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How to Grow Flowering Plants from Seeds Important Practical Tips to Collect Seeds and Grow plants from Seeds

Packet of flowering plant seeds
How will you collect flowering plant seeds and grow them for the next season. The bi annual flowering plants usually give out blooms and then leave us. A wise gardener collects the seeds on appropriate time after flowers have dried on plants carefully packs them and then again new life begins for the next season.
Over the years so many plants have been tried, I have learnt this after trying hard to collect seeds from my flowering plants. Many times the wait would continue after planting new seeds, days would pass and then months and no sign of growth!!!
Here I have planted seeds from Kerala nursery and always as we visit any hill station some plant bulbs and seeds do come along as the obsession continues to clam some more in the small space we have under the sun !. Last time was a beautiful lilly bulbs  and flowering plant seeds from Ooty.
The most important point in collection of seeds is to take a careful look at whether the marigold, zinnias, sunflower and many other flowering plants that give out seeds, have dried on the plant. Plucked flowers I have tried do not give good quality seeds. it is the process of maturation and drying under the direct sunlight on the plant that makes the seeds good quality for next growth.
Buy according to the label from reputed plant nurseries
 Begin planting in early hours of morning. Best time after winters before spring, early January, here in Mumbai, India or February and March, climate is great for planting new seeds. Very important to keep the seeds in sunlight, this starts the sprouting after planting very fast.
Expose the opened seeds to sunlight
 Label the pots carefully because all the new sprouts look the same.
label the pots carefully after planting
 Keep the new planted pots under direct sunlight and do not water immediately. Within a few days, approximately a week or more the new plants sprout into beautiful green shoots.
Now the process of protection from your side begins, protect the new saplings from birds and over watering. Cover with mesh or net cloth to keep the new plant sapling protected from being feasted upon, sparrows and pigeons, all my bird friends,  and of course rats love new leaves!
Zinnia seeds sprouting happily
The seeds have been brought from Kerala, plant exhibition along with Dahlia bulbs and gladiolus bulbs, all are beginning their new life in the small space under the sun, our terrace garden with our extended family of plants, hope they give me lots of blooms with all my love!
Zinnia flowering plants

Shevanthi plants Yellow Chrysanthemums
Hope this helps, do share your experiences with planting from seeds, if you have any queries or doubts regarding planting from seeds, I would be happy to share my experiences!
God Bless from Rizwana!


Kerala Fair December 2014 Horticulture Exhibition

Exotic blooms
 We were lucky to have spent the year ending 2014 kerala, amongst the back waters. Horticulture exhibition in Allapuza, another experience and sharing a few pics.
Showy leaves ornamental plant

Huge sized bulbs


Fair Allapuza

Tubers and Rhizomes

Coconut husk goods

Kerala Exhibition December 2014

 Horticulture exhibition Kerala was a great experience. Huge sized bulbs, banana plants, different types of unique flowering plants and along side the horticulture exhibition were also gadgets, garden equipment, home appliances etc.
flowering plants for sale

huge bulbs

Allapuza exhibition fair

statues and Idols in the exhibition

exhibition kerala
 so some beautiful bulbs,seeds, and plant saplings have found space under the sun in our extended family of plants.
The awesum jetty and boat ride is an out of the world experience, a heavenly place, great water energy , Kerala!,
Have a Great Day from Rizwana!
bananas of kerala

local gardeners of kerala
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All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2010-2017 Rizwana A.Mundewadi

Read on -

Flower Exhibition and Flower Show Kerala some Original plant flower Photographs from kerala

Awesome Valleys of munnar Kerala
Breathtaking landscapes of Munnar , Thekkady , Kerala and the exotic blooms, the hang over still continues....Exotic blooms, huge flowering trees and awesum landscapes. Sharing a few pics from the flower exhibition show Kerala.
Have a Great Day from Rizwana!
Flower Exhibition Kerala

Flower Show Kerala

Exotic blooms Kerala

Flower Exhibition

Varieties of Flowering plants Kerala

Huge blooms Kerala Flower show

Pansies Kerala Flower Exhibition

Flowering plant arrangements

Beautiful plant arrangements 


Rare Rudraksha Tree Significance of Rudraksha Beads in Herbs and Spices Garden Cardamom Plants Munnar Kerala

Welcome to Garden Care Simplified! Wishing All my Readers, Blog Lovers, Blog and Google Followers and Plant Lovers as Well as Art Lovers, Have a Great 2015!

The New Year has begun with a bang with some more exotic ones added to our extended family of plants , right from the valleys of Munnar and Back waters , Allepey,  Kerala!

Enchanting Echoing Valleys of Munnar Kerala

Rudraksha Tree Spiritual symbolic of Good Luck and Protection

Fruits, Rudraksha Beads fallen from Rudraksha Tree

Rudraksha Beads have two three or more pods connected forming a single bead. 
 The search for more information on Rudraksha , of course Google! led me into new findings with my curiosity. The Rudraksha beads are considered auspicious and holy in Hinduism and Buddhism and have been used since ages by sages sadhus and sanyasis and now as protectors and reciting mantras meditation. Elaeocarpus ganitrus used to prepare malas and bracelets.  The rudraksha tree grows blue colored berries fruits that have the seeds.
Easily growing the auspicious tree bears fruits after three to four years. Rudraksha have very spiritual significance and used as strong protection from evil eye and negative energies. The facets or divisions are called 'Mukhis', the faces of 'Lord Shiva' and the eyes that protect.
The bead has a tiny opening in center where it is beaded with thread to make malas/ necklaces or bracelets for meditation and repetitive prayers, 'japa'. The beads when exposed to strong chemicals or harsh soaps might crack and break hence it is better to avoid such things coming in contact with Rudrksha malas. Flowing water from these beads, bathing helps dissolve negative energy.
Another important Rudraksha fact is that the beads of holy significance have been promoted as one of the most costliest used beads.The eyes or faces or number of pods in each seed is proportionate to the price of these beads.
The blue berries also resemble Shiva and it is believed in Hinduism and Buddhism that those wearing Rudraksha beads have his eyes,  his protective eyes on them. It is also believed that this produces stability and peace of mind and allows one to focus and be in the present, good from emotional problems and anxieties.
One more wonderful information I found was that Rudrakhsa beads also help one to find out whether the water is pure and the food is pure. Wikepedia mentions that moving the beads over water or food, if they move clockwise the food and water is good if not it is contaminated, what a way to check out!so negative energy around a person or object it will move anti clockwise.
The beads sure are costly and need to be threaded in cotton thread or silk, sometimes the malas are made in metal, silver or gold but chances of beads cracking of beaded too tight are more. Also better to remove Rudraksha malas when bathing and exposing to extreme chemical conditions and environment, after all they are dried seed pods and under pressure, abrasion or central pressure they crack.
Cardamom Elaichi Plant
New Additions of Plant Seeds Bulbs and Some More from Kerala
Have a Cheerful 2015
Raw Green Cardamom Elaichi Pod

Cardamom Elaichi plant is so beautiful with tiny green pods hanging below. We see the seed pods that are dried.
The herbs and spices Garden in Munnar Valleys is loaded with exotic herbs and spices plants and trees. Informative and enchanting!
Flower Show in Kerala, Alleppey, next post ! many exotic plants, flowers and much more...
God Bless from Rizwana!

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