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Vaikunth Flower Show, Piramal Residencies at Balkum Thane Buy a Home Surrounded by World of Exotic Flowers

Vaikunth Flower Show
 Vaikunth flower show, Thane City, Biggest flwoer show, Piramal Residencies, amazingly beautiful, exotic blooming gardens and what a magical place to own a house here! Themed garden and beautiful landscapes,, the concept of the Piramal Group , connecting the elements , a way to bring back the hectic influence of internet bringing us back to Mother Earth. Great Feng Shui!
Knowing my obsession for flowers and exotic blooms, and things just seem to come in front, like the newspaper article, my hubby shared, and what a magically beautiful experience!
Themed Gardens Moghul Era
While I booked the invite online, so you get your access number,  it was an Awesum welcome and a Great Show, the first day at Vaikunth Flower Show! Amazing crowds and just a merry and cheery environment with not just flowers but a complete package of entertainment with fantasy fairy tale gardens, themed gardens, tree houses and flower gardens,e specially the Orchid Hunters Garden, gets  TEN STARS! A collection of so many exotic orchids at one place, breathtakingly beautiful,, I would live forever here!(provided the orchids are maintained and keep blooming LOL!) People streaming for snacks and hot popcorn and sugar candy, ice creams,  The Train rides were so so booked,, I just missed it, but I loved to see the happy faces of people sitting in the train enjoying the joy ride!
Exotic Orchids

Orchids at Vaikunth Flower Show

Exotic Orchids Flower Show

Nature Park Ranthambor Garden Theme

My Favourite Good Luck Pots

Magical Santa Clause at Flower Show

Vaikunth Flower Show

Huge Dahlias

Great Crowds at First Day of Vaikunth Flower Show

Awesum Lighting at Flower Show

Just Like Kashmir!

Beautiful Orchid Garden

Themed Gardens at Piramal Vaikunth

Installation and Sculptures At Piramal Vaikunth

Welcoming Nature at Piramal Vaikunth

My favourite Tea Pot Theme
Its a treat for all flower plant lovers,especially Orchid lovers, The Vaikunth Flower Show at Piramal residencies, Thane Balkum, Started from 20th December 2015 continuing till 3rd January 2016!
So if you wish to live in a fairy tale fantasy land home, surrounded by exotic blooms, you now have a choice with the Piramal Residencies,  in Thane City!
Thank You Very Much Piramal Group for arranging such and amazingly Fantastic Flower Show! A Great Gesture and a Welcoming energy for the Awesum 2016!
(Just check the address properly so you save time reaching there, still better keep asking for instructions on the way!) 
Wishing All My Readers of Garden Care Simplified a Merry Christmas and A Very Prosperous New Year! Plants and flowers, sharing knowledge so that it helps you! Happy Gardening! Thank you each one of you for reading, sharing, liking, commenting on my blogs,and supporting my art. Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You Awesum Good Luck from my little space under the Sun!


Hibiscus Practical Plant Care in Winter and My Dream Flowers Paintings Who Knows I might get it! Orange plants from seeds parrot flower and SonTakka plants

Pink Hibiscus Flower Plant care
 Beautiful fruitful Year is coming to an end ...again with new hope, new dreams and loads of excitement! From the winter care for my extended family to the love of Birdie and Honey, and my paintings, wishes poured down on canvas and paper, who knows I might get it!
Winter has set it with low sunlight and only few hours of direct sunlight and plants are showing signs of leaf drop, frizzled look and some are in Awesum Majestic happiness, especially the Yellow exotic Mussaenda flowering shrub,, The White Snow leaves tree  and Roses!
Winter care is must and white fungus and aphids attacks are common. the Hibiscus especially is at  risk, as it loves full sunlight and is prone to getting white fungus, bugs  mealy bugs, whatever, they are we can see them crawl! The plant even after lots of treatments does not take too well to attacks and pest control medications many of the precious  rare Hibiscus plants have left us...
Saving Hibiscus in Winter-
1) Nip in the bud! as soon as you see white fungus trim it, so it will not spread.
2) Strongest sunlight you can give them.
3) Be careful of water, only when the plant soil looks dried water, avoid over watering.
4) Whenever using pest solutions dilute it, they are strong,, I totally avoid these,  as with the fungus they also kill your precious plant!  Some people say soapy solutions helps, but try at your own risk.
5) keep plants away from your breathing level space, they white fungus and bugs are not good for your/ your family's lung health.
6) I know it sounds strange but I have done this and it worked, remove each bug wearing protective gloves with stick!
7) Thorough bathing!Showering your Hibiscus frequently during winters with strong force of water helps prevent these attacks.

