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Why Coconut and Banana are used as spiritual fruits in temples and offerings? Boston Fern plant care- my sophisticated Fern plant

Grooming my plants!

Gardens have a tendency to overflow with lots of love but anything out of control is very harmful feng shuii for your home and life. I have noticed overflowing money plants where people boast of wealth coming in but there is a negative feng shuii to this. Personally I like to keep my gardens trimmed and showing care. Dead plants, dried leaves, droopy plants are not for my space!
I tried to give the overflowing fern plants a sophisticated look. of course after talking to it with love trimmed the overflowing leaves which took away so much energy and even accumulated lots of dust in the window garden. I had done this once even to the long leaves snake plant, they look different and much elegant. 
snake plant has grown new leaves after trimming

Fern growing in round container

Do this only if you have a space crunch. Otherwise the ferns look beautiful covering the whole hanging baskets with leaves. 
Money plant repotting

Snipping the fern leaves

Easily grow the evergreen plant from cuttings
The Evergreen ornamental plant is easiest to grow and can be grown with cuttings.
Adenium tantrums continue

big roots of money plant are energy suckers

replaced old plant containers
In window gardens where there is low sunlight you must have light plastic containers with well draining soil.  If your Boston fern plant is not growing healthy you have to check the roots also. There are lots of dried roots that take space in the hanging basket thus making stunted growth of the plant. The fern will start looking dull and show lots of dried brown.  It's time to trim and repot the fern again. You need not choose a bigger pot, use the same hanging basket but reduce the roots and trim dried leaves.
very important to cut dried roots

Adenium plant on a still

trimmed the fern leaves

remove all dried parts of dead leaves

sophisticated fern plant
The fern of course looks so elegant and graceful. Soon they will again grow and overflow with new leaves!
Read interesting posts- 
Coming to the interesting title of why Bana and Coconuts are used as offering in puja and temples or spiritual rituals. Bananas grow from the seeds of Bananas that have to be potted with respect. They are not thrown away as different fruit seeds that we eat the fruit portion and throw the seeds in trash. So also coconuts have to be grown with the fruit itself. Usually the fruits of coconut travel through waters and take roots thus growing from a complete fruit itself. Unlike other fruits where we take the portion of fleshy fruit and throw the seeds these two have to be used as whole to grow new plants. This may be the spiritual reason why we use these as offerings and in spiritual rituals. 
Keep your garden happy neat trimmed and sparkling with joy! 
Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified!
Happy Gardening from Rizwana!


How to keep your indoor plants always fresh? Important Mistakes for Indoor placement of plants/ Tricks for Healthy home office plants

Homes displaying healthy happy ferns, palms and Orchids look so nice isn't it! I personally love to see indoor plants with modern decor as they bring live energy, fresh energy to any home. In feng shuii green growing plants are a symbol of wealth and prosperity. I tried that but I tell you frankly they can't remain indoors for long! they wilt, dry, they attract fungus and even look dull in few days. Love is not enough! then how come we see offices and homes flaunting always fresh healthy indoor plants?

So here I am sharing the tricks and explaining the reasons why indoor plants have a smaller shelf life.  

Spiritual artwork displayed with healthy indoor plant Indoor plants
Spiritual artwork displayed with healthy indoor plant Indoor plants 

When you see Chinese lucky Bamboo plants on office tables be assured many will complain they die even after caring and few say they are lucky and boast about it, the trick is the original plants have adaptability genes so they may survive. Usually people quietly replace them for fresh ones. Some do the trick of talking to plants and giving them love. Many also take their pots home to give them a bath and some sunlight. Thus plants who tend to get bored love these family trips and look happy and healthy. How to activate chakras with plants? read here.

 I homes I have noticed with indoor plants that they are grown in containers of plastic or mud. The ornamental containers outside are just for beauty of the decor. So someone removes the containers regularly at week or fortnight or a month depending upon the type of indoor plants and gives them sunlight. Then again the original plant pots are again placed indoors in their ornamental containers. This process is very important as there is limited sunlight and air in side homes and air conditioned offices. 

