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How to save bulb from rotting Transplanting tips in lily bulb

Bulbs plants are so beautiful as they flower with majestic blooms. We have huge amaryllis flowering bulbs, so many and while we were in our old home with an open terrace garden they had a blast with Awesum sunlight and now in the entry way passage garden they look sick.
Indirect sunlight did nothing for them and the shift was too much for them, they started to look mushy. Immediate action-critical care required
Amaryllis Lily flower

 Kaamini Bush looks happy, it is what I say efforts and savings of earlier effort that it has flowered immediately in the entry way garden, the trials will begin now after this session of flowering with indirect sunlight...have to see..
Kaamini Bush flowering Entryway garden
If bulbs start to look mushy immediately transplant.If not they will die.
1) may have over grown roots, change container.
2) soil may be clogged and they rot
3) less sunlight affects bulbs and they fall sick.
4) they love airy spaces with dry soil
5) they love to be root bound
6)if leaves of bulbs go yellow and soft, and soil looks wet even if you do not water, take immediate action.
growing bulbs
 What I did-
1) Removed the bulbs, they had over grown roots and the bulbs had begun slightly to go mushy.
2)I separated them, planting bulbs with tangled roots has chances of white fungus, root diseases.
3) I saw that there were huge thick roots, more than the size of  the bulb, so I trimmed them little bit.
4) each bulb cleaned and aired well before transplanting.
5) Layering of bulbs side by side. Only leave that much space for the bulb to go in and sit in the pot near the top.
6) Don't plant bulbs very deep , choose smaller size pots and grow them tight, they love to be root bound.
7) Mine loves to set out babies, so I have to not give them space for this, we want flowers!
over grown roots of bulb plants

separating bulbs

making soil 
very happy that in time  I saved these precious ones, they love the open window garden. Here there is open space, breeze and also some amount of direct sunlight.
trimming roots of bulbs
Happy gardening! All the Best from Rizwana!
arranging bulbs
do share your experiences with growing bulb plants, their flowering  and if you need any advice, here I am, practical information of growing plants for years with loads of love and spanking and they bless me with blooms! I do not sell plants!they are a part of my extended family!
Exotic Hippeastrum amaryllis 
tips for flowering amaryllis
rains and beautiful Amaryllis flower
Big amaryllis flowering tips


Entry way garden first casualties...entry way garden challenges

Spider lily buds small size
 Our entry way garden is magical and while most are learning to live with this indirect light source here, some are showing signs of distress. While they emit so happy positive energy I do have to look after each one here, as there is no direct sunlight coming, here on the eighteenth floor of this high rise.
Yellow Mussaenda turned white!
 spending so many years with an open terrace garden under direct sunlight for almost most parts of the day, it was scorching at many times. here there is coolness of north.
Abundance of flowers in bulb plants as they required direct sunlight, now comes the challenges, but interesting too. The entry way garden is a totally new garden design and I will have to be really careful with specific needs of plants.
While my little space under the sun I had-we had(my plants) adjusted to the hours of direct heat from sun by watering twice, shifting pots and containers, covering/space cover plants-  up few, sharing pots with tall tough plants and so many tricks and ideas to survive. help them live happily.
Now the challenges are different, no sun. means dampness, wetness, even maybe accumulated dried leaves, and most dangerous pests. Yes, there are many plant diseases and pest that attack when there is no direct sunlight for plants.
Mogra flower buds
My bestie, mogra, the tough one has given some flowers even among all the changes and shifting of house. Yellow Mussaenda has given out flowers , but the yellow sepals are now white.Most sad part, spider lily plants were sick before we shifted and that disease has aggravated with cool space here. Usually I would trim them, give them strong forced baths and with direct sunlight they would recover.
The creepy white aphids, moving happily are breeding fast with low direct sunlight. I also have to spray the leaves of all plants placed in my entry way garden  to keep them green and free from dust so that they make food fast.
heavy infestation white fungus aphids on spider lily flower buds
 There was heavy infestation, trimmed them, the spider lily plant and Amaryllis, checked the soil, bulbs were starting to become mushy and smelly, so immediately shifted them to window sill garden. They look happy now, phew!!, saved on time!
white aphids spider lily plant

