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Hibiscus Leaves Burnt Hibiscus Plant Care Tips to avoid leaf burns Baby Pigeon Rains in my Little Space Under the Sun!

Hibiscus leaves burnt, terrible heat and stress, too high temperatures, thank God now its pouring! The Hibiscus plant has been quiet for some time and even on watering showed no signs of growth. Leaves burnt due to pre monsoon showers, but now that the rains have begun it looks happy and is also giving a lot of large sized layered hibiscus flowers.
Reasons why plant leaves burn-
Red Layered hibiscus Leaves Burnt
1) too hot temperatures and kept under direct sunlight for long hours
2) Planting in new place, adjustment stress.
3) Plant attacked by mites and caterpillars so leaves start to turn yellow.
4) too much fertilizer
5)  Watering in hot afternoon time when the soil is very hot and even the leaves are hot.
How to avoid leaf burns in plants-
1) Keep checking the hours of exposure of sunlight or shift containers during hot summers.
2) See that the soil is healthy and not soggy or clogged. This affects plant health and also prone to attacks by pests.
Even when the leaves are burnt trim those parts to prevent more loss. I sometimes even save the complete leaf by trimming the edges/burnt parts only and avoid cutting the whole leaf .
3) Watering time very careful during hot summers.Early  mornings or late evenings.
And of course loads and loads of love, they pick up fast!good timing that the rains came so it has sprung up with new leaves and new flowers!
Burnt Hibiscus Leaves Care
I have always loved my bird friends and even though at many times they irritate me to the edge by plucking my plants and killing them yet I love to see the active Feng shui energy in my little space. While the Jasmine/Juhi , my favourite as these have heavenly fragrance and heightens in evenings and the roses in full bloom this time even after lots and lots,  am guilty of over trimming due to its lanky stems!!! the Allamanda plant, yet is so happy and has given out really large sized healthy blooms. The plant has grown lanky stems and is loaded with many buds at tips that are nearly five to six inches wide in size.
A beautiful magenta maroon colour, the blooms this time have a deepened colour and looking at the center is so mesmerizing and healing.

Pigeons coming for a dip in hot summers in my garden
 While the pigeons are aggressive and frequently lay eggs but are eaten by the crow this time they got lucky as the window sill was covered by green cloth. Observed the eggs, observed and clicked the eggs hatching and two yellow pigeon  babies, observed one baby died and the other growing day by day..they grow so fast within three to four weeks the baby looked almost like Mama and Papa pigeon. and what an emotional site it was for me to see it flutter its wings for the first time.. watch video of baby pigeon fluttering wings first time on you tube!
Exceptionally beautiful capture of sky from my terrace garden
 and of course the first flight...freedom...I got really attached to this baby  pigeon  while adding some of bird feeding of my love birds, as he did give the right poses and always was ready to be clicked!
Fragrant Jasmine Blooms
Talking of first times...The Baby Adenium after two years has got growth spurt and now gave its first blooms! Quite large sized as compared to the plant and a deep crimson reddish color. remembered the old Adenium that we has pink blooms.but then life goes on!A good gardener knows we have to continue to grow new plants and keep the garden green and colorful!
A week old Baby Pigeon in Nest 

Baby pigeon Growth

Baby Pigeon fully Grown 

Showering happiness Soft Pink periwinkle

Baby Adenium First Blooms in life

First Flight in life, Baby Pigeon 

Allamanda at its full bloom laden with large flowers

Red rose about to bloom
Call for some AWESUM Goodluck,
Awesum Good Luck White Pigeon
A white pigeon visited today morning for a drink, was so spiritually soothing and serene, it was as if a symbol from Heaven, I love the Universe , it blesses me in many ways unexpectedly!THANK YOU!
Rizwana Mundewadi feeling Blessed from my little space under the sun!
Read more on-
Why you need to repot newly bought plants from nursery
Selecting Rainbow paintings and Symbolism
View Paintings - Pots of Goodluck


Urban Gardens Practical Tips For Summer Care Inflight Magazine Go Getter June 2016 Issue

Go Getter Inflight Magazine June 2016 Urban Gardens
I am so so so happy to see my words in print! On top of the world!
Urban Gardens has some of my precious important rare practical tips for taking care of your garden during hot summers. Have a good read in the latest Issue of Go Getter June 2016 !
Did you know this? A Fireflies festival! Purushwadi Maharashtra. Informative  and Appealing with loads of Great Getaways, photographs and interesting read, Yes in the new June 2016 issue of Go Getter In flight magazine.
From Goa to Shimla to kashmir! Dream Destiantions.
And rare unique natural Root Bridges!  Mawlynnong!
India's Fist Bicycle Highway!
Priyanka Chopra on her dream run!
Power Packed with Awesum destinations, The Team of Maxposure has done a fabulous job to bring out yet another beautifully attractive good read, One for keeps!
So while the list of my dream destinations goes up , already visited the Gods own country back waters Kerala, and Goa and Manali and Himachal Pradesh and Ootacamund and Mahabaleshwar! Kashmir is one dream destination still yet I have to savoir the nature's ultimate bliss, beauty and I agree with the photographs what the Persian poet Ameer Khusro quoted, "If there is Heaven on is is here..." hope some day soon Kashmir here I come!
Dream Kashmir Acrylic Painting

How to make your garden a paradise this summers! Enjoy!
Meanwhile at our terrace garden front no doubt is a haven of colorful blooms, I take care to water it regularly and this time with the green cloth borders for protecting my precious ones they look happy and cool! the mamma rat is still having a tug of war with me as she looks with innocent eyes every time I clean up the mess! She had laid so many babies in one large container which of course I had to let go, and again she works every day trimming plants from my containers and building a nest! I just don't want to kill her and she is taking advantage of this emotional point! Literally picking up babies in her mouth she moves  hopping in front of me, like saying why with such a big space you cant allow me to have my family! Phew! One thing for sure the garden looks quite trimmed, suddenly slight barren,  daily and I have to clean up the dug soil and broken stems! and then the pigeons are not left behind with source of food and water on our terrace the baby pigeon is taking its first steps in our window sill! clicking each day the progress and videos of how the baby begins its first steps. Praying it takes its flight of new life soon!
Rat babies in our garden

Elephants Head Point Hill Station Mahabaleshwar
Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You All the Best from My little space under the sun!
Read more on-
Pan Climber and Spiceroute Feng Shui Home Cleaning
Flower Rose garden munnar Kerala
Mahabaleshwar Rare Flowers
Flower paintings

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