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Searching for interesting subjects for floral abstracts, take a peep into your garden plants, you will get unlimited interesting inspirations! The possibilities are endless!

Red Amaryllis Flower Close up from my garden
 Interesting and unique subjects for painting floral abstracts.
Creative Digital Expression of my Original Adenium Flower Photo 

Centre of amaryllis close up

Close up of Large Red Amaryllis flower

Center close up of Adenium flower

Center close up of Violet petunia flower

Creative Digital  Expressions of frangipani Champa flowers my garden

close up of China rose flower

Orange Rose from my little space under the sun 

red heavy roses from my garden 

dark pink rose flower Raz
 Searching for interesting subjects for floral abstracts, take a peep into your garden plants, you will get unlimited interesting inspirations! The possibilities are endless!
pink roses garden care simplified
A single flower from its shape, colours, depth, center, petals and surrounding leaves all form great composition and strong subject for floral abstracts. The artist in me loves the garden, as there are so many interesting captures, not a single moment goes by when I do not find some thing interesting to click. So every morning as I enter, there it is, I fond some thing fascinating that draws me towards it! From the sky to the birds to the plant containers, leaves, flowers to the butterflies and moths .  As the chirping sounds begin so also my heavenly friends  come for a dip and look so beautiful fluffy and all happy after the refreshing bath.
Close up red Amaryllis flower

Red canna from my garden 

Sunflower digital creativity from my original click

Red Rose Garden Care Simplified

Blue vase Pink Flowers Cubism 

Beautiful Love Art Printed Throw Pillow 

Awesum Happiness original art  framed print razarts

Flower of Protection art printed Tote bag

Yellow Dragon Bird of Happiness Razarts Fine Art America

Angelic Healing Art Printed Tote

Geometric Happiness Canvas Print

Window of Goodluck Framed Art Print

Zentastic pair Framed Art Print Rizwana Mundewadi
Fascinated with exotic flowers and taking close up shots, it is quiet interesting and meditative, mesmerizing to look deep into the centre of any flower. Be it rose, that is always majestic and fragrant, but also other flowers, each one so different , so unique.
Nature, flower shave been an interesting subject since ancient times and artists, in fact every artist paints flowers at some time or other in their career. For the healing  floral art inspiration went deep into the core of flowers, observed them since years, took loads of clicks and WOW each flower is unique, even if they are from the same plant. You also get to see interesting colour combinations and unique patterns in each flower close up.  It is very healing to observe flowers and get inspiration from them to make floral art and healing paintings.
Close up of red rose flower
Whenever you feel stressed or tired just look deep into the center of a rose, you will find your brain relaxing and pulse stabilizing and there will be a surge of fresh energy, soothing. Try it , it works!
All the Best from Rizwana!
Petunias inspiration for abstracts
Colourful petunias instant color
Best time to buy new plants
How to plant a bird friendly garden
Floral Art Nature Flower Healing Paintings
My Original Healing Art Printed Products


How to Grow Exotic Fruit Avocado From seed Fast Growing Tips Party in Your Garden Tips in Inflight Magazine Trujetter Jan Feb 2017

Exotic Avocado! Feeling Awesum!!! never thought this would be possible, I usually only grow exotic flowering plants as after I had to give away my chickoo, cherry and orange trees, and they did not make it in the new ground.... yes we do have a Jamun fruit tree that is small, growing in container.  Avocado that was organically grown, fruit , tastes like coconut flesh, and there are so many dishes that can be made using this exotic fruit Avocado.
Avocado Fruit and Avocado Seed

The seed was totally different, unique, tennis ball sized , large, and thought of trying to plant. On reading about this on Google, yes it is tricky to grow Avocado , so I gave this a try.
Fresh shoot from Avocado Seed

A month and few days there is a shoot coming up from the seed of Avocado. This is a moment of pride to bring the seed to sprout without much care.
Sharing some practical tips to grow Avocado plants from seeds-
Growth in Seed of Avocado

1) After removing the fleshy part of Avocado fruit, collect the seed carefully without damaging it. It is ball sized , slightly oval, not complete round.
2) wash the seed from any remnants of the fruit , otherwise it may be prone to ants  attack,  the seed while you plant it.
3) Notice that there is a covering on the seed, delicately remove the covering peel, this will help the seed to sprout faster.
4) Choose a well draining rich soil, that does not dry faster.
5) Plant the Avocado seed below five to six inches in a plant container. just see that the seed is covered with soil.
6) Too deep planting of Avocado seed will stifle growth and the seed may also not sprout, and get damaged by taking more time to begin growth.
7) It may take more than a month or two, have patience and water carefully, regularly when the top of soil looks dry.
Let the Avocado plant grow happily , later it can be shifted to larger container.

