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Add This to Your Plants for Big Flowers!It Works!

 Amazing February towards ending, welcoming spring  with the sunlight time increasing over my little space under the sun, my terrace garden plants are showing lots of changes. 
Pink Striped Petunias
Sudden burst of Joy, flowers always make people happier ! The Gardner is always surprised with every new bud, and it immediately changes my mood, no wonder the first thing I begin my day after prayers is visit my garden!
It never ceases to bring happiness, there is some magic!
Crushed Egg Shells
Add this to your plants!since years I have tried this and it works wonders for flowering. Egg shells are food that they love, especially roses. Remember to clean the egg shells thoroughly, as they attracts rats and ants. and this will kill the plants. Clean well, crush them well and spread thoroughly on the soil of your container plants. Do mix the soil by tuning it so that the  egg shells do not form a layer over the soil. I have seen boiled egg shells work better than fresh egg shells. All year blooms, roses also improve in size. Will also add a video on how to use this on my You Tube Channel Razarts. 
Bud of Amaryllis lily
 There are always flowers for those who want to see them!surprised, excitement, since these Lily flowers are huge!

Peace Lily full of buds
The basket of peace Lily plant has burst into white buds, amidst the dark green leaves.  Just as winter has moved on welcoming spring ,s o has my   garden changed its colour, and there will be a riot of colors within a few days!
New additions Petunias
Petunias are so beautiful, but very delicate. I have killed so many...and yes, was also lucky to get some great ones that lasted for more than six months in container. Very beautiful attractive big sized showy blooms, reds, pinks,, violets, shaded and striped, petunias rule the flower show. protect them from over watering, very soft root ball, transplantation is very difficult.  And of course, birds love to eat the flowers and rats also love them!
so if you have direct sunlight for few hours and the heavenly birds let the plants grow , these  petunias are the best to bring instant happiness and colour to your garden and your life!
 Flowers don't solve your problems but they are a great beginning!
Every flower heals the soul as it blossoms. Planted hope, some seeds of Fire cracker...lets see...
Your mind is a Garden, keep it beautiful!
Thank you so much for your love and support to Garden Care Simplified!If you have any doubts, queries and issues with your container plants do comment on my blog posts, I will surely guide you, answer with love!
 Like , share,  comment, for the love of Gardening!

All the Best from Rizwana!
Read more on-

Red roses in pairs
Adenium Flowers in Pairs
Lilac Trumpet Morning glory Flowers
Velvety petunia 
Red Vibrant Canna Flowers
Plant a bird friendly garden A little corner of my Space Terrace garden 
Trying to revive petunia plant


The Cinderella Story Say it With Flowers! my ornamental hand painted trees and Videos of Live Energy with flowers

Living my fantasy the Cinderella story
Flowers, and flowers, every where!
Artificial and real, flowers are so beautiful and just from the heart, simply speaking volumes!Marriages and functions have become interesting and magical with flowers decorations and floral arrangements.  So many attractive floral arrangements. Like a fantasy , living your dreams! So I did just that! There was this very beautiful flower bicycle and I got myself clicked!
Childhood fantasies can be lived, with flower arrangements and what more they are artificial and real combos!so no fear of allergies and flowers going stale!
One of the major part of any decoration,we see flowers ruling the decor element in any party and function.
Cinderella did not ask for a prince., she asked for a dress and a night out! a story of hope, dreams, and belief in magic ! Life celebrating uniqueness, the real beauty comes form the talent,grit, courage.and of course the dress!
inspiration came upon from my princess Gown dress , first one, living ,dressing for myself!
Meanwhile painted in year 2000, where art began, inspiration the very auspicious lucky Gulmohar tree, painted so many, have saved a few precious ones and displayed them in my entryway garden.
Hand painted bottles

hand made home decor items, vases and ornamental trees

hand made home decor items, vases and ornamental trees

Entrance garden decorative hand painted trees
Feng shui entrance garden 5 tips
Takes me more towards childhood stories, so much was said with flowers. Interesting theme for our garden, some day maybe!
Yup, fantasy gardens are so sweet, themed gardens,   they take you into another world, life is about celebrating each moment!Keep the magic alive!
Watch my Channel The Red Pilgrim video Flowers and feel the energy flow! 6 minutes of sheer exotica!
Thank you so much for your love and support to Garden Care Simplified! Wishing each one of you Happy Gardening from Rizwana!
watch this video Feng shuii of love- what is love?
The Pathway of Roses Rizwana Mundewadi


Simple Practical 9 Tips for Garden pests Mixture! How to prevent diseases in your garden container plants

