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Vaikunth Flower Show 2016 Balkum Thane Christmas Santa Clause, fun, joy ride, treats, and Awesum World of flowers!

Awesumness All the way! At Piramal Vaikunth Show this year 2016! . Like last Year , based on the concept of The Chelsea flower Show, This year a Tribute to the Flower of Gold, Indigo, The Blue Gold, history, and original textiles , with a video show, beautiful thought by The Piramal Realty Group,  giving tribute to the long forgotten art styles and as we move ahead with technology and fast paced life, this was like a breath of fresh air!
The Butterfly Sculptures Themed Garden

With Santa, tried but couldn't get the photo straight!

The Gardner and His Blessings 

Hanging Container Garden 

Moghul gardens

Amazingly Awesum Lighting

The Orchid Garden at Vaikunth flower show

With the Flying Feral!

With the Green Sculptures Elephant family

Water show at Vaikunth Piramal
This time again, December 10, 11 and the next 17th and 18th December 2016, Christmas Santa Clause, fun, joy ride, treats, and Awesum flowers! Themed gardens!   Show began this weekend and will also be on the next weekend. A beautiful expression and thought from the Piramal Realty Group. The group promises to build homes amidst vast greenery and themed gardens.
Buddha Garden of Peace and Tranquility
Interesting Wood Sculptures

There are Amazingly beautiful themed gardens!  The Buddha Garden, the Moghul Garden and the Best was the Green Animal sculpture themed Garden landscape. I was so happy to see my Bestie, My guide, Airavaat! Elephants are greats symbols of love, strength, family bonding, caring affection, family bonding and of course , in  Hinduism the Elephant headed God, a beginner of auspicious beginnings! It is said that the Elephants have awesome memory and they never forget. The beauty will be preserved, yes , these beautiful animal garden sculptures are covered with artificial grass giving the effect of green growth , and easy to maintain and care. Ranthambore Garden with white Tiger.  Beautiful fantasy animals, flying horse, camels, butterflies and loved the leader Black sheep! 
Butterfly green sculpture
Colour, fragrances, magic!  Huge Dahlias, Roses, Chrysanthemums, Indigo Blue !  
Isn't this Awesum! Pied Piper! Happiness in the air! 

Between the old times, a beautifully expressed documentary show. History and Beauty of indigo. The Charm still continues, fascinated with the colour , Love it , the colour of the Third eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra.  Bright Violet, deep blue, vibrant, it is a more deepened shade of blue. Has a lot for spiritual energy and used in traditional batik and textiles till date.
Adenium Goodluck Plant

Awesum landscape design

Camel Green sculpture

Canna Vibrant Vermillion Red Blooms

The Fairy garden Wishing welll

House garden landscape design

Majestic Dahlias

The Donkey with burden 

Hanging Garden 

Tribute to indigo at Vaikunth Flower Show

Hibiscus blooms at flower show

Vibrant Red Blooms

Happiness at flower show

Interesting colours

Vaikunth flower show

Horse wood sculpture 

The entrance Piramal Vaikunth


The Ranthambore Garden 

Santa Clause 
Candy Yummy

The leader Black sheep

There are beautiful themed gardens!  The Buddha Garden, the Moghul Garden and the Best was the Green Animal themed Garden landscape. I was so happy to see my Bestie, My guide, Airavaat! Elephants are greats symbols of love, strength, family bonding, caring affection, family bonding and of course , in  Hinduism the Elephant headed God, a beginner of auspicious beginnings! It is said that the Elephants have awesome memory and they never forget. The beauty will be preserved, yes , these beautiful animal garden sculptures are covered with artificial grass giving the effect of green growth , and easy to maintain and care.
Colour, fragrances, Magic!  Huge Dahlias, Roses, Chrysanthemums, Indigo Blue !  
Isn't this Awesum! Pied Piper! Happiness in the air!  The humble, most easiest to grow,  Canna flowers were as usual commanding attention! From Periwinkles, to Pansies, Hydrangeas, Shevanthi, Marigolds, Hibiscus, Petunias, and Orchids! Popping in between were the Old charm Adeniums! 
As gradually the dusky evening set in, the vibrant blooms amidst landscaped themed gardens were over shadowed by the light show of majestic huge chandeliers and the water show, a fantastic treat! The stone sculptures , unique. 
The Joy ride Mini Train
Between the old times, a beautifully expressed documentary show. History and Beauty of Indigo. The Charm still continues, fascinated with the colour , Love it , the colour of the Third eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra.  Bright Violet, deep blue, vibrant, it is a more deepened shade of blue. Has a lot for spiritual energy and used in traditional batik and textiles till date.
Indigo , A Tribute at Vaikunth Flower show
Awestruck I was looking at small children, who were bent to enjoy while their parents had better things on mind! clicking photos! Many times we forget to enjoy the moments of happiness , just clicking photos, children are free to express and we teach them so many good things ...but in the long run...we teach them to forget to enjoy with abandon! 
It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in theair.. Happiness everywhere... Joy...Colours... Fragrances...
“I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” ~ Charles Dickens". Thanks a Lot PiramalVaikunth Awesum Flower Show! Spreading Happiness, 


