There are the Brahma Kamal plant fans and yet to see the blooms of this mystical flower I am growing Brahma Kamal plants in my window gardens and they seem happy so there is HOPE! Can you keep Brahma kamal plants in your home was a query many have asked as there are ancient beliefs that the plant only grows in some homes and only few chosen would in lifetime experience its flowering. People also believe that women, especially menstruating women must never be near or touch the plant. Once touched or seen by such women would bring ill luck to the home. Some believe that it only grown in Hindu homes only and such go the myths still. I have actually seen people throw healthy Brahma Kamal plants from their window gardens and that felt really sad.
I have been struggling growing these Brahma Kamal plants and with pure love and dedication only. I wonder when, but I have hope they will surely bless me some day with beautiful Brahma Kamal flowers. The Brahma Kamal plant, saussurea obvallata is a cactus. Keeping aside the myths and beliefs it is a cactus which needs that type of growing soil environment and watering care. There is actually the hype created with obsessions continuing about Brahma blessing only few homes. I wonder if the people stop working will the abundance keep flowing? Keeping these thoughts I have been scientifically thinking that the plant needs rocky well draining soil and people boast of no care and no fertilizers but I guess every love story needs some spice! I have added egg shells as this is the only natural fertilizer I sue in my window garden as it is in our home.
Elders seem to have their own beliefs and are totally against having the Brahma Kamal plant inside the house. Are there fairies and souls moving near the plant, I wonder. Some also feel souls get stuck up with the plant and are carried to different homes in form of leaves as blessings. More success stories keep pouring about the auspicious Brahma Kamal plant flowering and flowering in tons! Earlier people believed that it flowers once a year. Then some said every six months. Now as I see YouTube videos of flowering of Brahma Kamal plant flowering and this feels amazing. once the plant is established the routine caring procedures followed keep the plant healthy.
I think keeping those myths alive is better to help spread the plants everywhere so that many can experience the joys of seeing the brahma kamal flowers. As for Lord Brahma he is the God of creation and will bless everyone irrespective of caste religion or age, so let us keep the love for this beautiful Brahma Kamla plant with long leaves and strange habits of growing. Have a clear heart while growing plants they will reward you with blooms!
Not all will love feng shuii Reiki and not all will agree to healings and mantras even if it is for family's benefit and family's protection from evil eye. I still face people who would say remove this, remove that, it is not allowed? allowed? I get queries when people buy my Reiki paintings that their spouses do not believe in reiki or their children are against any such therapies. The worst part is they start the negative discussions that stops the energy flow. The intentions need to be clear and hence I suggest ways where witchy potions, techniques and protection symbols bowls can be disguised to benefit the family without explaining. Young ladies and girls having super powers the new witches' have tough times following rituals of purification protection and many times family will stop them from owning their super power. Most of my artworks are focused on women empowerment, to understand accept your own uniqueness, to overcome limitations and glow, and own your inner power to succeed and shine in life . I am not someone with super powers, I am an ordinary person who has studied about energy and symbols and striving to bring life changing results from them, yet I am a work in progress.
These methods will help you to do the rituals without anyone noticing.
1) Use garden herbs-mint for wealth, bay leaves for protection, cinnamon for wealth and protection from negativity. Grow mint for wealth. hide cinnamon sticks-two, 3,7, 9, in cupboards and money drawers to attract abundance.
write with any black pen and then let is go but the intentions will remain. |
2) Draw sigils in form of creative drawings on your nails before applying nail paint. Ancient symbols can be written with black pen and these are not like permanent tattoos. Enjoy new sigil markings as you would like each day to go.
3) have meditation area made with healing art incense this helps keep you recharged. Listen to Reiki music or experience Reiki healing arts meditations using The Red Pilgrim, my You Tube videos kept on mute, sound off.
