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Flowering of Wild Jungle Plant

Wild Jungle Plant With Flower Pod
 The wild palnt growing since long has finalyl flwoered. The wild jungles are a treat for any plant lover as they have beautiful colourful flowering wild grass in the jungles., though ti is veyr risky to brign home such plants as there are dangerous insects and creatures like spiders and flies which can be poisonous.
Red Corn on Bright Green Leaves
 The plant grows from a rhizome looks like ginger but is not. The plant style of growing is very attractive in circular motion. Each set of bright green leaves appear in circular motion on the stem. The red corn soon as it came welcomed a whole lot of black ants to it. the plant corn was infected with black spots pest
Circular Growing Plant
 The red corn looked very attractive so I had to let it grow along with the pests! The white flower buds came up after few days and this whole process has gone for about a month.
Fresh Bright Red Corn of New Flower Buds

Buds Growing on the red Corn

Huge White Flower Opening on the Plant

White Yellow Shading Flowers
 The flowers have a woody, rusty in fact dirty smell!
Close Up of Single Flower of Ornamental Ginger
 but the blooms are very huge and attractive inviting, good this plant is surrounded with beautiful fragrant roses so the smell was not too pungent.
White Flower on Plant

Many White Flower Buds on Single Red Corn
With this experience I will surely be careful in selecting wild plants! The flowers are good so enjoying the view but will soon transplant it in a small container as the green colour of this plant is very attractive having thick velvety leaves.
Good news have bought new fragrant Jai Juhi Plant!!!!welcome to the garden.


Apple Orchards in Himachal Pradesh Naggar Kullu

Apple Trees in Himachal Pradesh Naggar Kullu
 The visit to Himachal pradesh was not only an healing experience in my spiritual journey it was also a bonus for the gardener in me. With loads of colourful flowers everywhere growing like wild even on the snow clad mountains it sure looked like a place of imagination and fantasy. Imagine we caring so much for our plants and these flowers growing on the mountains and hills without any care, free and at peace.
Apple Tree Loaded with Apple Fruits
The apple orchards are one of the highlight spots in Naggar Kullu. With apple trees growing everywhere , in every home, and in every nook and corner we saw apple trees , all loaded with juicy apple fruits. The apples at this time of the year are green and raw and would ripe after few months. The apple fruits would be ready to eat after august month and would be transported to every place and city in India and exported internationally.
Close Up of Green Apple Fruits on Tree

Growing apple tree in container has been a dream and after enquiring about the growth patterns of apple trees maybe I may move ahead to grow apples in containers. Only difficult part is that apples require cold temperatures, now this is the tricky part, as installing any artificial environment unit would cost much much more. But even cherry tree, which requires cold temperatures,  is growing fine and healthy giving lots of cherry blossoms , still working on tips for getting more fruits, I think need to plant another cherry tree nearby for pollination to get good yield of fruits.
Apple Tree Loaded with Raw Green Fruits

Juicy Green Apple Fruit on Tree
Not only were the apples on trees inviting but a rare experience as we do not get to see fruit trees and even if there are they are never left with fruits on!


How to Use Plant Gardens as Mood Uplifters Mood Uplifter Gardens

Moods, happy, sad, gloomy, angry, sexy passionate, depressed, ecstatic, joy, refreshing, energetic  and what not, humans are daily doses of moods fluctuating according to the situations we face. Whenever I go into my garden never is it the same. Sometimes when I am sad I enter and feel happy. Sometimes when feeling low I sit for a while and talk observe each plant and somehow after a few minutes there is a surge of new positive energy and the mood changes. 
Yes gardens are a very effective mood uplifters and mood balancers. Scientifically proved to uplift your senses and emotions gardens have been and will always be God's way to be near us and help us. It is very easy to plant a mood garden. Focus on fragrance, colour, texture and size when beginning to plant a mood garden. First of all see how much space is available for the garden as too many plants will create clutter and not fulfill the motive you desire from your garden. Another aspect is flowering plants which need commitment to, as they only give flowers with care..
For a mood garden you need good pots , because cheap pots may break sooner and looking at broken pots will mar the effect and purpose of your mood garden. Here you may go in for regular mud pots or ceramic fancy ones, all depends upon your budget and personal choice. There are umpteen varieties of plant containers and fancy pots available in market from which you can choose. Do consider the size of pots and containers ,as too large pots will make your garden look overpowering and plants dwarfed. Whereas the opposite is true for very small pots and large plants where you will always get the feeling  of restriction and feel crammed in small space.

