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Looking for Succulents that bloom? look for few minutes Activate Root chakra instantly

 Succulents flowering into beautiful flowers ,  Kalanchoe, different types of succulents give out bright red pink white yellow colored flowers. the flowers are tiny and grow in bunches on a single stalk. Worth for their showy blooms! Strong Root chakra activation vibrant red colour, look at this for few minutes daily and instantly activate fresh focussed energy!

Red flowering plant Kalanchoe

Pinkish red flower plant

Kalanchoe plant


They do require some hours of sunlight  and early morning is best. Really great feng shui plants for the south of your garden as the color is a vibrant beautiful red. Soothing to the eye a lovely red color to give energy to the root chakra.

The other succulent give out a pinkish red color flowers, and have smaller sized leaves. Like other succulents  they love well draining oil and do need some sunlight and feedings  to flower. They grow fast in rainy season and each leaf gives out tiny cute  little leaves and sends out roots that each grow  into new plants. Over watering kills them! and they are also loved by bugs who eat the fleshy leaves.

Beautiful powerful way to activate Root chakra instantly. Plant these red flowering plants that require very less watering and care and look only few minutes in morning to feel fresh! try works!!!

All the Best from Rizwana!

Happy Gardening !

I do not sell plants, this is my passion! I am a healing artist making original Reiki paintings since year 2000 Razarts.


Very important 14 practical tips for trimming and cutting plants from your garden

Growing and starting a garden is one aspect and Maintaining your garden is another! Very important practical tips for trimming and cutting plants from your garden-

Trimming garden plants

1) Check for insects , pests and creatures first in thick growth plants. Trust me there are many who make homes in the bushes as the plants also grow into quite a thick foliage. If you are trimming for pests then apply face mask to cover and protect yourself from mites and mealy bugs. 

Cutting thorny plants

Trimmed yellow leaves 

2) wear gloves, I didn't know this earlier but really important, you accidentally get scratched by the bark or stem and some thorns plants and sticky liquid gum oozing plants can give you serious skin issues. Gloves are very important to prevent skin rashes and cuts.

3) Take extra care to cut plants with spikes and thorns, wear spectacles to protect eyes. 

4) Cut plants need to be disposed off carefully. Very extra care required to pack them before throwing. wrap in news papers so that the garbage collector does not get hurt.

5) Check for buds, please do not trim stems with buds and growing flowers, yes we have to some times in case of pest attacks, just request the plant, thank it for the beautiful blooms and trim it. Once I did accidentally trim a bud branch and felt really bad.., still feeling sad, but it was accidental.

Trimming overgrown roots of large container plants

6) Check for plants with fine hairs and sticky oozing liquids. This makes the skin burn and also develop rashes, red patches.

7) Timing is important avoid winters as it is harsh climate already for them to survive. I have trimmed them frequently during the rainy season months, to prevent over growth , this is necessary as leaving them off hand the plant loses nutrition and it affects its health, many huge plants in small containers also do not survive if they outgrow pots with overflowing roots.  

8) Many plants like champa, Magnolia, that have very thick fleshy stem are really difficult to cut with scissors, I had a trying time with trimming these, as I did not want to give much pain to the plant, but they can be bent by hand and cut off easily.

Trimming roots of bulb plants

9) They do feel the pain, remember this. Most important choose sharp tools, scissors and knives for cutting to reduce and minimize pain to your plants.

10) talk to them before trimming and even after trimming to send love and healing so that they recover fast from the trauma of cutting wounds.

11)Please take extra care for yourself after the trimming of garden plants process.  personal care, wash hands and take bath with antiseptic soaps after trimming garden plants. Apply generously moisturizers and antiseptic creams on cuts, bruises. Also do check for allergies in case you accidentally came in contact with oozing liquids from cut plants. Apply antiseptic creams and also take anti allergic medicines if required. 

12) See that you have free time safe time during trimming of garden plants. Protect family, children and pets while you are at this trimming cutting task and see that they do not get accidentally hurt in this process.

13) Pack and cover all cut plants , share if possible cuttings to neighbors and friends, each one makes into a new life! Neatly wrap them in paper and dispose them, or if you have a large yard let them dry and then burn them to make recycled fertilizer. 

