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10 must have plants in your garden for Wealth success growth prosperity 5 Red 5 Purple Flowering Plants

absolutely awe sum energy flowers , two best feng shuii colours, must have plants in your garden. Wealth, success, growth and prosperity, two feng shuii energy colours red and purple, add these plants to your garden!
Check these out! RED flower plants!
1) Red Climber How to collect seeeds of Cardinal
2) Vermillon Red Jade flowers 
3) Big Amaryllis Lily Red Flower Tips Exotic Hippeastrum Amaryllis
4) Canna Big Red  Flowering Tips
5) Carribean Copper Gold Coins Plant
Check these out! PURPLE flower plants!
Purple   Petunias

Purple hearts

Baby soft pink small flowers

Purple star cluster

Purple stripes
1) Purple Coloured leaves Tradescantia Fluminenses/Purple Heart
2) Purple Metallic leaves plant good feng shuii luck for career
3)Little purple flowers space cover
4)2 easy growing Purple Lilac flowering plants
5)Bring instant colour to your garden! The Purple Petunias
Garden Care Simplified
Well, the most beautiful childhood fantasy is to play with water and you get to do this with gardening! Have fun, love, and enjoy gardening, sharing growth and happiness!

Reiki Magic Star Healing Painting to attract wealth and Abundance for sale by Rizwana A.Mundewadi
All the Best from Rizwana , from my little space under the sun!
A Healing Artist selling original Reiki healing art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art  You Tuber The Red Pilgrim Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading joy, health,wealth and success with my Reiki symbol healing Paintings!
Tons of information on Garden Care Simplified Blog- 
Don't forget to see this post AM I a Serial Killer?


Bryophyllum Pinnatum PattharChatta kidney stones treatment plant

Bryophyllum Pinnatum PattharChatta
PattharChatta, a unique plant, that I thought was Brahma Kamal with its Serrate edges, the leaves are similar. Very useful herb, and quite famous for its medicinal uses. This PattharChatta plant was what I tried growing years back and it grows in same pattern like Brahma Kamal plant.
The plant can be grown from its leaves and new leaves come out from edges of leaf. Be careful, it grows like wild.Same type of soil, well draining and dry, the PattharChatta plant can be grown easily in containers. The benefits I have heard are immense in kidney problems and diseases. The plant leaves benefit in removal and prevention of kidney stones. The plant leaf is directly consumed with some other ingredients, or it is boiled and the water is consumed by people suffering from kidney stones, burning urine, urinary infections and also prostrate issues.
An interesting plant going viral on Google and You Tube, you will find loads of info about Bryophyllum Pinnatum PattharChatta, also called Paan patti/paan pathri plant.
 Curiosity, and uniqueness, do share your experiences! And if anyone has tried this plant leaf as treatment and prevention of kidney stones and in kidney problems. The medicinal benefits are well know in Ayurveda as my husband , a senior Ayurveda Consultant mentions that most herbal medicines for kidney diseases and stone have this as an ingredient.
Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified!
Rizwana Mundewadi from my little space under the sun!
Garden Care Simplified

 Like , share,  comment, for the love of Gardening!
All the Best from Rizwana!
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Periwinkle disease Sadaphuli pest attack Practical Care of Sada Phuli

Sada phuli pest attack

Sada phuli pest disease attack

Sada phuli pest attack! in mid of hot summers, periwinkle sada bahar, sada phuli, ever green shrub has been attacked by pests. There are red ants feeding on the pests. 
Sada phuli pest attack

Sada phuli pest attack
 I still remember how little baby Sada phuli came into our life with single flower and has been with us for years , over grown , over loaded always with so many flowers. She is always happy. This time the attack is severe, but we will survive!
Like always I trim the parts quickly. A thorough bath is essential. Watering with force , will remove external pests ants. I usually nerve use and pest control sprays as this may kill my plants and try as much as possible with natural care. even with Hibiscus the same tips work but sometimes the hibiscus diseases are very tough to control.