Rose Bush Loaded with Fragrant big sized blooms

Mussaenda Flowering shrub
Am amazingly inspiring month for my Garden and My Art, and exotic The Parrot Flowers from Thailand,
Exotic Parrot Flowers from Thailand
the dream flowers, vibrant red champa/frangipani, and the Champa , all dreams wish fulfillment paintings painted!
The Champa Tree Inside My Home

Meanwhile MashaAllah Birdie has taken well to his new mate, Honey and I am happy as this was a big risk, birds sometimes fight and maybe even kill each other if they do not get well along. But it was too painful to see him live alone in his large villa!

Birdie and Honey

Another new energy from my little space under the sun

New Additions to our family
 Another mistake buying flowering small plants, never again! the pigeons are at work I have tied a net still they find ways to pull off the plants! Just have to be on my toes! white fragrant new additions, Name of the plant Hedychium Coronarium, White Ginger lily, commonly called Son Takka here in India. will share when it blooms!
Net surrounding small flowering plants
Exotic Flowering Plants 

Orange Seeds Planting Orange Trees

 While loving feng shui and symbolism of wealth paintings  and the Good Luck Orange Trees, this time head on , painted many orange trees and now collecting and spreading as many seeds of orange fruits  as possible in containers, drying them and removing skin for fast growth, lets see how beautifully nature unfolds!

Two turquoise Pots of Goodluck Orange Plants
 Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You All the Best and Happinesses  from my little space under the sun!


Yellow Alder Flowers Plant Kamini Bush Mussaenda White Fragrant Type of Jasmine Plant Flowering Tips and Birdie Got Honey

 Yellow flower, there was a time when I have specifically searched for the colors of all chakras. While we have reds, pinks, purples, blues, I still had to get the Solar Plexus Chakar color yellow flowering plant. One is a chanced upon lucky one that had grown under our car in the rainy season and  would have died there, so I planted it and bravo, what awesum yellow blooms! On Google search found it is Yellow Alder and not just beautiful but has a lot of medicinal properties, so this is luck, where we spend hundreds of Rupees to search for buying  exotic blooming plants some one just fell in my lap!!!not literally! The Flowers are soothing yellow and open in day time and close by afternoon. But these are loved by sparrows and pigeons and maybe rats! The plant gives out so many blooms again and again, no waiting period!
My Lucky Plant, Yellow Alder 
Mussaenda Flowering Shrub
The Mussaenda, looking almost similar in flowering like Poinsettia plant blooms except they are a beautiful yellow tiny flowers. and white leaf like sepals.  A great addition winter is becoming cheery with yellows in our garden!
Mussaenda Flowering Shrub Yellow flowers
Yellow flowers Mussaenda Flowering Shrub
Birdie Got honey
 Meanwhile after the loss of his mate , Angel, Birdie was doubt the loss of White Angel is irreplaceable but we added a new friend for Birdie and he has fallen in love again! Her name is Honey as she is light colored and has delicate features, Masha Allah!
Kamini flower Buds 
 The highlight is the  Fragrant Kamini bush that has grown from seeds. The parent plant is no more ...and this plant grew on its own and suddenly has begun giving out blooms. I think a year has passed after it began growing. Trimming is what does the trick. I had to keep trimming it regularly to control the growth.
Kevda plants, have grown profusely covering and in fact overflowing the pot, with their thick aerial roots. So many of them I had to part with, every time I trim them. Yet after seven years there are no blooms, I don't know how long will it take to see the blooms of kevda Pandanus odorifer plant. Fragrant screw pine, Ketaki.
Kevda Plant Trimmed
 Kamini Murraya paniculata Bush White Fragrant Type of Jasmine Plant Flowering Tips- While we have another Kamini bush that has only flowered once in eight years this baby one has given out plenty  of loaded blooms.
1) There are special genes or type of plant that flower and if it is infertile they just don't bloom!While buying a Kamini bush check some buds and then buy.
2) trim the lanky stems as the Kamini bush grows to keep it healthy and in shape. Keep trimming.
3) Add feedings before winter if you wish to see blooms. Or in Spring for a heavenly fragrant summer!
4) For keeping the blooms longer and fragrant choose a spot with indirect sunlight.
5) The flowers grow in bunches and close up look almost like miniature lilly flowers. Loved by birds, so protect them! as the trauma and shock of being feasted upon again and again leaves the plant barren!

Buds on Kamini Bush

Fist opening of Kamini Murraya paniculata Flowers in Evening

Kamini Fragrant flower

Murraya paniculata Kamini flowers plant
 On my art front a friend on face book posted  a beautiful  photo of magnolias and that was enough to get me started , a beautiful small painting A4 size on paper in acrylic, My Dream Flowers Magnolias"!
My Dream Flowers Magnolias Acrylic Floral Painting Rizwana Mundewadi
All the Best from Rizwana!

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