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Garden Umbrella Funky Colorful and Beautiful Garden furniture Parasol Symbolism of Garden Umbrella

Garden Umbrella Garden furniture

Garden Umbrella is one of the most attractive piece of Garden furniture that immediately draws attention on the lush green lawns. While our terrace garden has chipped tiled flooring we still find a need for some shade during hot summers and of course thunder showers in rains.
Garden Umbrellas were usually seen in simple colors ranging from striped blue and red or white and blue, yellow. But with the coming in of digital art and prints colors we see funky and colorful garden umbrellas.

Foldable Garden Umbrellas square shaped

 and then when we had the traditional round shaped garden umbrellas, we now see square, rectangles and abstract shaped garden umbrellas to create more drama and interest in the garden design.

Geometric designs on garden Umbrellas

Beautiful elegant Garden umbrellas
 we do see embroidered lacy, and even frilly borders in garden Umbrella designs. Following the Eight Auspicious symbols in Tibetan Buddhism  the traditional Parasol, umbrella is a symbol for protection from all evil eyes and hardships in life. The Umbrella shelters and protects one from life problems be it health wealth relationships and peace. The dome represents wisdom and the skirt, frilly silk material lace denotes compassion, both essential in life as per Buddhism.
Parasol Designer Garden Umbrella 
In Buddhism this symbol is very important as it represents protection from not only heat but also lust , greed, sufferings, obstacles in path. Then also the spiritual journey of the soul is guided to go over smoothly.
All the Best from Rizwana!
Parasol of My Airavaat
Near My Door Feng Shui

Silver Jade A Beautiful Succulent Feng Shui Plant for Good Luck

Silver Jade from my little space under the sun
Silver Jade A Beautiful Succulent Plant for Good Luck. A great fleshy succulent for north and northwest sectors as it is silvery grey in color and stores water the silver jade requires very little care and multiples fast.
The silver jade plant grows from leaves and a single leaf can give out new plant.
This is a great feng shui plant for attracting good luck, career and wealth luck.
The plant loves well draining soil and does require timely watering, just like other succulents, the roots rot in mushy soil. The roots of silver jade do not goo deep hence it easily grows sideways and covers the whole pot giving out  new roots from the existing plant.
Color of your silver jade, It again depends upon the amount of sunlight and you see the leaves almost green or a lovely silvery gray color. I have in in indirect sunlight and it loves the space under the sun!
A pair of silver jades are great for your garden.
Still remembering Goldie whenever I make yellow khichdi... my Golden Monk loved this..
Meanwhile at our little space under the sun, there is still a burst of colors show going on with Allamanda and fragrant juhi blooms.
Fragrant Jasmine Juhi Blooms

Buds of Fragrant white Jessamine blooms
The Peach colored canna flowers did surprise me and now the vibrant vermillon red ones on stage!Rains and showers with thundering still on, maybe the last few ones remaining from this Awesum Rainy season,  for me to enjoy! I get a breather time, rest from daily watering my N number of plants in my little space under the sun!
All the Best from Rizwana!


Gomphrena globasa Pink Purple Button shaped flowers Plant

From the Amaranth family the flowers are small button shaped and very attractive in the sap green grayish leaves foliage. The plant gives out flowers which when dried have seeds in them. I have not tried collecting or  growing from seeds.
The plant grows in partial sunlight and loves to be watered regularly. Fond of well draining soil it also does not like over watering and the roots rot and may kill the plant.
The plant is prone to white fungus and white flies in winters and may also dry off in very hot summers if waterings are skipped.
Try to choose a sunny place if you wish to see blooms regularly. And let the flowers dry on the plant itself, and then trim off the tips to encourage bushy growth and more flowers.
The Amaranth family vibrant pink flowers are commonly used in hair decorations along with white shevanti plant since many years and brings back fond memories.
All the Best from Rizwana!

Plant a garden trust me your life will never be the same!!It will become magical!!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! Buy Goodluck paintings for health wealth and joy.

Best Sized Roses Rose garden in Ooty Fragrant and Largest Size roses

Large Sized Rose Flowers Ooty
 The Rose Garden Ooty is one of the largest I have seen in rose plants. Varieties, colors and large expanses of fragrant majestic roses. The sizes varied from a few inches in fragrant bushes to large sized plants having blooms as the size of my face!
Rose Garden Hill  Station  Ooty
 What I noticed was the soil was a mixture of cowdung and fertilizers and was a reddish one grainy texture. The climate in Ooty is best for flowering plants and hence we see blooms all year round, still the best time to visit Ooty is in summers when the vibrant colored blooms are in full swing! Every plant has flowers and even the foliage plants are fresh and healthy, think it has to do with the temperatures,  sunlight and cooler temperatures in Ooty.
Best Large Sized Roses in Ooty
Rose Garden Ooty

Rose garden Ooty

Large Sized roses Rose garden Ooty
Enjoy and All the Best from Rizwana!
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Thailand Good Luck Plant Euphorbia Milli Symbolism

