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Red Color Leaves Agave Plants Fruits and Care While Growing Agave Plants

Agave in red colored leaves

fruits on agave plant
Agave variety maybe the plant with beautiful colored red elongated leaves  Agave Striata Gualdalcazar / Agave Striata Rubra am not aware of the plant name, is a beautiful plant grown in dry  rocky soil requiring less watering and full sunlight. The fruits or flowers look like pineapple fruits, except in beautiful reddish peach color.There are so many different types of agave planst with beautiful greenish grey colored elongated leaves. This one looks great even without flowers or frutis as the leaves are a beautiful reddish coppery green colored.
The thorny leaves grow well under full sunlight and act as great focal points in any landscape garden design. This plant picture is captured in a private landscaped garden. Wowed with the beautiful colored leaves and fruits!
Meanwhile our garden is happy with blast of color with full sunlight. With another few stems coming up of the large sized Amaryllis flowers, bestest investment ever, buy one bulb and within few years  make fifty!
Red Amaryllis about to  Bloom

Pink Anthurium flower

Vermillon red hibiscus flower

Colorful red pink white roses flowers on plant

One Happy Moment Captured Love Birds
Three Tier Love Bird Cage
Our budgies are also having a great time in their large cage with three layers, there are two separate nesting boxes for the two ladies, though we have removed them lest they become weak due to continuous laying of eggs( and of course the mood swings and tempers flaring!) , they always enjoy the top most one the colorful beaded swings, love birds need space to do wings flapping and birds when kept as pets need to be let some time out of the cage, feels great to see them flying in their home!
Agave plants need to be grown with care since they have pointed sharp thorny leaves. From the beauty of the unique flowers and fruits agaves are grown in rocky soils and also in corners where there is less traffic of people going near them.
Small children and pets must be protected from such thorny plants. And while growing agave plants in containers always grown them in corners which are away from your body and eyes.
Agave plants flower after a few years five or more and grow with the natural process of leaves drying from outer side and emerging new ones from centre. the growth pattern is in circular type from centre.
The care begins while buying a new plant as the leaves are sharp and pointed and you need to take care. As we get small plants today in tiny three inch containers which we can transplant in larger ones this is the best way , at home try to grow agaves in small containers as they have a tendency to grow quite huge when given soil land. 
Pots of agave plants must be kept in corners which do not touch the body as the scratches are very painful and in case you get scratched immediately wash with mild soap and apply antiseptic cream.
In feng shui thorny and spiky plants are not allowed as they emit negative energy in form of pointed arrows. The fear coming in the body of the viewer is the source of negative energy.
While trimming or cleaning the agave plant containers also care has to be taken and there are chances of accidental brushing with the thorny elongated leaves. The trimmed plant leaves also have to be disposed off with care, wrap in newspaper and then pack in strong bags while throwing them so that no one gets hurt.

The best gift is when agaves flower after many years, they each have unique colored flowers and fruits. The obsessive artist has finally gone ahead and painted the most desirable unique flower, I have not seen this bloom so the image is a fantasy one, the Brahma Kamal flower, view the painting on my website.
Thank You!


Flowering in Curry Leaves Plant and Friendly Unexpected Visitor Monkey to Our Terrace Garden

Buds on Curry Leaves Plant
 This was  a huge surprise and I have never seen the curry leaves plant flower or heard about this. The plant has given out a long stem juts like bulb plants and had tiny creamish buds in large numbers.
 The flowers opened after a few days and looked beautiful, tiny miniature like flowers very similar to white lilly or amaryllis , but just very very small.
The beauty in nature and God's creation was in detail , each flower so tiny, with the thin creamish petals and clear shape, this has maybe come up after many years. Maybe the plant got affected by being surrounded with everywhere blooming flowers.
With two of our Amaryllis bulbs giving out healthy large sized blooms the garden is a riot of colors, white as in mogra and juhi and roses of pink and whites, spider lily and peace lilly flowers, kamini with citrus fragrant creamish bunches, peach, pink kaners, champa, and just colors and fragrances like wild! Thank you God!
Heavenly white peace lily flower

Bunch of tiny off white flower buds on curry leaves plant

Friendly visitor to our terrace garden Monkey
Saturday,  welcome to our garden was an unexpected visitor, he must have accidentally come from nearby hills, and was of course treated like a true guest with fruits and food. The sad fact that concrete jungles are taking over natural habitat for animals, brings out the question of the nature cycle going on in harmony?

Total happiness as always though I was careful as monkeys are known to be very quick and also may bite if threatened, but the handy tips while trekking and dealing with monkeys  helped a lot, but with this fear was far less than the immense happiness,   and I did not want to miss out on capturing this happy moment!
Huge red flowers of Amaryllis

Close up of curry leaves tiny flowers
Thank you and Wishing every one many such happy moments, All the Best!
Thank you!
fragrant Mogra flowers


Balsam Plant flowering Tips and Care How to grow Healthy Balsam Plants

Balsam plants the lovely colorful vibrant flowers seen usually on hilly regions and mountainous regions are the ones I found difficult to grow, maybe because they needed the right type of soil and watering. Growing the lovely colored flowering balsam plants for some is the easiest when the right mixture is used for growing.
Red Amaryllis Flower
A very good morning! the red amaryllis is in full majestic elegance as the huge red flowers dominate the garden. The flowers come in about a few years and are something to really worth watch for.
Close up of Red Amaryllis flower
Balsam is a plant grown in hilly regions especially seen in Himalayas. The plant with its unique shaped leaves grown in a bush shape form and grows well as borders and also in containers.
Red flowering balsam plant

