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Variegated Spider Lilly Plants Unique Leaves and Beautiful fragrant flowers

Spider Lily plants are very beautiful heavenly white and these unique leaves we had were like spider lily grass and grew into long strands emerging from centre. These variegated spider lily plants are grown form bulbs and require well draining soil.
Variegated Spider Lily Plant with bud

Variegated Spider Lily Plant flowers
Lily plants are grown from bulbs and require hardly any care. Of course save them from rats who eat up fleshy bulbs! And the caterpillars who gorge on leaves.
Apart from the ornamental beauty these variegated lily plants offer they also look very pretty with their unique designer leaves. There are white line in between the raw green leaves. It is as if an artist has made a single line on each and every leaf, God the most Awesum artist!
No special care required but I have killed a few (lol) so but here are some practical tips for growing variegated spider lily plants-
1) Indirect sunlight.
2) Well draining soil , very essential.
3) They love to grow in hanging baskets and small pots and the wide mouthed containers.
4) If the bulb seems to show signs of rot, that is yellowing of leaves,  it is better to remove the bulb and let it breathe, you will save the bulb! my practical tip!
5) Try to grow them in restricted pots and do not plant a single bulb into a very large container. Lesson learned- grow them in small pots and once they fill these pots, then shift them to one or two size larger pot . And finally if they have filled the whole container then you can grow them in very large containers.
6) Not deep but wide mouthed is the mantra for growing variegated spider lilly plants!
7) Too deep grown bulbs find it very difficult to give flowers. Bulbs are grown just a few inches below the top layer of soil.
Don’t forget to connect on my Face Book Group with the same name. Garden Care Simplified! Like , share comment, for the love of Gardening!
Have a Great Day from Rizwana!
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Ajwain Oregano The Mystical herb Feng Shui wealth plant

Oregano Ajwain common name 
Ajwain, Oregano herb, most loved by many as a fragrant and pungent healthy herb added to salads and as dressings for dishes, is also one of the Awesum wealth cure plants in Feng Shuii!
the Ajwain plant is grown very easily from cuttings and it spreads fast like wild as garden borders and loves hanging baskets.
In Feng Shuii this oregano plant is considered very auspicious. Not only for its unique rounded beautiful shaped leaves but also its fragrance refreshes the sinuses and clears the mind.
The round shaped leaves of Ajwain are corresponding to the feng shuii element metal according to the five elements theory and symbolism. Metal element is strong to attract wealth and money luck and as coins are round in shape and metal element can be easily activated with Chinese goodluck coins , this plant with its beautiful round shaped leaves is of similar feng shuii energy.
The shape corresponding to the element metal is round, circular, and plants with rounded leaves are used as feng shuii cures to attract wealth and money luck.
Grow them in your feng shuii wealth sector, they do not require much care and are proven great feng shuii money luck cures,  see the magic of feng shuii !!!
Don't forget to connect on my Face Book Group with the same name. Garden Care Simplified! Like , share comment, for the love of Gardening!
Have a Great Day from Rizwana!
"Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get. H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
If you love my Garden Care Simplified do subscribe to my latest post alerts by following me and my Garden blog, and if you are interested in feng shuii, Reiki healing and symbols do subscribe to my newsletters on my website
If you have chanced upon my page from Google search, Please do share ,You may not need it but this plant advice and gardening tips can help some one on verge of giving up gardening! All the happy emails of so many newbies in gardening keeps me going!!!

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 All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2010-2017 Rizwana A.Mundewadi


Button roses and special care for Button rose bushes and my Large sized Drooping Roses in rain!

While I have had lots and lots of Rose bushes of different varieties over the years and even special unique ones bought form exhibitions that have given us beautiful rose flowers, I had avoided the tiny button roses.  Size matters, and since the environment on our terrace garden his best suited for roses, we always would choose and grow large sized roses.

Button Roses Garden Care Simplified

Bid Rose flowers Garden care Simplified

Drooping in rains rose flower

Button roses bush garden care simplified

Button roses yellowing of leaves 

Button roses, tiny roses and small beautiful bunches of Joy!
Button roses require some what different care than the big rose bushes. They grow beautifully into bunches of flowers and look pretty like tiny buttons of pink!
Button roses are Awesum in fragrances and their raw fresh fragrance is out of this world! Of course my other roses also have fantastic fragrance and these are heightened in fresh rose buds opening in the early mornings, you must try smell  the roses  after sunrise, the experience will refresh your mind body and spirit!
So I added button roses, and then after the session of blooming the leaves started to yellow and drop off. There were so many flowers, it was not possible to trim the plant at this time. I realized that the plant was struggling to maintain health due to less exposure to sunlight. Trimming and dead heading of flowers is very important.
Then due to heavy rains most button rose flowers rotted and the whole plant was covered with soggy petals. Chances are, here the plant health can be compromised in such situations where the outside atmosphere is dark and cloudy.
Next time, I was prepared, my special tip! Cut some flowers( I avoided cutting flowers, but in special cases  it is essential, especially in rains the flower remains for longer time indoors) Cutting some flowers helped me to add some freshness indoors as well as save the remaining flowers on plant that grew healthy and stayed for  longer time.
Button Rose bushes care-
1) Button rose plants  will need indirect sunlight.
2) Egg shells work for all roses as great feedings.
3) They will grow stems that will spread into many tiny stems and load with many buds.
4) Dead heading is important after blooming as these tiny button roses dry off and they cover most of the plant preventing  the leaves from getting sunlight.