Sada phuli pest disease attack

Sada phuli Periwinkle
 1) Notice the drooping leaves before attack on plant
2) Trim immediately most portions of the diseases sada phuli plant.
3) Keep few leaves if possible for it to make food. Otherwise also the root system is strong and it springs back to life with new greens.
4) Thorough bathing, watering with pressure. Removal of pests externally. This has helped many of my plants from diseases.
5) Don't water during hot time or afternoon other wise you risk losing killing the  plant.
6) Sometimes changing place helps. The plant to recover faster from disease.
7) Do check for any food left overs nearby, and also natural feedings, remove them, Because these food particles will attract more ants.

Baby Sada phuli Plant

Sada phuli growing in small pot
with loads of love , I am sure we will survive!
Spraying Plants  , bathing of plants watering with force 
All the Best from Rizwana!

If you have chanced upon my page from Google search, Please do share ,You may not need it but this plant advice and gardening tips can help some one on verge of giving up gardening!Save a lot of plant lives and loads of money! Save Earth!
All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved ©Rizwana A.Mundewadi
 Don't forget to connect with me on TwitterGoogle+Tumblrpin interest, You Tube and do join our Garden Care Simplified Group on Face BookCheck my Instagram


Save Rare plants going Extinct! Swap Free Plant Free Exchange! Please Don't ask for free shipping!

Swapping plants and sharing cuttings, one of the best ways to spread your happiness , joy and flowers , has been on since ancient times and  I have always seen this is the best way to gift also.
So many plants are not seen now, that which were so precious in my childhood. As times change profitable plants and showy plants that die soon are promoted by garden nursery business owners.Plants bought with so many flowers are also weak and die soon so that we have to replace them faster, that's one way how the gardening business is running today. Easy come, easy go! And I remember plants also flowered on their own, well, most of my plants do! The right combination of soil and sunlight,  watering care  is enough with some natural left over feeds. But commercial interest of people in business continue. Soil is gradually being replaced, OH for the smell of fresh red soil in the first rains...soil is gradually being replaced with alternatives. And many plants are nearly going them,swap, share cuttings..
Plant gifts are so cute and sweet and today we see tiny funky hand made pots and containers that look so pretty. Grow one of your plants, cutting and maybe some one about to flower, in the pots before any occasions and gift a special energy plant.
A small lily bulb with a bud , WWOWW Gift!
Here, on Garden Care Simplified, you are welcome to exchange plants, cuttings free, of course do get in touch for shipping costs with the person willing to share your favorite plant, cutting.
While exchanging swapping sharing your plants and cuttings-
1)Check the authenticity of the person willing to share plants known people are better, but in case of some rare plants , we need to buy them from International people too.
2) Shipping costs are needed to be paid by the receiver, even though people may share their plants for free. We cant expect the plant lover to share their exotic costly plant cuttings and also pay to send them to your doorstep!(happens with me all the time, I have many plants and they are free to share , I don't sell plants, this is my passion and love, but the shipping costs are much and I cannot , even though I want to send them to you for free.
3) Garden Care Simplified runs on my own efforts and I do not have any one write for my blog. each photograph and each post is my original. And each plant is bought by me from known and many remote plant nurseries from around hill stations in India. That would amount to quite a sum of K's!
 4) Take all the precautions you take with any money transfer online. Do not give personal(financial) information more than what is required for this plant share. So as take the cutting for free, its ok as long as you are not alone and security system is on. Better safe than sorry.
5) Being an emotional Gardener I am crazy and am also willing to pay large sums for exotic plants, but have realized, you need to be grounded. Don't just jump to the first offer and pay any amount for a rare plant on your wish list. wait and inquire, in budget range for the same plant. Surely you may find it online.
6) While giving your precious plant cuttings, do give instructions on how the plant lives with you. some habits, tantrums, feeding, sunlight requirements, and flowering times. This helps the receiver of plant/cutting to know how to take care of the baby, otherwise plants given away have risk of not surviving.
7) Share with love, and don't forget to talk to your plant before sharing, only then will it grow in another space!
Please do sharing swapping, and save many plants that will be soon extinct.
You can comment about what you are looking for and share this post to like minded gardeners and plant lovers who would be willing to share their plant cuttings.
Red and White Amaryllis Lily Bulbs 

