 

Buy original Reiki feng shuii money cure paintings.

Take two coin s or nine coins and plant them in soil. As you water your plants daily and see the plants grow new shoots and taller you will notice their blessings coming your way in magical wealth source activation. Be careful to maintain them and avoid to much cutting and throwing, you can replant those cuttings to conserve energy beautiful wealth chi from going waste.

Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified!

All the Best from Rizwana! 


Can I heal skin with hibiscus flowers for face scars? Magical glowing skin with hibiscus and Reiki! how to apply skin care with garden flowers?

 Hibiscus is a lovely flower with immense medicinal properties. Loved by Gods especially Ganesha loves the red layered hibiscus these flowers have been used since ancient times for beauty purposes. Have heard of many natural flowers apart from aloe Vera used for skin glowing. so , Can hibiscus be used for face skin scars? will hibiscus flowers mask help prevent acne? is this an anti aging skin formula? 

Tiny Reiki Art cards for skin glow and Health specific intentions! get your's made  by The Red Pilgrim

Red Layered hibiscus flower

Natural acids present in hibiscus flowers purify skin and this also helps prevent skin acne and pimples'. Very rich in anti aging properties.  Helps reduce ageing spots and brings freshness to skin. The mask has skin tightening properties. AHAs in hibiscus flowers help in improving skin complexion, Vitamin C helps in lightening the skin tone,  and Vitamin E moisturizes the skin.

For skin acne use the flower petals with yoghurt. Whip it and apply for fifteen minutes, wash with cool water. Hibiscus also helps reduce under eyes circles and puffiness of eyes when used as application in paste form. There is also another magical ingredient, rice powder that has anti ageing properties and you can combine these two along with yoghurt to make your special face mask. Besan (gram flour) and even wheat flour is good. You can add aloe Vera, and even honey. 

You will also find that hibiscus flowers mask has properties of de-tanning your skin. Thus a fairer skin with fresh glow emerges with regular skin care using hibiscus. 

Hair care routine can be with petals as well as leaves. Yoghurt as a mix for this paste helps condition hair, wash with mild shampoo after the application treatment for twenty minutes for your hair.  You can also sue the hibiscus flowers to dye your hair, it brings a reddish tint to your crowning glory with assisting in hair health. 

use flowers for uplifting your skin with natural care. Rose petals face mask is also good, so also lotus flowers. But Hibiscus is the most loved for its good results and easy availability. garden flowers have their own benefits and you can pamper your skin with recycling these instead of throwing those garden flowers.

Which colour hibiscus is good for skin face mask?  The most common ones found are reds and pinks. Red hibiscus flowers have a colorant that is beneficial in dyeing hair. I would suggest choose white, yellow, and pink hibiscus flowers for your face masks. 

White Hibiscus flowers 

When is the best time to apply hibiscus face masks? apply it before the sun grows too hot for maximum benefits. Grind the flowers fresh for quick results. There is also evening time for application that helps. Avoid application of the face mask at night. The purpose I am suggesting is to allow your skin to absorb the nutrients well with day sun light. 

How long does a hibiscus mixture stay fresh? Unlike other natural products that can be ground and stored in bottles this one has not such a shelf life.  I am afraid you will have to freshly grind this hibiscus flowers and use this for best results. You can grind rice powder and besan powder and store it and finally mix the formula before application. Making a paste and keeping it too long will bring changes and you will see the paste darken and leave watery deposits. Why take risk with skin care and face masks, make it fresh and use it. 

Try Reiki healing arts mediation for skin scars, wounds and skin diseases, watch this video while I write the symbols live on YouTube Channel The Red Pilgrim.

Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified! 

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

Interesting post! Hibiscus leaves burnt tips

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