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Gold in the Garden Yellow Trumpet Tecoma Stans Mayan Gold

Gold in the Garden,
Yellow Trumpet Tecoma Stans Mayan Gold
 Golden trumpet

Gold in garden

Beautiful Cheery Yellow Blooms
 Gold in the garden, with chilly winds and winter setting in the days are warm and the nights cold, this beautiful golden yellow flowering bush is enough to make the whole atmosphere cheery and bright. Bring color into your life, golden color bright flowers are easy to grow and require very less care.
Trumpet Shaped Golden Yellow Flowers
 The blooms are in abundance and the whole garden looks like a bed of gold. I do not know the exact name of this plant but it looks lovely! Flowers everywhere, this tecoma stans mayan gold grows best in full or partial sunlight, but it requires sunlight to produce healthy blooms. The plant requires trimming and cutting regularly to keep its shape.
Single Gold Bloom
grown as borders, centre of landscape design in any garden or highlight of the garden this golden yellow blooms plant is grown best for its foliage and golden yellow blooms. Trumpet shaped flowers are big in size and gives a gold effect during sunset or sunrise in the shimming sunlight.
Care of Golden Trumpet- The plant attracts plant insects and pests and sometimes may go barren due to white aphid attack. The only way is to spray water with pressure and trim the plant as much as possible.
Trimming during early spring is best and avoid during winter and autumn as the plant is now at its best. water regularly during blooming season.
Avoid growing in very small containers if your wish to see many blooms as the plant looks best when grown big, loaded with many golden blooms. One important care required is that this plant requires trimming after the blooming session to maintain its shape and also promote flowering other wise it grows like a  wild tree and may also not give many blooms with only thick foliage of leaves. Grow this plant if you love yellow, bring gold in your home!
Thank You!


Strong Flowering Plant for Cold Snow Countries - Kaner Tips and Care

Strong Flowering Plant Kaner
Cold Snow countries are always in search of plants that can tolerate the cold and temperatures there, and as many plants go to rest in the chilly winters the Kaner boasts of heavy loaded blooms even during winter.  A very strong flowering plant, kaner has been seen since years growing in societies as always loaded with flowers. Kaner flowers come in many colors and sizes, that is the number of petals in the flower vary with different species of kaner plants.
We have two varieties of pink coloured flowering kaner plants growing happily in full sunlight. Each stem is always loaded with colorful flowers, pink, white, yellow, dark pink. The kaner flowers are five petalled flowers and the other variety looks like rose flowers, in bunches.
A typical style of flowering is the flowers of kaner always appear as tiny buds on the end of each branch of the kaner plant. The kaner plant looks like a big bouquet loaded with colorful pink flowers against the backdrop of the sky.
The advantage the kaner plant has over other plants is that its leaves are very thick and can tolerate direct sunlight. Dark green in color the leaves are strong and cannot be plucked by birds. The medicinal part is somewhat harmful as it has poisonous properties. The plant it seems is not good for birds. So they are left alone by birds and grow happily uninterrupted, unlike the Chinese rose plants which were a few days back loaded with pink blooms and now have the pot has a barren look!
Kaner plant care and tips for Cold Countries-  The lovely pink flowers on plant, grow in full sunlight. This is the best part of growing kaner and I love this kaner plants,  with this no hassles, no care strong plant. The kaner plant can  tolerate direct sunlight and gives flowers all year round. Sometimes the Kaner plant can also do away with few waterings and feedings. On the whole a very good plant for new gardeners having difficulty in taking care and growing plants. The flowering of kaner is beautiful as flowers grow in bunches and has a colorful effect on the landscape of your garden, easy growing strong plant, tough no care flowering plant
Kaner Pink Flowers Plant
I do not feed the kaner much except for daily watering and the plant is looking happy with blooms even in the strongest winter season.
This can be a good choice for winter cold snow countries as the kaner leaves tough and tolerate harsh climatic conditions. When most of the others have gone barren kaner can grow in chilly strong winds. When living in US, Canada, or any countries where there are extreme cold temperatures you may take the kaner inside and allow the flowering plant to grow in indirect artificial light. The plant is tough and give good growth even in artificial light.
As most bulbs have gone to sleep during winters this is a good choice to keep the blooms and color in your garden during winters!
All the Best!