14) Immediately after trimming cutting a branch or stem apply some soil. This helps heal the wounds of cutting faster. 

its every time an emotional time to see a bit barren smaller stems, after trimming and cutting,  but then there is so much hope with this process as they spring into fresh shoots and lime green leaves and grow healthy and happy again! 

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants, this is my passion! I am a healing artist since year 2000 making original hand painted reiki symbol paintings. The Red Pilgrim @Razarts.


Is there a magical aspect to the Night Queen Saussurea obvallata care

 Night Queen Saussaurea obvallata care! Bring some magic into your garden with this mystical plant! The blooms will be worth it!  there are always scientific reasons and if you have the right knowledge, and apply it,  this plant will flower! I keep reading, searching on Google for Brahma Kamal flowering time, and watch You Tube videos but no one shares the exact formula. People just make videos and share the same info. Is there a magical aspect to the Night Queen? 
Magical Night Queen flowers 

  • Why do buds form and then fall off on this Night Queen Brahma Kamal plant? Many people struggle with this. First when a new bud comes it is a miracle in itself with hope and joy and then if it falls off people get depressed. This is a plant and it needs its care trust me on that. Observe its habits, understand its growth process, and talk to your plant. There is a scientific reason why Brahma Kamal plant buds drop?
    Brahma Kamal Night Queen Flowers

  • 1) The plant is too weak. A newly planted Brahma Kamal leaf is not very strong to hold the weight of this bud. The flowers are really heavy and big in size as shared by my Blog Garden care Simplified  readers.
  • 2) Disease and pests in Brahma Kamal Plant. The Brahma Kamal plant is a succulent, means the leaves are fleshy and have stored water. They attract pests, beetles, bugs make tiny holes in them. Slugs feast upon them and ants too love these! I am so happy that they are MashaAllah going healthy in my window garden. and I keep a check on their health regularly. watch this You Tube video Brahma Kamal plant disease and care. BE ALERT! that is my motto! 
  • Watering is I think most important issue for leaf and bud drop. leaves get mushy with over watering and rot. And less watering too dries the roots and the leaves or bud drops. 
  • 4) feedings. how much fertilizer did you feed your plant? there is a tendency to over feed to get fast flowers but the plant has to absorb or digest this feeding and many times plants die of over dose. I have seen even other plants like mogra and roses that immediately spright up with so many tiny buds and even before they grow the buds drop off. Reason-too much fertilizer. Give less food, and more love. Too much green foliage is also harmful, where will the plant get strength to produce flowers? Night Queen often does not require any fertilizers. 
  • 5) Environment. Did a pet or a small child just pluck it off while observing the bud? Harsh winds and rains in outside environment can be the reason for bud drop. If it shows buds protect it. they are precious. talk to the plant before shifting it. You have to protect your plant buds from others, especially evil eye glances. the ANNOUNCEMENT is only made on the night when the flower actually blooms.  Some people also tie a black cloth for protecting plants.
When do you buy Night Queen  plants? is there a good time? a best time to plant them? Avoid summers, choose full moon nights to plant this auspicious plant if you have the choice. the energies are high. Never buy or plant Night Queen saplings at night. Never cut the leaves at night. Never share a cutting during afternoon twelve o'clock with anyone. you risk your plant dying! Usually I buy plants in morning or evening and bring them home before night. I plant new saplings during early hours of the day. This method allows the plant to adjust to the new home, new soil and pot for the whole day before night falls. 
Very easy to propagate from mother plant- When you have a leaf of Brahma Kamal allow it to dry for a day or two and then plant them. Before ten in morning you can choose a time. make some intentions and talk to your plant while you pot it. This helps the new sapling to bond with you. 
I think early winter is a good time when the cactus, Night Queen leaf gets time to live dormant and then sprout into new shoots of leaves. 
As my wait continues to experience seeing the magical flowers of Night queen do keep sharing your happiness's! I am sure there are so many homes who are now witnessing this mystical miracle! of watching the Brahma Kamal flower blooming!
It is believed in Hinduism culture that the Brahma Kamal plant only flowers in some homes and those are chosen to experience goodluck in form of good news, wealth and happiness. So the journey of love continues with yet waiting to see Lord Brahma blossom the creative energies in my home. The wait is I read a few years to fourteen years for this plant to begin showing its first flowers. And I still remember the first bud that fell...
My First Night Queen Bud which I lost and still waiting..
it was raining heavily and the plant was on our terrace garden...I didn't even know the bud and later saw its minute details, explicit beauty! things would have been so different had I seen the flower blossom at that time, so many years back, but my passion continues. I have few pots with healthy growing plants of Saussurea obvallata Night Queen. So the obsession became a passion of collecting plants from different places, cities,  and growing them. Many died ( I wrote this post-Am I a serial killer?)and few remain. Why my Brahma Kamal plants got angry?  But now I can write a thesis about this plant!,Saussurea obvallata, 
Thank you very much for coming by Garden Care Simplified! Happy Gardening from Rizwana