Anant /Gardenia, Fragrant flowering plant

Orange Fruit Plant in Container

Orange Fruit Flower Citrus Fragrance

Passion Fruit Flower

Musty Raw Nature fragrance Passion Flower

Mogra Flower Plant, Heavenly Fragrance

Roses , heavenly Sweet Fragrance

White Roses for peace Relaxation and Calm

Nilgiri raw jungle Fragrance from Colourful lantana Flowering Plants

Orchid Flowering Plant , Raw Nature, Woody, Jungle Fragrance

Jasmine Flowering Climber Heavenly Sweet Fragrance for Relaxation and Happiness

Curry Leaves Herb plant  Mood Uplifter

King of Flowers, Rose Garden for happiness, focus  and Energy
Selection of plants a  major important decision in making a mood uplifter and mood balancer garden. Select fragrant flowering plants. here we have many categories of fragrant flowering plants. Some are citrus some sweet, some heavenly and some fragrant flowers emit a jungle nature fragrance, as rusty, wooden. You can go in for your personal likes as people differ in selection of fragrances. Some people like citrus fragrances like in lemon plant, orange plant and many citrus fruit plants. The flowers are very fragrant and the fragrance is scientifically proved to uplift moods, reduce depression and mood disorders and gives a sense of happiness and relaxation.
So control anger with fragrances, uplift your mood with flowers and increase your energy and re-energize yourself  with a mood up lifter garden.
More heartfelt share on gardening in my ebooks

1) Terrace Gardening Tips for Newbie Gardeners
2) Magical Gardens
3) How To Begin Container Terrace Gardening At 60 [Kindle Edition]
4) Heavenly Roses
Thank You, All the Best!

Works of Joy


Neem Plant Growing in Container

Neem has many health benefits and since many years neem trees have been grown for their health benefits in every society and home. Not only are their leaves beneficial their fruits are also used for medicinal purposes.
Neem seeds dried on plant
Neem plants can be grown easily in container by purchasing a small plant and planting it in a well draining soil. The neem tree can tolerate strong sunlight and the breeze coming from apst the neem tree is beneficial for health. Since ages neem leaves have been used as antiseptic and added in bathing water to heal boils, rashes and skin problems. Neem drinks are also used for weight loss and as blood purifiers to prevent pimples and rashes on skin.
Healthy neem Plant growing in pot
Though we now have many ready made beauty and health products containing neem as a base and important product many old people still prefer to bathe with water with fresh neem leaves added to it to purify and heal skin. Not only does your skin glow it also acts as a whitening agent in neem that refreshes your skin.
Neem Plant in container

Neem Fruit from neem tree
 The neem plant looks very similar to the curry leaves plant except for the fragrance and smell of the leaves which is very distinct in curry leaves. The neem plant can be trimmed from the top to encourage side healthy bushy growth.

