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Want to do something special this Valentines Season! Is Your Garden Full of Love Energy Some Feng Shui Love Enhancer Tips for Gardens

Garden Full of Love (Rizwana Mundewadi)
 In my Garden as Exotic Birds there love actually...the most important feng shui part of your home garden, terrace garden,,   can be divided into sectors , just like the home Ba Gua.  Love, relationships,, harmony,, peace, bliss, marital success, marital luck, all corresponds to the relationship sector, keep this activated well to attract harmony and peace in relationships.
Some guidelines from feng shui aspects for your garden! Do something special this Valentines Season!
1) Choose plants that represent love. Reds, oranges and pinks, all these colors represent happiness and love.
2) Do bring in a pair of plant this Valentines Season. the action itself attracts love, what more the couple can together plant these love symbols and care for them. ( don't forget to choose healthy plants!LOL we don't want to see them die!) but the action itself I have seen works wonders!
3) Gift some flowering blooms to the ones you love. What a beautiful gift! flowers wither within few days but plants remain and give out blooms thus continuing the love energy .
4) memorable gifts can be as growing green plants, remember the feng shui mantra, two/ pair is good.
5) Avoid thorns and spiky plants in relationship sectors. It affects relationships adversely. Also do not gift such plants.
6) Love is in the air,  don't forget your garden, clean it, trim it and keep the sectors active with blooming energy. Dirty dried plants and clutter here will  affect your personal life.
7) Avoid three plants in a row of one type in relationship sector of your garden. the energy is two, and number three may affect your relationships , just like in your home. Just keep a check with your garden design about this.
8) Get  Creative! if you have a evergreen bush trim it in shape of heart!Put a pair of fragrant candles diyas and feel the magically healed relationships.
9) Hang balloons in shape of hearts among your greens to attract love, As I always say ,surround yourself with symbols of happiness and love!
Meanwhile at my little space under the sun, touchwood! there are always blooming fragrant plants here, I do have to keep a check as winters have set in and leaves are dropping, but there are some giving out a great show against the chilly winds of winter. Few of my new orange seeds have sprouted but most feasted upon by my bird friends. The more creative I get in saving my plants the more challenging it is for them and they find new ways!still cant stop loving them as birds are Awesum feng shui live energy, heaven luck! Other wise the garden will be still like a picture, so I have to many times buy new plants, keep shifting places, while they come as a right, mynas, pigeons, sparrows, parakeets, parrots,, green bee eaters, king fishers, and eagles soar high while I hear  the roaring of Aeroplane more in early mornings...  
Garden of Love (Rizwana Mundewadi)
 finally All that Remains is LOVE!
"Selling Happiness" Paintings on Love and Double Happiness
Have a Great Season of Love, Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You Awesum Happiness, from my little space under the sun!
Is the Gift of Roses Harmful for Your Relationship
Happy Gardening from Rizwana! Sharing practical container gardening tips with my Google Blog Garden Care Simplified since year 2010 to encourage growing plants, improving the eco system and environment and adding fragrances and colours through exotic flowers in your life! Only natural fragrances! uplift your senses!
All the Best from Rizwana!
A Healing Artist selling original Reiki healing art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art You Tuber The Red Pilgrim Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading health wealth and joy through my Reiki symbol healing paintings!
Stay Safe!
Read more on Rizwana's blog Garden Care Simplified-


Baby Alexandrine Parakeet Care My New Parrot Flower Painting and Ficus Carica Anjeer Plant Some Hand Painting Garden pots

Inquisitive Baby Parakeet
 Universe,  nature plays a beautiful game and just when I had painted my friend baby Airavaat(Elephant) the word kept repeating in my mind and next day a baby just popped up!Next building neighbors had found an injured baby Alexandrine Parakeet! So while after my female pet for years who lived free with us (still miss you!) and the male parakeets, who is also free, I am well known as the Parrot lady here. For advice regarding care, the little one got really comfy with me and clinged with so much curiosity and love!I love birds, I have more bird friends than humans!
Most comfortable place with me 
 Baby parakeets are lovely,, and get attached to anyone they see and receive love from. The family are feeding it with dropper ceralac and food made into paste and the baby  is walking in the whole place, new wings have begun to flap showing more of green color and the red band on wings that gives them their distinct features, as Alexandrine Parakeet.
Hungry baby Parakeet

Grooming itself Baby parakeet
 Baby Alexandrine parakeets are great as pets and form strong bonding with humans. They love all our food except it is better to avoid sugars and sweets but our parakeet so loved gems and ice creams and cold drinks,, that every thing that went into  our mouth had to be shared with her, right from our plate! or she would refuse to eat! They don't require a lot of water and when guided take to the foods made at home soon. The best part of Alexandrine parakeets is that they accept foods that are home cooked and with their high level of curiosity also learn to talk fast and communicate, Best friends! Love attention, pampering, and nuts almonds are their favourites as they are originated from the mountainside areas and they can fly really very high and choose the highest perches outside as if they rule the world!One great pet for years, they have a long life span, just for the early morning and evening loud calls,, everything else about Alexandrine Parakeets is Awesum!
Listening to me Baby parakeet
 On the terrace garden front with winter and chills most plants have dropped leaves but the Snow Queen is at its majestic full beauty and bloom. The Red canna blooms against the blue sky are Awesum!
Snow Queen at its full beauty in Winter

