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Summer Equinox The Best Garden Moments! Refreshed with Fairy Blessings

 The Summer Equinox, the best feng shuii Yang moments! Watch your garden for the blessings of the Best energy , Summer Equinox , the time when days and nights are equal. Do you know the fairies that take care of your garden, you will feel them, you can see their presence in every leaf and every petal.
The best Yang and Yin moments are best energy, enjoy these, get refreshed, take deep breaths and drink lots of water.
Close up of Hippeastrum Amaryllis flowers from my Terrace garden
Hippeastrum papilio AGM , unusual  white flowers with deep red streaks. and touches of green.
Hippeastrum Belinda -deep red flowers.
Hippeastrum Star of Holland- red with white markings.
Hipeastrum bestseller -cerise pink flowers
Red Lion-strong red flowers.
Colours, fragrances and pure energy at its best! Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing you All the Best from my little space under the sun!
Garden Care Simplified Like Share 

Adenium Prosperity plant Original Pictures 
Seed Burst in Adenium Prosperity Plants with original photographs

Hope this helps! Do share your experiences and don't forget to connect with me on Face Book, the same name Group, Garden Care Simplified! All the Best and God Bless from Rizwana!
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Tap tap Padti Angavarti Prajakatachi Phule lyrics Marathi Poem Singing Painting and Plant of Parijaat

Parijaat Flowers Fresh Fragrant
Tap tap Padti Angavarti Prajakatachi Phule Marathi Poem Childhood Memories...I am so sure this has brought back happy memories for so many of you, just like me.
This was my favorite Marathi song poem. Yes, of course transforming my dreams, wishes into reality, we carve to bring these into our lives. No wonder I have luckily planted this beautiful  parijaat. For those of you who have not read my previous posts, I have been struggling to grow the Parajaat plant at home in container and lost a few, so as the struggle continue The Parijaat itself blessed me suddenly with a plant growing beside another in a container.
Since them I feel so special every time I go near it and water it, sudden surprises happen in my little space under the sun! (for those skeptical minds yes, I may have planted seeds of fragrant Jasmine and forgotten, and we also have two big trees in our society complex so maybe birds may have brought seeds of Parijaata ) or maybe Nature Fairies did that!
So my love for the Parijaata expressed in art and of course for the  little chilldren and the child in my video on You Tube Tap Tap Padti Angavarti Prajakatachi Phule!
did that, followed my heart! and Blessings of The Parijaat
Growing Parijaat Plant in container, you will find its not easy!  I have seen many people struggle with her, and in Hindu culture the lore also goes by saying that only homes that are blessed are able to grow the Parijaat plant.

So finally with my little Parijaat , am on cloud nine, enjoying her blessings!
8 important point for water fountains as bird baths. Meanwhile I am watering my plants carefully the hot summers are in, there is risk of leaf burning. Adding water to bird bath twice daily, as many birds come from early morning to late evening for a drink and dip. safety Hygiene tips for water features in your garden  Please do remember to do your little bit to save birds, even a small container, you will notice how blessed you will feel! Karmic bliss!
Birds enjoying a cool dip in Summer My Terrace Garden 

The Best spot for relaxing during hot summers! My Terrace Garden full of cool greens!
Tree of Gods The Parijaata
Why my Brahma Kamal got angry?
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Zodiac garden Plants according to your zodiac signs
Bougainvellias Around the Globe Names Symbolism

If you have chanced upon my page from Google search, Please do share ,You may not need it but this plant advice and gardening tips can help some one on verge of giving up gardening! Save a lot of plant lives and loads of money! Save Earth! and bring spark of joy to someone's life! 

Plant a garden trust me your life will never be the same!!It will become magical!!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! Buy Goodluck paintings for health wealth and joy.

Lotus of personal power activation for joyful life reiki painting

soothing peaceful green flowers of happiness The red Pilgrim

Read here-

What does a Balcony terrace garden symbolize in feng shuii? 

