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Cordylines losing color and why is your Cordyline plant not growing Red Leaves

Cordylines, most beautiful elongated leaves in vibrant shades of red are the most commonest and most loved as they have an awesum color that breaks the design of green in your landscaped garden greens and provides great view.
 Cordylines come in many colors and shaded leaves. C Australis, most commonly grown every where, is the hardiest. Central growth in circular fashion growing tall like a purple tower. Red , creams, purple, burgundy, black striped leaves look really Awesum.
Cordylines is a genus with about 15 species of monocotyledonous plants family Asparagaceae, sub family Lomadroideae. The scientific name is Cordyline.
The name Cordyline comes from a Greek word Kordyle means "club" referring to the club shaped base, underground stem or rhizomes.
The plant is very easy to grow and each tall plant gives out small babies from sides that can grow along the mother plant or if planted in other pot give out a fresh new plant.
I really like the shaped varieties that are green with light cream lines as well as vibrant reds are always welcome highlight amongst greens.
Many times people buy these Cordylien plants looking at their attractive colors but once at home these lose color and some times they go to producing green leaves. The plant looks different altogether from what you have bought.
Why do cordylines lose color? I have experienced this over so many years, ours is nearly ten years old and has been producing babies all along which many I had to finally give away as they grow so tall and even sprout forms ides giving
Beautiful Red Cordyline buds Stalk
it a look like a big red tree.
The flowers  are amazingly unique light pink delicate ones on a single stalk, buds on the stalk look like red balls.
The Cordyline plants though very easy and carefree plants grow happily in any areas. Shaded or full sunlight. The amount of sunlight your plant receives shows on the color of the leaves it gives out.
Ours has moved a lot from one place to another in our terrace garden till it is happy under direct sunlight as well as the other in partial shaded area.I see the growth pattern difference. The flowering also is affected. Partial sunlight and some hours shade is great to get red leaves.
The plant gives green leaves when it has  very less sunlight and the size of the leaves also grows smaller. Very strong sunlight too produces a not so good shade of red. the most vibrant red comes from the best place that has partial sunlight and some morning or evening direct sunlight.
Change places of the pots  if your plants are not giving red leaves and am sure they will get back to giving out Awesum Reds!
Have an Awesum Day from Rizwana!


Is it Ok to plant Aloe Vera in Garden in Feng Shui Which places to avoid growing Aloe vera in garden

Aloe vera plants have been thrown away from so many homes with wide spread knowledge of feng shuii shar energy plants, and just feeling so sad for these fleshy succulents that do not require much care but yes they do have spiky thorny edges. So many people are just removing aloe plants from home gardens and windows that Feng shuii Masters quote, this has thorns and it affects life, relationships and creates hurdles in life. Practicing feng shuii since past more than two decades and having read immensely on this subject sharing my knowledge. 
Is it Ok to plant Aloe Vera in Garden in Feng Shui?
In feng shui we always encourage to plant lovely colorful blooming plants or ornamental plants with showy leaves. I do agree that they produce shar energy, poison arrows and I too have experienced this when you move past this, a scratch or skin abrasion, always. But this beautiful Aloe vera plant has so many benefits and itself is unique. It also gives immensely beautiful blooms, a stalk, like other succulents and if is happy grows just without any care. Feng shui for plants has certain principles where we avoid sharp edges, thorny plants and this one does have sharp edges.
What is never mentioned anywhere is that all succulents , fleshy plants are immense good luck. They have stored energy , water, and can survive in harsh conditions without light and water. Aloe vera plant is also a great one, each and every part of the plant has so many benefits from health point of view, though I would never advise to use it in raw form, but people do use this for skin facial glow, healing skin pimples, stomach problems and healthy hair.
Aloe Vera Plant

Thorns on edges of Aloe Vera Plant close up

So we can find a way to keep this friend along with us , just taking care in selecting the right place and keeping it there to grow.
1) Keep the Aloe vera plant in low traffic areas. where it will not brush along the skin of people while walking past.
2) Do not allow pets and children to play near this , so avoid such places in your garden.
3) It does not require much sunlight so Aloes can grow in corners also.
4) It can be surrounded by garden ornaments or stones thus making the circumferences surrounding it protective.
5) See that the ends do not point towards us, usually it grows in circular fashion and not tall, so it must not face/ touch our eyes , keep it either at very low level or higher level..
Which places to avoid growing Aloe vera in garden as with feng shui-
1) Since the plant is spiky and thorny it is best to grow it outdoors and not in home. But you can grow the plant in your window garden.
2) Avoid Aloe Vera plants strongly on this place, south west as this is the relationship corner in your life and will affect very badly all relationships.
3) It is good for north and not so good for south in your garden.
4) having a small size pot of aloe vera plant on your office table will bring abundance blessings and protect from evil eye too. 
5) avoid gifting this plant as it may not be taken in good spirits. 
6) Avoid growing in main entrance near main door. The home back garden can benefit with protection energy from this amazing plant. 
For the love of Gardening!
Have a Great Day from Rizwana!
"Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get. H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Happy Gardening from Rizwana!
Alexandrine parrot

I do not sell plants this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! Buy Reiki flower paintings for health wealth and joy.