Green Gardening Horticulture Systems-Tips for Growing Healthy Plants in Cold Countries

Green gardening solutions is the uppermost in our minds with world earth day celebrated every year around the globe the focus is  going more and more on maintaining the earth green with easy gardening solutions.
Latest gadgets , upper end i phones, notebooks and laser thin mobile phones, why does gardening lag behind, well no, even gardening has grown along with the technology. Especially in US and Canada where temperatures are dropping in minuses, wouldn't it be great to have plant grown indoors with calculated temperatures, feeding and watering systems?
Plants can be grown with latest technology gadgets and even the feedings can be done mechanically avoiding all the manual work with gardening and of course the risk of dying and dried plants. Hydroponics a latest system of watering and growing new plants as the traditional plant growing methods are having so many limitations.  so we can now get plant growing equipment and grow luscious green fresh plants, wherever we stay in any environmental conditions.
As we select an equipment for growing plants it is better to read the manual thoroughly and get a demo by the company only when you understand the gadgets well should you begin the use of latest gadgets.Few tips for selecting and using latest gadgets for gardening-
 1) Select gardening equipment suitable for your home:.No point in purchasing a large model when you have a small space for planting.Look carefully at the total size of the product and how much space it requires to be operational.
2) Climate where you stay will definitely influence the choice of the gardening equipment you require. In very cold climates you will require a warmer which can keep your plant from catching chilly cold maintaining the moisture levels. Whereas in warmer climates you may do away with this, whereas need a feeder or sprinkler to keep the root system hydrated often.
3) Plant feeders, water sprinklers and other latest gardening  equipment must be appropriate according to the plant  you are growing, for this you will need to study the manual thoroughly and understand each plant needs.
4) Finally do try to give personal time to your plants even though they are taken care of by the latest gadgets as personal love and acre is irreplaceable!
It is great to grow new babies in controlled conditions as I have not got much luck in growing from seeds or new small plants.Usually they die of over watering or drying of new roots.  The roots are taken care off well by the sprinkler systems that keep them hydrated in the beginning with calculated amounts of water to avoid clogging of soil.
No replacement to the hands digging the soil, feel of mud, direct contact with the soil, enough grounding energy, go ahead upgrade to the latest gadgets and gardening equipment for gardening but keep the basic needs of your plant in mind, true love.
All the Best!


A New Bigger Home, Transplanting Ornamental Plant Boston Fern

A new bigger home, we all dream of, so also our plants need bigger homes. The winters have set in and with sunny afternoons and chilly nights our garden is looking quiet, still, browning of leaves, dropping of dried ones, no new growths, except for the few roses. I plant to add few color (read new plants) will keep posted.
The Boston fern plant has grown at its best in the rains and now sports a new look, blonde on one side!
Drying Boston fern Plant in Hanging Basket
 the pot facing the wall has dried fern plants and the remaining hanging from the front of the hanging basket are green. Boston fern one of the easiest and fastest growing indoor plant or shade loving plant grows best in indirect sunlight. Little care is required once you plant a Boston fern, it will spread very fast. This plant can be grown on window boxes, hanging baskets, and they also look good as borders for your garden landscape design.