Balsam plant flowering tips

Close up of Balsam flower
A beautiful flowering plant Balsam has been grown for  its medicinal uses and well as symbolic purposes. There are lovely flowers in red, pink, white and shaded variety which look like tiny roses.  The Balsam plant needs full sunlight and also regular feedings when grown in containers.
Tips for growing and flowering in Balsam -
1) soil mixture is very important. Many Balsam plants die off due to improper fertilization and soil. If the soil is not well draining and too mushy the soft delicate roots of balsam die off.
2) watering with care, never skip watering during flowering times. Over watering is harmful as the roots leave the soil and the plant topples out of the container. It is important to remember that these plants grow in hilly regions where the water drains off on the hilly slopes.
3) the plant when full of blooms becomes heavy and needs to be tied for support when grown in small containers. It is better to keep it trimmed and in shape to give healthy blooms.
4) Adding regular fertilizer available in nurseries is required just before summers to see great blooms.  You may also add a few used tea leaves for better flowering.
Leaves of Balsam plant
5) The plant Balsam has a unique way of spreading its seeds. the pod burst is the most beautiful thing that you can experience, the splatter of seeds naturally which allows the seeds to disperse in the surroundings and take root. Recently the Adenium seed pod burst in front of me with the ten oclock sun,
Adenium good luck plant seed pod burst
6) In case you collect the balsam plant seeds to grow separately give them some sunshine to dry them well and then sow them for fast sprouting .
The Balsam plants when grown in healthy soil may give blooms within few months.
Pigeons taking a dip and drink

With the hot summers please put some water , even a small container in your window sill may be a great respite from the scorching heat for our heavenly friends. And what more,  you can invite heaven luck into your home!
All the Best!
Take Care and God Bless!


Mogra and Juhi Flowers in Full Bloom Simple Tips and Tricks for Big blooms The Saved Pigeon

 With the hot summers comes a welcoming treat in the garden, the fragrant flowers are in full bloom. With the mogra, jasmine, juhi and lilly plants all covered with white fragrant flowers the cool evenings and night shave become quite inviting and pleasant with the fragrances coming along with the breeze.
Mogra plant laden with flowers
New buds on Curry leaves plant
A surprise in the garden, the curry leaves plant has given out a bunch of off white creamish buds, nature always surprises me with its immense beauty. I have never seen nor known that curry leaves plant also give out flowers!
The obsessed gardener in me still continues to add up and squeeze some new ones but this poor little ficus plant got burnt in the sun while travelling. Hope it recovers soon.
Burnt leaves of ficus plant
Mogra plant in full bloom
Juhi flowers have this time given off quite large sized blooms, looking almost like white roses.  The many petalled juhi flowers are fragrant and even a  single flowers is enough to freshen up a room.
Large sized Juhi flower

Juhi flower on plant

Buds of Juhi flower on plant

Big size Juhi flowers

Juhi flower

Mogra plant buds

Fragrant mogra at night

The best time to enjoy white fragrant mogra and jasmine plants is at night, the bestest fragrances out of this world can be experienced in the cool breeze at nights during summers.

Fully covered with mogra flowers

Many buds of mogra flower

Fragrant Night Jasmine flower at night

Peeping buds of Red amaryllis
 Another welcome new peeping buds of the large red amaryllis flowers, come after four to five years , Each stem gives about three to five big sized red flowers. Two pots are abut to burs with this beautiful fire feng shui energy in our garden.
White fragrant flowers

Big size flower of Juhi Jasmine
 With hot summers we have to add water twice daily as the bird bath is of medium size, medical reasons do not permit to store large quantities of water, due to spread of disease by mosquitoes, here our bird bath hardly lasts for half a day, and fresh water is added for the visitors to take a dip and drink.I caught the early riser in this pic. Last week a pigeon had come with hair entangled in feet. The poor fellow could not walk and the more he tried the more the tangles got grip of the tiny pink feet. Recently during the kite festival another one had died as I was too late to help him out, even after cutting the soft thread, very sad that the pigeon had died, after a night, though some respite that it drank some water and took some bread crumbs, death is the same, the pigeon too struggled , we feel so helpless, and then the last breath...the birds are sent to soil as last rites, just like the fishes who die from the tank. 
Our pet white pigeon was saved as he got regular feeding on time and though the swollen feet part fell off the leg, it healed faster with care. and this time another pigeon, I was alert , quick and though this fellow flew away that day after feeding, which brought tears to my eyes as the feet blood circulation gets blocked and gangrene sets in as a result the pigeon dies with pain and hunger.
he came back for feeding and hiding under the garden pots, it is very tricky to trim the entangled threads and hair from their feet as they resist and keep pulling in opposite direction, I am so happy that God has given me this opportunity, the most happiest feeling, freeing his feet, when I set it free! Thank You!

Friendly visitors the pigeons coming for a dip and drink
I have observed that simple tips can helps to flower different types of mogra, Jasmine and Juhi plants faster and give out plenty of healthy large sized blooms,
1) Full Sunlight
2) Good firm soil to hold the plant as it becomes quite heavy
3) Watering regularly daily after winter , even twice in flowering times when there are buds. In case water is not sufficient the buds drop off.
4) Feeding just after winter is over as mostly these plants love to give out fragrant blooms in summers.
5) Trimming just after winter to remove dried shoots of stems and leaves and also to start the blooming process.
It is advisable to keep all types of mogra fragrant plants in one area so that watering and care can be done properly. Feedings are most important to get big sized healthy blooms, but do not encourage regular blooms in six months. I often trim most of the plant to let it conserve energy for flowering. Once a year we get lots of blooms and with each breeze and every drop of the fragrant flower the garden is covered with a sheet of heavenly white fragrances!
Thank You!

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All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved ©  Rizwana A.Mundewadi

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