Showing example of best placement of indoor plants-
Glass Doors Windows Indoor Plants placement

When you have glass windows and doors they bring in so much light and even fresh air. In such cases you will see happy indoor plants. This is provided they do not get direct sunlight for too many hours, here again too much sunlight burns the leaves and then plant may even die. 
White rooms and decors spread more light for indoor plants

Indoor plant displays need rotating regularly for healthy look
Read on- why Brahma kamal plants drop?
sunlight coming from glass windows brings good energy for indoor plants
Offices and large corporate buildings have regular garden maintenance contracts where the containers of indoor plants are rotated and replaced with fresh ones. These garden maintenance people then take the plants, trim them, clean them and give them some sunlight and feedings to upright them up. And they are ready to go to another home or office for indoor plants display. Even marriage functions celebrations parties have such indoor plants display for temporary basis with paid services. Next time when you see healthy indoor plants don't get depressed or jealous, that you are unable to grow these!   remember someone cares for them, someone rotates them, talks to them and takes them for outings!!! Grow feng shuii plants indoors for fresh vibes and beautiful energy. 
For your home indoor plants-
1) buy ornamental containers separately and do not plant directly in the showy containers. 
2) use plastic well draining containers that are light weight. You have to carry them out or in the bathroom or kitchen for bathing thoroughly and place them on window sill or windows for some fresh energy refreshment.
3) Do not place indoor plants directly in way of sunlight coming in for long hours, they will burn leaves. Choose a spot where only morning or AFTERNOON SUNLIGHT POURS INSIDE. 
4) Keep watch for plant pests and too much root growths. When they need trimming and replacement take the decision. 
5) for homes near industrial areas where too much soot, grime, dust comes in you will need to wipe the leaves with soft cloth to allow them to breathe. A spray bottle helps here where you can mist water over leaves without making much mess indoors. 
6) Plants are not meant for only indoors. they will not be completely happy with limited resources. It is good to keep rotating some. You have to be particular of which plant seems happy in which p-lace, once you find that they grow happily. I keep shifting, rotating, till I find the right spots where they seem comfortable and happy. They adapt. Then they grow!! 
Hope this helps! I have been passionately striving with different garden challenges of terrace garden,  window gardens, table top gardens , entry ways gardens and have tons of practical experiences without spending a ton. sharing-Pouring my heart The Garden of my Dreams
Grow plants!!Do your bit!! 
Happy Gardening from Rizwana!
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The Garden of My Dreams! Terrace Window gardens Entryway and yet dreaming...

The Garden of  My Dreams !
Gardening , a passion that never satisfies a gardener. We always have some things remaining, a dream garden. Experiencing so many different types of creative gardens and enjoying every bit yet it remains, my dream garden...From the small machine top garden that I has been a long journey of more than twenty seven years with different gardens. Gardening has given me so much love, hope, blessings,. joy!! It has been my constant friend in life's ups and downs. 

there is always a creative energy to change and make fresh my gardens. I love to change pots, change arrangements, add new, spank some and love some yet they bless me always. Environmental limitations and challenges too bring out the best in us gardeners as we love plants more than humans. Plants are so unique and beautiful and can be grown in creative forms or rock gardens, window gardens, kitchen gardens, table top gardens, miniature gardens, small gardens, large gardens and you actually don't even need much space, a small bowl,  tiny shoes can be your own private garden of bliss and Zen!!

I have shared many posts about different plants and gardening tips tricks yet the dream garden remains.. I hope the Universe is I paint my dreams.. with gardening your learn life. You see so many sunrises sunsets and stars and the blank sky with its interesting messages. 

Tiny lucky shoes mini garden



birds terrace garden

one corner of my terrace garden

conch shell zen garden 

window garden

decoupage old plastic containers for gardening
passage entry way entrance garden
Write down and imagine your dream garden. Focus brings clarity to your dreams. Making joyful collages inspired by nature as I carefully  tend my window garden plants with lots of love, bringing in vibes of magic!!. Remember gardening is not just keeping plants and watering them.. there is so much more excitement!! Keep your feng shuii gardens of joy flourishing!!
Brahma Kamal plant
Read about- Brahma Kamal plant disease and care
Tap Tap padti angavarti prajakta chi phule...still not able to grow the Parijat successfully..

still waiting to see the Brahma Kamal blooms...
My Dream Home an old painting 

With Earth and sky merging together experiencing the stability of earth and the freedom of the sky.. a garden on land and the sky...a dream..
Happy Gardening from Rizwana!


There are some roses in the garden.. why you must not pluck flowers from any garden? Little things..symbolism and karmic effects

Important information about symbolism behind energy of plucking flowers, why you must not pluck them from any garden?  feng shuii and karmic effects.

Hoarding in garden 

 an emotional post.. there are some roses in the garden...remembering my terrace garden where we enjoyed amazingly beautiful fully loaded big sized fragrant rose blooms all year round. I would passionately buy rose plants of different colours, varieties, and rare ones from plant exhibitions or travelling vacationing different destinations, roses are the king and will always remain so!!  now with the north facing window garden roses have been left out...except for the red rose flowers bouquets and bunches that occasionally come into my life and are displayed as cut flowers to spread fragrances and joy!

