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Periwinkle disease Sadaphuli pest attack Practical Care of Sada Phuli

Sada phuli pest attack

Sada phuli pest disease attack

Sada phuli pest attack! in mid of hot summers, periwinkle sada bahar, sada phuli, ever green shrub has been attacked by pests. There are red ants feeding on the pests. 
Sada phuli pest attack

Sada phuli pest attack
 I still remember how little baby Sada phuli came into our life with single flower and has been with us for years , over grown , over loaded always with so many flowers. She is always happy. This time the attack is severe, but we will survive!
Like always I trim the parts quickly. A thorough bath is essential. Watering with force , will remove external pests ants. I usually nerve use and pest control sprays as this may kill my plants and try as much as possible with natural care. even with Hibiscus the same tips work but sometimes the hibiscus diseases are very tough to control.

Sada phuli pest disease attack

Sada phuli Periwinkle
 1) Notice the drooping leaves before attack on plant
2) Trim immediately most portions of the diseases sada phuli plant.
3) Keep few leaves if possible for it to make food. Otherwise also the root system is strong and it springs back to life with new greens.
4) Thorough bathing, watering with pressure. Removal of pests externally. This has helped many of my plants from diseases.
5) Don't water during hot time or afternoon other wise you risk losing killing the  plant.
6) Sometimes changing place helps. The plant to recover faster from disease.
7) Do check for any food left overs nearby, and also natural feedings, remove them, Because these food particles will attract more ants.

Baby Sada phuli Plant

Sada phuli growing in small pot
with loads of love , I am sure we will survive!
Spraying Plants  , bathing of plants watering with force 
All the Best from Rizwana!

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All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved ©Rizwana A.Mundewadi
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