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#Windowsillgardenchallenge evil eye! try this Feng Shuii cure for garden special bonus tip at end of the post!

Window sill challenge #challengeinwindowsillgarden  With continued challenges of low light, now we have a tower coming up! so the restricted light will again reduce more.
Ii have achieved a beautiful level now with happy plants, Rubber, Jade, Euphorbia milli, Ribbon grass, fern, purple hearts, lemon grass, anant, mogra, they surely are looking happy  with the tip I tried a few months back.
Care of Allamanda Blanchetti
Concerning the main issue now was new constructions coming up, so much dust, and cement. This was covering all plant leaves. The plants were struggling for breath! that issue #windowsillgardenchallenge was solved by spraying the leaves and cleaning them regularly with water.
Interesting post- 9 important tips for starting a window garden
Window sill garden before few months

window sill garden plants now
The next #gardenchallenge we are facing is low light. I am sure Feng Shui has a way. thinking of adding a mirror, this works very well with reflecting natural light for my plants.
The Main #windowsillgardenchallenge , this post is about the main task, when we have a window garden just about every visitor takes a closer look here!
Yes, they are happy, beautiful, they are so healthy, there are flowers growing in your window? Oh we tried but didn't succeed, Oh you feel sorry for them!.
Heard this often, yes, brings a smile if you are a passionate gardener!
So after a lot of thinking tried this Feng Shuii tip, add some salt near your containers.  I have read a lot of rock salt benefits and also watched on you tube but never tried this. 
Salt Feng Shuii cure for garden
You can sprinkle a few crystals to protect your window sill garden plants from evil eye and negative energies. Keep the salt hidden from view. Correct way to use salt as cure explaining in this video
next issue for me now is #windowsillgardencahllengespace am searching for good planter stands, space saver plant stands for window gardens, container stands for arranging my plants. Saw few on , still nothing finalized, there are a good options available online but we have to consider space crunch here. There is never a quiet moment here, every plant needs that loving care,and of course they are blessings me with happy growth. No fertilizers! 

window sill garden now
Try hanging a Feng Shuii evil eye cure, this works wonders. you get so many cheap feng shuii evil eye cures, as key chains,wall hangings, individual small gifts of the colours of feng shuii evil eye cure, well, so much for protecting your dear plants! Not only act as garden ornaments but also protective cures!
Did you experience any such negative energy effects on your plants? what did you do? any tips? do share! Do share your experiences! 
Garden Care Simplified

Thanks a Lot for coming by!
All the Best ! Happy Gardening from Rizwana!
Read more on Rizwana's Garden Care Simplified blog- 
You will see immediate difference in your health and wealth as you activate your window garden with Feng Shuii. For your work space and also home office, where it may not be possible to add real plants , add up some beautiful flower paintings, nature paintings and wall art that is trendy and healing with some lush greenery.  

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