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If You Cant Plant Do at least This! Happy New Year Garden Care Simplified Lovers!

 If you can't and do not have the time or success in growing plants, do at least this!You can add up pieces of nature in your home by adding some  dried tree branches and also some original  flower paintings or photographs.
Being human means to be connected to nature. You will never find harmony and peace if you do not have a part of nature in your home. It feels magical try it, add up some florals!
My little space under the sun...which I have to leave.... 

Always remember the best feng shuii energy is of live growing plants, nothing can replace this, yes, you can add up other energies but original growing plants are the best! happy gardening!Thank you very much , each one of you, readers, followers, plant lovers, for your love, comments, respect for Garden Care Simplified over the years and I hope you will keep sharing and supporting garden care simplified in the coming years!The blog began with my intention to spread knowledge to terrace  gardeners to help save container growing plants and encourage blooming.I have to my best knowledge shared from my heart experiences and practical tips as I have learnt over the years. as we are shifting soon to a larger space, without an open terrace,  I am excited to make a new garden , an entrance garden,, a passage garden, that is the space the Universe has given me, and lets see how we make this passage garden magical!
Merry Christmas Garden Care Simplified Lovers 
The rituals of Christmas are very important for me each year, this is not just a festival of gift sharing and feasting. it is much more...letting go of past, and welcoming a new life. old behaviors, past failures, and refurbishing garden containers by a coat of paint or adding some new planters and plants. Our Tree, the Gulmohar Tree that is with us since past seventeen years, she is family! With my right hand palm hairline fracture, things were difficult, but did not leave the ritual of repainting our tree, did this with left hand, and our Golden tree was ready for Christmas! she is with us since years , when we did not have a terrace pent house garden, there was just a small window garden! 

 Best plants for Christmas, overflowing is our Snow Queen! snow daisy bush is very beautiful with the crown of white leaves, a true queen, against the blue winter sky!
Button roses, roses are at their best!
Snow Daisy bush Snow Queen

Button roses at their best Garden Care Simplified
 Keep some greens around, they will work wonders to your health and wealth!Activate Feng Shuii prosperity luck with green!the Pantone color of year 2017 Greenery, Growth! If you cant plant, add some photographs of original plants and flowers, or flower paintings that will keep you connected with Gaia, mother earth energy!
Close up of Snow Daisy Snow queen  leaves
Happy New Year Garden Care Simplified Followers
don't forget to connect on my Face Book Group with the same name. Garden Care Simplified! Like , share comment, for the love of Gardening!
If you love my Garden Care Simplified do subscribe to my latest post alerts by following me and my Garden blog, and if you are interested in feng shuii, Feng Shui-Simple cures ,Reiki healing Razarts, and symbols - The Red Pilgrim, do subscribe to my newsletters on my website!

If you have chanced upon my page from Google search, Please do share ,You may not need it but this plant advice and gardening tips can help some one on verge of giving up gardening!Save a lot of plant lives and loads of money!
All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2010-2017 Rizwana A.Mundewadi
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Seed Burst in Adenium Prosperity Plants with original photographs


Tree of Gods! Parijaat the Auspicious Fragrant Jasmine

Parijaat, with its heavenly fragrance is at its best with onset of winters. One of the most auspicious trees in Hinduism, Parijaat is often called the tree of Gods.
Fragrant Parijaat
It is said that Lord Krishna stole a branch of this tree from the kingdom if Indra and brought it to earth. And kunti used to offer these to lord Shiva. The Indian Coral tree.Night flowering coral Jasmine. Parijaata, divine tree, tree of Paradise. While the symbolism is very strong in Indian Mythology, the tree does not grow in all places. While I have tried to plant this tree many times with cuttings, not yet successful. We have three huge trees in our society campus garden.The trees of Parijaata are so beautiful, and the fragrance is quite strong, citric, divine, refreshing. The happiness is immense, as a small sapling has sprung up in my terrace garden container. A heavenly blessing, an unexpected gift from the Universe!!! Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified!!!
The Tree of Gods Parijaat
All the Best, Have a Merry Christmas, and A Great 2018 Ahead!!!
Share your experiences! Rizwana Mundewadi bringing out joy of gardening, promoting growing plants,  and writing practical tips about container gardening since year 2010! Happy  Gardening!
Important Gardening Posts on Rizwana's Google blog-  
Succulent Jade Feng Shuii Number symbolism wealth luck plant
Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You All The Best! 
 A Healing Artist selling original art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art  You Tuber The Red Pilgrim Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading joy, health,wealth and success with my Reiki symbol healing Paintings!
If you have chanced upon my page from Google search, Please do share ,You may not need it but this plant advice and gardening tips can help some one on verge of giving up gardening!Save a lot of plant lives and loads of money!
All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2010-2017 Rizwana A.Mundewadi