Vibrant Red Canna Blooms
Shared click by a friend The Parrot Flowers, Excusite, Exotic , rare and so beautiful , the plant is not exported anywhere and seen only in Thailand. Got inspired and here painted them on canvas! These Parrot flowers are so Awesum, look just like beautiful pink parrots!
The Parrot Flower, Acrylic on canvas Painting by Rizwana Mundewadi

 Another magical presence, This is one of my favourite click, rare one,  the sky lends itself to imagination and beauty and an artist never ceases to capture this!!!( except for the man made lines! I so do not love these over head wires!!!!)

Amazingly Beautiful Symbols in Sky
What a beautiful surprise I got in our society garden the Fig plant has brought forthe fruits! The plant has been grown as a a baby and has taken well to the soil in ground.With amazing health benefits Anjeer,  Ficus carica,   is one beautiful plant to grow. The Anjeer plant bears plenty of bulbous fruits that are green first and turn to a beautiful purple when ripe.
A very good plant Anjeer, to attract birds to your garden!!!
Ficus Carica Anjeer Plant leaves Close Up

Fresh Fruits of Anjeer on Plant
Hand Painting Garden Vases Raz
 Once in a while its good to paint your garden pots as this gives them strength and adds beauty to your garden. Some fresh energy, some vibrant color added to my little space under the sun! Happy Gardening 2016!
Garden Vase Hand Painted Rizwana Mundewadi
Have a Great Day from Rizwana!


Terrace Gardens Advantages and Why You Must Live in An Apartment with Garden

Terrace Garden a blessing right from heaven, I have been truly blessed to live in this terrace garden flat , a special place with an  open sky right under the sun!
The Beautiful sky from My Little space under the sun!
While I see the sunrise and the sun sets the views are breathtakingly beautiful and it seems I have the whole world in my little space.
 There are immense benefits in living amidst beautiful nature. the Vaikunth flower show hosted by the Piramal group , Piramal Residencies brought forthe another opportunity to live a lifestyle amongst the beauty of Mother Earth surrounded by exotic gardens and yet  connected to the city!
Sharing here why I love a Terrace Garden Apartment and How living with nature will benefit you as it has to me and my family.
1) Stress, dust and Noise pollution all take a detour from where plants grow, it  leads me to  my personal Haven! Sitting among the plants and beauty of flowers will immediately make you feel lighter happier and more relaxed, try it!
2) Having a personal home garden however small it is helps us to be connected with Mother Earth, most essential today with high exposure of radiations and internet waves.
3) You learn to appreciate beauty and the beauty in others. My life has changed beautifully as I observe each new leaf grow, there is so much happiness with every bloom, and it definitely affects the way my day goes!
4) Children learn to appreciate life and its beauty and also feel connected with the element of  nature. Simply so many life lessons that cannot be explained are practically demonstrated, just like the early bird gets the worm, and the survival of the fittest, here with my many mischievous bird friends these are two most important ones coming to my mind! LOL! Butterflies, birds, insects and so many wonders of nature, beautiful creations of God, that you will yearly notice in your daily lives. I am awestruck by how the butterfly moth changes its color according to the foliage it sits on!
5) Time!!!you don't have time to go to the park or garden so it would be great to live in a space with your own garden.
6) Air! breathe fresh air, wherever there are plants and flowers the chi / feng shui energy is so strong you can feel the freshness and upliftment of your soul.
7) I have learned love and compassion, from the Alexandrine Parakeets who would come to my garden regularly, were so persistent that from a simple shy me I have become more expressive and confident, a true love story with my birds from heaven. Actually I learned the meaning of true love!
8) An expression, a personal growth and a creative outlet, a Terrace Garden Apartment or a home with a garden will give you a creative outlet. Yes you would never know your thoughts, how beautifully you choose plants, the process of buying new plants, planting them, the garden designing landscaping, the garden ornaments, the care and the happiness all is irreplaceable!
9) Finally living under the sun has made me glow, natural sunlight is one natures blessing which today's generation is starved off! Standing under the first rains is what I cannot express in words!and of course looking at the rainbow, always magical!
My Terrace Garden plants are  never the same , it keeps changing, its growing,, some are here with us since many years,, some left us, some due to my mistakes and some due to other peoples//birds , there is always a glint in my eyes as I pass a nursery and always so much happiness when I add an exotic one to my extended family!
Live with nature, live amongst nature, live surrounded by nature, this is my wish for you for this beautiful 2016! and don't say you don't have a choice, there is always a choice! Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You a Very Happy New Year!
Meanwhile on the garden front, need to refurbish the garden design, and add some sturdy ones, the pigeons and mynas are going crazy so also the sparrows! small new growths are always feasted upon, so again hunting for new tough additions! some exotic ones,,waiting for the Thane City plant exhibition , there is always so much excitement to add!
My Pet female Alexandrine parakeet she went missing but truly my best friend among the many!

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