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Advantages of Buying Ready Grown Fruit Farms Orchard Buy Property with large Gardens

Buying ready grown fruit orchards, farms and gardens has become easy.   As  the love for gardening increases after experiencing the joys of container gardening and the limitations land is the best solution. Buying ready planted farm houses with ready planted gardens are available for sale  usually on the  outskirts of cities.
Farms where there are fully grown fruiting trees of coconuts, apples, oranges, chickoos, pomegranate, custard apple and many more fruit trees in one place. Large farm houses are available where there are already planted trees which are giving regular fruits.
While selcting to buy land with farm house one must carefully consider the following points,
legality of the land, agricultural or non agricultural. legal documents must be in place with no ownership issues.
As with NA, land we can build houses we cannot thus plant or do agriculture here.  With Agricultural land homes cannot be built and for you to construct homes you will need to get the legal permission of NA for your land area.
Buying ready farms is very good as you get to see great returns of fruits and vegetables without the pre teething gardening hassles of planting fruit trees and waiting for years to see the first fruits. Many plant nurseries also sell matured plants so as we get ready flowered plant that give us blooms within a year we also get to buy ready mature trees that give us fruits without the waiting period of five years or more.
Very important when you consider buying property with ready farms and fruit orchards, you will need manual labour, paid labour helpers in your farm and large gardens. Maintaining farms houses  need garden services and garden maintenance service regularly. Not only the tree trimming cutting but also cleaning the large garden land area of dried leaves and weeds is a lengthy and energy consuming process , regularly and needs  professional garden equipment and services.
Many garden maintenance service providers are offering services in yearly maintenance contract for farms and large gardens.
Apple Orchards Photo  by Mrs Rizwana A.Mundewadi

Farm Houses with   Fruit Orchards
Advantages  of buying ready fruit orchards are you get to see the fruits and enjoy the gardens now without the waiting period of years.Down side you may need to replant some of your favourite trees and make place in existing gardens for them, also many gardeners  may not be happy with the landscape design of existing gardens and farm house so they hire professional landscape designers  to make a fresh personalized garden and farm. Fruit orchards do look pretty good but remember in case you do not want to go in for professional selling of fruits and vegetables, the over whelming number of fruits and vegetables you will get from orchards and vegetable farms , you will sure need to spread your gifts to many!


Big Amaryllis Red Lily Flowering Plant Tips

Close Up of Bud of Lily Flowers
 Beautiful red big huge majestic blooms, flowering plants are loved by everyone, and this one is great. with huge red blooms each lily flower measures approximately six to eight inches wide when fully opened.
No doubt the amaryllis flower takes two days to fully bloom, especially with the cool winds blowing full day and clouds in the sky the weather so heavenly, at this time of the year,  the red against the backdrop of the hazy blue sky looks too good.
Big Red Flowers of Lily Photo by Mrs Rizwana A.Mundewadi

Buds of Amaryllis Lily Flowers

Four Big Red Flowers on Single Stem

Big Red Lily Flower

Close up of Huge Red Flower
 Tips for growing big red amaryllis flowering plant- The amaryllis lily plant grows from bulbs and as  every bulb requires rest periods before giving blooms even  I did remove the bulbs , clean them and transplant them after winter season. 
Within two months time in full summer the amaryllis blooms.
Bulbs flowering plants require sunlight, many hours of direct as well as indirect sunlight to give healthy blooms.
Watering regularly when the plant produces stem of buds is a must to encourage and give  strength to the stem.
Spent Dried Red Amaryllis Lily Flowers
 Very important tip for getting healthy flowers, plant bulbs flowering plants in small pots, do not allow  them to spread as the tiny bulbs spread like wild, we  have at least thirty ones from a single parent!
Growing bulbs requires discipline and patience, discipline to sow the bulbs on proper time after winter before spring. Patience because the bulbs do not give blooms till it is matured, five years waiting time for baby bulbs to  give you the first blooms.
After this they give flowers  every year or once in two years and if  you fertilize them regularly they also give  healthy blooms every year.
Beautiful Red Flowering Plant
Lily flowers  are available in many colors red, yellow, white, peach and many shaded variety. The white lily one has not bloomed as yet, three years past, more to go!
Three of our amaryllis plants  have this huge stems loaded with flowers in sequence they will keep opening, enjoying bright vermillon red in the terrace garden!
Thank You for coming by Garden Care Simplified!!!
Garden Care Simplified