Dedicated since year 2010 towards sharing passionately practical workable gardening information and flowering tips in exotic plants with original photos on my Google blog Garden Care Simplified! Not a plant seller, A Healing artist since year 2000 selling original reiki paintings. 
Magical Garden Collage artwork for sale
ife is magical!!!


Which plants to grow for health benefits? can plants help? Scientific explanation proven plants

 Which plants to grow for health benefits? The Corona Virus /Covid lockdown outbreak has spread fear and panic and has affected the whole world. Since then everyone even after taking vaccines still fear the virus. Scientifically plants have proved to be great health boosters and air purifiers. Make your gardens your fortress, for protection from any diseases Outbreak. Use the garden energy to spread feng shui happiness and good health to you and your family. Stay safe. read on about how to use plants for health benefits-mental, physical and environmental benefits. 

A lot of evil eye also affects family and diseases come up . I have seen thorny plants like cactus and Post- Euphorbia milli,best goodluck plant,  help in forming shield of protection to your home. 

Beautiful Fragrant Anant Gardenia

Lovely Vibrant Bougainvillea's from our garden

Read Post- Window sill garden challenge evil eye

Most humble money plant always rules and yet is a winner during any virus outbreak or fear as it continues to spread cheer and joy with producing fresh green leaves, purifying air and growing just about in any conditions bringing joy to the world. Best feng shuii wealth luck plant too!

Money plant indoor plant for peace harmony air purification

Read here- Why my garden feng shuii is going wrong? 9 amazing instant wealth cures

Salt is the best protection cure from so many feng shuii issues ,diseases, and not just evil eye or negative energy. If you have plants outside your home put a circle of salt at the base of every pot. this will protect your home from negativity. Do not touch plants with bare hands while watering.

Read post How to -Use Salt Purification for protection

Snake plant or mother in law's tongue is another NASA approved air purifying plant. We had these plants in our entryway garden which we removed and shifted inside our window garden to avoid contamination and touch by other people, who may be infected. so take important care of plants that  are outside your door, even plants must be handled with lots of care as anyone can touch them outside. As you water your outdoor garden plants always give them a good spray of fresh water to keep them clean. Dust grime is great platform for any disease to spread. 

One of my favorites and beautiful plant The Rubber Plant. Strength stability and inner power, the plant with shiny Reddish brown big leaves, Rubber Plant, Very good Feng shuii plant, grow it especially in east sector or also indoors if you get some sunlight. 

Read on Ficus Elastica plant

 Peace Lily, the name itself is symbolic of inner  and outer peace and yes, it has been proved by NASA as an sir purifier plant. Good feng shuii plant for peace.

Sada phuli shocking facts -read post

Another famous beautiful mosquito repellent plant Mayur Pankhi Cyprus has its scientific properties to repel mosquitoes and also acts as repellent to other insects and pests. A good feng shuii plant for protection.

Remember to stay healthy, exercise regularly, walking 6000 to 10000 steps daily,  eat a good diet and Be mentally and physically happy. Diseases attack when mental health is compromised too. 

Make beautiful gardens like a fortresses! the fort to your and your family's health. Grow them and keep the energy healthy in your home and also the surroundings. Get blessings from mother earth, it is because of the imbalance that diseases come up.

Tons of information on Garden Care Simplified Blog- 

Keukenhof Tulip Gardens my Europe  tour

What does colour of rose symbolize? different meaning explained

Understanding the feng shuii garden

I do not sell plants, this is my passion, I am A Healing Artist selling original Reiki healing art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art 

You Tuber The Red Pilgrim 


Big sized Roses and Button Sized Fragrant Roses flowering tips

 Big sized Roses and Button Sized Fragrant Roses flowering tips today in this beautiful post!  Healthy rose flowers are what every gardener dreams of. When ever we plant a rose bush, a rose climber or any rose plant we expect to see healthy blooms. Heavenly fragrances unique of roses, when rose plants are fully loaded with colourful roses.