Why you must remove plastic bags from new saplings repot saplings Protecting Shevanti and Carnations from birds Practical tips Piramal Vaikunth Flower show 2016

This time I was quiet! As winters have set in plants are growing yet there is a lack of colour , except for few reds and yellows. So Surprise! Husband got some flowering baby saplings, fresh ones, unexpectedly! Shevanthi, Sada phuli Periwinkle( we lost a beautiful large one after rains...) and carnations. All with a red alert !
Unexpected gifts 
 I usually would avoid buying  these as bird friends from heaven, sparrows, pigeons and even rats eat the blooms and sometimes even gobble the whole plants!
So while I had somehow controlled my obsession of buying plants  for a few weeks, this time was an awesome surprise from the universe! Dried plants in containers are tough to use , have to break the soil as it becomes hard in winters. As also I thought of continuing with watering as many times unexpectedly the dried plants, if roots are alive,  spring back to life! Yet the soil was quite hard,
Water clogged soil
Many people buy plants and keep them like that  in containers and water them. This is very bad for your plant health especially delicate flowering plants like carnations and petunias. Why must you repot the new saplings from plastic bags-
1) The plastic bags are small, stunt the growth of your plants
2) The plastic bags have holes but may clog sometimes killing your plant.
3) difficult to water plants as the mouth of plastic bags are small.
4) many times there is no soil! So limited growth of your plants, and may also not flower.
5) Plants usually after few days die off in plastic bags. There is no feeling of safety and security for them in your space.
It is Important to repot the new saplings in pots and containers. Choose one size larger for planting new saplings, as they get lost in very large containers.  Take care to avoid damage to roots while transplanting. Also see that there may be a very soft delicate small root ball, the rest is just peat , take care of this.
The important part was how to save these from becoming meals of birds, yet still keeping fingers crossed each day! I do not like to put them in mesh , feels like a cage! and they do find ways, tried last year, plastic wire mesh, tough one, yet they found ways from below the container! and from the holes they plant leaves were pulled out!
Practical tips for saving flowering plants from getting eaten by birds-
1) Feed your birds! Yes  everyday for them , yet we have to be careful, especially pigeons.
2) keep these prone for feed plants away from where birds come frequently.
3) Found this helpful- plant them under large bushy trees. Yes they receive less sunlight sometimes but better than the fear of being killed!
4) I had Chinese roses on window sill , as pigeons completely remove these! but the leaves were droopy and so planted some stems, cuttings under other plants and they have become healthy,
Chinese rose stems
Chinese rose stems growing under large plant


Fat Boy plant 

Transplanting saplings Shevanthi

Hard rock! soil in dried containers

Brahma kamal long leaves of hope

Magical Sky from my little space under the sun

Sada phuli

Shevanthi Chrysanthemums

Plastic bags new saplings

Poinsettia plants

Two new ones Periwinkle Carnations

Goodluck Shevanti

Glowing golden Sky 

Snow queen
 5) Water carefully these new saplings. Most important art, yet I am to learn more refined control! Any experienced gardener would say,  always has tough time watering plants ,each one different needs! Keep them together , same needs container plants.
Hope this helps!
meanwhile another beautiful attraction for plant lovers, Vaikunth flower show, from Piramal residency, Old Mumbai-Agra road, Bayer India Road. Ram Maruti Nagar , Balkum,Thane.400607, Maharashtra <India.
 10, 11 and 17, 18th of December 2016. don't forget to visit! get your invites!
for passes register at piramalvaikunth.comflowershow
Blue Gold-Indigo the Flower of freedom.will Insha Allah share the happiness in my next post!
All the Best from Rizwana!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! Buy Happiness flower paintings for health wealth and joy.

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What does a Balcony terrace garden symbolize in feng shuii? 

Fragrant Parijaat flowers and my favourite childhood Marathi poem

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Last years Vaikunth flower show 2015

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