Reiki Evil Eye paintings for sale

My best friends enjoying time under the sun

my bestie bestest 

All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2010-2017 Rizwana A.Mundewadi

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If you have chanced upon my page from Google search, Please do share my Gardening blog ,You may not need it but this plant advice and gardening tips can help some one on verge of giving up gardening! or maybe start up a newbie gardener for life!


Awnings Material Selection Guide How to Choose Awning materials for home and garden

Awnings are a basic necessity now especially with the heavy down pours and welcoming monsoons! Not only does the  water come inside our home but it also is dangerous as the floor of the garden becomes slippery with continuous flowing water. While I  so love my little space  under the sun and so do my plants for this time of the year a partial awning is absolute necessity. So while we call an installation personnel he is so shocked by the strong winds and heavy down pour in high rises ,  above floors. While we focus on design and colors of attractive awning materials, cost,  the practical reality is something else, and costly awning  is not always good, So just  wanted to share what we learned!How to Choose Awning and Awning materials for home and garden-1) Awning  Materials has to be thick and water proof.2) Choosing darker  colors helps as it will fade with sun light.3) Installation of fold able awnings has steel or metal parts that may rust fast  if you live near water lake or the sea!4) Awning materials is so so loved by rats! so if your area has rats, your awnings are tasty food! and you and up with nibbled edges or a big hole in your shade! 5) Foldable Awnings once installed also need maintenance so you have these costs in mind.6) Awnings are great not only for monsoons but also for protection from strong sun light and UV rays.

Awnings Material Selection Guide 
 A good reputed company awning material come costly and even installation charges vary  from company to company and the material you select. Juts remember that once installed it is not for lifetime, but a good quality one sure lasts longer than cheaper variety.
How to Choose Awning materials for home and garden
Meanwhile  at my front the obsession has still continued even though our roses, cannas amaryllises and mogra are in fully loaded mode,  and have added a beautiful yellow blooming plant and Anant , as we have lost our precious one  this year in winters.
Allamanda Huge flower

Red Pink White Clusters in Majestic Happiness

The Humble Heavy large roses have drooped with heavy downpour rains
And the artist , the restless soul this down pour and gloomy atmosphere, rains bring out the best in me! trying some photo fun with editor!
My original photo of Allamanda  flower some creative photo fun

My Birdie photo , green one, showed him, is so happy to see himself purple and pink!
Have an Awesum Time, Happy Monsoons from Rizwana!


Fully Bloomed Brahma Kamal Flower Blooming from our Awesum Reader Kishore Reddy Thank you!

"Fully bloomed this time" as he mentioned, with happiness and excitement, the auspicious flower has been blooming in his home for many years.
In his words,
"Am glad I came to know about that precious flower. I planted this at my garden about four years back. Since then, I have been seeing more than 10 flowers every years. First flower starts around may and blooming lasts till September end. Some times more than two flowers for one leaf. The plant never grown so big. It is with a total of 15 to 20 leaves.
Brahma Kamal Flower blooming

Brahma Kamal Auspicious flower full blooming
Fully Bloomed Brahma Kamal flower
Auspicious Brahma Kamal flower
Close up of Brahma Kamal flower
Brahma Kamal Flower Photograph

For the first time yesterday it actually bloomed to the max where white petals were bent back to give a visual as bramha being coming out in between petals. Awesome view.
I am Kishore from Bangalore"
Thank you so much Kishore Reddy for sharing your happiness with me and my precious readers of Garden Care Simplified!
The flower is so auspicious and has such a beautiful precious way of blooming, as if Brahma himself appears! God Bless from Rizwana!
Meanwhile the plant still eludes me the happiness so I have painted another one large canvas, all my dream wish list of exotic blooms! connect on face book, Twitter and Google+
More on Brahma Kamal-
Healthy Blooms of Brahma Kamal

see my Brahma Kamal Paintings- 
For the Love of Brahma Kamal


Terrace Container gardening Biggest Risk! Hazards of Terrace gardens/ 8 practical safety tips for terrace garden from my personal- Rizwana's Gardening experiences