Throughout history, yellow has been closely associated with the sun, making these roses excellent for cheering people up. Yellow roses send a message of appreciation and simply pure appreciation love without the romantic element of other colors. The color represents feelings of joy and delight. Red roses symbolize passion love and happiness. Pink Roses, the so romantic roses for new love, fresh love. White Roses symbolizes purity and clear friendship. Dark red Rose flowers, again is a very passionate deep colour in roses.

My fascination began when we visited the Ooty hill station Rose Garden. What I noticed was the soil was a mixture of cowdung and fertilizers and was a reddish one grainy texture. The climate in Ooty is best for flowering plants and hence we see blooms all year round, still the best time to visit Ooty is in summers when the vibrant colored blooms are in full swing! Every plant has flowers and even the foliage plants are fresh and healthy, think it has to do with the temperatures,  sunlight and cooler temperatures in Ooty.

Tips for healthy growth of your rose plant and big flower size- I share few tips here to get good and profuse flowers on your rose plants. Rose climbers need partially shaded area as the blooms will dry off soon in sunny sections of your garden. Feed the plants with regular fertilizer available in nursery outlets. There are  also special mixtures available for roses which when given to the plants they immediately develop good sized blooms.

The thorny rose plants bushes also need to get partial sunlight for few hours of the day. the soil has to be hard to bear the weight of your rose plant. Regular watering is required after fertilization the plant for the plant to develop good sized rose flowers. I usually feed my rose plants just before rainy season to see the blooms come out excellent and fully loaded plants look coloruful with a fragrant atmosphere. With red. pink, white, peach, shaded, black red, maroon, rani pink and orange all the colours especially the yellow rose bush they all look amazing with their unique fragrances and colours  

Is your Rose plant healthy? Big blooms need healthy plant and I have seen my rose flowers of big size are almost drooping on the rose bushes and climbers. The size of the flowers is very big and the stem is unable to bear the weight of the bunches of flowers. Some Rose flower climbers need to be trimmed down to maintain the beauty of the rose climber whereas some rose bushes have developed good blooms and with profuse growth.  I also trim the plants even during rainy season. To check the growth of the rose flowers I have also cut many rose flowers and kept them inside to brighten up the living room and enjoy the fragrant roses. Each stem also can be grown into a new rose plant but you need to add the rooting hormone. I never tried this, but You tube, Google has much information about growing plants from cuttings and even gifted bouquet roses.

 For increasing the size of the rose flowers you must allow only few flowers to grow on the  rose plant. Usually I select bushes without thorns as these give profuse flowers. This red rose picture is from the rose bush that has given very big flowers this year. For healthy blooms,  the right amount of water, light, and feeding and also we need to be lucky with these rose plants,  as my personal experience is,  long time back we had a rose climber that would grow and grow and there were no flowers on it. Finally we parted with it. 

 Keep the stem thick to carry the weight of  loaded rose flowers on your rose plant. it was worth the effort of the cuts and bruises by the thorns! Remember to be careful while handling thorny rose plants and trimming time also.

While I have had lots and lots of Rose bushes of different varieties over the years and even special unique ones bought form exhibitions that have given us beautiful rose flowers, I had avoided the tiny button roses.  Size matters, and since the environment on our terrace garden his best suited for roses, we always would choose and grow large sized roses. Button roses, tiny roses and small beautiful bunches of Joy!

Big Sized Fragrant Roses

Big rose flowers on plant

Button roses require some what different care than the big rose bushes. They grow beautifully into bunches of flowers and look pretty like tiny buttons of pink!

Button roses are Awesum in fragrances and their raw fresh fragrance is out of this world! Of course my other roses also have fantastic fragrance and these are heightened in fresh rose buds opening in the early mornings, you must try smell  the roses  after sunrise, the experience will refresh your mind body and spirit!