Amaryllis lily plant pest attack 
Who is happy? peace lily plants are happy, they love indirect light and even the kaamini bush,
Kaamini Bush
has given a fully loaded show now. I don't know what time they will again bloom, but giving them love and care and hoping for the best! Bougainvilleas seem to have adjusted, and most happy who did not love the heat, is the Jamun tree in container, and the chinese evergreen, OH, with so much pains and against everyone's wishes,  I have taken these precious ones along with me to our new home , the thought of abandoning them in sun was too much, to leave them to die off each day waiting for me as I would care so much..I have them all here..I will try my best to save each one..and I hope they survive... please do pray they live happily with me!in my little entry way garden!
Rizwana Mundewadi wishing you Happy gardening from my little entry way garden!

Kamini Bush Murraya paniculata white fragrant flowering bush Compare with Orange Plant Blooms


Easy Home Decorating on low budget with Plants

Easy home decorating for the holiday season with low budget with plants, go ahead add some!
greens never harm ,  they always love!
The holiday season with some time at hand, no wonder you feel excited to refurbish , decorate your home space. For this decor makeover you have so much information online. read, see pictures, photos of gardens, especially you can transform your home with a magical element, unique entry way garden, that too with a very low budget!
In feng shuii entryways to the home, are the main source of chi that nourish your home. You can activate this by adding a few container pots and vases in your entry way passage and welcome prosperity.
Entry Way Garden
Mine was a no option, entry way garden, we had so many container plants in our terrace garden , so they all came along with us.
Adding only rows of pots will not make it a garden! add some garden ornaments, garden features , that come cheap and then see how your entry way transforms into a magical space, what more can you ask for, involve your children with tending and caring, they will learn the power of love!
Very easy home decorating with plants can be done  by adding container plants that grow in less sunlight and manage indirect sunlight. Ceramic plant garden containers and vases are beautiful and available in many different sizes, or you can buy cheap containers and paint them, nothing like the magic of hand made!
or go ahead and buy ready to hang container plants, no hassles, except watering with care~
All the Best from Rizwana!
make your own christmas tree


Entryway Garden 5 challenges Container Main Door Entry Garden

Entryway Garden 
Welcome to my entryway magical garden. Gardeners believe in magic..we do believe there are fairies, nature spirits and elves..that they dance on every leaf and flower and tend them with their tiny hands. Rizwana A.Mundewadi from my little entryway Garden! shifted to a larger space, the sadness of moving out from the little space under the sun was over powered by the excitement of making a new garden.
Making a new garden is always exciting. Now we have ready container  plants available. I have carried all my precious ones while shifting , a few containers broke, but rest all are ok. Looking at the photo just does not do justice, to the entry way garden design, as combinations and arrangements of pots is done with harmony and keeping in mind light requirements of different plants. 
Every gardener tends a garden wit their soul. More of sweat and hard work and then they bring out beauty to the world. The ever green garden is a myth, you tend for it and they bless you with blooms!  There have been so many such times when I have hardly noticed when the plump buds came up, and then I am welcomed with a surprise each morning. I do believe in the magic of the universe, and nature spirits, fairies who look after your garden. 
Container gardening indoors, entry way garden on the eighteenth floor, is another challenge and will be sharing my experiences. 
1) first challenge, no direct sunlight!
2) will need lots of care with watering
3) soil needs to be really good quality and well draining
4) pests will have to be taken care off, maybe I may lose a few plants...because sunlight on my terrace would take care of so many things. 
5) Lights in the entry way are on 24 hours, so my plants will have to learn to meditate and sleep with lights on!
with a lot of excitement as new challenges await,..
White Aphids on Spider Lily plants 

first casualty, spider lily bulbs, attacked by white aphids..
mogra did bloom !
while the mogra plant did bloom, gave out two big sized flowers, to have more here, in the entry way garden will be a challenge, The Chinese Bamboo plant, I have the original Bamboo growing in container, seems happy with indirect light. hoping for the best! Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified, All the Best from Rizwana!
container gardening from scrap pots
Thailand goodluck plant

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