Super Moon Cyclone Ockhi and Mogra leaves Dropping Winter Care for your Terrace Garden Plants

Mogra leaves dropping as winter sets in
 Super Moon was so large, we missed viewing this due to cyclone Ockhi and with this was a sudden drop in temperatures with strong winds and rainfall on December 2,3,4. So my terrace garden plants were in for a shock with unexpected showers in winter!
Mogra suddenly seemed to have dropped most leaves and as the huge leaves, it has grown quiet healthy and wide,(for all those who have missed my garden rants over the years-this plant was sick when we bought it, ten years back,  and while anyone else would have thrown it as dead, I removed each of the red mites using a stick from its roots , manually, and since then this plant has given me very big sized abundant mogra blooms , twice or thrice every year ) so one of my favourites,.
As winter sets in people get scared that their plants are dying,  with leaf dropping fast and sometimes the mogra plant may also go barren. The reason is winter sets in and the plants go in hibernation. As most of us think the plant is sick and add more water, this is one action that must be avoided. More watering is harmful during winter and is easy for pests and fungus to attack roots and plant stems.
Dried Mogra Plant 
 It is a natural process. do water your plants , but see that the top portion is a bit dry , only then add water. Do not skip watering. plants seem happy but the soil gets hardened in winter and they need water. Leaf drop is a normal sign with onset of winter.
The super moon we saw on the previous day was quite large, majestic and huge.Against the black sky its presence was seen as I looked from my little space under the sun.
Full moon times, growing phase of moon,  are considered auspicious in feng shuii and with healers as it is the maximum white light energy. Another aspect of super moon, full moon is it is strongest feminine energy and can benefit women, females if they with pure heart and sincere intentions, desire, wish at such times.
Huge Moth
 I have seen a lot of butterflies in my garden recently. Maybe its time for them to lay eggs, I used to love these magical butterflies, till a few years back when they ate up leaves of most of my plants and then we had these two finger sized large orange black caterpillars walking in our home! tat was when I got scared, and got an panic attack.
Mogra plants drop leaves and may seem barren but their roots are intact. keep the acre like everyday for the winter season and never skip watering. Avoid trimming plants during winter, and within few days they will pick up growth with fresh lime green tiny leaves coming up. It is a process of purification, change, and rest for the plants as soon now they will give flowers. Mogra plants are one of the best fragrant flowering plants, we have different varieties of fragrant jasmines, I love their heavenly fragrance! 
Butterflies are symbols of hope, change and angel support, they bring messages from our guides and be with us. We got sixths really huge Moth visitor , I had to click this as it merges in the woods so dramatically, we hardly notice this , until we take a very close look. Universe is Amazing with its wonders!
Cyclone Ockhi as it passes , has brought unexpected showers and cold winds here. With the sudden rain coming with cyclone ockhi my terrace garden has got a fresh life of green and the plants that had dropped leaves are suddenly looking happy as it spring has come!!!

Floral Photo Collage Rizwana Mundewadi
 With winter in my garden the Allamnda plant is also at rest, so made a photo collage of its beautiful majestic blooms, photos of flowers from my garden are and will be precious memories when I shift from here to another home. As the progress is going on, ideas for a entry way garden are coming up, so within few months we will have a new garden with new experiences!
Rose Flower Photo Collage from my Terrace Garden clicks
don't forget to connect on my Face Book Group with the same name. Garden Care Simplified! Like , share comment, for the love of Gardening!
If you love my Garden Care Simplified do subscribe to my latest post alerts by following me and my Garden blog, and if you are interested in feng shuii, Reiki healing and symbols do subscribe to my newsletters on my website!

If you have chanced upon my page from Google search, Please do share ,You may not need it but this plant advice and gardening tips can help some one on verge of giving up gardening!Save a lot of plant lives and loads of money!
All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2010-2017 Rizwana A.Mundewadi
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