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Tips for Buying Great Quality Cowdung Online Cowdung Upli How to Buy Online Cowdung Cakes for Garden

Cowdung cakes, cowdung upli, the search for good quality cowdung, as we know cowdung is the best food, great fertilizers ,  for our loved ones, and however much we keep adding ready mixes from plant nurseries there are no such miraculous results as we can see by adding cowdung to our garden plants.
Always the search continued to get great quality cow dung, of course it is not possible to pick up the droppings of our majestic cows and buffaloes that go for a walk on our roads! well I actually had brought wet cowdung and dried that on my terrace, but not so well received by my husband and son, because it really takes time to dry and the smell is, well, you know , ! Then another time was large ant larvae in the bought  cowdung and the whole garden   was a mess as the large red ants took over my beautiful plant containers making the soil porous and was  heck trying time to clear them off washing and thorough bathing! and of course the red  ant bites! enquiring a lot to cow sheds and milk suppliers they just did not help me out here.
Cowdung Cakes dried online shopping sites
My Bird friends from my little space under the sun

Magical Terrace garden

Cowdung Cakes packing

Cowdung cakes sizes online

Cowdung cakes for garden plants best fertilizer
Online shopping sites did the magic!  I got a very quick delivery and that too of well dried cowdung cakes at a very reasonable price from Shop Clues.
Cowdung cakes used to be of important use as fuel and still remember villages , the houses used to be decked up at every festival with fresh cowdung.
Cowdung acts as a protector and also has great air purifier value. Cowdung cakes are also used in havans and religious rituals as they are a source of fuel, and act as space purifiers.
Cowdung cakes are available on many online shopping sites as cakes, and as I checked the web there were so many suppliers but hardly any reviews to take my first step of buying cowdung cakes online.
But the desire was so strong that went ahead and was so happy, received well packed great quality cowdung cakes.
Tips for buying cowdung cakes online-
1) Go to a reputed shopping site to make risk free payments. There are many well established online shopping sites, Amazon, Snap deal, Shop clues, flipkart,
2) Check for reviews if there are any, this helps to see the suppliers efficiency, quality of cowdung cakes and other factors. And also if there are any negative ones. But here always go with your instincts. Remember reviews can be paid written!
3) Check the price proportionate to the amount of products, cowdung cakes. Like going in for cheaper cakes may be that the number of cowdung cake is less or maybe single piece. And a more costly product may have four , five or more cowdung cakes packed.
4) Always check the thickness and size of the cowdung cakes, you don't want to receive \cheap cowdung cakes of one inch sizes! and in the end you end up paying more for buying large quantities.
5) Taking risk , is all you can do, for buying new everyday products online, for some products, but the first time is always special, I am happy! and so will my plants be as they sure get a treat!
It is a different matter that I had to take a hammer and break all the dried cowdung cakes!!!LOL, but worth it!next time will find a way for this!as we have large as well as small containers which need to be added cowdung in smaller bits.
On our terrace garden front am trying to be more creative  having fun with gardening,  and this large sized container has become a mini garden in itself. Didn't want a tall plant and with the large size of the container small plants looked lost!So  different colored blooming plants.A Riot of Colours!
My Mini Garden
Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You Awesum Luck, Happy Gardening! from my little space under the sun!
 Night Blooming Raat Ki Raani Flowering Tips
Pink Anthuriums in blue pot Painting
Evil Eye Cure


Important Information Why You Need To Repot Plants bought from Nursery Bleeding Hearts Vine And Tasted the Dragon Fruit

 Bleeding hearts a very beautiful unique flowering vine that grows like wild with its rare flowers.
 A vine it loves to cling to other plants growing surrounding it. What attracted me to this vine was the unique colored flowers. the bracts are white with tiny red flowers. I thought these were bougainvilleas or maybe they are a cross breed variety of this. Amazingly beautiful contrasting colors the flowers are really Awesum! Given little guidance in growing the vine looks pretty beautiful with its unique blooms , the bleeding hearts vine.

Bleeding Hearts Vine
 This time I tried to keep the newly bought plants from nurseries in the nursery packs itself,  plastic bags with holes,  as many times the new plants do not adjust well to repotting immediately in new large sized pots. As the plants did not show any change I cut off and saw that they were all full or roots. This is very important to repot the plants bought from nurseries as they may have already outgrown their tiny homes and may need a larger space.
Ribbon Grass plant from nursers
Full of roots, newly bought nursery plant
 The plant if kept for many days in the same packing will not grow healthy and may also start to dry off as there is no space for roots. Yet it is also important,, from my experience, that they are planted in a next sized, one size larger than the previous packing,  and not a very large sized pot or container.
Bleeding Hearts Unique Flowers Vine
Inside of Dragon Fruit
With my love for feng shui and Dragons, I never know there is a Dragon Fruit! The Pitaya,  This is the first time I tasted a Dragon fruit! Its a beautiful shaped fruit looking like a pretty baby pinkish green dragon!
The insides were Awesum with tiny black seeds, and it has immense properties. Phytonutrients,  rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C  . From the fantasy land dragons the dragon fruit does make you a beautiful princess, yes , because of its amazing proprieties. Low on cholesterol it keeps you happy and healthy! Low on fats and the skin has to be peeled off to get inside the land of bliss!
Dragon Fruit
Custard Apple fruits on Tree