Rose flowering plants

soft pink rose flower plant

Rose bush in my garden

Button rose flower plant in my garden

Big rose bush with flowers

Beautiful fragrant roses

Rose flowers from my garden

So I added button roses, and then after the session of blooming the leaves started to yellow and drop off. There were so many flowers, it was not possible to trim the plant at this time. I realized that the plant was struggling to maintain health due to less exposure to sunlight. Trimming and dead heading of flowers is very important.

Then due to heavy rains most button rose flowers rotted and the whole plant was covered with soggy petals. Chances are, here the plant health can be compromised in such situations where the outside atmosphere is dark and cloudy.

Red Rose flower bud

Pink Rose flower bud

Red Roses from my garden

Next time, I was prepared, my special tip! Cut some flowers( I avoided cutting flowers, but in special cases  it is essential, especially in rains the flower remains for longer time indoors) Cutting some flowers helped me to add some freshness indoors as well as save the remaining flowers on plant that grew healthy and stayed for  longer time.

Button Rose bushes care-

1) Button rose plants  will need indirect sunlight.

2) Egg shells work for all roses as great feedings.

3) They will grow stems that will spread into many tiny stems and load with many buds.

4) Dead heading is important after blooming as these tiny button roses dry off and they cover most of the plant preventing  the leaves from getting sunlight.

 5) Button roses grow in plenty, large numbers in healthy plant and hence they require rich soil and well  sized pots.

Growing big rose flowers is a dream of every one who selects to grow roses and it is necessary to understand that the rose bush needs some sunlight and also feedings regularly to flower healthily. Once the flowers have dried off even more important is to trim, dead head the flowers to encourage new growth on the rose plants.

What more than to be greeted with roses, big sized or fragrant button roses, they are always the Best! No wonder Roses are King of flowers!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

 I do not sell plants this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! Buy Reiki flower paintings for health wealth and joy.


The Mystical Raat Ki Raani Plant Folk lores and Why Your Raat Ki Raani Plant dies?

 The mystical Raat Ki Raani Plant with its creamish fragrant flowers are worth growing!

Beautiful Fragrant Raat Ki Raani flower plant

Tubular shaped small Raat Ki Raani Flowers Bunches

So many buds of Raat ki Raani Flowers plant

Fully loaded and looking soooo happy! with all its traditional lore about snakes and jins staying on this, and so many stories the raat ki raani , Night queen enjoys its stay in many societies. So happy to see this one blooming Awesumly! It is not only a prized possession but the fragrance is heavenly citric and freshens up your mind and soul.  Snakes, Fairies, Angels, dwell upon plants with fragrant blooms. 

Buds on Raat Ki Raani Plant

Yet more so, old grannies used to say white flowers, especially Champa, flower of joy also has the same lores. I do agree on fairies and nature spirits being in the garden but not in a bad way, as they do take care of your garden when you are not there! That’s why my gardens are always green!! Of course only when you are a dedicated loving gardener, even for a few days absence they take care of your plants and it is proved , whenever we go for short trips and watering is skipped, the same plants that go limp in a day without water, survive for a week and spring back when watered! Magic exists if you believe in it! 

One of the most mystical blooms, that still brings discussions when mentioned! The lore about snakes and fairies continues...yet people fascinated by this Awesum plant keep growing it, The Raat Ki raani, Night Queen, Fragrant Jasmine.  Share the love, kindly post queries and comments about Night blooming Jasmine , The Queen of Night, Raat Ki Raani, plant here as the previous post has tons of comments and takes time to load, the comments sharing do help guide us for better ways to garden and flowering. Queen of Night or our commonly known raat ki raani is a fragrant flowering bush. Commonly also known as Night blooming jasmine, night scented jessamine the cestrum nocturnum fowering bush can grow in all climates and is an evergreen flowering bush. After hearing a lot of tales and folk lores about this heavenly fragrant plant the desire to plant this bush in my terrace garden was too strong and this time I decided to add this Raat Raani plant to my family of fragrant jasmines and champa flowering plants. 

The fragrance is heavenly citrus and distinct and can be felt from many houses away especially in the summers when the days are hot and the nights cool. The new entry Raat ki rani plant is growing in container in a place where it gets partial sunlight for some parts of the day. There is a riot of fragrances on our terrace with many plants commanding attention. The plant night blooming jasmine has flowered well and the bush has white tubular flowers growing in a bunches. It seems the plant is very humble and is laden with many fragrant flowers.