Dried Roots of Boston Fern Plant and Bulbs of Fern

The plant as I have noticed with many other plants also has out grown its pot and hence shows no new growth. With the transplanting of Boston fern to a bigger pot, or trimming some of the plant for transplanting in the same pot we need to take few precautions.
Tips for transplanting Boston fern plant- take care to remove the plant from the sides of the pot, dig carefully trying to prevent damage to the rots. After few loosening the whole Boston fern plant jumps out of the container. The whole roots have taken over the pot, hence there is no change or new growth seen in the plant.
The Boston Fern Plant Roots
Boston Fern Plant Drying Roots
Now if you wish to transplant the Boston fern to other pots try to cut few plants, divide,  with sharp scissors, the roots and plant stems are very strong, do not try to trim with bare hands as you may cut and bruise your hands. The Boston fern will show many small potato like balls, bulbs, from which the fern plants grow.You may plant these bulbs along with few plants in different hanging baskets.
Close Up of Bulbs of Boston fern ornamental Plant
 If you wish to transplant the Boston fern in the same pot, then trim excess roots and pick out few fresh green baby plants from the whole bunch.
Try to hang in area which receives indirect sunlight for the new babies to grow well. Avoid excessive watering for few days. With more space the fern is happy and fresh green shoots are seen growing from the pot. Transplanted in wider pot also.

 New Home
So now with a spacious home the Boston fern begins new growth.
Try to protect from birds, when in new growth stage. We have a lot of bird friends, so transplanting or planting new plants is a trying task , always!
Take Care and All the Best!
Rizwana Mundewadi's Healing Art


Trekking in Nature and Climbing Trip Nature Trails Tips and Guidance

Thick Jungle Foliage
 The trip nature trail in jungle wilderness a very good energy booster , just what I need every few months.A small trekking experience in jungle, the walk in complete wilderness, observing nature at its raw best! small hill, mountain climbing with few scratches here and there complete the energy level of grounding to earth's energy.
Nature Plant Arrangement 
Nature grows in silence, birds living in wilderness, a the increased volume of chirping and bird gossip as the day comes to end, bringing the hope of another happy pleasant sunrise and promise ahead.
Majestic Tree

Lake  View Boating

Attractive Pathway to Wilderness

Inviting Lake Boats 

Bamboo Plants 

Nature and Camouflage Butterfly
 I did capture many photographs of this beautifully camouflaged butterfly who was continuously flapping its wings of the whole lot of colorful butterflies in the jungle dancing joyfully in wild abandon and freedom.

Thick Jungle Trail
Few tips to consider before embarking on a nature trail trip-  keep food water and all first aid and safety essentials in a back pack keeping your hands free. Arrange for the trip from a reputed travel tourism company or be in a group always if you are visiting a wild jungle. Do not travel to extreme interiors of the jungle , unless of course your are trained for this or have a reliable guide with you. The jungle as it looks changes very much after sunset, with the same birds and animals who looked so joyful turning into some different species! Plan your time out in wild nature walk from early morning to late afternoon and be out latest by evening if you are there for enjoyment only.
Glistening Sunlight in Jungle
Be careful while clicking photographs from hills and mountains while climbing as this may turn out risky. Catch a firm foothold before clicking. Take preventive antiseptic medicines and tubes in case of accidental bites. Inform your friends or family in case you are going on the nature trail alone, they would know if you go missing and help in time.
Enjoy nature trails and jungle trips. man was born wild and amongst nature. Your true human nature requires the raw earth energy that can only come from jungles and nature trips being among plants and trees, an absolute essential today living in concrete jungle!.
Thank You and All the Best!
Rizwana Mundewadi's Healing Art

A very Good inspirational message for all artists around the world

Once there was a rich man who bought two beautiful birds as pets for his garden. The birds were some of the most beautiful birds he had ever seen. He gave the precious birds to his gardener to be trained.
Many days passed away and one day the gardener informed the rich man that though one of the birds was flying beautifully, soaring high in the sky, the other bird had not moved from its branch since the day it had arrived.
The rich man called in healers and magicians from all over the country, to tend to the bird, but no one could make the bird fly. Then the rich man thought to himself, “May be I need someone more familiar with the countryside to understand the nature of this problem.” So he called out to his gardener, “Go and get a villager.”
In the morning, the rich man was thrilled to see the bird soaring high above the garden.
Then the rich man asked the villager, “How did you make the bird fly?”
With his head bowed, the villager said to the rich man, ” It was very easy, sir. I simply cut the branch where the bird was sitting.”

