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Beautiful Flowers from our Reader of Garden Care Simplified Dr Vivek's Bedroom Window Garden

Berbunga jarum
 Lovely flowering plants and what a beautiful window garden, Thank you Dr Vivek for this share!and loads of thanks for the names, my plants have their own pet names, I am very poor at botanical scientific names!
Fire Cracker Aboli Plant

Ixora odorata

Sun Set Orange Ixora

jarum kuning
White Ixora
All the Best from Rizwana!


Sunset Orange Ixora and Fire Cracker Aboli Plant Photographs by our Reader Dr.Vivek N Thank You

Fire Cracker Aboli Plant Flowers
  Sunset Orange  Ixora and Fire Cracker Aboli Plant Photographs by our Reader Dr.Vivek N Thank You, Dr Vivek N, for this beautiful share for my readers of Garden Care Simplified.
Sunset Orange Ixora Flower Plant
While these two lovely plants have orange colors I am sure Dr Vivek loves this color. Looking lovely with the beautiful shade of feathery orange this plant has a heavenly look with its rare colored bunches of tiny flowers.
Aboli plants have beautiful orange colored blooms and the best part is ,as it is called ' fire cracker' the seeds burst, a great experience, for all those who have witnessed, it is a wonderful feeling, same as Adenium, I had this in my hand when the pods had burst, feel so connected with nature.
Proper well draining soil, and regular watering is required to maintain the aboli plants and also most of the times the seeds fallen aside in the containers begin new plants on their own. The plant also has religious symbolic value and is grown with a lot of respect. Saw these lovely blooms in Bangalore where these flowers are added to garlands and hair decorations, 'gajra'
Orange color Ixora flowers are rare and require care and the toughest color are peach colored Ixora that can grow in any conditions. With the loss or red this one is growing quite happily under the sun on our terrace garden.
Ixora plants need regular pruning and trimming to keep them in the proper bush shape, and also to encourage healthy bunches of blooms.
Peach colored Ixora flower plant
 Meanwhile we had a new addition to our pets family, the little baby finch found in our society compound by our security personnel, brought straight to our home, so till date most of our neighbourhood knows I am a bird lover,  since the search for our female parakeet, has taken a liking for our home and is welcomed with our four budgie love birds. As for the Alexandrine Parakeets, we had three till date, heavenly friends lived free with us,  who I loved so much but could not keep them caged, this little fellow is enjoying the flight in the big home with others.
Baby white finch bird 
Pink poppies and day lillies are blooming , over flowing with the rains.  So also the new  additions to our family, red and pink and white star cluster plant look so beautiful with tiny funnel bell shaped flowers growing in bunches.
Pink and Red Star Cluster Plants New Additions

Baby Finch Bird
Pink Poppies with yellow butterfly
Once again Thank you Dr Vivek for sharing these two beautiful plant photographs or Orange Ixora and Aboli Plants for my readers of Garden Care Simplified.
Have a Great Day from Rizwana!


Blooming of the Brahma Kamal Plant in our blessed readers Home, All the Best from Rizwana

Heavenly Beautiful Majestic Brahma Kamal Flower
While a plant lover and avid reader of the blog Garden Care Simplified, Deep Prakash had shared a few weeks back the new bud picture of the heavenly plant, Brahma Kamal bud. And what a great share, this large new beautiful majestic bloom, considering them to be very lucky to have had  this magical experience, All the Best from Rizwana, Have a Great life Ahead Deep! and thank you very very much for sharing this happiness here with our readers and me, as for me still the wait experience  this beautiful heavenly magical  flower!
New Bud on Brahma Kamal Plant in one of our readers home
Glowing majestic auspicious Brahma Kamla Flower in full bloom
Have a Great Day from Rizwana!

Allamanda Blanchetti Mauve colored Bell trumpet shaped large sized flowering plant

Allamanda! Huge flowers! Mauve magenta, Purple , maroon shaded colored beautiful bell shaped large sized flowers, Allamanda Blanchetti, lovely colorful flowering plant climber or shrub.
The newest addition to our family of terrace garden plants, what I loved was the huge sized blooms that are prominent on the green leaves of the plant. Small plants of star clusters in white, magenta and dark pink , raani color, also looked so attractive in the rains that the temptation was too strong to stop me from buying them as we have a large sized pink star cluster plant that is very happy with the garden sunlight and environment.
Not to mention the great fresh feeling with the rain drenched plants and the lovely blooms coming up with proud new stems, all greens and colors, the garden sure looks very inviting in the rains. In the corner hidden the exotic anthuriums also have given out pink and white blooms and also roses, as well as the day lillies and pink poppies are growing like wild!
The lanky stems of the Allamanda plant climber when trimmed can be grown in shape of a shrub and then the whole plant looks like a huge bouquet of bell shaped blooms. 