These tiny creepy worms!
Beware of the garden pest,especially during winters when the sun is low, they attack!The photo is of a wild jungle tree during a trekking trip and was amazed to see so many of them! Tiny feet, and groups , no wonder they destroy the whole forest!
Burning  old art and paper
 Sharing a practical workable tip for protection of container plants from many pests and diseases.
After losing so many of them...over the years with terrace container gardening...luckily my anger and outburst of burning my old paper paintings was a blessing in disguise!
With obsessively painting there were so many ,  and as I continued to paint, there was less space ,so I burned them, and with my love for symbols, just did not want to throw the ashes. I had read about people adding mulch,  newspapers to soil for gardening but never tried this till a few years back.And it works!
It works wonders!
making a mushy mixture of ashes
How -the process is important- that will give great results!or you may kill them!
1) Tear the papers in tiny pieces, this helps them burn faster. This tip helps for the final product you get as tiny pieces bring a great mixture.
2) Avoid glossy magazines
3) Burn in space that is free from hazard too life. See that children are safe and protected and also if they see you do very carefully explain about risks of fire.
4) Do not put dry ashes in plant containers.It will form a layer over the soil and rot. also the plants will not get water due to this layer and they will wilt , and don't say I didn't warn you!
5) Always make a mixture of ashes , mix some water and make this a mushy , more of a liquidy mixture and not thick dough.
6) Add over the top layer of your garden plant containers.
7) two days loosen the soil and mix the mixture into the layers of soil. for better absorption.
8) Better to have plants in sunlight, or more sunnier place for avoiding pest attacks. 
9) You will see your plants will be protected from pests and also give  out large sized blooms! especially roses and mogra! mine did!
Did you use this technique for pest protection and how did it work? do share!
All the Best from Rizwana!
Garden Care Simplified


Early Risers Fresh Blooms and Why I plant colours! Feng Shuii for Gardens!

Spider lily flowers
 The beginning of new year has brought some more insights in my life gardening over with so many years, and why I always am attracted to colours, being an artist for seventeen years and knowing the importance of colour in life as also being a feng shuii guide and practicing and reading a lot of feng shuii, ...colours are life.
I have also shared that feng shuii gardens have to be balanced according to the Ba Gua map and you can choose colours , shapes, of plants to bring in best feng shuii in your garden.
Orange Aboli flowers 
 Yes,   you can grow your garden in anyway, but if you follow the feng shuii elements theory, you will notice immense difference in harmony, peace and wealth in your life. Relationships miraculously work out well, you attract fame, you feel the energy and power of a refreshing garden.
Button Roses Pink 
 Simply follow the Ba Gua, you can get more information on my Feng shuii blog. 
Just about any sector your garden falls, try to harmonize it with feng shuii choice of plants. There are so many, I am so attracted to colours and flowers, that we have over the years tried and planted almost all colours of different varieties of flowering plants, of course, those who can bear the sunlight from my open terrace garden!
I have loved them and they always love me back manifolds!
Cactus flower Euphorbia Milli
 Crown of thorns, evergreen shrub, always loaded with blooms, all year round. Sharp thorns, very dangerous, be really careful in handling and trimming. The flowers are actually bracts at the tips, looking like flowers. The petals, are also very mushy and hence it can live for years without much care. yet,  it only flourishes in homes that it chooses, many still are unable to grow this Goodluck plant of Thailand.Commonly also called Christ plant.
Attract wealth and success with Reiki symbol paintings. 
Goodluck plant of Thailand Euphorbia Milli

Buds of fragrant white Spider lily flowers 

Dawn from my home, my little space under the sun!
I am an early riser, in fact I sleep less, it was a realization that came years ago, of course we do get up for dawn, morning prayers and this habit of five times prayers everyday  has helped me maintain health and focus in life.the inspiration quote... " there will be more of sleep when I am dead"
You will realize that gardens are best during early morning, you get to experience the magic of fresh lime green leaves opening up... flowers ready to wake up from their folded buds and these moments cannot be described in words, they are almost surreal, magical!
Interesting informative posts-Natural Dragon symbols in sky
Roses when freshly bloomed have the best of fragrances as also mogra, jasmines and spider lillies, the atmosphere goes full of freshness , it not only purifies your nasal passage s, you feel refreshed and full of energy, tot take on your day! make it a habit to wake up early, you will get to experience the freshness of greenery. It may not be a large garden, even your window garden plants, spend a few minutes with them as you wake up and begin your day, see how life transforms. Plants give you so much love, no doubt, I call them family!
Best feng shui plant for strength.
Art has changed my life, Reiki has been a blessing from Universe, year 2000, transforming my life, unfurling it , layer by layer, gardening is such a precious hobby that not only teaches you love but also discipline and pure attachments.
Plants have soul plants communicate, and you can sense the love they give. As we were planning to shift to a bigger place, without a open terrace, I am trying my best to take each one of them, will surely find a way, I love them way too much!
Garden Care Simplified
Succulent Jade Feng Shuii Wealth Plant. Best  Feng Shuii Cure Paintings for sale. 
Thank you so much for your love and support to Garden Care Simplified!If you have any doubts, queries and issues with your container plants do comment on my blog posts, I will surely guide you, answer with love!
 Like , share,  comment, for the love of Gardening!
Happy Gardening from Rizwana! Sharing practical container gardening tips with my Google Blog Garden Care Simplified since year 2010 to encourage growing plants, improving the eco system and environment and adding fragrances and colours through exotic flowers in your life! Only natural fragrances! uplift your senses!
Why I plant colours? read on Garden Care Simplified
All the Best from Rizwana!
A Healing Artist selling original Reiki healing art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art You Tuber The Red Pilgrim Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading health wealth and joy through my Reiki symbol healing paintings!

Stay Safe!
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