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Growing Mogra Chameli from Cuttings Practical Guidelines with Photographs

Mogra Plant cuttings planted in a container
Cuttings are the easiest ways to grow some plants. Not all plants grow well from cuttings and I have found it difficult to grow many plants, especially roses, no luck for me with cuttings!Though we have had the best of roses and also quite some rare unique rose plants from other cities and exhibitions.
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The Jai Juhi climber has taken well from cuttings.
Practical tips for growing Jai Juhi Mogra from cuttings-
1) Never cut plant during winter or very hot afternoon in summers.
2) choose a healthy stem to cut , with more than two split stems.
3) I found that best time is just before rains.
4) See that the pot to be grown in has rich and firm soil. The soil has to be firm because other wise the birds pluck out the cuttings or they do not get good grip to grow well.
5) Reason is the stem has to be stuck in till the roots break from the base and then you see fresh lime green leaves on top.
6) do not disturb the plant cuttings for many weeks, by checking on them. Just take care to see that the stem is green and not changed colour to brown and that the stem is not rotting.
Healthy Mogra Flowers on my Plant

Roses survived even in heavy downpour of rain!

Yellow day lilly plants seeds dried and ready to burdt

Large Sized red Layered Hibiscus flower of Lord Ganesha  in my Terrace garden

First stage after transplanting cuttings, leaves drop

leaves dropped but the stem is green means the cuttings are healthy
7) You keep some leaves on the stem when you take cuttings, the tiny leaves are great to make food for the baby plant cutting. As you will see large leaves will drop off in few days after transplantation of cuttings.
This is the most easiest way and I prefer not to add much feedings at this basic stage. What I like about this is that you can get cuttings from anyone for free and especially this plant photo here,  one is a very large sized button mogra plant that I got cuttings and planted them. The Jai Juhi climber with its  heavenly fragrance, with its climbing tendency I wanted to get another one from the large container plant so this worked for me! and especially Juhi climber grows flowers at end top tip of the climber hence the many plants the more loaded they will be!
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