Gardening , a passion that never satisfies a gardener. We always have some things remaining, a dream garden. Experiencing so many different types of creative gardens and enjoying every bit yet it remains, my dream garden...From the small machine top garden that I has been a long journey of more than twenty seven years with different gardens. Gardening has given me so much love, hope, blessings,. joy!! It has been my constant friend in life's ups and downs.
there is always a creative energy to change and make fresh my gardens. I love to change pots, change arrangements, add new, spank some and love some yet they bless me always. Environmental limitations and challenges too bring out the best in us gardeners as we love plants more than humans. Plants are so unique and beautiful and can be grown in creative forms or rock gardens, window gardens, kitchen gardens, table top gardens, miniature gardens, small gardens, large gardens and you actually don't even need much space, a small bowl, tiny shoes can be your own private garden of bliss and Zen!!
I have shared many posts about different plants and gardening tips tricks yet the dream garden remains.. I hope the Universe is I paint my dreams.. with gardening your learn life. You see so many sunrises sunsets and stars and the blank sky with its interesting messages.
Tiny lucky shoes mini garden |
sunrise |
sunset |
birds terrace garden |
one corner of my terrace garden |
conch shell zen garden |
window garden |
decoupage old plastic containers for gardening |
passage entry way entrance garden |
Write down and imagine your dream garden. Focus brings clarity to your dreams. Making joyful collages inspired by nature as I carefully tend my window garden plants with lots of love, bringing in vibes of magic!!. Remember gardening is not just keeping plants and watering them.. there is so much more excitement!! Keep your feng shuii gardens of joy flourishing!!
Brahma Kamal plant |
Read about- Brahma Kamal plant disease and care