Ten years along with my little space under the sun, pent house apartment, there have been Awesum times , from discussions to snacking and dining under the open sky! and sharing some practical tips for Open Garden parties in the bi monthly in flight magazine trujetter Jan Feb 2017 issue.
No hassles of searching venues every time you wish to hold a get together! Happiness to see my words in print! Check out the inflight magazine Trujetter, the first issue of 2017, Jan Feb 2017.
Garden Party Practical tips Trujetter Jan Feb 2017
Awesum Garden Parties Tips 

My words in print Trujetter Jan Feb 2017

With so many interesting topics, mix of travel, adventure, entertainment, filmy glamour and style!and an interesting topic on Mating behavior of birds! 
Meanwhile another new baby, the baby pigeon took its first flight, I always get so emotional to observe the flattering of wings for days and they just stare at the outside world , as parent struggle to feed it, and we see them grown well but they are darker than parent pigeons and have bigger eyes, and their feet are darker, unlike parent pigeons who have pink feet. then comes the moment of glory, there is so much fear in the eyes of the baby pigeon for its first flight...but once it soars high, it knows, God has given them wings! 
and another egg...I have more bird friend than humans!
garden has set into beautiful  blooms of vibrant Adeniums, Ixora, Petunias, yellow chrysanthemums, yellowish orange Aboli firecracker,  and the snow daisy bush with its white leaves, snow queen.the fragrant Kaamini bush with off white blooms, roses at present are quiet...waiting...
Hope the Avocado grows well, I don't know how well, and when it will fruit, but let me enjoy the moment of glory of growing Avocado from seed!
Brahma Kamal plants are happy on window sill, yet waiting to see the blooms...whenever Lord Brahma wishes to Bless me...
Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified!
All the Best from Rizwana!
Carnations from my Terrace Garden

