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Most dangerous plants for your home! Do not Grow these plants if You Have children at home

Pests in Spider Lily and Amaryllis bulb plants

You hardly know how dangerous some plants can be for small children and as you buy plants for your home indoors and gardens you must read this shocking post. Really fed up of cleaning the pests these have come in my special plants list-grow only when you have direct sunlight. Sharing plants that must be avoided tog row indoors and even in gardens when you have small children at home.

Periwinkle Sada Phuli
I have noticed the bulb plants like spider lily, amaryllis, tube roses rajnigandha, sada phuli-periwincle vinca roses, attract white mites. these are tiny insects that crawl all over the plants and even jump to neighboring container plants and never leave!
Transplanting bulb plants lily 

hibiscus plants pest attack

Corner of my little space under the sun

Butterfly larvae feeding on plants

Anthuriums plant roots

When you have small children be really careful while choosing plants especially for indoor plants as they attract pests easily with water stagnation and also for outside gardens if there is not sufficient sunlight coming in your space. 
Growing plants on stands help air circulation and prevents water clogging and pests

Water spraying helps remove some pests 
These tiny creatures attach themselves to leaves and feed on the plant, you will find the bulbs from inside become soggy and die if these pests are not treated on time. 

Hibiscus too has tendency to attract mites, aphids and its really stubborn, many gardeners suggest soapy solution spray to clean this. I have tried many things but as you add pest control medicine the plant also dies off. Manually removing, trimming is the only solution and once you trim the infected parts and remove all creatures spray it with water using pressure to blow off all insects and then give some direct sunlight, if you are lucky enough  you will save these plants as they start fresh growth.  

Avoid all sort of bulb plants indoors, unless you are growing them outside garden with full sunlight. 

Tube roses Rajnigandha too is infected at times.

Hibiscus as I mentioned is too prone to pest attacks'.

Jade also gets infected with white aphids

Brahma Kamal plant pests

Brahma kamal mystical plants, Saussurea obvallata too attracts white fungus, keep the plant outdoors in indirect sunlight or window garden and never indoors. 

Read here- why Brahma Kamal buds drop?

Easily grow Palak at home!

Peace lily also gets fungus we have to keep checking the under side of the leaves as soon as you see plant leaves drooping even after watering.

pest attack peace lily plant

corner of my garden

spider lily flowers

trimmed the leaves of spider lily plant due to pests

tube rose flowers rajni gandha heavenly fragrances

Sada phuli plant open terrace garden plant

Beautiful strength Rubber plant
Children homes need special plants so choose carefully. Tiny tots and small children are curious and also these pests from plants are dangerous as they fly from the plant leaves to surrounding spaces. I have also written an ebook available for reading on Amazon kindle of why and how to start your tiny tots little child's garden. Your Little Wonders Garden. Grow ornamental plants that require less care and sunlight,
Cleaning window garden
 Ever green, snake plant, Chinese bamboo, money plant indoors out of reach from your children of course! 
Feng shuii gardens of Joy! Grow Your's Now!

Meanwhile leaving you with a hope that if you have  garden you grow more healthy happy plants and if not you are guided to start up with even a few plants now! Plant a Garden and change your life! Do your bit for Mother Earth! Emails continue from blog lovers with photos of their precious loved plants, and queries regarding pests and tips for flowering, I answer within few hours or a day. Thank you so much for your love and support to my blog Garden Care Simplified as I continue my Passion of growing different varieties of plants and sharing my experiences. Every garden is unique and requires special care and thoughtful tending for them to bring joy!
Posts-Can plants move? read here
Yummy fresh strawberry ice-cream! Mahabaleshwar!

Thank you so much for coming by Garden Care Simplified! Hope this post has been of value to you! Do share!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants ,gardening is my passion and love! I am a Reiki healing artists dedicated towards spreading reiki energy with the world since year 2000 to bring joy to the world with my healing art!Buy my paintings only from my website The Red Pilgrim's  Soul Perk Art!


Can Plants move? Can Plants feel Pain? Plants can Love! money plant feng shui dangers and best tips for wealth

 Plants Can move Plants Can feel Pain Plants can Love! Plants Communicate! Are plants living? can plants feel? The experiment with photos taking the most common and yet beautiful feng shui money luck plant-money plant.  I have been watching my window garden plants and from the terrace garden hot sun these would communicate in beautiful manner by turning their shape away from direct heat, curling leaves and also by looking sad, yes, shriveled and I know they are speaking and I act by changing their place and then they grow happily!

