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The Plant with Pantone Colour of the Year! Violet! Go Modern with your Garden Follow 2018 color Trends!

Purple deep, purple lavender, lilac purple leaves!Go modern and follow the latest Colour trends of year 2018 in your Garden!While Pantone has declared its colour of the year 2017 Ultra Violet, you can add some glamour to your garden!
choose purple leaves plants, purple flowering plants and add some style to your garden!
Commonly grown easily as house plants, Purple hearts. Tradescantia Pallida
Setcreasea purpurea.. pale orchid pink three petalled flowers.Purple leaves three or five , ellongated. They grow in a circular/alternate fashion around the stem.Oh, the stem is so delicate, you can break it with hands and out oozes some sticky liquid.
leaves are slightly furry if you take a closer look.Ground cover, side containers , hanging pots, it grows comfortably. very easy to propagate, take cuttings and just plant them!
the colour can go to deep purple, and also dark lilac purple depending upon the sunlight the plant receives. Grown specifically for its ornamental foliage,The purple Queen it sure to win hearts!
Thank you so much for your love and support to Garden Care Simplified since year 2010! Truly sharing about terrace container gardening to the best of my gardening practical knowledge!
Wishing each one of you and yours a Very Happy New Year and may This 2018 fulfill all your Wishes and dreams and Happy Gardening!
If you have any doubts, queries and issues with your container plants do comment on my blog posts, I will surely guide you, answer with love!
Read more on growing and flowering tips Purple Hearts
Purple copper Leaves  Metallic Coloured
Lilac tiny flower creeper space cover
Colourful flowers of Himachal Pradesh
Why you must remove plastic bags from new saplings
Why you are not able to grow plants in hanging baskets

Allamanda Blanchetti mauve coloured flowers
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If you have chanced upon my page from Google search, Please do share ,You may not need it but this plant advice and gardening tips can help some one on verge of giving up gardening!Save a lot of plant lives and loads of money!
All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2010-2017 Rizwana A.Mundewadi

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