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How to save a dying Brahma Kamal Plant 7 Tips! Brahma Kamal Flower Photos by a Garden Care Simplified Lover

Brahma kamal plant, fascinated with the exotic unique flowers of the Queen of Night, Saussurea obvallata, the dream of viewing this flower at least once in this life over the years bought so many plant, cuttings, but yet, unable to bring the growth spurt in these plants.
saved few leaves of Brahma Kamal plant with fantastic mini garden idea!

small leaves of Brahma Kamal plant

Its picking up strength! my Brahma Kamal plants in window garden

Clicked the huge Brahma Kamal plant in a private garden, sharing the photograph.
Brahma Kamal plant growing in a Private garden
How to save a dying Brahma Kamal plant? this time was alert, I did not want to lose this one..
As soon as I saw a few leaves drying of, the edges, took action. With so many years of terrace gardening , now with the entryway garden the Brahma Kamal plants look happy.
New leaves on Brahma Kamal plant from my little entry way garden
How to save a dying Brahma Kamal plant?
1) If you see edges drying off, trim them, this saves the whole leaf from dying.
White aphids attack Brahma Kamla plant
I always keep a watch for signs of disease

Brownish spots on Brahma Kamal leaf

2) If the soil is cloggy and you see the leaves of the plant drooping, transplant immediately.
3) Remember each leaf can grow in a new plant. Choose well draining soil.
Dying Brahma Kamal plant

 4) While you cut a Brahma Kamal leaf let it dry for some time to heal, other wise the leaf rots.
5) I have seen the even if the plant looks like dying if you see an single erect leaf give that leaf some support , it will immediately bring out roots and new leaves. 
6) The plant needs strong soil and firm support, if you pull out the plant , an old plant will not come out. and a sick plant will immediately leave soil. 
7) for the transplanted cuttings Brahma Kamal plant, do not water heavily. Spray carefully or else they die.
Hope this helps!
Mitthin Alexandrine parakeet enjoying fruit time in my Terrace Garden

Birdie loves the Pink rose quartz stone painting

Mitthu Alexandrine parrot friend Terrace Garden

Sunny Bunny Honey Money my friends love birds

Healthy thick Brahma kamal plant leaves 

Alhamdullilah the leaves have grown quick thick and long

Mitthin is getting angry with camera at feeding time

Meanwhile our Face book group with the same name is rocking! So a plant lover and our group lover,  has shared this beautiful happiness with us. There is a video and photographs of the Brahma Kamal flower on our Face Book group , share you happinesses! People do keep sending their photos of Brahma Kamal flowering and my wait continues...
Brahma Kamal flower photo by Garden Care Simplified Blog Lover

Mystical Brahma Kamal heavenly flowers

Absolute Blessings So Many Brahma Kamal flowers Overflowing!Photo By Garden Care Simplified Blog Lover

Magic of Brahma Kamal flower blooming by Garden Care Simplified blog lover

My only Brahma Kamal flower bud which I lost and now the wait seems endless....
the obsession with the Brahma Kamal continues...I have painted a few of unique paintings inspired by my love for the Brahma Kamal. The Mystical Brahma Kamal with Goddess Saraswati Blessings, Lord Vishnu Lord Brahma blessings.
Brahma Kamal Goodluck Paintings by Rizwana A.Mundewadi

Blooms of opulence by Rizwana A.Mundewadi Brahma Kamal painting

All the Best from Rizwana!

I do not sell plants, this is my love and passion. I am A Reiki Healing Artist selling original art @ The Red Pilgrim's Razarts Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading Reiki energy with the World through my Sacred Symbol Spiritual Life changing energy Paintings!

