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Original Photos of Brahma Kamal Flower Shared by a Reader of Garden Care Simplified

Brahma Kamal, Sausseurea Obvallata

a night blooming plant, with so much of fascination and magic involved as  the blooms open at early night and close off before sunrise. The whole process is quiet magical , the elongated leaves, the lanky dangling stems plant, the buds appearing on the edges of leaves, the long time spent for the blooms to mature  and finally the magical night, early night where the buds begin to open, over the time the flower gradually opens and is fully awake and as the dawn begins the process begins of gradually signing off!

As many believe that flowering in this plant brings in loads of good luck, blessings in disguise,  wealth, health, prosperity, I am not sure of this, but I do agree, this is the out of this world experience and I would definitely like to experience this magic...which has led me  to this obsession of collecting brahma kamal plants, waiting to see  their blooms! there  are at present three plants  in our terrace garden got from different places,  the wait continues....

It give me so much pleasure to share the original photographs clicked by one of our Garden care Simplified readers. I Thank NKuumar  for sharing these original photographs of the Brahma Kamal in Action! This magic happened on the full moon night, and it seems they have earlier also had blooms at this time , full moon. Usually the energy around this time is positive and healers believe that the progressive circle time of the moon, growing time is very good and auspicious for new  beginnings and new  businesses or ventures. The latter part of the month where the moon begins to reduce is not so much of favorable timing as the energy is depleted and finally leads to no moon dark night. 

Lets enjoy and Thank NKumar.

Beautiful White Brahma Kamal Flower in Full Bloom

Side View of Majestic Brahma  Kamal Flower

Close up of Heavenly Brahma kamal Flower

Brahma Kamal White Flower

Our Terrace Garden Brahma Kamal Plant
Our Terrace Garden Brahma Kamal Plant

I am sharing here also our  Brahma Kamal plants, maybe they will look above at the beautiful heavenly flowers and think of blessing me some time soon!



  1. Thanks a lot for the comment Ummey Rezwana

  2. I am in Chennai- South India. I want to grow this plant. Any one in chennai Kindly help me to grow...!

    1. Hi Padman, do grow this beautiful plant, it will be worth to see the flowers


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