Soft pink rose flower

Rose flower bush in terrace garden

Majestic Red Rose flower in garden

Fully bloomed rose flower

dried rose flower on plant

deep red rose flower

rose flower respect to my pet fish
Red Rose bush

Golden roses inspiration from garden blooms(this one commissioned artwork is sold)

Roses always bring an emotional feeling of happiness and joy. My terrace garden flowers have inspired me always and I have also painted a large painting MY Pink Chair. Even now as I view the pink roses abstract chair painting it takes me into a world of fragrant roses and my nose starts tingling with joy. 

My Pink Chair

 Fragrant ones hit all your senses and are uplifting. I have tried growing many colours but red ones  are most easy and sturdy. Dark marron that looked almost black was purchased from an exhibition, yellow, pink shades hues, orange, yellow, and even purplish and those interesting cross breeds that were shaded variety. 

Coming to the title, Little things...matter. when you see there are some roses in the garden almost everyone, yes, exactly, almost everyone gets the itch to pluck them!!! when we visited the famous Ooty rose garden even there ladies started plucking in spite of the hoardings and messages displayed everywhere .It seems so easy to pluck huge rose flowers from any ones garden and enjoy the fragrances and beauty, isn't it? 

NO! you are never alone, someone somewhere is watching you, and it is recorded. Not the cctv camera, but your own mind camera that stores your daily activities. Symbolism of every action in feng shuii is linked to our life energy. No wonder we are advised to give charity, work with love and compassion and have a pure heart. It all reflects in your life. Little things matter with feng shuii.

Garden feng shuii brings peace harmony beauty and you feel refreshed when you walk in a good feng shuid garden. What happens when you fear some one is watching and yet go ahead and pluck the flower? you may feel a sense of achievement but that message is recorded in your mind and will come out in form of someone else plucking (stealing)  your things, your relationships, your energy, your opportunities, your career and the list is endless about how karma strikes. 

Then the gardener has taken a lot of pains to grow those rose plants and they treat them like babies, so imagine someone touching your baby? I personally would never pluck or cut flowers from even my garden plants except in rare cases where I would request them to share their beauty energy with us and cut them with quick sharp scissors to minimize the pain to them. 

Then coming to nature spirits. there are always fairies in every garden who take care of the garden,

Reiki Nature Fairy and they do take care of m y gardens!

so sometimes you visit a garden and feel absolute joy with fresh growths and flowers blooming, it is an amazing energy, that comes not only from the gardener's garden but also from nature spirits and fairies who take care of the plants. OH Boy! they get really angry! Sometimes when people are regular flower stealers then fairies retort in unexpected manner. And you also disturb their peace and maybe you have plucked their favorite flower where they would sit or play...leaving them feeling of homelessness.,. In gardens you have to be really careful what you disturb. Many children pluck and then throw those flowers and move on. the energy does not move on. You have to learn to understand the karmic cycle and also teach  children not to pluck flowers from anywhere. 

Now many people justify that the flowers already will dry in a day on the plant so why not use them. Yes, you can use them with permission and if the plant owner is happy to share then somewhat the karmic energy is balanced. Some people also daily pluck flowers from society gardens and community gardens that are open for public and offer them during puja rituals or to god photos in their home temples. Trust me God does not love those stolen plucked flowers!! unless it is your hard effort of growing them and then using them to please God, every other flower you buy must be put up with intentions and then offered to God. 

How do you offer flowers to anyone or God? this ritual is of utmost symbolic importance. When you buy the most beautiful blooms or bouquets ,cut flowers, loose flowers, you have to connect and talk tot he blooms to bring you happiness and fulfill your intentions. If you buy for a anniversary putt the intention to bring joy to the couple. If it is for Temple, ask the flowers to be accepted and bring blessings with your act of offering flowers. If you pluck flowers from anyone's garden already you have put up the stealing energy in them, then you gift them and expect them to bring you really good bonding friendship and relationships? 

It is not the fault of the flower.. little things matter...

Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

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My Adenium plant tantrums ! feng shui why you must Save Adenium plants ! Recycle make Best shade lipstick at home! Garden decor ideas

Adenium flowers growing in my Terrace garden
Adenium plants with such beautiful fluorescent pink coloured flowers looks so Awesum and it would always be loaded with healthy blooms in my terrace garden. The challenges began with entry way and window gardens. The big rhizome shape root of Adenium is tons of stored energy. 
Why you must be careful with growing Adenium plants in your home garden and what is the feng shuii symbolism of these plants? 
Adenium plant in my entry way garden

 Tantrums began with no sunlight issues in my window garden facing North. Adenium does require indirect sunlight and at least few hours sunlight. Otherwise they throw tantrums! 

once I had killed a few adeniums years back beginning with gardening experiences, so that explained I need to take care of these Adenium plants carefully. Trust me sometimes you will not even realize the adenium is dead! they start going mushy from baser and insides and have the covering intact till you physically touch the plant and notice its already has left you....that the pots must not be of ceramic because they hold too much water for long periods which the Adenium plant does not like. Well draining soil is must and if your adenium plant is throwing tantrums you need to do this, talk, shift them and find the best place for their placement.  Adding dried egg shells helps. I have been on watch regularly for their health and have shifted them from pot to pot to see which ones make them comfortable.    The photo below was another unsuccessful experiment and they didn't like the hanging planters made of plastic. 