Sending roots

Observe the tip of root ends

Notice the thickness of roots in money plant

In the window garden collecting dew drops magical potion

shaded leaves money plant

 Plants are living energy and hence they grow, best feng shuii can be activated with growing plants in your home. Healthy green growing plants attract wealth abundance and heal relationships if placed in east and south east section of your home. I see how they sometimes come closer to you as if desiring a hug. It feels so good when you lightly brush your fingers' over the plant, I do that sometimes when they look sick or quiet, brushing lightly over the leaves with fingers and even for the full plants brings them peace and happiness. 

Evil eye glances and touch have killed so many of my plants in my early experiences with gardening. I now take care for protecting these innocent plants from touch of others and also display them carefully so that delicate plants are out of reach of strangers. Evil eye cures are hung to keep the energy shield over plants and they are feeling safe. 

Whenever I fall sick I see how they move ahead slightly as if to heal me with love. There are times also whenever I may neglect due to personal stress but the loving plants pull out without much care and yet survive. Its a two way love, you love them and they bless you with blooms. The care we express is felt by them. Scientifically it is proved that plants are living energy and they also feel pain sadness love and joy. I wonder is it related to the gardener's feelings? how we feel they also feel? but most times I have seen plants heal and are powerful ways to enhance home energy and bring peace happiness good health, prosperity and joy.  

Entrance feng shui magic plant 

No doubt that they are living as we can see they grow but this interesting experiment of money plant was an eye opener for me also so hence sharing this.

Sharing Money Plant Experiment! Interesting Observations

I could feel its power as the long money plant climber started from a tiny piece of rooted plant. Small pieces with roots can immediately spring into heavy growth, such is is magic of money plant! easiest glowing plant indoors! I did have my struggles few years back as we had completely lost all money plant with evil eye and negative people touch, and even though i bought from plant nurseries the plant would die off.. then it sprung up and then no looking back as it started glowing fast, I made the infinity loop for money plant and it looks happy also in container with moss stick and hanging planters. Watch the video about why feng shui avoids money plant? in Hindi how you can grow also  

This began about twenty years back when we had extensive plant growth in our window from money plant. The leaves actually grew huge clinging to the wall and had such thick roots that I started to fear they were in mode of attack. How you see the roots growing long I could feel strong energy feel. A Pull and strong energy direction the roots grow and send long roots as if flying to another container and wall. Yes, when you see a detailed close up with lens or magnifying glass you will see small tiny legs hairs that are sticky, gluey and hence the money plant roots can cling to any other thing or object easily. 

It required some taming, trimming and organizing redirecting the energy to a happy feeling. I could feel strong energy of taking over space, a focused strong energy of survival and glowing huge, and also moving to any direction for survival! 

Staring new container with moss stick money plant growing idea

Now also I see it is so powerful it will send absolutely long roots even like ten meters or more and find support for its survival. No wonder when we see ancient ruins or tall skyscrapers with vertical garden money plants can send roots to any amount of length and find soil to grow. The plant is also labelled as king of wealth and Inspiration. This will bring quick success and motivation in worst hit cases of financially downfalls if you know how to use it correctly and place it strategically for feng shi benefit. 

Money Plant growing

The money plant needs discipline and you cannot allow it to grow in any haphazard manner. It will take over your life making it a mess! Yes, tangled money plant is an indication of life messes. Try to keep every piece of the climber free and in upwards direction. Too many tentacles coming down from plant container will have pulling down energy and you will feel it. If it is displayed well you can feel the vibes of happiness and fresh green clean money plant leaves are soothing to heart and eyes. 

Thick roots in money plant sending for support

tips grow dark also indicating stored energy

staring new plant growth from just roots

Place the money plant and activate wealth luck.

The experiment was an eye opener for me and like every living ,the money plant needs discipline care and displaying ideas for it to work for you! Money plant is a great example of persistence and perseverance, it will never stop efforts and bring out roots in almost every direction and every bit of its original plant stem! Till few years it was jinxed in feng shuii as it requires support and there was belief that when placed in home every member of house is dependent on others and can't lead life independently. This also makes the foundation of structure of house weak if too many roots are embedded inside. Cracks appear and make walls weak. Sadly many people threw away money plants from their homes and gardens with this belief. But no doubt it is a prosperity plant and I agree it requires careful monitoring and right way to grow to enjoy the immense luck blessings. Tame it to experience immense benefits in health wealth relationships and prosperity! Grow it in upward , side ways direction and see your fame Name and  prosperity shoot up! Keep it discipled and see the magic. 

Empowerment Reiki Art Money Plant display 
Read here on Garden Care Simplified- magical plants to grow from both ends!

Why luck is running away from you when you have money plant growing around full house? 

Why plants in bedroom are bad feng shui?

Bright green look at the money plant every morning to soothe heart and eyes!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants ,this is my passion. I am a Reiki healing artist making spiritual symbol paintings since year 2000, spreading beautiful Reiki energy with the world through my art! The Red Pilgrim's Soulperk Art!

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