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Shocking facts of Sada Phuli Flower Plants energy! Where to avoid growing Periwinkle Vinca Rose plants feng shui?

Shocking facts of Sada Phuli Flower Plants! Where to avoid growing Periwinkle Vinca Rose plants?the most wide spread plant sada phuli as its name suggests evergreen all year round flowering plant has its own shocking facts which we never knew. After growing peri winkle plants since more than twenty years of various colours have come up with this post from my personal experience and feng shuii energy effects on my home. Why you will think twice before choosing this as home garden plant! 
Shocking facts of sada phuli flower plants!

Red Sada Phuli flower plant Periwinkle plant Vinca Rose
In feng shui we love to have such all year flowering plants that grow happily without much care. People say this is sada phuli- the name itself says self flowering ever flowering.
I actually had the non flowering type! also and however much I tired it never blossomed maybe the peri winkle too has some febrility issues at times in certain plants.  The most flowering type was pink magenta coloured. the other sada phuli plant colours-orange-white-red,shaded require some extra care and also do not grow as profusely as the dark fluorescent pink type. The other plants also died faster if not watered with care and also were noticed weaker in survival during pest attacks.
I have noticed in winters the sada phuli gets attacked by white aphids, pests, red ants, white bugs, fungus and all this needs care and maintenance. We thus must understand its feng shui energy.
Never grow vinca rose in bedroom or living room, kitchen windows as the pests transfer with air inside your home. This affects health of your family. 
The safe section is away from windows and that receives some sunlight for at least few hours of day.
Another thing mentionable in feng shui energy of plants is this Vinca rose plants grows viral if left unattended. There was my terrace garden where I was shocked to see every container having sada phuli plants growing fast and then I noticed the dropped flowers were fast to spring into new plants and though this gave happiness to see a bed of bright pink flowers, the sad part was that the original plants growing in containers felt weak and many would die also due to competition in nourishment.  
Feng shui goodluck plants have certain characteristics. All year flowering, easy growing, less maintenance, survival plants that can face harsh climatic conditions and yet grow healthy, these are great feng shuii goodluck plants for abundance and prosperity. 
Roses also , king of flowers, do not rule feng shuii list of goodluck plants because they need extra care for flowering and have very sharp thorns. 
Chinese evergreen, Bamboo, Jade, Snake plant, peace lily all can be grown indoors too with less care and these also are rare in pest attacks' and you can keep them green without much care expect watering and keeping their leaves trimmed and clean glossy. 
The smell of sada phuli plants was mentioned in ancient texts as bitter and good for health. Practically I have found the smell over powering and triggering migraine attacks' and uneasiness in body and mind. Especially if many sada phuli plants are growing together the smell will be very strong and repelling. 
I love the sada phuli plant for its amazing flowers and have seen that rats also avoid these. As borders to gardens and walkways these are great plants to prevent mosquitoes also. But you must not stay in close quarters with the vinca rose plants. Keep it far from your home garden and window to avoid strong whiff of fragrance with winds.
Magic tip with growing Sada phuli plant- Use this plant to ward off evil spirits from backyard gardens and those gardens that have unpleasant views. The feng shui evil eye cure plant will work wonders to your home energy in these terms of use.
Latest Youtube shorts-destroy haunted house evil spirit furniture energy video

Thank you and hope this helps!
Feng shuii activators can enhance your space and you can use this balcony and terrace to activate life luck heavenly luck and amazing blessings. As I always say on my Feng shui-Simple Cures blog  always remember the universe has everything in just have to tap this correctly! 
Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! Buy Reiki flower paintings for health wealth and joy.



Plant Therapy Growing Blue flowers can heal your throat chakra! Germany's National flower Blue corn flower

 With throat's diseases on rise focusing on Throat chakra healing here is a fantastic idea, grow more blue colour flowering plants and see the amazing energy activate your throat chakra! Found interesting information on this blue corn flower of Germany. Cornflower is Germany's National flower.  In the 1800s, Wilhelm I, emperor of Prussia, proclaimed the flower as his favorite and made it a symbol of the nation. Its color, also known as Prussian blue, came to be the dominant color for the uniforms worn by the Prussian Army. The most iconic German flower is probably edelweiss. Germany in the spring, you've probably noticed rolling fields of BRIGHT yellow flowers. These are fields of rapeseed blooming, an important crop for German. (Google search).

A blue flower (German: Blaue Blume) was a central symbol of inspiration for the Romanticism movement, and remains an enduring motif in Western art today. It stands for desire, love, and the metaphysical striving for the infinite and unreachable. It symbolizes hope and the beauty of things. (Google search).

Blue Corn flower National Flower of germany
Blue is the colour of the throat chakra. the mantra to activate this is "hum" Diseases of throat, thyroid imbalances, cough, hoarse voice, tonsilitis, tonsil stones, bad breath ,mouth ulcers, inflammation of mouth and even oral cancer can benefit with sue of colour blue in surroundings. grow blue flowering plants for clarity in throat chakra and healing throat diseases. Try it, it works! *disclaimer-plant therapy is not a replacement to modern medicine but it will work wonders along with your treatment modalities and medications. 
Making Blue Roses cubism painting

Passion flower 

Petunia flower

Calla lilly click from a plant exhibition

Deep Blue Vishnukanta pea flower

Blue water fountain

floral display

Amazing Blue purple flowers

Some blue colour flowering plants-

Blue coloured Hibiscus flower

French Hydrangea

Asian Pigeonwings

Corn flower of Germany



Periwinkle Sada phuli

Blue star



Gentiana Blue silk

  • Delphinium Blue lace flower
  • Fairy Thimbles Campanula cochlearifolia
  • Salvia patens (gentian sage)
  • Royal blue African lily Agapanthus
  • Iris Harmony
  • Triplet lily Triteleia laxa
  • Kingfisher daisy Felicia amelloides

Focussed Reiki spiritual artwork by Rizwana A.Mundewadi

Tibetan mantra Om mani padme hum calligraphy artwork

Flower Therapy Power
Scabiosa 'Butterfly Blue' produces huge numbers of purple-blue pincushion-like flowers
Colourful petunias 

Deep blue orchid flowers

shaded petunia flower plants

One flower that contains blue pigment is rarest, Himalayan Poppy native to Tibet
the tiny blue flowered plant is called Corn Speedwell, Veronica arvensis.these are the wild plants that I would rip off as weeds but the blooms are cute.

soothing flowers

Plant a Garden and Activate Joy in your life!

 Gardens with blue colour flowers look unique, Blue flowers can be grown in north sector to activate Feng shuii heavenly blessings and career luck. Buy Blue colour healing flower paintings.

One minute throat chakra healing arts mediation Youtube shorts video on my Channel The Red Pilgrim

You speak too fast or too slow-Speech clarity healing meditation youtube shorts video

Therapy uses of blue flowers are immense. Soothing the mind body sprit! Try it, it works!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

Professional Reiki healing artist since year 2000 spreading Reiki energy with the world through my spiritual symbol artworks!Razarts

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