5) Button roses grow in plenty, large numbers in healthy plant and hence they require rich soil and well  sized pots.
don't forget to connect on my Face Book Group with the same name. Garden Care Simplified! Like , share comment, for the love of Gardening!
Have a Great Day from Rizwana!
"Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get. H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
If you love my Garden Care Simplified do subscribe to my latest post alerts by following me and my Garden blog, and if you are interested in feng shuii, Reiki healing and symbols do subscribe to my newsletters on my website www.razarts.comLike Share Comment for the Love of Gardening!
"Gardens are not made by singing 'Oh, how beautiful,' and sitting in the shade. Rudyard Kipling

Plant a garden and your life will never be the same!!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! Buy Reiki flower paintings for health wealth and joy.

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Succulent Jade Feng Shui Wealth plant Jade Practical tips for Growing Jade Plants and the Feng Shuii Number symbolism in Money Plants

Jade Plants Garden Care Simplified 

Healthy Feng shuii Money luck Jade Plants
 Wealth plant in Feng Shui are special chosen plants that have been great activators of wealth in Feng Shuii. These plants have been selected by Feng Shuii Masters for their unique qualities and staying power and special characteristics that make them great feng Shuii wealth cures.
The beautiful jade! Green, fleshy, tiny ovular leaves that require less care and less watering and for their staying power in tough environmental conditions these are termed as strong feng shuii money luck plants.
I find it difficult to take acre since we have a open terrace garden and there is strong sunlight for most part of the day. While there is always blooming happiness in our garden with loads of colourful blooms(sunlight blessings! these special ones , succulents and cactuses have a tough time with me. While most other plants require plenty of watering and in summers even twice these succulents have to be shifted to shady areas and also it is difficult to avoid over watering.
For the many lost plants, again this time got tempted and added a pair of green jade plants. This time they have found a space in our window sill garden along side with the Brahma kamal plants. While I still long for seeing the Brahma kamal flowers, painted the pots with left over paints. Will write another post sharing tips for painting garden pots.
Jade are very lucky plants in Feng Shuii and they have to grown in pairs for activating the Feng Shuii wealth and prosperity sector.  There is immense value given to number symbolism in feng shuii and this also comes for growing plants. This is one aspect I always take care of, never grow many single plants in your garden. Try to add up as many pairs as possible especially in the feng shuii relationships sector of your garden, this si the south west of your garden. The energy of pairs! The feng shuii wealth sector, this falls in the south east of your garden,  also needs the energy of two, so grow these plants as pairs, and it would be good to have two similar pots also.
Feng Shuii symbolism of number Two, symbolism unision, of two energies, very auspicious. The luck and blessings from heaven and earth. The number two activates energy in any space in double.  The Yin and the Yang, the high and the low, the light and the dark, it brings harmony and luck in any space.
Care for growing Jade Plants-
1) Sunlight is essential for jade plants, indirect for at least some hours of the day.
2) Choose well draining soil for jade plants. The soil must be firm and well draining. .
3) Avoid over watering the jade as the leaves get soggy and rot.
4) Avoid under watering , as then the leaves start to drop.
5) Root rot is most common in jade plants with soggy water clogged soil.
6) Best tip- Turn the Jade plants every few weeks so that they grow uniformly.
I had seen a large Jade tree, that was really very beautiful, grown in soil on land. Of course the owner had special adding’s and feedings during growth stage for this one and once it gets comfortable, the Jade is an Awesum succulent that keeps growing!
Today we see soil less growing and this one works for succulents  well and also for those who cannot control over watering! like me!
Grow these Awesum ones and do share your experiences with this beautiful Feng Shuii wealth cure, money luck plant Jade!

don't forget to connect on my Face Book Group with the same name. Garden Care Simplified! Like , share comment, for the love of Gardening!

Have a Great Day from Rizwana!
"Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get. H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
If you love my Garden Care Simplified do subscribe to my latest post alerts by following me and my Garden blog, and if you are interested in feng shuii, Reiki healing and symbols do subscribe to my newsletters on my website www.razarts.comLike Share Comment for the Love of Gardening!
If you have chanced upon my page from Google search, Please do share ,You may not need it but this plant advice and gardening tips can help some one on verge of giving up gardening!
All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2010-2017 Rizwana A.Mundewadi

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