(all artworks displayed here are my original paintings available or sale only on my website

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Even cactus dies with negative touch! 10 Feng shuii simple cures for plant protection

Does Evil eye affect  plants? yes, I am sorry to say, but yes, this is very true, with home terrace gardening for so many years, this is true. Plants shrivel, and die in a day immediately with some ones touch or when some one comments suddenly about its beauty. I have learned over the years to handle somewhat the negative energy for my plants, but this time caught unaware with our entryway garden.
As the garden is in the entryway almost every one touches the plants, I really don't know why , but they do!
Euphorbia milli almost dead
I think they check if the plants are real and flowers are real as I mist them regularly to keep them fresh and clean. 
So I noticed everyone touching this sweet euphorbia milli, every day, I did nothing...almost every time I take immediate action to save them as they communicate their needs...even the touch of a small child...oH,, the cactus shriveled and almost nearly died!
The thorns was what every one touched, I don't know, I had this thoughts that people would fear thorns, but they would touch brushing past them, the plant was well hidden between other plants but it had flowers...yes, flowering cactus. 
So suddenly I see the soggy stems and foul smelling cactus!
Oh, I felt so sad..with the evil eye glances and negative energy, our plant took it all.. this Euphorbia milli is with us since past 12 years and now a majestic tall heavy full container growth with loads of Flowers always. 
I was not one to give up and I talked to the plant, you cannot give up on me...I won't let you!
I immediately shifted the plant to our window sill where it was safe and also got some fresh light and air.
Then the waiting period...the most difficult one.. no watering turning the container , removed the mushy stems, they were was time that they had rotten and trimmed some stems. 
Close observation showed a few tips green, the tiniest of green was hope! It would survive!
some green on end of stems
Together we can make it! so every day within fifteen days, there was a fresh green leaf, I was so so so happy! It survived! I love survivors! 

symbols of protection and abundance! reiki art for home and office

new growth on cactus

 Evil eye does have a strong effect on Garden plants. Feng Shuii evil eye cures need to be added to your garden and plants also for protecting them from negative energy. There are so many cures to protect plants going on since ancient times.
Aum Trishul symbols of protection healing art for sale

watch this You Tube video The power of the eye, protection healing paintings as cures.
remember old grandmas used to tie black cloth on fruiting flowering plants? I had lesson learned so many am careful.
Effects of the buri nazar-video
I am not ashamed to protect my plants with feng shuii evil eye cures they are my babies, and they surely deserve my care and love as they love me back so much!
How to protect your garden plant from evil eye with simple feng shuii cures?
1) A combination of flowering and ornamental plants is good, they produce harmonious energy.
2) Have tall sturdy plants for protection together with beautiful flowering plants. They provide shelter and protection.
3) Black cloth of course does wonders! rich black, deep black cloth. Not the silky black one but choose cotton with its depth in colour. Even thick thread will do.
4) try the Ba Gua mirror, it will give protection to plants.Place it on spots where negative energy is prominent.
5) Old CD or mirror can be placed facing whatever is on opposite if you feel shar energy, poison arrows come from entrance of your garden.
6) Have garden ornaments as fairies and toad stools, I recently made a few with recycling newspaper, papermache toad stool. fairies and nature spirits will come to reside in your garden and they will take care of your garden.
7) Hang symbols of protection. you can hang religious mantras, images , photos of symbols that you connect with as protection symbols. Like the Swastika, The Aum symbol, the Trishul, or a combination of all symbols.
Evil eye paintings The Hand @Razarts

Tree of Life Evil eye painting for sale by The Red Pilgrim

8) Do keep a check on who comes by and every day glances of people if you can, because negative energy is so moving and attacks very fast, you better be careful and not get caught unawares! like our ornamental gooseberry plant, it dies in a day! within hours, a relative plucked the fruit , tasted it and threw it back, I didn't check but till evening in few hours, it shriveled and was dead...
9) where to place plants in your garden? very important, do not place flowering plants in traffic areas. If people have to lean over them to have the view from window, or always brush past them as they walk by them with their touch your plants may fall sick or die. Touch, energy, mind you, is different on each day , even if the person is the same. So if they are stressed up on a day, angry,  the same person will emit negative vibes and walk past your plant leaving behind with residue negative energy.
10 Give them a thorough bath! once in a while for indoor plants in entryway garden , wash them thoroughly once in a while to wash off negative accumulated energy. Give them sunlight, a trip will do wonders for their energy! If you don't get direct sunlight, like we do for our entryway garden   have some yellow lights or yellow colour there.
when there is joy and spring in my garden, the Universe always blesses! Share with me this Joy!  watch this video! watch videos of Garden Care Simplified on You Tube
Garden Care Simplified
Hope this helps!
What are your experiences with evil eye upon plants? did you see a plant shrivel to death in front of you? what cure did you try out for your plants protection from evil eyes? do share your gardening experiences!
All the Best from Rizwana!

Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You All The Best! 

  A Healing Artist selling original art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art 

You Tuber The Red Pilgrim Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading joy, health,wealth and success with my Reiki symbol healing Paintings!

Evil eye on plants why plants die with evil eye and cures
Crown of Thorns plant
Thailand Good Luck plant Euphorbia milli symbolism 


Make Your Herb Garden for free! Practical Steps with photos

Make Your Herb Garden for free! Sharing here, Practical Steps to grow your own herbs very easily with photographs.
The fresh aroma of a curry , the decorated lime green vibrant coriander over mouthwatering dishes, and the healthy cooling  mint!  isn't this Awesum that you could grow your own herbs,and that too for free!
This happens always that when you are preparing any dish,especially Indian dishes we love to sprinkle freshly cut coriander and mint over to bring out flavors and aroma, we don't have them..yes, used to happens with me many times, and also when these herbs are kept in refrigerator they lose a bit of their original fragrances. Especially Pulav, and Non veg dishes need these fresh herbs. What with a fresh mint chutney, and coriander we all know sandwiches, pizzas and pav bhaji! 
Had tried growing them on our terrace garden, mint and curry were very happy, except that the mint was chewed away by sparrows and birds and I think rats, now in our new space I don't think they will grow in the entryway garden with very low sunlight. The plants are still trying to adjust with a few really happy ones.
Now trying to grow herbs in our window sill garden.
This is really very easy and for free!
When you buy coriander, curry leaves and mint from market , here is what you do.
1) For buying curry leaves Select freshly cut ones. You can see the stem is still very green and healthy, don't break the leaves, take the firm thick stem along with the sprouting side branches.
2) The mint stems must be firm and thick. Chose harder ones.
3) Coriander choose fresh growing that are available with roots intact. Yes, they still also have soil attached now during rainy season. The coriander leaves will not be very tall for new growing ones ,choose  these while buying from market. 
Mint leaves for herb garden 

Coriander from market for herb garden

fresh planted
Euphorbia Milli very sick, almost dead...

Like I do for all cuttings 
 How to begin?
1) Wash them, well. For mint leaves trim the ends and put them in water. I do this for all plant cuttings they root very fast. and then you can grow them in healthy soil.
2) After a day or two you see tiny growth of fibers, roots, and also fresh firmness in stem.
3) be careful if the water gets muddy replace immediately or else your cuttings  will get soggy and die.
4) Choose well draining soil and one that does not dry very fast.
5) Plant the cuttings in the containers.  For mint and coriander leaving a space of at least one inch.
6) Choose a mildly sunny spot. Not too much direct sunlight.
7) be careful of birds  they feast on new leaves.
8) I never add any fertilizer, they just grow with proper light and watering carefully.
9)  Most important , with fresh growth in mint and coriander never pluck all leaves, try to trim top and let the base with strong stem and leaves remain to bring out fresh growth.
Curry eaves also sprout with fresh green leaves on top as also mint and coriander, enjoy your free and easy herb garden and do share your happinesses, hope this helps!
Meanwhile entryway garden with its challenges continues , with our many years old euphorbia milli, all year round flowering cactus almost dead with touch, evil eye,

cactus showing some green
fresh leaf on cactus Goodluck Plant of Thailand
and even some damaged lily Amaryllis bulbs, but they are showing growth..that's what I love about my garden plants, they are survivors! I love survivors! With lots and love and respect , Rizwana Mundewadi wishing You All the Best!
have you tried growing a herb at home? did you face challenges? do share!as for evil eye on plants...yes, happens, true.., ..will share in next post!
damaged bulb giving out tiny buds, Survivor!
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Growing Mogra Chameli from cuttings practical tips
How to know if your plant cutting is growing?
Easiest tip for growing plant from cuttings

Garden Care Simplified

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