MoralWe are all made to fly– to realize our incredible potential as human beings. But instead of doing that, we sit on our branches, clinging to the things that are familiar to us. The possibilities are endless, but for most of us, they remain undiscovered. We conform to the familiar, the comfortable, the mundane. So for the most part, our lives are mediocre instead of exciting, thrilling and fulfilling.
So let us destroy the branch of fear we cling to and free ourselves to the glory of flight !!!
Artists around the world, paint with all your passion, canvas, paper, cardboard,wood, metal, just anything you can lay your hands upon! All the Best!
While on this spiritual journey of The Red Pilgrim, as I continue to make healing art...
I aim to make symbolic simple,  colorful understandable art! art that heals.
Take Care and Have a Rocking Day ahead!
All the Best!
Rizwana Mundewadi's Healing Art


Safety Hygiene Tips for Water features in Your Garden

Hygienic Water Features in Garden
A garden looks incomplete with a water feature. As we see green plants and flowers add to the beauty of your garden, we also see that birds bring  in a lot of positive energy. Bird baths, ponds for drinking water and water plants in the ponds, especially the majestic lotus in your pond would look great.
With mosquitoes, flies, and other insects and germs floating in the air they get a good place to make themselves comfortable, in your garden pond or bird bath.
If we have a bird bath or pond or a garden beside water feature then few simple tips can prevent spread of germs and diseases. With dengue fever on the rise people are afraid to keep any water around that is lying still. the poor birds are left with no water in this dry climate at onset of winter. So on consultation with a physician reading and getting information is the only way you can take care of hygiene water feature in your garden.
First of all diseases and germs, dengue spreads from stagnant water lying still for at least a few days  week. The mosquitoes breed in this water and spread disease. here it is very important that you keep the bird baths and pond or water feature clean. Do not allow water to remain stagnant for days. A practical tip would be to reduce the amount of water you keep for the birds by selecting a smaller bird bath. An easy cleaning water feature helps you to keep it clean and does not allow water to remain stagnant or moss to accumulate here.
We have this water cabbage which has filled the whole bird bath, which at present lies empty, replaced with a smaller sized water feature with water to drink for the guests from above. It is advisable to select a mud or cement based water feature to keep the water cool in the hot season. This will aid in easy cleaning and prevent any accumulation of food or moss slime inside.
Safety tips would involve keeping the bird bath away from pets and children to avoid spilling of water or they accidently drinking water from this bird bath. Do not have huge ponds where you have small children or pets in the family as there is always risk of accidents. In case you have small children do make a fence surrounding your pond so that birds can come from above and enjoy the cool drink. Avoid placing bird baths on ground level as they may topple or some one may get hurt while walking. select a sunny spot above level for the bids to visit and enjoy and also you can enjoy the view.
There are also water plants which help to keep the water in pond clean and water cabbage is one of them as I see the water is sparkling clean under the plants in the container. Birds drink water and as I replace it the shiny clean water is seen sparkling in the sun. Such water purifying plants are available in the nursery which will nourish the nutrients of water and also keep the pond clean.
Another tip for preventing water borne diseases and caring for water feature is keep the bird bath in a place where it receives sunlight. By this the germs automatically do not have time for breeding as the water will evaporate quickly daily or within few hours. Do not allow water to remain for days without cleaning as this is sure way to bad health for you and your family.
caring for water features and their maintenance of water features is very important for the beauty and aesthetics of your garden. Colorful flowers and greenery is put down by flying mosquitoes or flies in the garden. Stagnant water, unclean water features, especially if you have added this as a feng shui cure for north section would be of no help. This not only breaks the feng shui peace and harmony but also invites bad luck. Water features are the most essential part to invite feng shui heaven luck by birds energy and hence you must take care and maintain the water feature clean and replace it with fresh water daily.

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