The Huge Red Flowers
Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified!
 Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You All the Best from my little space under the sun!
(Garden Care Simplified will not charge any commissions, acting only as a platform to meet garden and plant lovers)
Growing Anant Gardenia plant from cuttings
Exotic plants Seeds Bulbs 


Is My Mogra Plant Dead? Playing the Dead Game! Check 5 the Final fear factor!

Is my Mogra plant dead? Hm,  that was what  I worried every year after winter, before spring. So while now I am used to this playing dead game of my mogra plant, we are on comfortable trust level. Earlier with my obsessions I have transplanted the poor mogra plant so many times to save it! Finally it rests in a large container which I can no longer physically move,LOL, so it is grounded!well rooted! 

Dried Mogra  Plant

New shoots and leaves sprouting
While we love Mogra plants,  I never knew it was so easy to grow mogra plants. They need direct sunlight for at least few hours of day to give you healthy flowers. Mogra Jasmine are large sized flowers and there are many varieties of mogra plants. Choose the ones that grow in large bunches. You can also take cuttings from healthy mogra plants from anywhere, friends , neighbors, and grow your own mogra plant.
Fresh Mogra Flowers on Plant
This year also the mogra plant had gone barren with all leaves dropped , first they curl and then they dry and drop in winters. All leaves drop off...I stare at it whether it is alive or not?
but year after year the beautiful  sick mogra(yep, it has a long story of ten years with us) gives out amazingly huge fragrant blooms , all of summer bringing beauty and happiness in our life!
How  will you know whether your mogra plant is alive or dead? 1) look at the stems, are they falling one by one dried, or they are firm in the soil. 2) break a stem and see, if it is hollow and dried then the plant has left you. It also happens that small stems dry off and fall and the main thick stem with its roots below is alive and will sprout with time. 3) trim them and see if they show any growth. The  plant that is alive will immediately within few days give out new stems with fresh tiny green leaves. 4) Observe the soil, a plant that is alive drinks well. if the water you add is absorbed and well drained then it is alive.Dead plant does not drink water and will go mushy with soil clogging and you will notice the stems rotting and turning blackish. 5) Final fear factor!That is funny and very sad, but, fear factor works! I try to pull the plant lightly, if dead it comes out and I see the rots have already rotted and if the plant is alive the roots are strong, you cannot however much you try pull them out of the container!
Healthy Growing Mogra Plant
Do not disturb the root system and give your mogra plant some months, one or 2  months after winter and it will come back. 
Fragrant jasmine Mogra flowers
I seriously am amazed at the love of this  one, I do not add any feeding to this large mogra jasmine plant , it just loves me so much! Yes, I never skip watering my mogra!
Big Mogra Flowers Bunches
tiny buds of joy, mogra flower new buds

first buds with summers 

Healthy large leaves of Mogra plant

Fresh shoots of mogra

That is quite a size! Mogra flower

That is quite a large size for mogra flowers, and the fragrances are out of this world! 
Garden Care Simplified

 How is your mogra plant doing? What are your experiences with mogra? do share! and of course I would be happy to guide you with my practical experience and workable tips over the years from my little space under the sun!
Happy Gardening from Rizwana!
 Like , share,  comment, for the love of Gardening! Do subscribe!
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If you have chanced upon my page from Google search, Please do share ,You may not need it but this plant advice and gardening tips can help some one on verge of giving up gardening!Save a lot of plant lives and loads of money! Save Earth!
All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved ©Rizwana A.Mundewadi
 Don't forget to connect with me on TwitterGoogle+Tumblrpin interest, and do join our Garden Care Simplified Group on Face Book! Check my Instagram

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