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Plant this for Establishing Flourishing Business special tip for growing wealth

Powerful Money Lucky  Plant with big roots

Plant this for flourishing business and powerful money luck. The Humble most loved money plant still rules the wealth luck market. So also the Chinese Goodluck Bamboo Plant. 
Money Plant With Feng Shui Goodluck Bamboo Plant

If you grow these two plants together in two pots and place this in south east sector of your home or living room prosperity corner you will see immediate results with money flowing easily from different sources in your life.
You can also plant those which send roots and grow healthy like the Brahma Kamal that spreads fast with right environment and soil type. Once they start sending long roots and get attached the plant grows happily and so will your wealth, when placed in feng shui wealth sector.  
Brahma Kamal Plant
Big Leaves of Brahma Kamal Plant

 Special Tip- The plants must look happy and green with healthy growth. The money plants are happy send long roots and get attached to support. Once this is done you will see immense growth in business luck. Just check that they do not weaken the structure of your building as money plants can grow very huge with the right type of nourishing support. 

Precautions with money luck plants- Care for them with love and intentions. They must not dry or die in wealth sector as this will affect your business. Money plants are easy yet some homes do not have the luck to grow them so let it be. You can hang paintings symbolizing wealth luck to activate your business and wealth sector. 
Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified!
Happy Gardening from Rizwana!
I do not sell plants, this is my passion! I am a healing artists making original Reiki paintings for more than 2 Decades,  since year 2000 Razarts.

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