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Cymbopogon Lemon Grass Plant and DIY Ladder Swing Love Bird Budgie Toys

Lemon Grass Plant Window sill Garden
Lemon grass is a herb that has been used since ancient times, who would not get nostalgic with the lemon grass tea mom prepared during cold winters and we hardly knew why tea tasted so awful! but gulped it!
Added a new plant, now, till date used to buy lemon grass from market but storing lemon grass in refrigerators does lull its effects somewhat. Fresh plant, lemon grass, easy growing , requires partial sunlight,indirect sunlight. Too much sunlight will burn off the leaves.
Cymbopogon. Lemon Grass. From the grass family , it is a natural air purifier and mosquito repellent. Improves blood circulation. Great for healthy skin, and of course loads of Vitamin C! anti allergic, anti oxidants, strengthens immunity, good for cough flu colds.
Growing the lemon grass plant in hanging basket in my little window sill garden which receives some indirect sunlight.
Lemon Grass Plant New

Ladder Swing for my Pet Birds
 Easy DIY Love Bird Budgie Toys.S while I have more plant and bird friends than humans in this new place I have only two of my bird friends.Love birds.Trying out different games and foods for them.Made a swing, ladder with icecream sticks. Cheap home made budgie toys are easy to make and what more you can amke them from left over items at home.
DIY ladder for love bird budgies
 You can make swings from plastic or wooden bangles, just check that your creative budgies may nibble this, so check for eco friendly colour on them.
Make at home bird toys
 I have hung bangles that are wrapped in cloth. and Natural Wood branches for them to enjoy earthy perch. The three tier home has space for both of them to fly within and enjoy private space too. For keeping them busy give them a complete mix of diet and toys to nibble on. My old budge(who is no more now...)used to nibble on news papers.This one here Honey" loves to munch on wood, little does she realize that the perch falls off when trimming the corners!and this has happened and with flustered fear she flies in side looking at me as to why the branch fell down!
Took the rounded kulfi sticks , tied them with rope, twine. You can make as many steps as you want according to the available space in their home. One more activity and game!
That's My Hero!My Best Friend Birdie Masha Allah

Enjoying some time out in the entry way garden
easy cheap diy bird toys
Being a gardener since so many years life shows us happiness as well as parting pain. Lost this purple petunia..but happy saved the photographs and the creative artist just can't rest so will make the photo available for prints.
Dying Petunia

Purple Petunia

Purple Petunia

Red Vibrant Petunias
 Red Petunias took well, maybe the way I parted the roots and planted is an important part of successfully growing petunias. And watering , this will give you a healthy petunia or a dead one! correct way of watering!
Hanging Basket of Happiness

Creative Petunias Check my Fine Art America Rizwana Mundewadi for fantastic floral art prints and creative floral printed products

Red Chinese Roses
 Here a little window sill garden. The other window has overwhelming pots! trying to focus on arrangement and garden design, about buying garden pot stands and pot holders. will check them online!
Window garden,this is one window
Thank you for coming by Garden Care Simplified!
Garden Care Simplified
All the Best from Rizwana!
Make your own herb garden
Curry Leaves Plant care
Ajwain Mystical Wealth Plant Oregano


Bought a Garden Hose Spray Gun Snap deal

Garden Hose Nozzle Spray Gun
 Garden  Hose spray Gun, the struggle with entry way garden and window garden continues as I keep replanting, shifting plants to make them survive with very low sunlight here.
Garden hose nozzle spray gun 
Few new additions, I need to be surrounded by flowers, always! Instant colour, add petunias! of course its difficult to grow them as the roots are extremely delicate. But its all worth the fantastic show!
Purple petunias
New exotic plants
Exotic purple in wilderness
Facing  the watering challenges checked Google and WOW, on snap deal found a Garden hose attachment spray with nozzle. The spray gun with its settings to adjust the type of water sprinkler you want to water your garden plants has made it much easier to water a large amounts of container plants and it also helps remove dust and grime coated on plant leaves that attracts poor growth.  
Nature Trails Nature walks 
Red Adenium plant
It is quite affordable and very easy to attach to a pipe and watering now has become quite fun instead of the chore it was carrying tiny containers watering the plants carefully in my little entryway garden!
While we lost a few and even some new additions didn't last in our entry way garden am happy that the best bet for shade gardens is snake plant and Chinese bamboo !
Happy gardening! remember Gardening is love, gardening is fun, if you know how to! Many people have asked how to make gardening easy, this post is one step towards making gardening easy.
My experience with this product is great. loved the comfort of using this spray gun, garden , the attachments will need some secure connection as water here is in full force and the pipe goes haywire! What more I can now spray the plant every time I water them so they are looking fresh and happy as the dust and grime clears, hoping for more greens now in my life!working upon making diy garden planters for my little entry way garden!
All the Best from Rizwana!
Anthurium plant care

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