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Beautiful People Bring Beautiful Seasons Always! Beautiful Gardens Always bring Joy! Happiness Garden 9 Tips

The dried garden BEFORE
The feng shuii Joy garden AFTER
Happy New Year from Rizwana A.Mundewadi Reiki Healing artist India
Some people, just like flowers, often give pleasure just by being themselves! All of the seasons are truly beautiful for people who carry happiness within them. Happy New Year 2019! And May this be the Best One for All of Us! #gardencaresimplified.     Beautiful gardens always bring Joy to the World! While the struggles with entryway garden continue ,low light and too much atmospheric dust, yet the snake plant and Chinese Good Luck Bamboo plants are growing. Really true to its feng shui symbolism, the good luck bamboo is a tough survivor.  Window gardens with low light, we have north facing windows, are growing with Anthurium, Brahma Kamals , Fern, Chinese Evergreen, Anant Gardenia, Aloevera, purple hearts, wandering jew and a few more. With the New year, 2019 more garden excitement contines to add fresh energy. Goals this year for making happiness gardens , add more, green and more colours! 1) more focus on ornamental pretty plant containers ( my containers were hand painted, but now we r spoilt with choice! So many unique plant containers!) 2) Focus on what grows happily in restricted environment. Add those plants. 3) No sunlight no flowers, doesn't matter.Add plants with coloured leaves, always a colourful garden! 4) Garden design. The terrace garden had its own design. Now focus on setting unique and workable garden design , easy maintenance gardens are priority. No more excuses for starting happiness gardens! 5) On a travelling spree, so minimal care container plants would be good. That's one thing I am blessed with, whenever we go for a week or so, my gardens are taken care of by fairies. And what a beautiful care they give. In fact telling someone to water my plants last time we were out, was a mistake, my plants don't take well to new hands energy. Choose plants that require less frequent watering 6) Always be prompt in keeping your garden neat and trimmed! Overflowing gardens look so happy, but dried overflowing gardens do not! There is a difference! Dried pots and plants bring negative energy and are bad feng shuii. 7) Go vertical! Best way to keep floor space clean in entryway garden. Have grown some plants in bottles, they look great!  Recycling, focus, 2019! 8) They need more love than care! Accept this! Those who are gardeners and those who have gardens know! More love, lots of love, love is so enough! Most times! 9) Never give up! Nope! Never give up on gardens! I always advice people, some plants may not have worked for you, doesn't mean you have a sore thumb for gardening! Plants are so cheap, even cuttings, we now get ready potted plants, no hassles. While you may be spending on so many other things, put this on your list. A small amount of happiness in your financial budget! You will see how your health and wealth will transform. Try it, it works! Have a Blessed 2019! Happy Gardening from Rizwana! ( Sharing this, the most happiest emails of fantastically ecstatic happiness, and when people meet me with excitement sharing about their plant additions- when people say they have started gardening because of me! Following my Garden Care Simplified and my love and passion for plants, and of course I blush and go on cloud nine! Made a little difference to the world, my life!  Its definately Worth it!
Old coke bottle with money plant



Best creations of nature

Mini gardens

Plastic bottles recycled

New growing plants from old mother plant

Welcome to my entryway garden where no flowers grow but there is always happiness!
Happy Gardening from Rizwana! Sharing practical container gardening tips with my Google Blog Garden Care Simplified since year 2010 to encourage growing plants, improving the eco system and environment and adding fragrances and colours through exotic flowers in your life! Only natural fragrances! uplift your senses!
All the Best from Rizwana!
A Healing Artist selling original Reiki healing art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art You Tuber The Red Pilgrim Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading health wealth and joy through my Reiki symbol healing paintings!
Stay Safe!
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