Close Up of Huge Magnolia Flowers Tree in Roerich Art Gallery Himanchal Pradesh

Magnolia Tree at Roerich Art Gallery
Magnolia flowers are very beautiful and we were lucky enough to see the majestic tree of magnolia in the premises of Roerich Art Gallery , Himachal Pradesh, Manali. The tree must be very very  old with its huge growth and majestic flowers size.
Huge Magnolia Flowers
The flower on drying may have turned yellowish orange before leaving the tree.
Majestic Huge White Magnolia Flower
The blooms were very big and white in colour. almost 7 to 10 inches in size.
The Fruit on Magnolia Tree
There were seed pods or fruits visible on the tree which on drying would fall off from the tree. On enquiring with a botanist I came to know that magnolia trees need very cold climates. Himachal pradesh is a beautiful place with pleasant chilly climate all year round. With my fascination with this serene , majestic flower, I came to know that this tree may not grow well in containers and needed land. And also the supported cliamte was chilly, snowy atmosphere like that of himanchal pradesh. Foreign countries do have this trees in abundance with the cold climates there. So at present this will remain a dream to grow magnolias in containers, still I would keep on enquiring about this beautiful tree that looks almost like our rubber tree with shiny dark reddish brown maroon leaves.
Close Up of Magnolia Flower

Close up of the magnolia flowers shows the seed pod in centre which remains and dries slowly after each petal has dropped and leaves the tree last. Fascinating magnolia flowers, could not get the fragrance of these beautiful flowers as the tree was huge, would love to add one if possible in our family!lovely magnolia flowers , really worth the blooms!


Curry Leaves Plant Tips and Care Growing in Containers

Curry Leaves in Container
With intermittent rains and cloudy skies our terrace garden is in full bloom with loads of colour everywhere.  Pink, majenta, red, white, yellow, orange ..all colours of roses, chinese roses and amaryllis and day lillies...colours, new growths I love them!
Growth Tips for Curry Leaves
 The curry leaves plant has finally taken to good growth spurt. The curry leaves plant was a single stem and growing erect. The stem was lanky and weak for many months. I had to trim carefully the stem many times over period of few months regularly to make the plant strong. All the time wishing that it does not attract mites and ants, the plant has finally got a good growth. The curry leaves are so fragrant that even few leaves are sufficient for cooking and making any dish aromatic.
Tips for growing healthy curry leaves in container- purchase a healthy plant as when the original is weak and diseased, there are many chances that the plant may not survive. A well draining soil and partial shaded area is good for the curry leaves plant. Trim the tip of the stem lightly if the plant is weak and if the growth is strong you can trim a better part . This w ill allow the curry leaves plant to spread its stems in many directions and give a healthy and bushy growth.
Healthy Fragrant Curry Leaves Plant
 Easiest growing herb and possible for every kitchen garden or window sill the curry leaves plant is a must have for every Indian home. Since we need curry leaves for many dishes especially dals and curd curry and the famous loving potato bhaji curry leaves are an essential part of most of my cooking. A single leaf is enough to make the whole dish aromatic. Trying my hand at growing coriander was not successful due to birds pinching on the new growth this curry leaves plant has done the role of all herbs. Even Coriander has been replaced by mint as this grows easily, with stem cuttings available from market mint, but unfortunately in rains the mint have withered and I will have to make a new start after the rainy season. Just purchasing few stems of mint with thick stems and planting the stems after removal of the leaves.

My first ebook on Amazon, Thank You Allah.
1) Terrace Gardening Tips for Newbie Gardeners
2) Magical Gardens
3) How To Begin Container Terrace Gardening At 60 [Kindle Edition]
4) Heavenly Roses
  Thank You, All the Best!


Breath Taking View Of Rohtang Pass Snow Covered Mountains Manali

Rohtang Pass a familiar site for any tourist visiting Manali and Himachal Pradesh in India is a very attractive tourist spot, a must visit for any healer and here I was enjoying at the top of the majestic mountains of Rohtang pass, ladakh border. A beautiful place and out of this world feeling, the experience of driving up so many thousands of feet above ground level, the huge valley, the snow capped mountain tops and the glistening sunrise from above the mountainous region  all in all is in itself an enlightening experience.Make my definitely has all the places in your budget and your choice and with so many options to choose from it is an easy way to travel and visit places and enjoy your vacations.Also perks and facilities added with no extra cost. The view from the roads is very good and as we travel above the ground we see thousands and lakhs of vehicles crossing the roads at each level, all in enthusiasm and awe to reach the peak, and once you reach the top of the snow covered mountains it is an esctasic feeling of joy, achievement, and happiness!
Breath taking view of Rohtang Pass  Ladakh
The domesticated animals graze in freezing temperatures and look so heavenly. The Yak fully loaded with heavy fur and the innocent white mares and horses seen as if from another world , just like angels!
Fascinating Himachal Pradesh

