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How to make Chameli Climber Flower Tips Badam Almond Tree Red Leaves

How to make chameli climber flowering tips

Close up of Buds on Chameli Bel Climber
 How to get healthy flowers on chameli climber bel, tips and trick for blooming flowers on chameli climber. The beginning years after planting chameli climber there was no flower for more than a year and I had begun to doubt the originality of this plant.
The chameli climber grew fast and with lanky stems , light fresh lime green colored leaves and there were no signs of flowers. Feeding the plant with a few  feedings also helped in making the chameli plant grow faster. Simple trick of trimming the plant did a great wonder as each and every lanky stem has plant plenty of blooms. The overflowing pot of chameli climber has been showing flowers since past month fully loaded with white fragrant flowers.
I have also made it a point to trim the stems  of chameli and plant it beside in the same pot, hence the plant now has a fuller growth  and seems fully loaded with white fragrant chameli flowers. With the  cool breeze in early mornings, evenings and nights it feels the whole garden is a fantasy land with fragrances reaching the home  from the garden door along with the cool breeze, worth it.
It is better to guide the climber of chameli on a wire trellis or support with strong rope, for the climber falls down to the ground as it becomes heavy with flowers. Mine needs direction, at present just enjoying the  blooms!
Meanwhile  the Badam tree, almond tree has  beautiful red leaves all over it. This usually happens after rains when the sun begins to show up, the leaves get burnt and show as red and then they fall off the tree.
Badam almond is a nut which is very high in protein content and healthy option for  great health.   In the market we get shelled almonds that is these are seeds inside of the almond fruit  which is seen on the badam tree.
Big badam tree Red leaves of Badam tree
Badam Almond Tree dried leaves

Dried Almond Badam Fruit
 Badam almond tree is easiest to grow and also fruits fast.  Since the almond tree has no special requirements  for growing and planting , except for space , soil  , ground, we see plenty of badam trees  everywhere  and the birds also enjoy staying here.
Chameli Climber Flowering tips

Red leaves on Almond Badam tree

Fragrant chameli flower on plant

Green Badam almond fruit from tree

Get healthy chameli flowers tips
The fruits on badam tree are green and then they dry out gradually and turn brown.  The almond nuts are taken and shelled to get the seed  from within. Many times fruits from trees come out to be bitter in taste. There are different varieties of almond fruit trees and hence the quality of the almonds  depends upon the plant.
chameli plants are universally loved by every one and as many use them  as hair decorations, especially in India,   the plaits are decorated with white floral decorations,  and for offerings to God in temples for puja, they sure cost quite a lot outside from flower vendors, growing chameli climber is a great option if you love to have regular hair gajra  and it is worth  the effort.


  1. Nice tips - Does chameli flower through the year?

  2. Hello Native Place Gardener, chameli climber usually is seen flowering twice a year in great conditions and healthy plant. I really don't know whether it is fully loaded with blooms through out the year , usually large sized climbers old ones planted in ground soil do show flowers most of the time, hope this helps, All the Best from Rizwana!


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