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Which Plants grown for Haunted House with evil spirits? which plants to avoid in negative homes

 Haunted House! Evil spirits presence makes your home feel unpleasant, unrestful, uneasy. Family Members feel uncomfortable and uneasy due to evil spirits presence,  that is felt. take the Diwali festival special benefits as you clean your house, add some good powerful plants. 

Euphorbia milli Crown of Thorns Goodluck plant of Thailand

Trim plants regularly to keep positive energy in Garden 

Every festival you clean house and furniture but still find presence of evil energies, haunted homes bring uneasiness and discomfort to inmates. family arguments fear and always feeling uneasy to enter such homes, there is accumulated energy or maybe entered spirt energy that brings such imbalances in home vibes. Even guests avoid visiting such homes and you may find loneliness and unrest in the house. 

My beautiful space 

Furniture also gets affected due to accumulation of negative energies that are stuck up and will not elave your space easily.

Do not have dead plants where you feel spirits presence

Use plants for acting as protection shield to your home. Salt purification is powerful, wipe furniture with mild rock salt solution to remove negative haunting energy. Smoking energy using sage, agarbatti, incense,loban also is powerful negativity remover from haunted homes. You can grow indoor plants like palms that sway with wind and keep the energy fresh in your home and office. 

Reiki healing can be used to assist with home ritual purification and protection especially during festivals when you are already cleaning everything. remove unwanted/unused furniture from your home, declutter and allow fresh energy to enter your home. Play this short video for experiencing reiki energy protection- Youtube shorts- My Powerfull Reiki Free Youtube Video Asmr healing- Destroy Haunted House Furniture Evil Spirits Energy Reiki 

If you have a front door garden, backyard garden, table top garden, window garden these tips will assist you- 

Grow Mint from cutting for fresh energy(steps to grow)

Spirits move in straight line so never keep potted plants in one line. Make flowy patterns with different size plant containers, use colours for protection(black white, Golden), and shapes of vases as tall, use these arrangements in any room of your home where more negative energy is felt,especially living room, near main door. 

Choose plants that need regular trimming. This helps keep energy in home and garden fresh and removes negative energies. 

Door is the main source of entrance of evil spirts, secondly windows and lastly back door if you have. Always use strong evil eye protection plant cures in all three places. 

Which plants are strong negativity protectors?

Snake plant, mother in law's tongue is very easy to grow and is powerful plant. 

Lucky Bamboo also does the work if they grow healthy and tall. have tow planted pots on each side of main door. (remember they must grow healthy). If you don't receive sunlight have artificial plants or gemstone tree made of amethysts stone. 

Avoid sitting in Garden during sunset time for spirits are uneasy then

Another beautiful powerful strength plant is Rubber plant Ficus Elastica

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can you place Brahma Kamal plant with Ardanareshwar idol inside home?

5 plants for Virus protection make Garden fortress

Thorns work wonders for negative energy homes. Thorny plants act as strong protectors from evil eye and spirits. Trim them regularly, keep clean and avoid sharp spikes facing or touching the viewer. 

Read this informative helpful posts- 

Evil eye challenge try this cure

Which plants to avoid growing in negative energy homes? Negative energy accumulator  plants

Having fragrant flowering plants like champa, raat ki raani, jasmine, mogra,chameli, juhi,  in such houses is very dangerous as spirits reside happily there. Avoid any fragrant flowering plants in these homes. 

The sweet money plant seen in every home must be avoided. If you are prone to negative energies, arum negative members and evil eye falling upon then avoid creeper plants. Spirits and evil eye energy negativity gets stuck up very fast in creeper plants with hanging roots. 

You can hang evil eye cures in your garden as well as main door and in all rooms also. Plants have pure earth energy and soil connection brings grounding energy stability and strength to your home and family. 

When you grow thorny plants see that the spikes don't touch anyone walking because this is dangerous. 

Find, Buy here exceptional energy artworks with evil eye cure protection energies. In case you have really strong presence  of haunted spirts in house also hang protection symbols at door of energy room in your home. 

Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

Professional Reiki Healing artist from India. Buy paintings only from my website The Red Pilgrim. 

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