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Your mind is a garden,your thoughts are the seeds,you can grow flowers or you can grow weeds Inspiring 18 Gardening Quotes

 Gardening adds years to your life and life to your years!!A life without a dream is a garden without a flower!Your mind is a garden ..your thoughts are the can grow flowers or you can grow weeds..

Cleaning your garden is like cleaning your mind

Anant Gardenia flowering tips

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18 Best Gardening Quotes for life changing energy-

1) To plant a Garden is to dream of tomorrow Audrey Hepburn

2) I grow plants for many reasons; to please my soul , to challenge the elements,or to challenge my patience, for novelty or for nostalgia, but mostly for the joy in seeing them grow David Hobson

3) Gardening always has been an art essentially Robert Irwin

4) Life begins the day you start a garden Chinese proverb

5) the earth laughs in flowers Ralph Waldo Emerson

 6) Gardening is the purest form of human pleasures Francis bacon ( life may seem uphill at times, gardening is a saver!)

7) Spring is nature's way of saying let's party! Robin williams ( after hard work you must learn to let go, and relax ,enjoy, that is essential)

8) Gardening requires lots of water, most of that in form of perspiration Lou Erickson (totally agree, the sweat pays off, trust me on that!)

9) I like Gardening, its a place where I find myself when I need to lose myself  Alice Sebold ( what more to say than from a healing artists, very true!) 

10) To plant a garden is to believe in Tomorrow Audrey Hepburn ( you will not understand this quote until you grow a flowering plant, try it, the hoe, the spark of joy on seeing the first bud, its out of this world feelings!)

11) Gardeners I think dream bigger than Emperors Mary cantwell. ( Yep, Really true! Ask and you shall receive is the Reiki Universal life force promise, Dream big)

12) My Garden is my Most beautiful master piece! Claude Monet  Coming from the world famous artist, it purely shows hos passion for beauty in surroundings and the strong positive influence it has in our life.

13)How lovely is the silence of growing things Evan Dicken

14)I love spring anywhere but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden Ruth stout

15) An addiction to gardening is not all bad when you consider all the other choices in life Cora Lee Bell

16) The more help a person has in his garden the less it belongs to him W H Davies

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17) A Gardener learns more in mistakes than is successes Barbara Dodge Borland It is a blessing if you are connected to gardening. With the years of trial and error methods, so many leaving us...I do bless and pray for the dead plants as they have taught me immensely in life so many lessons, one of them is to never ever give up on anything or anyone!

18) The gardener does not make the plant grow..the job of the gardener is to create optimal conditions Ken Robinson. This one hit really hard, practically what do good gardeners do? yes, we adapt, we adjust and we choose right plants in whatever conditions we are living in to grow the most beautiful energy gardens. No wonder you will see a garden with colours all year round! and when you see one, know that the Gardener is a Best one!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants..this is my passion, I am a professional Reiki healing artists making original hand painted art since year 2000. Buy only from my website Razarts.


Effective Weight Loss and Feel Good Hormones with Gardening

 Weight loss and feel good factor is what you will get as a result of gardening. How? I share in this post. If you are struggling in life with how to lose weight and also suffer from anxiety stress and depression, surely this way is very very effective. Try adding some green plants to your life. 

Hands in Soil Enjoy Gaia Mother Earth Blessings

Repotting plants

Fragrant Anant flower Gardenia

It really works ! You can monitor how many calories you burn out when you clean your garden, trim off extra shoots of over grown plants and clean dead leaves from growing plants. As you need regular care for your gardens like trimming, watering, repotting, digging soil for planting new ones, transplanting and growing new ones from cuttings.

You will experience immense joy with total involvement in the gardening activities and find peace ,clarity and relaxed feelings. You will say you don't have space? or time? nowadays we get ready potted plants where you need to just water and trim and clear the dead leaves and soil from the base. I have seen many people start a garden but then tell their servants and maids to water and acre for those plants. Here you totally lose the purpose of gardening. You don't even benefit as you would if you personally do the tasks with love.

You may not have a large garden, a small window garden with collection of few plants also works to your benefit, physically and mentally. With adding a new plant there is so much hope and with a new bud flowering there is almost an adrenaline rush you can feel. You repot plants by digging soil in containers thus losing few calories. Trimming too takes up energy and also sweeping the floor of your garden is a good workout in fifteen days or a month. 

Gardening will relax your mind and assist with weight loss. Mind also feels fresh and you get new creative ideas for your profession too. Whatever you are going through a sitting beside a jasmine flowering plant will immediately relax your brain and bring hope.

Add gardening to your daily workout schedules to get faster results with weight  loss programmes. You will also feel very grounded, connected to mother earth in this form which is really needed now as we stay in tall skyscrapers. We lose touch with mother earth.  What more take the walking challenge of 10,000 steps per day, a daily walk besides the swaying palms is a feeling out of this world!!!Assured results for weight loss!!

Fresh spinach sprouts

one of my window garden 

Fern plant transplanting

Window garden 

Try it it works!!

Bright Fresh window garden

Flowers in my garden

share your experiences as I have found this really effective, hence sharing!  Adrenaline Rush, Feel Good Dopamine!!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!! 

I do not sell plants, this is my passion! I am a Reiki healing artist making original hand painted art for sale since year 2000. The Red Pilgrim's Razarts

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