Terrace Container gardening Biggest Risk! is in rains. While our terrace garden is at its best with the blessings pouring directly form heaven the down pour last week has brought up many new plants and the ones that were growing have been upright with new energy and blooms.
A major risk with containers on terrace, we saw a big container from the neighbor terrace garden go thud! down from the top below! so many floors, a biggest hazard very very dangerous that a large container can kill anyone!and it fell directly on a parked car and the damages were heavy. But we thanked God that no life was lost, and thinking of this still gives me goose to what more could have thank God, now they have made a grill but the others continue to put heavy containers lining the terrace wall and still do not accept that nature can be unpredictable, especially during monsoons.
window sill garden evil eye tips
what happens with buri nazar- explaining in simple language in this video
A corner of my little space under the sun
Then it can also happen that the plant containers fall inside, again risking small children and pets at home.
The first thing we did years back when we shifted here, to begin a terrace container garden was to line the terrace wall with grill and support. The containers do not directly face the outside and still it has become a ritual to always take extra care to tie each containers as well as plants to the grill so that they do not move with the heavy downpour and gusty winds during the monsoons. More so we always have strong breeze and  winds blowing every evening so this safety measure is really required and needs a thought.
Yes gardening is a passion and growing plants is one love that people keep on and it just remains only for buying and caring for plants. But terrace gardening has a lot more thought and planning to it than just planting flowering plants and growing them healthy. Safety is one of the most important factors too when beginning a terrace container garden. Strange for a few bucks people never think of what can happen if any plant container fell from the terrace..especially when tall plants grown in large sized containers..
8 practical  safety tips for terrace garden from my personal- Rizwana's Gardening experiences-
1) Before beginning a terrace garden lining the wall with a metal grill or concrete partition is a must.
2) Always choose container sizes appropriately. very large containers can crack the terrace wall. Best to keep them on your terrace floor, ground.
3) Observe the direction of the winds. Do not place in way of strong winds, the plants will not grow healthy and leaves are hit by continuous blast of winds and also there is more risk of the containers falling.
4) Watering plants on terrace wall pots is also to be taken acre off as daily watering will loosen out the base material and the terrace lining wall may crack. Also if big trees are planted they may send off roots from below again leading to crack in your terrace garden wall.
5) Choose plants and containers size in not more than the grill or border wall height. Taller plants and big sized containers have more risk of falling with external pressures from rain and winds.
6) Most important , tie them with strong twines. always, not just for rainy season. Containers as well as plants, they grow well when they feel secure and safe.
7) Do not tie them so tight that they are hurt, leave space for growth. Tie major thick branches to support.
8) Always check for broken and cracked pots and containers , they are at more risk of falling during rains from your terrace garden.
All this has come with over the years with terrace gardening, and yes the first year with terrace container gardening, our plants were a few old and few new, very small pots, and of course way less in numbers!!!!I saw a plant come thud inside( as we already had installed grill walls all over so no chance of falling outside)  on our terrace floor during heavy rains and winds, it broke into pieces, the plant may have faced a trauma..., shock...I tied all the containers in the heavy down pour immediately then... keeping the priority of safety of my precious ones...,  saved it by replanting it, but the lesson, I will never forget!
Please do consider safety measures and important precautions before beginning a terrace container garden or if you have one, do take care to make your terrace garden safe!
The garden is fresh and green, the Allamanda plant has grown quite large in spite of trimming it before monsoon and is giving so many blooms that I just cant trim it now. Roses are growing awesumly so also the fragrant juhi has begun to bloom, the buds open in evenings and the fragrances are so breathtakingly heavenly mixing with the rain water and wet soil smells.
Goldie love bird after surgery

Goldie love bird when she was sick

The beautiful sun set from my terrace garden

Mogra this year has been an abundant one , I think the most bloomed one, with , I have lost count of so many times it bloomed in hundreds of white fragrant flowers, this is the same sick one we had bought years back!
Goldie our budgie love bird is fine after two surgeries from near her eye boil but lately once a week she has convulsions.fits... I dont know, but she is a survivor, still I take care to check even during nights and feed her by hand sometimes , but she is growing old... can see from her skin and hair...I also put food on the ground of their home as she was sick so that she can eat easily.But the two others are so bold and always birdie is on, the chatter box!only quiet when he sleeps!
Spending time after convulsion with My Goldie love bird
Time out and playing with them and leaving them out in the controlled environment is a must for their health and growth.This beginning rains they played on the clothes line stand. When they look bored and quiet I give them some creative challenge and again there is sparkle in their eyes!missing blue bird whom we lost...from my heart, pure healing intentions, .especial videos on my You Tube Channel the Red Pilgrim for healing and assisting Love bird budgie pets for health and joy!
Also One minute Reiki healing arts mediation videos for all aspects of life. 
Do share your experiences! 
Thanks a Lot for coming by!
All the Best from Rizwana!

For buying reiki flower healing paintings Floral Paintings
Hope this helps!
Rizwana A.Mundewadi's Garden Care Simplified 
"Gardens are not made by singing 'Oh, how beautiful,' and sitting in the shade. Rudyard Kipling
You Tube videos of Garden Care Simplified If you have chanced upon my page from Google search, Please do share ,You may not need it but this plant advice and gardening tips can help some one on verge of giving up gardening!All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2010-2017 Rizwana A.Mundewadi DO NOT COPY FOR FEAR OF KARMA!Read on Rizwana's Garden Care Simplified Blog -
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Tabernaemontana Double tagar

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