Blooming Raat Ki Raani Flowers on Plant

 The plant I hear develops fruits like berries after flowering. It is also known that the raat rani plant cestrum nocturnum has all parts that are poisonous, right from the flowers to the roots to the berries.Have to be careful with my birds and I have planted this beautiful fragrant flowering bush raat ki rani in a container and have kept it in a partially shaded area where birds do not come frequently. Care of raat ki rani flowering plant would include watering regularly and choosing the right place for planting. The plant when skipped watering droops and develops yellow leaves which lead to leaf drop and drying of the plant. The plant after flowering will need dead heading of flowers and trimming to get plenty of healthy blooms. The raat ki rani grows best when trimmed and kept in the size and shape of a bush other wise it grows thin developing a long stem trailing like a climber and taking over the other pots. It look also good when the white flowers grow on the bush and the sight is wonderful to see the round shape of the raat ki rani bush laden with tiny tubular while flowers growing in bunches drooping down with its weight, and of course the heavenly fragrance. I still have to get it clear that the flowers only start spreading fragrance when late evening sun sets in and night breeze blows. There is also a folk lore or belief heard since ages that this raat ki raani attracts snakes, maybe because of its fragrance there may be a host of bees and birds near it! some people also mention growing the Din Ka Raja plant near it to ward off this belief , well till now not experienced , and I doubt all these beliefs, with so many fragrances around champa, jasmine, jai juhi, mogra, tube roses and the many colourful fragrant roses growing on our terrace, I guess I have a strong attraction to these fragrant flowering plants. I believe the angels nature spirits may be happily dancing at night enjoying the heavenly fragrances around our terrace. Welcoming blessings to our home my planting and gardening has brought great feng shui positive energy to our life. 

Why you can't grow, unable to grow,  Raat Ki Raani plant?  I always advice to buy a flowering sapling that has fragrant flowers on it, otherwise you sometimes never see flowers! The breed may be non flowering.
The  Raat ki raani plant does not like direct sunlight, and grows happily in indirect sunlight or maybe direct sunlight for only few hours. You can  trim it for encouraging flowering and also the shape of a more fuller bushy growth.

Sometimes your Raat ki raani plant is attacked by pests, root rot, white fungus and you have to check this immediately other wise it will not make it..

 chose a medium sized plastic container that will retain moisture and allow the plant soil to remain moist for longer time. This helps the plant to grow better.

 Some Important Care for Raat Ki Raani plant during summers-

1) place  plants under full sunlight or partial light for at least few hours.

2) Avoid very dark corners as there is tendency of slugs snails and pests to attack the plant.

3) Water carefully, summers are hot but over watering may lead to root rot.

4) If the new Raat ki Raani plants are giving out stems let them grow in the same pot. When the roots are developed and the plant looks healthy then you can trim them. 

5) Keep checking the plant in summers for pests, and you can add some feeding too nourish and get healthy  flowers.  with beautiful fragrant blooms pests and creatures do love this. 

6) Flowers and  leaves may burn in full sun so partial is best as it loses its fragrance fast in full hot sun. Flowers of Night queen also dry off after flowering and then drop.

7) Very Very important-well draining rich nutrient soil, other wise , we have lost many precious ones over the years due to root rot and even I think rats are the reason. 

It feels amazing that with this Garden blog I receive so many email's that people have actually started gardening, blogging, so many have beautiful gardens than me, and are seriously into gardening businesses too! Those happy emails are blessings, feeling blessed with gratitude and Thank you universe!!

Plant a Garden..Trust me will never be the same! Experience Magic!

Feng shuii activators can enhance your space and you can use this balcony and terrace to activate life luck heavenly luck and amazing blessings. As I always say on my Feng shui-Simple Cures blog  always remember the universe has everything in just have to tap this correctly! 

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants this is my love and passion. I am a symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! Buy Reiki flower paintings for health wealth and joy.


Mystical Brahma kamal Flowers Fantasy and Obsession Continues

 The Flower of Gods Brahma Kamal, the flower of Lord Brahma! Brahma kamal plant, fascinated with the exotic unique flowers of the Queen of Night, Saussurea obvallata, the dream of viewing this flower at least once in this life time still over the years I have bought so many plant, cuttings, but yet, unable to bring the growth of flowers in these plants. With care and love tried to save many dying Brahma Kamal plants,  this time was they are growing well in containers in my window garden. 