Palm Leaf , #Awesumclick

Yellow Shevanthi flowers from my Terrace garden

My precious Brahma Kamal plants


8 Modern Decor Tips on How to Add Pantone Colour of the year 2017 Greenery with Garden Plants! Happy New Year 2017!

Pantone colour greenery added with selection of green plants! Fantastic Greens and that too Awesum feng shuii luck for growth and prosperity!
Wishing Each One of you coming by Garden Care Simplified A Very Happy New Year 2017! The beautiful year 2016 ended Awesumly with the Chinese flying lamps, paper lanterns, 
Sky lanterns Chinese lamps flying Welcome New year 2017
freeing of all the past and welcoming a fresh new energy. The symbolic burning of the Old man, representing the past year illnesses, and karma to welcome fresh new year 2017 with a clean slate! 
Burning Old Man year 2016
The New year began with a bang, an Awesum short trekking trip, amongst the rocks , a beautiful Feng shui energy , grounding earth energy to be refreshed and charged up for a Awesum 2017!
Best Green inspired Reiki healing paintings for sale  Pantone 2017 Greenery.
Sunflower close up Rizwana Mundewadi
Sunflowers Short trip click
Greenery Trekking trip click
Up Above Short trekking trip Click
Earth Energy Short trekking Trip
Pantone has done an Awesum choice bringing awareness to nature and inviting greenery in decor, upholstery, art and our lives. The best option to add up the latest trendy Pantone colour of the year 2017, Greenery is plants and especially flowering plants have beautiful feng shui energy and improves atmosphere to invite harmony, luck and happiness.
The Chakra healing pot painting in green! 
Not only do nature trips connect us to earth energy, we also see interesting facts of plant life, and learn so much from mother nature. Old Trees are fascinating! while the soil is loose, yet they stand majestically spreading their roots. 
Huge Trees Soil Loosening #TrekkingTripClick
The soil loosening is man made, using it for constructions, throwing harmful non degradable garbage, sad part...Though soil loosening of huge trees  is harmful where people stay especially during monsoons this place does not have many humans around!  I wish the New Year brings more awareness and greenery drives going along with the trend, Pantone colour of the year 2017 Greenery!
Adding up Pantone Colour of the year 2017 Greenery with garden Plants to your home decor Tips-
1) Search for gloomy spaces that have artificial light, have some succulents growing here. It will not only improve the feng shui but these easy growing plants will brighten up your space with greenery.
2) If your upholstery is green , choose some colourful flowering plants , orchids love partial sunlight and less watering. Improve energy and add colour follow the feng shui chart of activating each sector.
3) The entrances can add some glamour with tall Chinese bamboo plants, absolutely great feng Shui for all luck.
4) Your little ones rooms can have hanging basket plants to keep them from curious hands and also add  up some greenery!
5) Is your kitchen full of electronic ovens, fridge, cooking ranges, feng shui indicates these electronic gadget radiations are harmful, add up some money plants, pothos vines,  that grow any where with little water in a bottle! and what more invite money wealth luck!
6) For you work space and also home office, where it may not be possible to add real plants , add up some beautiful flower paintings, nature paintings and wall art that is trendy and healing with some lush greenery.  
Sprightly Green Vase Painting. of Goodluck razarts
Chinese goodluck bamboo plants are such a beautiful way to activate Feng Shui of your work table. Choose the left hand farthest  corner , prosperity sector. Cactus plants and succulents are great to ward off evil eye and require less watering.
7) Greens are so many and Greenery for each one is a different choice.  Go for the shades and hues you love! It may be an elegant sap green plant or artwork or a bright high energy fluorescent green one! A greyish green or a lemony green. A dark military green or a soft pastel light green. 
Enso on Viridian Green Reiki symbol healing art

Happy Divine Balance Reiki symbol abstract Feng Shui healing art 
Visit a nursery, plants are so many , so many greens in nature , greens are so many!
8) Make a Mini Garden this 2017! Wide mouthed container, vase, urn, select some easy growing, like minded plants and make a mini garden landscape. Wow your guests with this focal point with the statement decor piece, following the mantra of Pantone colour of the year 2017, Greenery!
Meanwhile don’t forget to go green! Change to a healthy lifestyle, add up greens to your diet , your wardrobe , your decor and your life!
Green in Feng Shui symbolizes growth, health, healing relationships, attracting wealth and prosperity. It is also a good activator for the south, fame and recognition sector.
Meanwhile activity as usual for a colourful garden, added up surprising Awesum gifts, of course plants! 
Sun flower click Razarts
New additions to our terrace garden 
Somehow winters are always much colorful as many flowering bulbs and seasonal plants give out such beautiful colourful blooms and they love chilly climate and few hours sunlight!  
Purple petunias added again this 2017
Was with back pain, end of 2016, couldn't lie much made some healing art for pain relief, I really respect and love my symbols, Reiki energy is beautiful!Ten years back we had a garden full of petunias, but have resisted since birds love to feast upon the leaves and blooms, but  again chose the purple one!
You will Love this Modern Green paintings!  Harlequin Green
Turtle Lily Pad, a Feng Shui Healing Painting
Transplanting new saplings exotic blooms
Petunias are really hard to resist,  are large sized and soooo beautiful! 
Buds of Adenium End of 2016
Snow Queen Snow daisy bush Christmas from my little space under the sun
Interesting posts-
Exotic blooms Added year 2017
Adenium Good Luck Plant Pink flower Razarts
Close up of Adenium Flourescent Pink Rizwana M
and what more The Awesum 2017 came up with a fully Loaded Snow Bush Snow Queen, and fluorescent pink bloom, Adenium, the flowers are large sized and have a shocking pink colour!
Have a Great 2017! 
Happy Gardening from Rizwana! Sharing practical container gardening tips with my Google Blog Garden Care Simplified since year 2010 to encourage growing plants, improving the eco system and environment and adding fragrances and colours through exotic flowers in your life! Only natural fragrances! uplift your senses!
All the Best from Rizwana!

A Healing Artist selling original Reiki healing art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art You Tuber The Red Pilgrim Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading health, wealth , love and joy to the world with my Reiki symbol healing paintings!
Read more on Rizwana's blog Garden Care Simplified-

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