Adenium plant transplanting 
At one time I had got so angry with the stubs that would give out few leaves, they would be so green and then in few days they would turn brown, dry and fall off. this continued for many months that finally I had to think why are these two moving on and still clinging, no progress or growth just living!

But guess love keeps them alive! Found a spot near the window shelf and they are giving out fresh green leaves now, both of the adenium plants. So hoping to see them healthy. 

Happy Adenium plants growing in window garden

blubs and rhizome plants need special care of checking their growth-empty shells of dead bulbs

gardens need regular care trimming repotting feeding watering and lots of love!

Tiny pots for the stubborn Adenium plants

Fresh energy is always required in my garden so recycled few plastic containers. Old calendars proved of sue with lovely rose flower images. Always in pair- so made decoupaged two containers and grew mother in laws' tongue plants for space air purification and projection from evil eye and negative energies. Garden decor in my home garden keeps changing within few month. So you will never find my garden same when you see it after few month. I love to clean trim, repot sometimes and shift sometimes for better visual impacts keeping in mind of course, plant health. Feng shuii energy of your garden must be alive and not dead. Stagnation ion any sector of your garden brings ill luck. If you see plants growing healthily yet you must keep cleaning, adding and clearing to maintain good feng shuii of your home garden. 
Recycling old plastic container with decoupage and WOW effects!

Decoupage is such a beautiful craft. Thick glossy magazine calendar photos can be wetted and then gradually remove the top layer of image, let it dry and then stick on any surface using your creative ideas. For decoupage you need very thin papers, and we also get ready decoupage tissue and napkins online.

Mother in Law's tongue-snake plants looking so stylish with this decoupaged plastic pot

Covid 19 lockdown times is bringing more creative energies outbursts and need is mother of invention. So recycled old branded lipsticks that were difficult to use as they had reached the base of the tube. 
take the remaining small parts of old good quality lipstick and cut them, melt them at low temperature heat

Lovely shapes bring out new beautiful shade of lipstick and I am still using those since the past year during lockdown
Making home lipsticks, recycling

Collect all pieces of similar shape lipsticks. Cut with knife. I added some part of dark brown shade which was lying unused since it made my lips look very dark. Melt them at very low heat and be really careful because the melted lipstick in container is very very hot and will burn your skin. And you need to pour this hot because it sets very quickly at room temperature.  Fantastic mauve maroon shade lipstick was ready, filled in two empty lipstick shells and now are ready to use. The new shade is so wonderful against my skin and it also has the glossy finish. You can try out new shades if you are fed up with old branded lipsticks! 
Coming to why you must be very careful with adeniums and why feng shuii is important? 
The space sector where you are growling adeniums is very important. In feng shuii such stored energy plants are very auspicious for north sector since they symbolize hidden potential, energy staying power and persistent growth even in harsh conditions. 
North sector is career and opportunities sector and if you have placed the adenium plants, drying of these plants directly will affect the opportunities coming your way.  Have you placed them in pair for wealth luck in south of garden then again this brings ill luck when they dry and die. Sucking up opportunities and your wealth luck. You may not even realize why you and your family are facing health issues, offers are snatched away at last moment  from your business, and unnecessary bickering and arguments have come up between members. Check your garden plants and care for your garden because your garden plants reflect your life. 
It is better to let go that keep the dead plants and empty pots in your garden-that is good feng shuii

Most dangerous part is when you let empty pots and dried dead pot containers in your home garden. Worst feng shuii affecting your life and that of your family. 
Remember gardens must seem to be loved and cared for and always inviting and fresh to bring joy to your life. A beautiful feng shuii to your life!! Save your Adeniums since they bring so much luck to you! 
Meanwhile my window gardens always need some refurbishing and change. On art front making more sigil and Reiki symbol artworks especially specific intentions tiny Reiki healing art cards are wonderful and affordable. And just sharing, we also have beautiful Sigils to make your garden plants grow healthy and happy! protection of your home and garden from evil eye energies feng shuii evil eye paintings,  if you are interested let me know!! Happiness is making healing flower paintings and bringing joyful vibrant colour flowering plants for my garden!

Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!!

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