In our complex garden the custard apple tree is fully loaded with such healthy fruits, touch wood, as may times the fruits would be small become dark and fall off, it feels so great to see so many fruits on a single tree!the gardener has done an amazingly beautiful job of trimming the green foliage  into a shape of sheep, Ba Ba Black Sheep!
Ba Ba Black Sheep
flowers from my garden and the best season of love, Valentine's day, and roses, inspired for some great paintings of abstract roses, My Pink Chair,for buying some original hand painted symbolic healing paintings,  welcome to my website!
My Pink Chair, Acrylic on Canvas Painting Rizwana Mundewadi
Have Fun, Enjoy and All the Best from Rizwana! Don't forget to share your precious plants and flower images and love to connect and share information of unique plants, connect on my face book group of Garden Care Simplified!
Cures for South Fame Feng Shui
Complete Good Luck
Where to Hang Horse Paintings


Front House and Back Yard Garden Design Simple Feng Shui Guidelines and My New Surprise Plant for Free

Happiness comes my way in unexpected free plants, and again nature has done it! While I have purchased the Zanzibar Gem plant , the Fat Boy plant, The ZZ plant, a beautiful little one has sprung up in the container, surprise! its the humble good luck plant Tulsi!The Holy Basil! (Ocimum tenuiflorum) with its immense symbolism and great healing properties  and religious sanctity in Hinduism the Tulsi plant has given me so much happiness , unexpectedly! The leaves were growing in next to the Fat Boy but the flowering and the fragrance caught my attention now today. It is believed as an earthly manifestation of the Goddess Tulsi. Often the plant is grown in every Hindu home in the front, or centre of the home. The plant with green leaves is called Shri Tulsi, fortunate Tulis, also a synonym of Laxmi. The Devi Bhagvata Purana regards Tulsi as the manifestation of Laxmi, the Goddess of Wealth and prosperity. The Tulsi, Holy Basil plant is regarded as a woman's deity and a symbol of ideal wifehood and motherhood(wikipedia). So much for luck, I have tried so many times to grow this plant and my bird friends feed on it leaving it almost dead, and now this one pays a surprise visit!Thank You Universe!
Zanzibar Gem Plant with Tulsi Plant

 While observing large home Garden designs ,, time for some new renovation with the beautiful year! there are no two gardens the same and yet in one home too we see different gardens in the front and in the back. Front House and back yard Gardens are two different concepts and these two garden designs vary from one another. Especially when you see the feng shui energy there is a lot of difference in the front house garden and the back yard garden. Always flowering and colourful the front garden is welcoming with loads of energy and yet keeping in mind the functionality and use.
Budget, modern, stones, dry gardens and wet gardens. High rise garden designs and low areas of natural growth all cover  your beautiful garden space and each is important for the ambiance of your home garden.
Feng Shui Unique Tips for front and back gardens-
1) Functionality is Top priority. front is Yang and needs to attract prosperity. Colorful flowering plants, borders of colored foliage plants all inviting! Back gardens are more Yin, for beauty, serenity and practical purposes.
2) Keep the front garden plants low level to make the front door visible and not hide it completely from the main road, as this leads to lost identity and losing popularity.
3) The back gardens can be functional in growing vegetable garden and also a private garden for relaxing as this is hidden from the front and a much more private space.
4) A rock, stone garden can be in the back garden space with brooks and water falls.
5) The front garden has to be a mix of ever green plants and low shrubs. Tall plants that block the main entrances are not good.
6) Choose low maintenance plants that require less trimmings for front gardens, over grown gardens stop chi from entering  the home.
7) Always remember to keep your gardens in proper feng shui energy and care. as it reflects and affects your personal and family health, life   and prosperity!
Meanwhile our new additions are growing happily covered by the periwinkle plant hidden from my bird friends,
Periwinkle Soothing Pink Colored Blooms
don't know till when as they have searched for the Ajwain ,, Oregano, and almost taken away every bit! So lesson and important lesson beginning of this beautiful year, grow only those plants that take well to your climate and your environment! ( still the obsession to buy rare precious plants continues so they are finding space from under the sun to indoors in our windows covered by net, this isn't much for the love of Gardening!
All the Best from Rizwana!
Don’t forget to connect with me on TwitterGoogle+Tumblrpin interest, and do join our Garden Care Simplified Group on Face Book
Read more on-
Colourful petunias instant color
If you have chanced upon my page from Google search, Please do share ,You may not need it but this plant advice and gardening tips can help some one on verge of giving up gardening!Save a lot of plant lives and loads of money!
All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2010-2017 Rizwana A.Mundewadi

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