Mogra Plant Fragrant White Blooms on Plant Care and Tips for Flowering

sun set sky photo
 Mogra plants give beautiful fragrant flowers and the time is just right for the buds to open as the sun nears setting the fully loaded blooms open up during night and spread a heavenly fragrance   in the whole garden.
New  Mogra Buds about to bloom in evening

Fresh Buds on Mogra Plant, original photo by Mrs Rizwana A

Double Tagar White Flower Buds on Plant
Doubel tagar plant also shows similar flowering buds but the shape is somewhat pointed towards end and the mogra buds have a rounded oval shape.
Mogra Plant Bud Close Up Photo by Mrs Rizwana A.Mundewadi
I have been observing the mogra plant when during winter it had almost been quiet for a while with only few   leaves on the woody stems. At first glance it looked as dead, dried and no life. then came the tiny fresh green leaves from the sides of the stems and it grew dark green leaves for a month.
Feeding it after winter helps to give healthy blooms during spring and summer. You may add ready mixes available in plant nursery to encourage healthy blooms.
Tips for flowering in mogra plant- avoid over watering the mogra plant, it likes firm soil. Fertilizer must be added approximately a   month before full summer sets in to enjoy healthy blooms.Trim the shoots to encourage healthy stem growth on the plant, bush shape,  otherwise the mogra plant stem will grow lanky and you will get weak small flowers.
Mogra Flowers on Plant Original Photo by Mrs Rizwana A.Mundewadi

White Fragrant Mogra Flowers on Mogra Plant- Photo by Mrs Rizwana A.Mundewadi

Red Canna Flowers on Plant Picture by Mrs Rizwana A.Mundewadi
Meanwhile there is color in the garden, red yellow canna plant blooms, peace lily with huge snake hood like blooms and of course roses everywhere!,the amaryllis has also thrown a big stem, expecting  huge red healthy blooms, The deep red canna plant sure steals the show with its attractive bright red vermillon blooms but in fragrances  mogra tops the list.
All the Best!
Rizwana Mundewadi's Healing Art


Kamini Bush Murraya paniculata white fragrant flowering bush Compare with Orange Plant Blooms

Kamini Bush  , Indian origin, botanical name Murraya  paniculata, a beautiful flowering bush that grows with abandon and gives plenty of blooms. we have two bushes growing one is a bit slow in flwoering and the other grows like wild! also known as Kunti, banmallika, pandhri and many other names.
Our previous kamini bush had not flowered for years and I had begun to doubt its existence, when our parakeet enjoyed the garden plants, nibbled on to the new shoots and this triggered  the flowering spurt and then the kamini bush had given plenty of blooms, trimming had worked for flowering.

Kamini Bush with white fragrant flowers
 With our mogra plants now getting the growth  spurt the summer heat is welcomed   by the fragrant flowers in our terrace garden. The white fragrant mogra blooms are excellent boost to nervous system and mind to beat the summer cool nights. As the tiny oranges come to life from   white fragrant citrus smelling flowers so also the kamini bush has bloomed well with lots of tiny white fragrant blooms.
Orange Plant with white fragrant flowers-Photo  by Mrs Rizwana A.
 Flowers on the orange plant and kamini bush look almost same except that the kamini bush produces more tubular funnel shaped flowers. The fragrance is almost the same, those who have this kamini bush swear by the fragrance of its blooms, citrus, orangy, tangy, fruity strong fragrance.
The long pointed thin stems must be trimmed giving shape to the kamini bush  to encourage new growth and flowering

Green Fruits on Kamini Bush-Original Photo by  Mrs Rizwana A.Mundewadi
 The kamini bush produces green fruits which on ripening become red look like berries. The plant has been known to have medicinal uses , leaves crushed  used to heal cuts and bruises, also for stomach disorders, never tried them I prefer medication!lots of uses of this medicinal plant can be found surfing the net.
Red Fruit on Kamini   Bush Close up- photo by Mrs.Rizwana A.Mundewadi

The kamini bush does not require much care except for watering and few  feedings for flowering. Trimming always helps to trigger flowering in the   bush and this kamini bush can grow into a big tree if allowed the liberty.
Orange Plant white fragrant flowers close up- Photo by Mrs Rizwana A.Mundewadi

enjoying the summer nights among fragrant  blooms!
All the Best from Rizwana!
Thank You!
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