Thailand Good Luck plant, Euphorbia Milli, this is one of the rare exotic cactuses that are seen every where with lovely peach colored blooms. 
Euphorbia milli Goodluck plant of Thailand
Very easy to grow and hardly require care and it is believed that the growing and flowering of these cactus plants in a home or any space attracts good luck. In Thailand the name is “Poysean” Chinese words combined meaning “8 Saints”. The tradition goes that Eight saints sacrificed their wealth , selfish spirit, intellectual pride, in their lives to promote righteousness and happiness harmony. By honouring these sacrifices the people of Thailand consider this an auspicious plant and if it grows well and blooms in your home, you are lucky!
Planting one of these Euphorbias, The eight blessings coming your way are
1) Health
2) Bravery
3) Wealth
5) Artistry
6) Cleverness
7) Poetry
9) Victory of good over Evil and bad spirits.
we attract these nine blessings with having this plant grow in our home garden.
The thorns are very thick and one must take extra care to keep it away from traffic areas and from eye level, as the thorns may brush up against the body. Mushy stems give out lovely green oval leaves and awesum  coloured blooms. I have seen these plants giving out  flowers in different colors and also depending upon the amount of  sunlight the shades in flowers varies. From peach, to reddish pink to yellowish white and reddish orange the flowers are pretty and go well in any landscape design surrounded by other plants.

Cactus flowering all year round Goodluck plant Thailand
This is also a very good symbol for protection from evil eye and it thus  protects the home inmates from negative energy entering their space. Thorns in feng shui are a good way to protect from evil forces and evil eyes and also wild animals.
Take care while handling , planting or trimming the plants, wear extra thick clothes and hand gloves that c over larger part of your hands .Protect eyes by wearing spectacles and then handle the plant. I have planted these beauties among the lush green palms and bamboos so they love the partial shade and give out amazing blooms!
All the Best from Rizwana!

If you have chanced upon my page from Google search, Please do share ,You may not need it but this plant advice and gardening tips can help some one on verge of giving up gardening! Save a lot of plant lives and loads of money!
Happy Gardening! All the Best from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants, this is my love and passion! A Healing Artist selling original Reiki healing art @ The Red Pilgrim's Healing Art You Tuber The Red Pilgrim Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading health wealth and joy through my Reiki symbol healing paintings!

All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2010-2017 Rizwana A.Mundewadi


Spiceroute Inflight Magazine Maxposure Awesum Happiness to see in print my article Touching The Sky

Spiceroute Inflight Magazine Maxposure Awesum Happiness to see in print my article Touching The Sky.I am so so happy, so honored and so excited to see my gardening article in print, inflight magazine,  and Thanks a Lot Neelam, chief editor at Maxposure.
Neelam Singh
Executive Editor

Here is the link to share my Awesum happiness with all you Awesum followers and readers, "Touching the Sky" Thank you for being there!God Bless!
Touching the Sky

Inflight magazines are a great way to spend your time during flights when high up in the sky, especially a great constructive way to use your time enjoying your flight when all other devices are not available. Yes,  when we have to switch off our electronic devices a magazine in print, with interesting articles and photographs is a sure way to make the journey pleasant and what more you learn and get information that can be useful, and maybe just what you were looking out for! So have a good read and go creative with your vertical space wall gardening with this interesting article "Touching The Sky" in Spiceroute magazine September Issue.
Meanwhile at the terrace garden front, with my extended family, the loss no doubt is irreplaceable, still remembering my beautiful Golden Monk...
Goldie my Golden Monk loved to sit near the stones collected from the Mountains Himalayas
my yellow budgie love bird who passed away recently...who has blossomed into a spurt of fragrant blooms in the container where she lies in peace, the Juhi Jasmine plant has suddenly given out awesum fragrant blooms.
Fragrant Juhi blooms
I love these more than the mogra blooms as this fragrance is more soft, soothing and heavenly. The buds are pinkish white when about to bloom. Especially best when they open during evenings, with a cool breeze,  the first fragrances are too good, no words can do justice to the feelings and emotions!Its a surreal, fantasy magical experience!
Jasmine flower buds 

Heavenly fragrance Jasmine Juhi flower plant fully loaded

Champa Frangipani flower close up

Getting arty with my original garden photographs and enjoying the creative processes along with painting some blooms on canvas in acrylics, that I wish for, Blooms of Opulence the garden and plants are always on my mind and my thoughts!
Creative representation of Champa flower from my little space under the sun

So also the roses have been fully loaded with heavy large sized blooms, it feels almost magical, this rainy season, from my little space under the sun!
Roses Heavy Large Sized Fully Loaded from my little space under the sun
Once again thanking you all at Maxposure and especially Neelam!God Bless!
Have a Great Blessed Day from Rizwana!

trujetter of Trujet Airlines March April 2016 Issue , my words- Power of Wall Art

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