4) Food is an essential part of our lives. Reiki Masters have sine ancient times activated water with symbols and intentions and we have had saints and temple sadhus Sufi healers and saints dargahs giving water that is charged with mantras and recitations. This heals all negativity and brings good health. Scientifically this is proved that water stores memory of the giver , from where it has come, the pathways, the distances, and thus it is effective. We feel refreshed with drinking fresh mountain water, we see that springs are magical and I have tasted the heavenly dew, that is magical, try it if you have a window garden, during those cold misty foggy mornings do check your garden plants for dew drops, this is magic potion for good health wealth and success. gently request the dew drop over your fore finger and drink it with pure intentions. I do see how my garden is taken care off and fairies they do love you and care.
For tea coffee or any food you can positively charge it for health with moving hand gracefully or stirring it clock wise. For any doubts before eating any food, or you feel the giver has not got good intentions, you can move anti clock wise to remove negative energy. This is
really very effective, the cook always transfers their own energy into food and if you are facing issues with ill health and irritability or stress check how your food is cooked! let the environment in your kitchen be of love and pure energy to eat healthy food that will benefit you and your family. While serving always pray that this food brings good health to you and your family, try it, it works!!
5) garden pots especially entrance pots can be hidden with protection cures. Put some black coal pieces for evil eye protection. Tie black ribbon. for money blessings bury coins inside money plant and see your wealth growing(take care that this plant does not dry)
Hide your feng shuii wealth money luck or evil eye protection cures in plant pots |
6) cactus sure shot protection and wealth, this will also heal the soul.
cactus plants act as negative energy protection plants and also attarct wealth |
7) reiki healing art as abstract floral art can be hung in any space.
Reiki abundance symbols works wonders to your cash luck |
(buy this art here) |
Potpourri dried flowers have fragrance oils |
7) destroying energy-use with care. Dried flowers placed anywhere will finish a relationship. (In feng shuii we avoid having any dried flowers or plants, placing such potpourri in relationship sector will create arguments in couples and even lead to separation. Avoid this in home or office).
Bird feathers are magical use for wish fulfillment |
8) Bird feathers are very auspicious except from dead birds. Black symbolize elders blessings white angels around you. Each colour of feather has its own hidden symbolism meanings in your life.
Use sea mountain rocks to activate your northeast feng shuii as disguised blessings |
9) Mountain rocks, sea rocks are super activated with tons of energy , use these, only in northeast sector.
Most powerful plant-snake plant for negativity protection |
10) listing this a individual because this is most miraculous plant, Snake plant, mother in laws tongue. easy to grow and very effective as protection cure. place two plants for goodluck.
Place the laughing Buddha in your rock garden for abundance prosperity blessings. |
11) Make an mini garden arrangement or a tiny rock garden and place feng shuii cures merged with this.
12) create your own magic spray disguised as air freshener. Salt purifies. Have a mild salty water spray with some cinnamon cloves, bay leaves and a pinch of soda bi crab, spray it over your walls with positive intentions after any negativity or uneasy energies. If you have guests or uncomfortable relationship occasions or people attending your home function and you fear anything untoward arguments keep this healing spray handy. After the function wipe the floor with salty water to remove negativity.
post- how to break a family cures healing arts meditation with spoken affirmation video
Make your own bowl of air freshener that also is magic cure |
Read about this magic cure in this post13) personal power activation with salt water bath. sickness, prolonged illness, feeling uneasy, low energy even after all your daily routine exercise and healthy food, this happens when chakras are not balanced. Use salt crystals(not powder) in hot water and use this for bathing from head to toe with intentions of all negativity flowing away, you will feel extra fresh, try it, it works!!
Use your personal power and allow the Universe to bless you with abundance! Hope this helps!
Healthy Brahma Kamal plants in my window garden |
Meanwhile m y Brahma Kamal plants are glowing healthy in three containers (I used to kill so many earlier...sadly-sharing in this post)with long big leaves elongated lanky leaves and hoping some day I get to see the mystical blooms and experience its blessings and magic!!
why Brahma kamal buds drop?
Brahma Kamal plant disease and growth tips
How to save a dying Brahma Kamal plant?
what is a zodiac garden?
All the Best from Rizwana!!
Buy Reiki healing paintings from my website Razarts.