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How to keep your indoor plants always fresh? Important Mistakes for Indoor placement of plants/ Tricks for Healthy home office plants

Homes displaying healthy happy ferns, palms and Orchids look so nice isn't it! I personally love to see indoor plants with modern decor as they bring live energy, fresh energy to any home. In feng shuii green growing plants are a symbol of wealth and prosperity. I tried that but I tell you frankly they can't remain indoors for long! they wilt, dry, they attract fungus and even look dull in few days. Love is not enough! then how come we see offices and homes flaunting always fresh healthy indoor plants?

So here I am sharing the tricks and explaining the reasons why indoor plants have a smaller shelf life.  

Spiritual artwork displayed with healthy indoor plant Indoor plants
Spiritual artwork displayed with healthy indoor plant Indoor plants 

When you see Chinese lucky Bamboo plants on office tables be assured many will complain they die even after caring and few say they are lucky and boast about it, the trick is the original plants have adaptability genes so they may survive. Usually people quietly replace them for fresh ones. Some do the trick of talking to plants and giving them love. Many also take their pots home to give them a bath and some sunlight. Thus plants who tend to get bored love these family trips and look happy and healthy. How to activate chakras with plants? read here.

 I homes I have noticed with indoor plants that they are grown in containers of plastic or mud. The ornamental containers outside are just for beauty of the decor. So someone removes the containers regularly at week or fortnight or a month depending upon the type of indoor plants and gives them sunlight. Then again the original plant pots are again placed indoors in their ornamental containers. This process is very important as there is limited sunlight and air in side homes and air conditioned offices. 

Showing example of best placement of indoor plants-
Glass Doors Windows Indoor Plants placement

When you have glass windows and doors they bring in so much light and even fresh air. In such cases you will see happy indoor plants. This is provided they do not get direct sunlight for too many hours, here again too much sunlight burns the leaves and then plant may even die. 
White rooms and decors spread more light for indoor plants

Indoor plant displays need rotating regularly for healthy look
Read on- why Brahma kamal plants drop?
sunlight coming from glass windows brings good energy for indoor plants
Offices and large corporate buildings have regular garden maintenance contracts where the containers of indoor plants are rotated and replaced with fresh ones. These garden maintenance people then take the plants, trim them, clean them and give them some sunlight and feedings to upright them up. And they are ready to go to another home or office for indoor plants display. Even marriage functions celebrations parties have such indoor plants display for temporary basis with paid services. Next time when you see healthy indoor plants don't get depressed or jealous, that you are unable to grow these!   remember someone cares for them, someone rotates them, talks to them and takes them for outings!!! Grow feng shuii plants indoors for fresh vibes and beautiful energy. 
For your home indoor plants-
1) buy ornamental containers separately and do not plant directly in the showy containers. 
2) use plastic well draining containers that are light weight. You have to carry them out or in the bathroom or kitchen for bathing thoroughly and place them on window sill or windows for some fresh energy refreshment.
3) Do not place indoor plants directly in way of sunlight coming in for long hours, they will burn leaves. Choose a spot where only morning or AFTERNOON SUNLIGHT POURS INSIDE. 
4) Keep watch for plant pests and too much root growths. When they need trimming and replacement take the decision. 
5) for homes near industrial areas where too much soot, grime, dust comes in you will need to wipe the leaves with soft cloth to allow them to breathe. A spray bottle helps here where you can mist water over leaves without making much mess indoors. 
6) Plants are not meant for only indoors. they will not be completely happy with limited resources. It is good to keep rotating some. You have to be particular of which plant seems happy in which p-lace, once you find that they grow happily. I keep shifting, rotating, till I find the right spots where they seem comfortable and happy. They adapt. Then they grow!! 
Hope this helps! I have been passionately striving with different garden challenges of terrace garden,  window gardens, table top gardens , entry ways gardens and have tons of practical experiences without spending a ton. sharing-Pouring my heart The Garden of my Dreams
Grow plants!!Do your bit!! 
Happy Gardening from Rizwana!
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