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Why Raat Ki Rani Plant Flowers have Lost Fragrance, Photographs shared by Mr Srinivas Flowering Tips for Night Queen

Raat Ki Rani Plant
 Raat ki Rani flowers smelled great earlier but have lost their fragrances , a very common plant issue that comes up with every one who have grown this beautiful heavenly flowering plant, The Raat Ki Rani or the Night Queen. Original plant photographs of this Raat Ki Rani plant in this post have been shared by our reader Mr. Srivinas, what a great capture, loved the photos, Thank you for sharing.
The best part is the plant had given blooms that smelled great and now do not,the white beautiful tubular shaped flowers look great but no fragrance. A lot has been jotted down to temperature and sunlight. Why Raat Ki Rani Plant Flowers have Lost Fragrance, Photographs shared by Mr Srinivas
Heavenly Fragrance of Raat ki Rani Plant Flowers
When I have placed the Raat ki Rani plant in full sunlight as it was shedding leaves the flowers lost their fragrance and fell of. Then I tried a more shady part of the terrace where only partial indirect  sunlight reached the plant,  the plant grew but looked weak and limp with only a single stem growing like a climber.Strange trick of nature, or plant survival issues. Only in certain conditions and temperatures the Raat Ki rani flowers emit fragrance, and we have to find it
Beautiful Raat Ki Rani Flowers on Plant
Maybe the Raat Ki rani plant is too fussy. It needs the right temperature of heat and warmth as well as coolness to emit fragrances. I really don't know God's Magic here as the same flowers sometimes suddenly start emitting fragrances in the rains, usually early mornings or late evenings.
Needs experimenting with the right place and pot. And once the plant adjusts itself well you will keep enjoying this heavenly fragrances.
Flowering tips for Raat Ki Rani Night Queen Plant-
As the name suggests the plant is been made for nights, it will emit strongest fragrances to attract moths for pollination at night. Hence the heavenly white color which is visible even in the darkest nights.
Stems growing lanky and like climbers give very less and weak flowers, whereas the plant when cut in bush shape gives healthier blooms. This plant loves trimming and cutting. It will give healthy blooms only when trimmed regularly.
Add flowering fertilizer dissolved in water as the plant does not like strong additions. When adding home made fertilizer or adding cuttings of vegetables and fruits as fertilizers, beware of rats!
and some plant growers also mention about snakes!
Enjoy the white beautiful flowering plant Raat Ki Rani, still quite famous over the years and loved by everyone, Night Queen, nothing to beat this fragrance! especially on cool rainy evenings , nights, the mild fragrance coming with the cool breeze, feels great!
Thank you Mr Srinivas, for the photographs of Raat Ki Rani Plant.
Keep sharing your plant photographs and information on gardening at
All the Best, Take Care!


  1. Your photography is so very beautiful !! Can't wait to see your flower arrangements !
    Send Flower

  2. Thank you Shoaib for the lovely comment, welcome to Garden Care Simplified. Take care and All the Best!

  3. very beautiful & helpful analysis

    1. Yes, after years of observing plant growth,a an reading researching about behaviour of Plants,I share here on Garden Care Simplified!

  4. Wonderful to know more about the plant. Thanks

  5. Thanks, Glad you like this post on Garden Care Simplified! Do check interesting posts by The Red Pilgrim.


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