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Can you place Brahma Kamal plant with Ardanareshwara Idol and Vishnukanta plant in Temple garden?

 Ardanareshwara, multiple energy idol. Most loved Lord Shiva form because of its feminine aspect to the strong shiva shakti male. Placing a group of spiritual energy plants in temple garden , Brahma kamal, Vishnukanta and Idol of Ardanareshwara,  in pooja room, brings so many questions doubts to your mind, trying to answer the query here in this post. Temple gardens are grown with specific chosen plants and the right combinations brings peace wealth and blessings. Something going wrong brings imbalance, uneasiness, losses in work money business and even prone to accidents and death of members. 

Brahma Kamal blessings auspicious plant, one of my favourites, still waiting to see its blooms, is a mystical flower and connected to energy of Lord Brahma, believed in Hinduism to be the God, creator of the universe.

Vishnukanta flower plant

Parijaata flowers

Brahma Kamal flowers

Vishnukanta creeper plant

Vishnukanta is hassle free creeper and grows really fast. It is almost always loaded with amazingly deep blue coloured flowers and it also spread's fast dropping its seeds everywhere and growing happily! I have collected many seeds they are bountiful!

I have many Vishnukanta plant seeds 
Brahma Kamal plants in my window garden(old photo, they have grown beautifully now!)

fresh additions

Make your own room freshener!(soda bi carb, spices)

Red Hibiscus flower

It is really magical as the flower blooms only for one night with its heavenly majestic beauty and Earthy woody fragrance. The flower blooms after many years, some say fourteen, some fifteen, some lucky have them flowering yearly and some in few months once the maturity is reached. There is strong belief that the Brahma kamal flower only blooms in special homes and that whenever this happens the family is blessed with lots of happiness, goodluck and wealth. Fascinated with Saussurea obvallata, night blooming cactus, I have grown so many Brahma Kamal plants over the years but many died and those now are first time growing healthy in my window garden seeming happy with long tentacle like leaves, hoping someday to see it blooms!

The Ardanareshwara Idol is placed for blessings and many people put together a few spiritual energy plants to activate and decorate their pooja room. Consisting of three energy words arda nari and Ishwara, meaning half woman and Lord. Google mentions the description of Ardanareshwara -  that the Lord whose half is woman.  A combination of Shiva and Parvati-shakti, it is believed to be a combination of masculine and feminine energies. This Ardanareshwara God idol is so symbolically charged and image that is sued in home especially to attract blessings for couples. For harmony in home and spreading love respect mutual understanding between spouses. Used to clear bad karma and bring family together special puja is done of this God. 

Today this is most needed to bring in harmony between energies of every individual. Men need to activate their Yin feminine energy part and develop more understanding caring compassionate energy and women need to empower themselves coming out of the self pity mode to confident male Yang counterparts. Every individual has these two latent energies, only one may be dominant. There is also imbalance sometimes when women have strong Yang energies and men partner have low yin passive mode, which may sometimes create energy tussles.  It is important that balanced individuals develop both , hence the Ardanareshwara is loved and must be placed in many homes.  

Basically we want to empower ourselves with combined blessings. Ardanareshwara is a constructive force that benefits all. As you grow spiritually you will not tolerate lies, injustice and you become more caring humble and compassionate. 

Pooja rooms have a close link to our spiritual daily routines and lifestyles and people love to decorate with artificial plants and flowers. Nowadays with healthy options we see people choose spots that receive some sunlight and want to grow healthy plants here to keep energy fresh. Of course the choicest is the Brahma Kamal plant, no hassles, less watering and care and when it magically blooms, bravo, so much Joy! Then the blue flower plant, Vishnukanta a deep purple blue flowering plant, blue pea flower,  that brings so much spiritual energy and activates the third eye, try meditating into the abyss of blue, it works! Flower of Lord Shiva, Vishnukanta. Deep blue colour flowers on this creeper are of immense spiritual benefits. It activates your third eye and helps ease migraine headaches, brings clarity in thoughts and relieves stress. 

Photo of Brahma Kamla flower blooming by reader of garden care simplified

About keeping these together people have restricted vision about God/Universe energies, the creator, and their significance. I would suggest make the garden healthy, clean, clutter free and and growing a combination of flowering plants if you have the opportunity.  

There is a special plant you missed, Red Layered Hibiscus that is favourite of The Elephant Headed God, Lord Ganesha. Auspicious , blessings, new beginnings, protective energy and attracting wealth and peace, this is a spiritual plant seen in most Hindu home gardens and the flowers are almost regularly offered in temples and to home puja room idols. I see this flower as spiritual energy loaded as the layers will take you deep as you meditate over this. The touch of hibiscus is soothing to the mind body and spirit. It feels slightly rubbery and coated with shine. 

Reading about Shiva, it seems he does not like to be offered haldi and kum kum. He is also angered by injustice and treating other people badly or taking away someone's rightful. Kevda-Ketaka and champa-Champaka flowers are believed to be cursed by Lord Shiva hence it is not advisable to offer these during Shiva puja. There is also belief that offering red coloured flowers to Lord Shiva angers him. Hence it is advisable to avoid offering red hibiscus flowers during Vishnu pooja, MahaShivratri. 

Decorating the puja room can be done using live growing plants and lamps with natural fire burning, oil diyas. We have to be careful with God energies as thoughts and beliefs , spiritual texts have tons of advise. personally I never think much about growing any plant and all my focus is to see the plants happy and flowering. The sole belief that the Universe loves us all and never wants to see anyone unhappy and in pain. 

With Shiva the energy is really powerful, Ardanareshwar brings compassion and sympathy, soothing to the fire energy of Shiva. This energy of Shiva needs to be handled with care otherwise people in process of getting kundalini shakti awakened with Shivshakti, go crazy and sometimes mad. 

When you understand symbolism energy of each plant you also know that some benefit and some clash. So it is advisable to avoid growing plants in such combinations which brings doubts and negative energy in your mind.

All plants are auspicious and you can choose growing them at few feet distance apart instead of clubbing the energy in your temple garden.  Usually people prefer growing the Brahma Kamal plant outside home and only flowers are offered during puja. So the Ardanareshwara Temple would love Vishnukanta flowers growing joyfully and offered. You can grow spiritual energy plants and I still wonder why roses are never used in spiritual temple offerings, we see marigold jhendu hibiscus but never roses in temples. any answers?

Blue pea flower Vishnukanta flower 

Hope this brought some clarity to your temple plants selection and growing ideas. I love this one, amazingly heavenly fragrance is the lovely Gardenia, Anant, as the name suggests , this plant really brings immense peace and joy! 

Anant flower Gardenia heavenly fragrance flower

All the Best and Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

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