All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2018 Rizwana A.Mundewadi



How to Save Chinese Goodluck Bamboo Plant 8 Immediate Practical tips

Chinese Goodluck Bamboo plants not growing, drying leaves of Chinese Bamboo plants are so depressing...mainly because people grow these for goodluck and wealth and then being unsuccessful in growing makes them sad and worried as this affects their home incoming wealth luck.
If you wealth is depleting and money going out is more than coming in check your feng shuii wealth cures. 
Dried Leaves of Chinese Goodluck Bamboo plant
You can save your Goodluck Chinese Bamboo plant with some cautious care beforehand. 8 immediate tips, practical care to save your Chinese Bamboo plants. 
1) If leaves are drying trim them. If tips of leaves are drying, trim them and save your bamboo plants. They will continue growing. 
2) Tips may look brown trim immediately you will save the leaf and the plant.
3) If the roots or stems are rotting and mushy replace immediately, into other container or wash the roots well dry a bit and then put again in water. 
4) Rotten stems never revive, so remove them. They will make the water muddy and kill the other stems of Bamboo also. 
5) In case the soil is not proper and the plants are not growing healthy, you can repot them. This will save your Bamboo plants. When soil is not good the plants will gradually die, you will not even realize when all turn brown one after another. I have saved many like this, presence of mind works.  
6) I have planted them in soil also. Yes, you can plant them if you are not successful in growing your Bamboo plants in water.  They will bring luck anyway.
7) Tie a red ribbon or thread, this not only activates the feng shuii luck energy but also gives direction and support, they grow beautifully tall, I love tall shoots of Bamboo! 
Tie simple red thread

8) For replanting Chinese Bamboo plants choose stems that have some shoots coming out. This is auspicious and lucky for wealth and opportunities luck. This brings life to the new stem and also one stem branches out into many, very very good Feng Shuii!

Healthy Green Chinese Goodluck Bamboo Plant
The Chinese Goodluck Bamboo Plant 

Best tip to choose cuttings of Bamboo 
Hope this helps! All the Best from Rizwana!
Garden Care Simplified
If you have chanced upon my page from Google search, Please do share ,You may not need it but this plant advice and gardening tips can help some one on verge of giving up gardening!Save a lot of plant lives and loads of money! Save Earth!
All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2018 Rizwana A.Mundewadi


Hope! Unexpected Happiness! This Tip!

When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment. I want to give that world to someone else. Most people in the city rush around so, they have no time to look at a flower. I want them to see it whether they want to or not.
Georgia O'Keeffe
Hope! Some love stories never end!
Big Amaryllis Flowering Tips
unexpected buds always give a surge of joy from within. Yep! ask any gardener, it is always the same, with every new leaf and every new bud, HOPE! JOY! HAPPINESS! doing gardening since so many years, but still nature never ceases to surprise me. 
Hm, accepting here, was so tired with the tentacles, the long leaves of bulbs, they over took the containers, was difficult to even see the soil, so a bit of anger...I had trimmed the leaves to just near the bulb. Well,, after that were pangs of guilt, sadness,, as if the limbs were  gone... I told them sorry, thinking about this still makes me sad, but this actually worked wonders to the plants.
I think all their energy was going in these large foliage of heavy long leaves. 
In a week they sprung up into buds!
Is it that fear works, yes, fear works! I think I have mentioned it in my earlier post, that getting angry and trimming helped them to finally give out blooms,even the most toughest plants have given me those Awesum gifts! Immediate buds, WOW! Large sized flowers! I treat them with loads of love and spanking, and they bless me with lovely blooms! 
Meanwhile if you try this just be careful-
1) take care and see that the trimmed bulbs are not in open direct sunlight for many hours. 
2) Leave few leaves, or some parts for   them to make food. 
3) Talk to them before trimming, they may go in shock!
4) Do not skip watering
5) Do not over water,see that the container of bulbs are well draining. 
6) few hours of direct sunlight, and some indirect sunlight necessary.
7) Click lots of photos and share on my email ( to get your plant showcased on Garden Care Simplified!You can add on Face Book group, it is a Public group on Gardening with the same name
Garden Care Simplified! Where the magic begins!
Don't forget to connect with me on face book group with the same name. 
Garden Care Simplified

 Your mind is a Garden, keep it beautiful! Enchanting Garden Collection of healing paintings for sale.
Thank you so much for your love and support to Garden Care Simplified!If you have any doubts, queries and issues with your container plants do comment on my blog posts, I will surely guide you, answer with love to the best of my Gardening knowledge!
 Like , share,  comment, for the love of Gardening!
All the Best from Rizwana!
Happy Gardening from Rizwana! Sharing practical container gardening tips with my Google Blog Garden Care Simplified since year 2010 to encourage growing plants, improving the eco system and environment and adding fragrances and colours through exotic flowers in your life! Only natural fragrances! uplift your senses!
All the Best from Rizwana!

A Healing Artist selling original Reiki healing art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art You Tuber The Red Pilgrim Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading health wealth Love and joy to the world with my Reiki symbol healing paintings!
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 Adenium Obesum Tips
The Plant of Prosperity
Rains and Beautiful Amaryllis
How to recycle wood and make amazing show pieces

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