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Why my Garden Feng Shui is Going Wrong? really important Garden feng shuii 5 eyeopener facts ! 9 Amazing instant feng shuii garden wealth cures

Garden feng shuii going wrong? is your garden depressing? this really important Garden feng shuii fact for you and adding up 9 amazing instant feng shuii garden wealth cures in the second half of this post.
You begin with fantastic flowering plants bought from the plant nursery, and all is hunky dory for few weeks and then gradually you see leaves turning yellow, leaves wilting, leaves dropping, maybe pest attack, drying of the plant and you just keep watering. this is what most of us do, I too did this for years of container gardening. 
Feng Shuii for your garden in one word is "Love", yes give them some love , they will give back blooms!
If you see a garden that has depressing energy and wilted plants, dried plants in containers, understand this "the garden is unloved"
The fact that you have been missing all the time is gardening requires care and love. Regular watering, trimming, maintaining the shape of the container plants, giving them more love by extra feedings, pampering with change of places and so much more!
Drooping peace lily plants

Dried leaves of Anant plant

Dried Brahma Kamal plant

curling Peri winkle leaves
sharing personal garden photos to help you understand that garden Feng Shuii is not just what is when you begin the garden. it is the process, the journey to always have an evergreen happy garden.
Dried Chinese Bamboo plant
Garden Feng Shuii is never given thought but it will influence your health, wealth and relationships. Imagine having a garden that stinks in the east sector-will affect your health and relationships adversely.
More so what will happen when you have a dried garden in the north east sector? you will always feel low energy, confused with life and have a blank future.
And just think about this that if your garden in the south has but empty containers with dried dead plants, OMG! it will bring downfall in personal fame, name and business, even lead to complete financial losses and business closure...
Fact 1- Garden feng shuii is very important, find out which sector you have the garden and choose plants accordingly. North must not have too many tall plants. South can have plants that have more of wood. North east sector will love succulents. Purple and blue colored leaves plants are best in north and north east and also west sector.

Fact 2- Garden feng shuii is an on going process. you will over the time have dried plants,dead plants, you will need to replace them and grow fresh ones. In Feng Shuii dead plants are talked as dead bodies, and we would never leave dead bodies for more time in our house, would we? then why the dead plants?
Garden care simple feng shuii
Also something interesting sharing here, empty pots. Yes, you may say the plants have dried and we have removed them but the pots are stacked outside your house for the next session of buying plants  which may come after few weeks or few months. This is shar energy and will bring in negative feng shuii. Poison arrows pointed towards your home through your main door.
Entry way garden
Another fact is that empty post do take away energy coming in so imagine the chi/ wealth flowing towards your house will go there and stagnate int eh empty containers and less will reach your home.
Fact 3- Plants that are luscious green and heavy growth are not always good feng shuii! over grown gardens do not emit good feng shuii. it reflects over growth and neglect.
This is a myth that too many plants and heavy growth indicates a healthy garden. No, it is well maintained an garden design that reflects a joyful healthy Feng Shuii garden.  Recently trimmed my window garden plants as they had over grown and were over flowing from their pots too much. After trimming the garden has a beautiful energy of balance and harmony.
Interesting tree trimming Japanese style
Fact 4- In Feng shuii we love wavy and curvy lines. have your garden plants grown in this manner for happy feng shuii. Straight lines of containers placed side by side do not show good element in garden design. Also in Feng Shuii Masters believe the ghost travels in straight lines, hence we see gardens in China and Japan have curvy pathways in their gardens. Trim your plants in fancy shapes, it will reflect your personal style and bring out beauty in your customized garden. Amazing Feng Shuii!
Japanese style tree shaping

Fact 5- Feng Shuii is all about going with the flow. Only grow those plants(flowering or ornamental) that love and are comfortable in your environment.  This fact I learned again and again with more than twenty years of gardening. Window gardening, terrace container gardening, entry way gardening and even window sill gardening. What grows in the open will not love indoor energy. Those that need sunlight(flowering) will not grow indoors or in space which has no sunlight. 
Its not about what plants you love to have in your garden, its about who and which plants will love the environment and energy of your garden that should be welcomed!
Influenced by my garden roses! Surrounded By Roses My Pink Chair of  Love , check out my painting on
As promised in the Title 9 Amazing instant feng shuii wealth cures that can be activated from your garden!
1) North sector- 3,5,7,9,21,27 gold coins tied in red ribbon. sure shot wealth cure! Hide them please and do not talk about theses to anyone!
2) 2 Jade plants in east or south east. tried and tested, always works! Works best in pairs!
3) Money plants climbing upwards in the north. Amazing wealth growth!
4) Chinese Bamboo plants in pair outside your main door. Magical Feng Shuii!
5) Ceramic container of salt hidden in your garden will open new doors to prosperity. Powerful cure. 
6) Cinnamon sticks tied in black thread in your garden will attract wealth. Absolute miracle!
7) Large sized leaves plants in north. Example Chinese evergreen. Try this!
8) Golden colour unique containers, this is what I personally recommend. Golden colour emits style and opulence and attracts more of that! Avoid shard edged plant pots especially when you buy geometric plant pots.
9) Fruit trees. If you can grow, (I did grow chickoo, pomegranate, anjeer, jamun, cherries in pots) are good feng shuii and if your trees are loaded with fruits and they fall in the north, northwest, south, or east, south east sector, it will bring miraculous wealth and opportunities into your life. Keep a check that the trees are healthy and have good quality fruits. Otherwise it is also a good idea to have artificial fruit trees. Yes, I did this, because we receive very low indirect sunlight in our window gardens so why struggle, and why feel sad about the gardening limitations...might as well enjoy with whatever feng shuii you can apply!
Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified!
feng shuii doubts about your garden? hesitant to apply wealth cures in your garden? are confused with which plants to have in which sector of your garden? facing window gardening challenges? comment below, I will guide you to the best of my practical knowledge!
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