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Celebrate World Earth Day Do Your Bit Simple Tips for Going Green and Conserving Resources

World Earth day a movement to bring awareness of going eco friendly and saving resources. Loss of mangroves, plant life, animal life and fishes dying in the sea , all due to emissions from commercially made good factories and by products, wastes from such units leading to an alarming reduction in Earths resources has brought the question to reduce carbon print. Do your bit to save Earth!
World Earth day 22, April 2016
The movement began in 1970 as a day to celebrate the planet and encourage people to be more environment friendly. Recycle, reuse, Reduce, Upscale, Reinvent, hand made, all terms are now in focus. Reduce cutting down trees, choosing hand made products over commercially manufactured products and encouraging artist supporting their skill and families is taking center stage. People not only opt for hand made products , they are also unique one of a kind and then the satisfaction , emotional healing, of doing your bit for Mother Earth!
Energy consumption has to be reduced.
Do your bit!
1) plant trees, Whatever you can take care of , do plant a new life.
2) people are opting for society community gardening, fruits and vegetable, grown in ecofriendly way, no harmful pesticides used, organic gardening.  that helps use wastes and garbage to make their own fertilizers.
3) Avoid use of paper , thus saving trees! The only important necessary documents must be printed, avoid  and conserve energy and resources, reducing carbon footprints.
4) Walk for whatever distance you can. save Fuel! What more it would also help in improving your health, walk the stars, park your car a bit farther from your office and follow car pooling.
5) Public transport, cycles are another way to save fuel.
6) Reuse, recycle, up cycle. reclaim! Materials, like cloth, metals and wood all can be reused and made into new bespoke pieces.
7) Choose reusable products. Tea cups, shopping bags and even apparels can be redesigned, go creative!
8) Save water, the most precious resource.
9) Energy consumption, switch off fans lights Air conditioners whenever possible. In fact there is another movement, Earth Hour, an hour without lights, businesses, homes and all factories to turn off non essential lights. .
Some Planting Tips for People suffering from Excusitis!
1) Choose easy growing plants, succulents are great, less sunlight, less watering and you do your bit!
2) One pot, little plant,  is sufficient for you to get involved.
3) Ornamental plants grow by themselves. Fleshy tubers are difficult to kill! great choice for busy people.
4) Small children and pet friendly plants can be grown. Scientifically proved that they improve environment and act as air purifiers. So this will not be an excuse for not planting.
5) Society rules, not to keep on window sills and balconies. Keep plates under neath to collect drained water. Or choose indoor plants.
6) Use old containers, vessels, and pots that are stored in attics and store rooms! these look veer vintage and classic as plant containers!
7) Keep sharing cuttings and plant gifts are great.
8) Help save animal and plant life. Avoid plucking flowers, avoid stamping plants and avoid fun wood fires with cutting trees.
Meanwhile its the best time in my garden with spring overflowing! Colours, and happiness!
A little corner from my little space under the sun
Visited Vipassana Centre Igatpuir, an Awesum place amidst of serene mountains and even in full summers the temperatures were cool!
Vipassana Centre Dhammagiri Igatpuri
Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing All the Best from my little space under the sun!
Dont forget to connect with me on Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, pin interest, and do join our Garden Care Simplified Group on Face Book
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Hand Made Original  Paintings


Son Champa Magnolia Champaca Flower of Joy and its Exotic Fruits Mahabaleshwar exotic Blooms Great tourist Destination

 Mahabaleshwar is such an Awesum place, a beautiful hill station, much cooler temperatures, located in western Ghat ranges. high altitudes and a boon for strawberry lovers! the juicy strawberries high in Vitamin C are grown here as the climate suits its growth , there are so many,  oh so many strawberry plantations, and its such an treat for all the tongue licking  dishes, ice creams,smoothies and milk shakes. What more so many fruit products from squashes to jams and sweets made from freshly grown fruits. For any Garden Plant lover, an Obsession towards exotic blooms, this is a Haven! Panchgani is a more serene place with Plateau , one of a kind. Its a land of flowers, as the climate is so favourable for exotic blooms all year round that Spring and Summers are best here!at Mahabeleshwar.!Great Destination, Tourist Spot!
layered red hibiscus plant
 After winters we do have a few losses and Thanks a Lot to the Awesum ones who have given me so many majestic blooms. The Red Layered Hibiscus, and was so lucky after trying so many times the Parijat auspicious plants was not growing so got this sapling growing under the mother plant , requesting the gardener he was more than happy to share!as young plants ahrldy survive along side huge trees with lack of nourishment.
Parijat plant Sapling

My Bird Friends for a dip
 Was lucky enough to see the fruits of Son Champa! Magnolia Champaca, Son Champa, flower of Joy, heavenly fragrance, mango yellow coloured blooms. The fruits are like grapes, exotic these are brown and textured skin.
Son Champa Magnolia Champaca

Son Champa Fruits
Exotic Hippeastrum Amaryllis
Exotic Exotic Hippeastrum Amaryllis, so happy to have found these bulbs, as the size of the blooms is majestic! With the passing away of our Rajni gandha, had to add another one, so Welcome to the family! Bulbs are big sized and cost anywhere from 250 to 500 INR. 
RajniGandha, Tube Rose

Majestic Exotic Hippeastrum Amaryllis
 Anthuriums , the most loved of Orchids, Vibrant red, are hardly available everywhere. and As we had white and pink, but the bulbs rotted with rains and rats, her we welcomed the beautiful vibrant blooming Anthuriums! Each plant costs 700 to 800 INR. and after a lot of haggling we can get it for 700 form small plant shops.
Kaner Flowers Like Roses
Meanwhile our Kaner after so many years of quietness, think it was more than three years, has sprung up with beautiful bunches of pink blooms, the flowers of Kaner are almost like roses, but the plant leaves are oval elongated and thick. The plant ozzes white liquid on breaking.
Kaner Pink Flowers
Exotic  RedAnthuriums

Close Up of Exotic Hippeastrum Amaryllis Flower
At the moment feelings of Bliss! Colours, Awesum Energy, and All Exotica! Enjoy Summers!
Rizwana Mundewadi wishing You All the Best from My little Space Under The Sun!
You can connect with Garden Care Simplified on face Book group and don't forget to share your happiness by following me on Face Book, Twitter, Google+
Exotic Snow Queen Plant Snow Daisy Bush 
Double Tagar 
Colours Speak Volumes A Collection

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