Allamanda Plant leaves close up
 Meanwhile with our lovely pet budgies we had an unexpected welcome guest from heaven, a small finch struggling in the society garden as brought by the security personnel in the evening of Saturday, the little baby , too scared, even wobbly and unable to stand , might have fallen from the nest or from some home bird cage, I really do not know, but the personnel were sure the baby would be best taken care of in our home and so we welcomed the small baby finch as part of the family of four pet budgie love birds.
white small baby finch bird
 With so much excitement the little one has a cute shrill voice and after a day he is sure enjoying the space with us.
Birdie enjoying the time out
He/she is at present in a smaller home(which is actually much larger for him/her body size)  and with the curious glances of boku(blue)  birdie (green) goldie(yellow) and angel(white) he is sure living like a VIP in the own green colored house. Soon will have to get a pair for his/her company., I do not like to see anyone alone, God has made everything in pairs.
New additions to the family

Star cluster plants in pink red white flowers

Pink exotic anthurium flowering plant

Red star cluster small flowers growing in bunches

Allamanda Mauve Pink colored bell shaped flower

Brahma Kamal dried leaf
Allamanda pink flower bud close up
Allamanda plants are usually seen in yellow blooms and this color was a sure eye catcher. The pink flowering one is Allamanda Blanchetti. The flowers are very attractive bell shaped and ours is shaded maroon pink, mauve  with a lovely glowing aura. The colors are one deciding factor for flowering plants and also the size of the  blooms that are very prominent and give the plant a majestic appeal.  
The stems emit a sticky rubbery liquid which can irritate the skin and also avoid contact with direct skin while trimming the stems after flowering is done with. The plant seems happy under the full sunlight and rich soil.
Garden Care Simplified 
Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified!


Cantaloupe Musk Melon Plant Fruit Seeds Benefits The New Brahma Kamal Bud Photo Shared by Our Reader of Garden Care Simplified Deep Prakash

The New Brahma Kamal Plant Bud
All the Best from Rizwana, May You Be Blessed with Happiness and Good Luck Deep Prakash, thanks for sharing this happiness with me and my passionate readers of Garden Care Simplified, really feeling blessed!
Our Brahma Kamal Plants in heavy downpours
 They are just growing and growing, do not know when the finally give out some great news!
The Musk melon Creeper Yellow Flowers
 Meanwhile some new plant experiments, musk melon seeds that have sprouted into a beautifully creeper throwing off beautiful slender tendrils and lovely cheerful yellow Flowers. Soon after the flowers surprisingly tiny balls of fruits have come up. The many small ones have dropped and only few remain. As it is muck melon plant growers advised to keep the fruits to less numbers to have healthy growth and large sized fruits.
Musk melon creeper needs to spread on ground to avoid fruits dropping by their own weight and also needs to be protected from black spots and ants. The bugs do love to gorge on the leaves and make the creeper barren. I have never really grown or seen this plant and this is such a gift from nature that each fruit of musk melon has so many seeds,each one has potential to grow into a new plant!
Musk melon seeds are also very tasty treats after drying, and usually added to mukhwas after adding turmeric or salt.

Collecting Rain Water Pure Wealth from Heaven
 The rain so much fascinates me and brings out the artist in me, and this time the inspiration took me under the rainy downpours, have collected some rain water, as it is pure with total feng shui wealth energy, and symbolizes prosperity(for some feng shui wealth career luck paintings please visit my website . The process again was magical with metal container placed at centre of the terrace in garden, and as my garden heavenly friends were all excited to take a dip in the new shiny bird bath, then I played the role of watch woman to see no bird poop falls here!
Mushroom in container
Meanwhile a lot of different types of mushrooms have come up in many plant containers.  I don't know their names but really love the umbrella shaped ones.
So with the excitement also have planted some pomegranate seeds, lets see if they come up in the rains!as our Jamun  Tree is growing healthy in container.
Overflowing mushrooms in plant container
Pomegranate fruit
Musk Melon Fruit Bud on Creeper
What I loved since childhood, the seeds of musk melon when dried and shelled taste great, but today we are in such a fast paced life,we have totally forgotten the wonderful soothing actions of peeling each seed and relishing on the tasty treats in lazy afternoons!
 Seeds of musk melon are of great health benefits, wonderful source of fiber and protein. Scientifically proved they have the same nutrients and taste like soy milk, great source of calcium.  Loaded with vitamins and anti oxidants. And also beneficial in insomnia, depression and migraines. The fruit juice is so good, it helps to keep healthy hair, skin and stomach, and also good for urinary tract.
I really don't know whether I will see the fruits or not but the growth journey sure is magical.
Then also comes another task to get large sized fruits and sweet fruits, mastery is required to grow each plant, so many years have gone down learning to master flowering plants, mogra and adenimum, peace lilly, spider lilly, pink star cluster amaryllis etc the list is endless... blooming and pest control techniques another many may pass out on growing some great fruits in containers, but in the end am sure,  its worth it!
The magic of first ones cannot really be expressed with words, I still remember the first mogra flowers, the first brahma kamal bud (it fell off), then the lovely jasmine climber that gave out fragrant blooms, the taste of the first red sour sweet cherry fruit from my cherry plant in container,  and the best was after a wait of five years the blooming of vibrant red Gulmohar tree flowers in container, immense happiness, irreplaceable!
Here's Wishing Deep Prakash All the Best, hoping to see some great healthy Brahma Kamal Blooms!
Have a Great Day from Rizwana!

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