My Brahma Kamal Plants

Fresh roots from Brahma Kamal leaves

Brahma Kamal flowers Photo by a blog lover

I am very laert now with so many years of experience in losing so many... As soon as I saw a few leaves drying of, the edges, I took action. With so many years of terrace gardening , now with the entryway garden the Brahma Kamal plants look happy. I trim the dried portions immediately to save the full leaf. I water them carefully and thoroughly within few days and not everyday. the soil is good and plants are firm in the containers. 

Important Care of Brahma Kamal plants

1) Choose medium size container and not large. The Brahma Kamal plants loves to be root bound.

2) Soil has to be well draining to avoid root rotting. The soil must be mixture of gravel and soil. 

3) If you see edges of Brahma Kamal leaves drying off, trim them, this saves the whole leaf from dying.

4) If the soil is clogged and you see the leaves of the plant drooping, transplant immediately.

5) Multiply them so you have more chances to see some one flower! Remember each leaf can grow in a new plant. I had a profusely growing plant so I took leaves and potted them in new containers.

 6) Important step in growing plant from cuttings. While you cut a Brahma Kamal leaf let it dry for some time to heal, other wise the leaf rots. I Request the plant before cutting and them immediately apply some soil to the cut portion to help it heal. remember plants are alive, they listen to us. 

7)It needs some support with a wooden stick you can tie the long leaves to protect them from getting spoiled touching  the ground.  I have seen that even if the plant looks like dying if you see an single erect leaf give that leaf some support , it will immediately bring out roots and new leaves. 

8) The plant needs strong soil and firm support, if you pull out the plant , an old plant will not come out. and a sick plant will immediately leave soil. This is an important tip to see how healthy your Brahma Kamal plant is. 

9) Avoid over watering few days after transplanting new cuttings. for the transplanted cuttings Brahma Kamal plant, do not water heavily. Spray carefully or else they die. Once they root they will grow strong. 

10) Flowering can be induced by adding fertilisers but I have never done this. I only add egg shells sometimes. personally I feel this does not require fertilising. If its destiny.. you will see the flowers!

11) Give it space. Since the plant grows elongated leaves like tentacles it needs air circulation well. If you keep plants too close to other plants they die off soon. They are royal plants and need some extra space! 

Hope this helps!

Read-Why Brahma Kamal Buds drop?

why my garden feng shui is going wrong?

The YouTube video on Brahma Kamal was made on many requests from random plant lovers and Garden Care Simplified Blog Followers and as my obsessions continue with the dream to successfully grow and wait upon the Lord Brahma to bless me with the amazing flower..the wait continues... I had a lot of struggle to grow the Brahma Kamal plants. 

Now in our window garden the climate is just right and the Brahma Kamal plants seem happy with indirect sunlight and controlled conditions.  Brahma Kamal flower seems to be elusive and yet the wait continues but my love for the flower seems to be increasing year after year.  for me the obsession with the Brahma Kamal continues...

Mystical Brahma Kamal Collection 

I have painted a few of unique paintings inspired by my love for the Brahma Kamal. The Mystical Brahma Kamal with Goddess Saraswati Blessings, Lord Vishnu Lord Brahma blessings. 

Brahma Kamal Mystical Blooms collage artwork

what a lovely way to please Lord Brahma! maybe he would oblige! and maybe I get to see the Brahma Kamal flowers!!!!!!!!!!

and bless me with Brahma Kamal blooms!

Happy Gardening from Rizwana!

Sharing practical container gardening tips with my Google Blog Garden Care Simplified since year 2010 to encourage growing plants, improving the eco system and environment and adding fragrances and colours through exotic flowers in your life! Only natural fragrances! Heal your senses!

All the Best from Rizwana!

A Healing Artist selling original Reiki healing art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art You Tuber The Red Pilgrim Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading health wealth and joy through my Reiki symbol healing paintings!

 (all artworks displayed here are my original paintings available or sale only on my website) 


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Is there a magical aspect to the Night Queen Saussurea obvallata care

  Night Queen Saussaurea obvallata care! Bring some magic into your garden with this mystical plant! The blooms will be worth it!  there are...