View of Rohtang Himalyan Mountains
Viewing the sunrise was never so wonderful, right from above so many thousands of feet above the ground level. The gushing water falls coming form the huge mountains as if from the heavens and the slow thawing of the ice on the mountains Manali, Himachal Pradesh is a beautiful place for any tourist and especially Rohatng is a must see and experience place to visit.
Switzerland in India

Snow Covered Mountains in Manali Rohtang
If heaven was here it seems so right , India looks almost like Switzerland!
View of Himachal Pradesh from Roerich Art Gallery

Wild Horses Gazing in the Snow Covered Mountains
Beautiful Baes River in Manali
The Baes river flows with gushing sounds all day and night and the flow pressure increase with every fortnight full moon and no moon. The snow rides, the water rafting and the river crossing there are also many other water sports to enjoy here in Manali.
The Great Mountains Top of Rohtang
 come back refreshed and fresh!


Colourful Flowers of Himachal Pradesh Manali

Lily flowers in Manali Himachal Pradesh
Colourful flowers of Himachal Pradesh. Manali a destination which is surrounded by beautiful snow covered mountains is a tourist spot which is visited from people all over the world. With loads of international tourists some coming for pleasure, some for family trips and some for enlightenment Himachal Pradesh, manali is a beautiful city full of colourful flowers. The Rohtang pass based at the border of ladakh seems so heavenly and is an important destination for all tourists.
Roses in Himachal Pradesh
With my obsession with plants I sure took loads of photographs and observed the plant growth and flower growth here in manali. With red, orange , pink and white, with lilac, blue, yellow all colours! huge flowers and tiny ones, many petalled flowers and single petal ones, bunches and single ones, Himachal pradesh sure has a favorable climate and si fully covered with colourful flowers year round.
Beautiful Flowers in Himalayan Region

Pink Blooms in Buddhist Monastery Manali

Colourful Flowers in Himachal Pradesh Manali

Flowers of Himachal Pradesh

White Roses in Bunches

Big Single Red Rose

Attractive Rose Bushes in Full Bloom
The size of roses is very big and the blooms are quite attractive with red, pink, orange, white..not like here at our place we find it difficult to maintain plants to bloom, in Himachal Pradesh flowering roses and other plants grow like wild plants. Another thing I noticed people rarely pluck the flowers and the plants though loaded with big blooms does not command any attention here as this is an everyday sight, the same plant here would be pounced upon by every dick and harry, as I have seen not only children but also adults immediately pluck the flower and tourists do not even have the decency to give the flower a day with them after plucking and it is thrown somewhere even before they leave the place!(so sad!)
Colourful Flowers of Himachal

Attractive Display

Red Flowers Growing in Wild

White Magnolias in Roerich Art Gallery Himachal Manali

Purple Lilac Flowers in Wild
I would have loved to visit and click closely in the mountains of Rohtang as it was also covered with greenery and yellow day lillies along with beautiful lilac gladiolus flowers, wonder who sowed the bulbs and how do the flowers survive in freezing temperatures, after here we try so hard to sometimes grow some plants, worth thinking..
Read more on-
If you have chanced upon my page from Google search, Please do share ,You may not need it but this plant advice and gardening tips can help some one on verge of giving up gardening!Save a lot of plant lives and loads of money!
All Photographs and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2010-2017 Rizwana A.Mundewadi
Read more on gardening-
Seed Burst in Adenium Prosperity Plants with original photographs

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